(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

by the way, you gals how may weeks liao?
my is about 5 weeks 2 days, estimated myself based on ly last cycle....

char5105: NO... Not body shop!! i never trust theor essential oil!! Try Plant planet at centerpoint! confirm PURE with out doubt... or try drinking ginger ale... some plp swear by it....
elizabeth, really hope things will go well... thinking of how to break the news to my hubby... and this Sat is my cousin's wedding, Sun is my nephew 1 yr old clebration, dun knw can attend or not...
wat should i be eating now? saw that you gals are getting stretch mark cream to apply, at wat stage should we be doing this? is it too early now? i very blur lay, sorry got so many questions to ask...

Saw someone talking abt ginger tea/ teh ale here....Me just bought a cup from the Indian store. Is it safe to drink? Cos I thought cannot drink tea? But den also heard it helps to curb nauseaness...I have really bad MS/vomit. So thought of trying it. I used to drink at least 2 cups of tea/kopi everyday. But ever since I know I am preggie I totally off tea/kopi. Until just now I saw my col drinking so tot of buying a cup to drink. Safe or not ar?
Ice Queen: Ginger tea doesn't mean teh alia... sold in mama store... It is ginger extract with hot water.... dun think you are encouraged to drink TEA... I gave up my daily doze of bubble tea when i know that I am pregnant....
Hi elizabeth,
i m trying the ribena now....will need to go get ginger tea.....
Hi hiroshima,
Thanks for the recommendation... cos i only noe body shop got sell essentail oils....hehe....
Hi everyone,

Glad to see so many June MTBs here. I just tested positive last week myself and now shd be in week 7. Actually thot of seeing gynae on week 10 only cos' it's my 2nd baby but hubby said maybe shd make appt to see on week 8 just for peace of mind that everything is alright.

So far no MS, same as my previous pregnancy. In fact I was eating so well that I put on a whopping 23kgs in the first round! So this time I'll definitely control my weight gain.

Not sure if it works, but I heard on the radio that those who have MS can try eating a banana. Maybe u might want to try?
hi jellybeans,
welcome n congrats!
so good that you are eating well...me practically just merlion every lunch that i eat...so sad....but for banana, i thought there is a kind of banana dat we are not supposed to eat?
Hi all,

Can I join this thread? Just confirmed today that I'm 5 and half weeks pregnant. Due to my previous history of ectopic pregnancy a year ago, dr asked me to come see her again next week to check if there's a heartbeat and things are ok. At how many weeks are you suppose to be able to detect heartbeat? She said my due date is estimated about 2 June for now.

Wah.. so many things to read up because I'm really ignorant. Suppose to travel next week but now got to cancel. Ah well, it's worth it.
welcome jellybeans n twiggy..congrats!

read somewhere that it is not good to sit crossing your legs when preggie (put pressure on uterus area)....anyone heard of this? Do you sit, crossing your legs still?
Hi All,

Saw that some of you have given up Coffee/ Bubble tea for the BB?

I am still consuming 1 cup of coffee in the morning and just drank a cup of bubble tea :p
Is it really a must to avoid all these? i tried cutting my coffee intake.. but will have headache in the afternoon

By the way, I got a pulling feel somemore near my pelvis bone..not sure if it's normal? Will be goin to see Gynae only this Friday.

I should be in my 5th-6th week.. am still having sore breasts and always having the urge to visit the loo to wee almost hourly.
hi vivien,
best if u can give up the coffee for 9 mths lor...cos the caffine is bad for baby...ur headache is due to the withdrawal symptom from caffine...u must be a heavy coffee drinker last time??
for me, i gave up the following once i know i was preggy:
1. All cold and carbonated drinks
2. Coffee/tea
3. Seafood(cos i have a history of sensative skin, so taking seafood might not be good for baby)
4. My fave sashimi...
5. Any uncook stuff...
Worth the sacrifice cos good health is the best thing that you can give to your kid!!
hihi to all,
anyone has info on what not to eat during this term? can email me too [email protected]... Pratically merlion everything out these days and stomach still bad .
Elizabeth & char: i have similiar soreness in breast till now .. and merlion a lot of meals out.. my gp gave actal to ease the indigestion ..Ribena is merlion out too .. will try ginger .. thanX for the tip.
Any good genae to recommand, still sourcing for one female
hi chewy ring,
i will send you the file later....i also can't take ribena,drank 1 cup just now, merlion out...i m now trying out ginger tea....haiz...very 'xing ku' hor....
i am seeing Dr Heng Tung Luan fr Eastshore...mayb u wana try her?she also does her consultation in East Shore clininc in bedok
hi char, not sure if you are the one but like to check if you still get pale-yellowish discharge when pee?

my skirt feels tight at the waist..sore boobs not so distinct now..no MS, just occasional dizzy spells and bloatedness... anyone share the same symptoms like me in week 6 or any other week?
hi elizabeth,
yup, i still get the discharge leh....think it should be normal....
hehe...my skirt felt tight in wk5 liao leh....must be me putting on weight then...
Hi gals,
some info from the May 2007 MTB thread:
Delmonte Banana / Chin Chow is too "liang " , can cause epilepsy in babies . so must avoid.
as for fishes , need to avoid BIG fishes like stingray, sharks,tuna , coz their level of mercury is higher , so not good .
char, is that true? i've been eating delmonte bananas as i find that the only fruit easy to eat!

elizabeth, sounds like your symptoms are exactly like my symptoms leh. and i can see my baby has been growing well, so dun worry ok? btw, my friend has given me this book called What to expect when you are expecting. It does answer some of the questions we have. E.g. it says that it's perfectly normal if we do not have morning sickness.
Hi Char..

I have been drinking coffee since primary school, coz that's the only hot beverage my mum will brew daily.. hehe.. Addicted to it like drugs

U mentioned that you will be visiting Dr Heng? she has a clinic in Bedok too?

I have made appointment with Dr Jocelyn Wong(recommended by another thread). She will be at a clinic in Bedok Mrt station on Friday nite so thought it is near to my parent's place so better..

I wonder how much will all these checkup charges come up to.. $2K?
Hi Vivien, my gyane (at Mt Alervnia) charges me about $150 per visit before the package starts. I saw him about 3 times before package. Then the package is $600 until delivery. But this does not include vitamins, detailed scan at week 20 and all blood tests. So I reckon I must have spent about $1500 before giving birth. Anyway, my gynae is not a good gauge coz he appears a bit more expensive but because so many mummies find him good and so do I, so I keep going to him lor...
Hi jellybeans, I thought I already break record when I put on 21kg for my first pregnancy (but now you break my record liao
... And I had MS during first trimester even got MS also still keep putting on weight, how come ah? So did you manage to lose all your weight that you put on?
ThanX char , got the mail, Heard Lisa Chin from Gleneagles not bad . Will discuss with hubby to see if i want Mt Alvernia( Dr Wen lin ) or Gleneagles. Yup , thanX for the info ... and ginger can try ..at lest the burping is better. So sick these few days that mails are last on my list .. Hehe .. getting better after every throw up .. Weight loss for now not gain ..My mum says will gain back after the 4th month ..but a friend of mine throw up till the eigth month. Hopefully mine stop.. some day..
Hi ladies
I am from May 07 MTB thread..EDD is 30 Mar 07. Pop by to say hello! All the best to every MTB and take good care.........
Hi Blueblue,

welcome. think we are quite close, my EDD is supposed to be end May too. but because I had late ovulation, may be pushed to June lor.

Really cannot eat bananas? my gynae also said cannot eat papayas.... sigh, maybe i should start eating apples then...
hi gals, i just went for my first gynae visit today. thot i should be abt 7weeks+ but doc confirmed only 5 weeks. bb still v small so cant see anything but only saw water bag. am bit ganchiong cos doc said must go back and see her 2 weeks later to make sure we can see a little bb.

doc very nice btw. dr jocelyn wong from acj clinic, 3rd floor, thomson medical. nice and patient. explained a lot to me. her assistants and nurses are very nice as well.
minne, twiggy and jellybeans - welcome and congrats!

Me busy doing my handover (last day in co tomorrow) thus no time to come in at all
hope I have more time in new company hehe ...

Really envy those who doesn't have any MS ... my MS has gotten worse these few days, after breakfast, sure merlion one ... and now even during day time, feeling giddy and nauseous.

Where to get ginger tea? And I might want to try the oil thingy.
hi, cary you changing job at this time....?
me no MS lay, only feel very uncomfotable on the chest, wana go toilet very often, and sore breast...
I cant sleep as much as i used to be liao... today wake up at 6am lay, usually can sleep till 7.30am....
i have not went to c any gyne yet, i'm staying in yishun... most probably will go to my sis gyne, his clinic in yishun so will be easier....
hi jam,
dun noe leh, i got the info from the May 2007 mTB thread....my mum told me not to take green bananas, but i m not sure if it is delmonte or not....the book that you are reading now is a good book, it tells u a lot about what will happen when u r preggy and how to counter these problems...i also O late, actually my EDD from Dr is 27 May, but i check on the websites using the conception date, it states 3rd June...so hope everybody dun mind me hanging out here...hehe... :p
Hi viven,
I will be visiting Dr heng on 16th Oct evening...cary will be there too...her clinic is besides an old cinema facing the main road...
cary, u can grind fresh ginger and boil them with water...
cheap n safe..

Minne, i also cannot sleep well...keep waking up in the middle of nite to pee...think should be normal..

char, of coz we dont mind u here lah...u gave us alot of good info..
think banana is too cooling...alot of mothers said it is no good to eat during preggie..
yeah, our EDD is close...well, I may oso O late and shift by few days will be Jun 07. So far, gynae haven shifted my EDD yet...but just thot hang out here as well to make new friends....can share experiences....
Elizabeth, i also cant sleep wait up like to hungry craving to eat chicken wing since last nite...
then early in the morning go coffeeshop buy beehoon with chicken wings to eat... hahaha
going to be fat pig soon.... some of my clothes also cant wear liao, thrying to dig out those loose clothings to wear...
minne, i already throw out clothes that cant fit last weekend..hee...i have no cravings but trying to cut down on carbo...can feel the layers of fats around waist...quite depressing..

i do get dizzy spells more often now...anyone know how to curb dizzy spells?
am from May 2007 MTB tread...am same like Jam...last week went to consult gynae and estimate 6w and EDD is 31 May but ytd went for my second visit and finally can see the little one and EDD change to 6 Jun and now i abt 5w only..i think due to my late ovalution...
so far dont hv any MS...but the doc said coming soon will...now i just always feel sleepy and am still having sore breasts and always having the urge to visit the loo to wee almost hourly.
hi blueblue,
u the same blueblue from TTC thread?
hi elizabeth,
sometime i do feel giddy too...only thing i do is to sit still n rest my head for a while lor....any better ideas from the rest?
hi char
yes, the same blueblue. How have you been? Congrats! Your EDD going to shifted to jun 07? I am 6weeks now. How abt u?
Hi, ping...

elizabeth, i felt dizzy only in the morning when i just wake up after that sit for awhile then ok liao... just got ear block very often throughout the day...
Hi Blueblue....
As per info fr Dr,I am Wk7d3 today...hehe... so excited leh....cos have been waiting for this day for 4 yrs liao.... me having MS,sore boobs and some giddy spells...other dan that, i m doing fine...what about you??
Hi char
Congrats! Though it's already 4 yrs, but it's neva too late...i am sure u and hubby wil treasure it even more now.

I am in week 6 and fri will be week 7. I dn hv any symptoms for time being, no MS. Boobs bigger now but not very sore kind. Just got some spotting and was given MC to rest at home...do u know whether spotting is very dangerous? Cant help not to worry about the baby....
hi blue blue,
from what i noe, if spotting is accompanied by cramping dan it is bad...but other than that should be ok lah...dun worry so much...most important, try to get more bed rest so that baby can stablise lor...
The bananas are the local type, smaller ones and not the delmonte ones.

Haha... so I must be the record holder for now. So far the friends I know who have babies never put on as much as me. Luckily for me, I lost all of it within a year. Don't know how I did it but it was a miracle for me to be able to shed everything off! I tell everyone that my girl is my slimming centre becos' she was very active when she was younger. Now for the 2nd pregnancy, not going to try my luck with the weight again so I'm trying to control my diet, don't eat as much as previous time.
Hi, think most of you are having your 2nd pregnancy hor...

jellybeans, u working? really gd k shed so many kilos within a yr...
my sis also slim down very fast due to work, housework and bb
