(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

dryper, i think i have.. will sms u on the timing.. :D

Sweet, can i put my name.. if got ppl withdraw then count me in.. :D

I am able to organise a free trial class for Kindermusik Village (which is suitable for 0-18 mths babies)

Location @ 200 Turf Club Road, #01-26 Turf City Singapore 287994

Date : 2nd Feb 2008
Time : 11.00am

Min 6 babies (but think can slot up to 8 babies)

So, please indicate your interest!
1. BB Trishelle - Sweet
2. Ashlyn - Leobaby
3. Gabriel- Lin
4. Leting - Tano
5. Jovan - peck
6. Ying Han-Snoopy
7. Abigail - kompass
8. Jake - Jen
9. Rina - Jerral

mummies, do you know of any diaper bags with insulators in the bag itself? i am quite sick of lugging a big pigeon bottle insulator to keep my milk warm everywhere i go with dylan, makes the whole bag so bulky.

the one in this website is good, anytg like that in sg? if not, bo pian, order from here liao.
Think if max 8....
Then u will be in la... becos Snoopy is not in our regular list....

free trial class for Kindermusik Village (which is suitable for 0-18 mths babies)

Location @ 200 Turf Club Road, #01-26 Turf City Singapore 287994

Date : 2nd Feb 2008
Time : 11.00am

Min 6 babies (but think can slot up to 8 babies)

So, please indicate your interest!
1. BB Trishelle - Sweet
2. Ashlyn - Leobaby
3. Gabriel- Lin
4. Leting - Tano
5. Jovan - peck
6. Abigail - kompass
7. Jake - Jen
8. Rina - Jerral
sporty/dryperbaby, he was my first bf and ended up marrying him.. no chance to "test" out more guys hahahaha

sporty, how was the specialist dental checkup?

ken-ma, okie dokie i will sms tano and let u know

jen, sure no prob! the lady i spoke to over the phone sounds friendly

glayz, wanna join us for 2nd round of swinging? hehehe

i read tat the trial class can actually hold up to 12 babies, so 4 more slots for our regulars

free trial class for Kindermusik Village (which is suitable for 0-18 mths babies)

Location @ 200 Turf Club Road, #01-26 Turf City Singapore 287994

Date : 2nd Feb 2008
Time : 11.00am

So, please indicate your interest!
1. BB Trishelle - Sweet
2. Ashlyn - Leobaby
3. Gabriel- Lin
4. Leting - Tano
5. Jovan - peck
6. Abigail - kompass
7. Jake - Jen
8. Rina - Jerral
glayz, but if nobody attempts to carry her, she will still cry? trishelle's stranger anxiety will only act up if strangers approach her and wan to carry/touch her.. but on the contrary, if the person ignore her, she will stare and stare *very kpo*
kaka, ya lor 2nd round. she likes music and swinging ma.

why dun you buy a vaccum flask?
SS-PB25 this is very very slim. 250ml. think should be enough for a day cause the water can be kept at 75deg for ard 6hrs. thereafter still quite hot.
free trial class for Kindermusik Village (which is suitable for 0-18 mths babies)

Location @ 200 Turf Club Road, #01-26 Turf City Singapore 287994

Date : 2nd Feb 2008
Time : 11.00am

So, please indicate your interest!
1. BB Trishelle - Sweet
2. Ashlyn - Leobaby
3. Gabriel- Lin
4. Leting - Tano
5. Jovan - peck
6. Abigail - kompass
7. Jake - Jen
8. Rina - Jerral
9. Bear - Joshua

I just ask hb if he wanna bring Joshua to try and he says go lor. I am sooo surprised. Anyway, here I come...
kimono updates
I will be sending them out tomorrow (for those opting for normal package).

Just to let you know that every set comes with a pair of hair buttons made with the same fabric. Meant for pony tails but the merchant also gave it to those with baby boys. Its something extra from her to thank us for the big order. i guess mummies with boys can use the hair buttons themselves or give it away as a gift.
sweet, seems like the trial having very good response!! no need to test more guys if u found the rite one la...hahha

elaine, slow cooker have those mini sized one...juz bring tha along lor...u can always buy brocolli and carrots from the supermarts there...the LV diaper bag...so so only for tha price...

dryper/sweet, the specialist counted the number of teeth i have...estimated the space between each tooth...and she poked the gums on each tooth, see whether it bled...made me take 4 xrays...etc...finally deduction, there's slight movement in my teeth becuz i crunch my teeth and becuz of my square jaw line (which cannot be helped la, borned with such a face), i told her i dun think i grind my teeth and my hb never complained abt me doing tha when i zz...but juz now i checked with my mum and sis during dinner, they said i used to do tha when i was staying with them...so i joked with my mum saying she gave me bad genes la...tha time was pcos...now this stupid thing...hahhaa...anyways, the specialist did some adjustment to my teeth so tha i wun grind so easily and will be going for review again in 6 mths time...if it get worsen must have to wear a guard over my teeth...

bear, wow...u swinging ah?? hahhahah...maybe good workout for mr bear la...
Sporty, Yah...I've told hb that he is going to be the one to swing coz don't see my arms big big hor, but boh 'luck' one. Hahaha...anyway its a good chance for him to bond with Joshua lah.

Hey, I also grind my teeth when I sleep leh. Sometimes I will wake up to my own noise.
sporty, oh i see... so it got nothing to do with bf-ing lah... at least they found out the reason why... hey you got pcos huh? heard tt those with pcos have either alot of milk or little milk... dunno if it is true or not...
bear, good la...since u always say he's fat, better let him workout those arms....hahhaha...think pple who grind their teeth led a stressful life...hahha...

db, aiyo...why change nick? ya la...nothing to do with bfing la...cuz she said it could be becuz of the change of hormones during preggy tha worsen it but now it shd be ok since after popping, she said i could already had this prob for awhile juz tha it surfaced out when i was preggy...ya lor, i got pcos, even dr ang tha time like said no chance for me to concieve liao...hahha...oh isit, pple with pcos will have alot of milk or little milk?? first time i heard of this leh...hehhe
lizard ↵↵↵fence is biec brand. called haenim toy 115Cm Square 119 bucks a set at Kp. germany made. two sets free delivery. i dont know how to share cos Each set got one activity Board. i suppose the person Getting two activity boards should pay more? ↵↵Anyway i got two boards can consider letting go need to consult hb first.↵↵the other shop one is 109 Each and free delivery one set i think.
glaz, aiyo, y u so blur...hopefully the flip flop will not cost u to lose points wif the interviewer...

sporty, aiyo, gd luck to u...i had probia on seeing dentist tat i will cry when i reached the clinic when i was in pri sch n he nad been so long since i laset went for a check...

bear, u favouritism huh? prefer boy to ger...hee hee

vendy, saw your blog on your hands...my hb's hand also like yours but much worse...recently, his fingers started to get red n itch terribly n started bleeding also...then he decided to c doc n doc said he is allergic to detergent n also asked him to apply loads of moisturiser on his hands...maybe u also wanna do tat? btw, how is Tricia's eczema?

caitlyn, i understand wat u mean...i tink isaiah must have wriggle until he hit the floor...on some occasions, amadeus also almost going to fall off the bed though i block him except at the leg part...luckily i manage to wake up in time to grab him back....so now i tink u must use something to block his legs liao so tat he cannot wriggle off the bed...

dryper/glayz, for me it is the opposite lor...my mom don care at all one lor...at 13 yrs old, i already live on my own wif my siblings (oldest only 15 yrs old lor) wif the flat my mom rent from hdb n she stayed wif her fren in another flat so i became independent from a young age...n when we finally stayed together when i was abt 23 yrs old, she don even bother to call me lor if i don came home...

divamama, paiseh huh, i trf the moni to u tomolo...cant find my IB token leh...need to go n search...
Good morning! The weekend is fast approaching

Sporty, Yup, got to stick with bf for a while more and experiment more with her feeds to weed out all the other allergens. Guess she's pretty like me afterall
Ur blur virus so strong...
Ytd... wanted to go home from outram...happily board the train heading towards harborfront....
Luckily... 1 stop nia.... was so shoecked when I was inside the train...and hear next stop... HARBORFRONT
hi ladies,

gd morning

Glayz, wow never thought till now u still suffered from the blur virus huh...hahaha....hope u get well soon
leobaby, i actually bought a zorushi lunch jar already. cost ard 60 bucks. think that be good for overseas.

sporty, i think i will buy a travel cooker...heard the sanyo one is not bad
morning ladies! Its friday!↵↵i never Really tot much about it. But vicky Really looks like me when i was little. Sometimes i look at her esp recently i see my childhood picture like that in the flesh. i think my hb features too mild liao i told him.
morning morning....
on leave today...hee hee

ros - wah..u so independent from young...think most pple are scared of seeing dentist la, i rem when i was in pri skool...i used to play "catch me if u can" with the dentist ard the dentist's chair...hee hee

bear - happy 7 mth old to joshua!!

glayz - think u n xtine kena the blur virus leh...next time dun sit near ros hor...haha :p

elaine - the lg mat only avaliable from BP... go check it out...bought mine from smallsmall world...
Hi Mummies!

These 2 weeks definitely not very good for me.... Megan was sick for two weeks! 1st was the prenar jab's fever then recover 2 days then fell
sick again with throat infection, high fever for few days, became seriously dehydrated
that doc says if fever dont come down then gotta put her on drip...luckily fever came
down but rashes came!!! Today is the 3rd day; Doc says its the detoxification effect fm
her lymp..... hope it will go off by today!

What did i miss ...how's the jap buffet?
Sorry Divamama, I dont have yr hp# so made you bring those things on a wasted trip...

Elaine, you can get the bumper maid fm smallsmall world, i got mine fm there too.

Bear Happy 7mths old to Joshua!

ummmm what else.....let me catch up again....
Ros/Sporty, thanks!!!

How come Glayz and Xtine kana the blur virus from Ros just by sitting next to her huh? Sporty and me okie leh...didn't kana. Hahaha...
free trial class for Kindermusik Village (which is suitable for 0-18 mths babies)

Location @ 200 Turf Club Road, #01-26 Turf City Singapore 287994

Date : 2nd Feb 2008
Time : 11.00am

So, please indicate your interest!
1. BB Trishelle - Sweet
2. Ashlyn - Leobaby
3. Gabriel- Lin
4. Leting - Tano
5. Jovan - peck
6. Abigail - kompass
7. Jake - Jen
8. Rina - Jerral
9. Bear - Joshua
10. shannen - Reanne
Aiyo...Megan sick for so long...
Anyway U also take care har...mummy taking care of sick babies are often the next in line due to exhuastion...
qiuling - come to think of it...u very efficient leh esp ur hb's working overseas...he must be overjoyed!!

mummy tang - pls take care! hope megan gets well soon!!

bear - the virus maybe spread sideways not across the table la...thas why!! whoa reanne going to kinder leh...ur joshua got chance liao...lol
No...her calculation VERY accurate...
Otherwise is Mr Qiuling's... make sure he come back on time...wahahahahahahhaha
glayz, ya lor...so zun hor... :p

mummy tang, better take care la...i also juz get well for being sick for one week plus...
Mummytang, damn xinku to be sick and look after a sick bb right? You must try to recover fast too or else really tiring leh.

Sporty, hahaha...jing4 shiu3 lou2 tai2 xian1 de2 yue4...my Joshua must grab this great opportunity liao. Heehee...

Yah hor...Quiling, you went to Shanghai or your hb back last month. Hahaha...

That's why I always say if really just do that one time on the right time hor, sure kana one. Hahaha...
Sporty, I think hor I no need to go for the gymboree level 2 trial liao leh. I am machiam the equipment to Joshua as he can crawl on me, over me and then ask me to hold his hands so that he can stand up.

Anyway, you update me on what's so fun about the level 2 trial hor. The trial is damn ex leh so I expect it to be damn good ah.
bear, hahha...i told mr sporty tha reanne's going...he said athan also wanna go for the kinder!! hhahah...siao one...i have been the equipment for athan for awhile lor...now u kno how tiring it is!! sure sure...will update u whats so fun at level 2...

Sporty, wow...mr sporty so scared his little future DIL kana gao sua by Joshua huh? Then you come and try the trial again lor. Anyway alot of the mummies here are going for a 2nd trial and since still got extra slot not taken.
