(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

Hi, Tiwggy,
Is ok with a cup of coffee daily... as long as u don't feel uncomfortable... i' drink coffee too.. but not everyday lor... hehe

if want to save $$, U can actually get folic acid & calcium from the pharmancy which is cheaper..

anyway.. if don't like to take daily products, gyne will give those supplment too

Hi Twiggy,

I am drinking those instant 2-1 coffee in the morning too. But limited myself to only 1 cup a day.

I will take a cup of milk first at home and have the coffee in the office.

As for the Multi-vitamins, previously i was taking Centrum. But after i went to see my GP, he said, stuff that u are not sure, better dont take till you got the approval from your Gynae.
Hi mich, i havent visit a gynae yet... but used a home pregnancy kit on tue morning then show +/ve lor... estimated myself about 5.5 weeks liao (based on my last mense)... will wait till 1 or 2 weeks then go, cos no MS just felt uncomfortable, sore breast and stomach bloated lor...
I think u k also wait another 1 week lor, cos yours 6 weeks liao... 7 weeks should be able to hear heartbeat, rite?
hi gals,
some info from my foot reflexologist uncle...he says its good to take more calcium in the 1st and 3 trimester and during 2nd trimester, we just take a moderate amt of calcium....the baby will be very easy to look after and will not anyhow throw tantrums...he says it works for some of his customers....
Hi minne, I just shifted my appointment liao to one week later so by the time I visit gynae it will be 7.5 weeks nearing week 8 already.

Hi gals, it is cheaper to buy your own folic acid and calcium lor. The gynae charge a lot more leh. I pay my gynae $3 for 30 tablets but when buy from NTUC Pharmacy its $3 for 100 tablets. So of course buy my own is better since its just folic acid not like got special brand one.
thanks jellybean

twiggy, my TCM said by 6 weeks should be able to see heartbeat and heartbeat should be at least 100 beat per min...in any case my TCM is very kancheong, she suggests I visit gynea next week just to be safe and to check on progesterone and HCG levels..
Hi minne, my calcium is from GNC - its the chelated form of calcium which means most easily absored by the body. There are a few kinds of calcium and calcium carbonate is the cheapest but the absorption level is also less. If you go to GNC, they will explain to you all the different kinds. This form of calcium is more expensive actually. But if not, the normal kind from pharmacy also can. My advise is to find out what kind of calcium your gynae is prescribing then go to the pharmacy and buy instead so can save $$$.
Ladies, do u have a very funny taste bud? felt like when i having flu like tat, my mouth like cant taste anything... and produce more saliver than usual... also also very thirsty...
I oso somehow lost my tastebud since yesterday nite....dunno if it's what others have been saying...metallic taste.
hey, ask u gals..... if you have MS in office, doesn't it mean all your colleagues know tt u r pregnant already? i have been trying not to tell my colleagues, but maybe because i look too tired these few days, a few of them have started asking me questions
Hi jam, it's impossible to hide MS in the office. When I had MS I had to take no pay leave so had to tell my boss when I was 6 weeks preggy and then everyone knew liao... what to do? But its better they know as they can be more supportive. But at least tiredness can give other excuse like not enough sleep etc.
Hi char5105, hang in there, k? It really gets better by week 10-11. After week 12 last time, I was so much better can go back to work. Vomited for the last time at week 12 and never did it again throughout the pregnancy.
hi jam,
tell u a joke about MS in office....when I 1st found out that I was preggy, I did not tell anybody in office execpt for my immediate superior.. there was twice that I went to the toilet to merlion and the same finance gal(who is quite big size) was in the toilet at the same time....so when i went for the 3rd time to merlion, she was so concern about me that she asked me: Is this the new way to lose weight?So i had no choice but to tell her that I am preggy so that she will not think this is a way to lose weight and follow suit... :p

Yesterday was the worst day!!Merlion was very active yesterday....almost merlion every meal out...only managed to keep my supper in my stomach....I now only coming to wk8, really hope after wk12, all will be ok.....
Hi morning ladies....

blue, ya like eat everything also tasteless... had tat "tasteless feeling" since monday lay...
elizabeth, i also like u... no merlion, but nausea feeling very uncomfortable... and also the tasteless bud... cos i love to eat, but now like no moon to eat liao very siah...
elizabeth, i also eat sweets n dring alot of water... i din drink ribena lay, din knw tat ribena can curb the feeling... i drink more water than usual lor, cos like always very thirsty...
hi Minne, most likely means you won't have MS at all if you don't see any by week 12. But there are some people who develop it in 2nd trimester to 3rd.. very weird hor...
yah, while i still dun have serious MS, actually had a bit of vomitting when I brushed my teeth for the past two nights. keeping my fingers crossed that i won't kenna anything more serious....
Hi ladies, I ended up visited my gyane today coz last night and this morning I had period like cramps so got worried and the nurse told me to go down. At 6 weeks today, he managed to see the heart beat. He thinks the cramps are because of the expanding blood vessels so I feel abit more relieved.
Hi Christine, are your cramps quite bad? Mine are just like mild pulling but because I don't remember having this in my first pregnancy so got worried. But I guess my first pregnancy coz MS was so bad I was lying in bed for 5 weeks cannot move so of course cannot remember anything ha ha.
1st pregnany was really cramp.. that time i still don't know i pregnant so can remember.. but this time only slight cramp. My 1st pregancy i don't hv any MS.. thats y i was so enjoyed.. this time i'll cross my finger.. hehe.. hopefully same same...
Hi Elizabeth, the baby's heart beat is a little white dot that is jumping up and down. Can be seen clearly amidst the black background. While the fetus is a black dot. You'll be scanning next week right? I am sure can see heart beat by then
Hi Mich,

I had cramps too and asked my gynae and she said "suprapubic cramps" (as they call it) is common during early preg. It must be so exciting to finally see the heartbeat! I'll be going to see my gyne next Mon and should be able to hear heartbeat then. Really keeping my fingers crossed. I'm hoping and praying for good news on Monday. REally worried though, so I havent told many people about the pregnancy till maybe Monday, when things are a bit more certain.

Finally gave up and had coffee today. So hard to work otherwise. Are any of your who are still working, in stressful jobs? How do you cope? I'm in a sales job so on the move quite often and quite fast-paced and high stress. Trying to tell myself to slow down and not bother too much.
Hi Elizabeth, will be praying for you

Hi Twiggy, I'm sure its gonna be ok don't worry.

So excited for you ladies - waiting to hear good news after your visits yah.

I'm 4 weeks pregnant and pretty lost. Anyone can recommend a good gynae? Whats the difference in KKH and NUH package?My husband is a civil servant, I wonder if its best for us to opt for public hospital? Is private hospital cost differ so much in price? Thx
Hi sweetbaby, congrats. I think nowadays the public and private hospital costs are quite on par already. I think even KKH charges the private rates unless you're going under their subsidized package. Unless your hubby's medical plan covers you in a public hospital, I am guessing it won't make much of a difference. Maybe you can ask your hubby to find out what kind of medical benefits he has that extends to you?
morning all.. can i join in this thread too? went to see gynae last thurs.. EDD is 04/06.. saw e bb's heartbeat.. was so excited.. whole of last week on MC.. due to bad MS.. not much merlioning.. but super nausea plus fatigue..
char - thanks.. today sld be wk 7.. =)

just wondering, is it tt body temp will generally be higher when preggy? i always feel feverish esp at nite
Hi Caitlyn
yup, our body temp will be higher as oour blood circulates faster due to the growing fetus.....some times you will even feel warm when you are in aircon room...
i read in a book ( Book title:Morning sickness guide, the survival guide fro pregnant woman) that the smell of fresh lemon will help in curbing the nausea feeling...
haiz... i already lose 1kg from the merlioning this month..so jia lat!!i can't even take it when my MIL came over to my house to cook dinner...
char - me dun really merlion alot.. but got horrible sour taste in my mouth 24/7.. stomach will be grolwing like mad.. yet can't really eat much.. just feel so tortured sometimes!!

hiroshima - hi hi~ frm wat i read.. u're e young SAHM.. envious! hee..
Hi morning ladies!

i also have slight cramp at times... yesterday got very heavy discharge, do u all experience tat?

hi caitlyn, i have abt the same experience like u but mine is not sour taste, its like tasteless... felt nausea aloomst whole day but no merlion lor...

Char, i think i put on weight liao no lose weight lay... and burping whole day long...
