(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

hi jen..
gap only... i will order for ON...

Hi bear,
laer ur gown don't wear too tight leh,leave some space for expansion hor

ken-ma, but if i order hor... can't share base charge w ON, thot divamama wanted to share e base charge, tt's y ask u if u keen on GAP.
wah...jen...very chim... i was trying to figure out what is base charge lor.. i only know how to shop,shop,shop!!keke..we talk over dinner....
leobaby, i recently jus bought from LJP. U have to email them then they will email u back regarding the pymt details b4 they send out your orders.

bear, i will be late leh later...the cleaner is here today n jus started cleaning my bathroom so cannot go bathe to get ready....
Think is due to the VPOST acct la...
If u order with ur cc and ur ON acct... U have o sent to ur Vpost acct
And if Jen order for Gap...will be send to her Vpost acct..so cannot share basecharge lor
Ken-ma, I tried very hard to squeeze into the evening gown but cannot leh. So too bad lah...cannot wear gown liao...still thought I can be the most chio one later. Hahaha...

Ros, ok...you sms me when you are ready then I go wait for you. I am done liao...now going to jalan at Punggol Plaza with hb and son. Heehee...
divamama, i jus cut the avacado n it is backish inside wif the yellow flesh lor...so i scare tat it is spoilt leh cos i see from dryer's blog, the color not the same...so i throw away liao...

bear, not possible to scoop away the black flesh cps it is like every scoop of the flesh, there will be black color lor...
glayz, nice! no wonder cannot find coz under newborn.. hehe dunno whether to order anot, coz need to get a sweater for trishelle for the cruise trip. worried that the shipment not in time for our trip but the jacket is a real sweetie!
ken-ma, 1st time do overseas spree is more chim, a lot of unknowns, bang here, bang there. tt time, i no one to ask, so hv to call vpost or livechat w cgw to check on things, then hv to email merchants & argue. then vpost & cgw aso work differently, ea got it's pros & cons. i really pei fu those regular spree organisers in e spree sect.
hi ladies,
finally can log in! my poor boy's fever seems to have subsided, crossing my fingers that there won't be a rebound. He got swollen tonsil and congested nose block too ... sigh... no wonder he drink lesser milk than usual, and cough after taking water or milk =| Hate to give him medicine, as he struggle so much, making it difficult to administer the medication for him.

Really takes a toll to look after a sickie baby =(

so sorry, if not for my boy, I'd have come. sigh... plan swee swee already, and it go busted. Anyway, next time yeah
You gals enjoy and eat your fill!

I thought "The Diaper Bakery" sounds good. you organising GAP spree too? When must give you the order?

wow! set hair and wear gown ah! sheesh.. i miss that! take pic to show me leh.. wanna see preeteeeBeary ;) *wink*
ken-ma: me in airport now.. haha.. realise I haven't reply u on the bungalow issue...

HB said he can only book 3 mths in advance before the actual date... He'll check it out if he can also book for you...
Let you know once he has checked ya...
your avocado spoil already lah...
it should be yellow green when you cut open.
my FIL bought 3 for my boy, so by the time i cut the 2nd and 3rd few days later, it was too ripe and blackish inside.
yup you're rite, there's no way you can scoop off the blackish.
you just have to throw away.
btw i serve the avocado straight from the fridge.
my boy loves it!!!
Pinkzebra, hope Xavier is fine now.

Yah lor...you missed out the fun tonite. But we all eat till forgot to take group pics!
pinkzebra, I understand lah, u can always join us the next time. GAP spree is organised by ken-ma

bear, ur sense of humour reli wicked...reli can't tell, thot u si si wen wen type leh...
finally got home!!

xtine/powerpuffs, sorry to let u wait sooo long for me gals as the conference call was never ending...paiseh... paiseh...

pinkzebra, hope xavier gets well soon...u still on leave tom? dun worry, we can always have dinner another time...

j&mum, enjoy and have FUN!!!
we waiting for drum rolls frm u...

divamama,thanks for organising the dinner...it was really fun...
maybe we shd have a dinner gathering once a month...hehhe

ros, thks for t6he ride home n cereal!!

jen, thks for the cereals...alot leh!!
Divamama, hahaha..now you know I am not that si wen afterall. Very chor lor somemore. Hahaha...

Sporty, I agree we should have a dinner gathering every now and then. Its really fun and its my only time off from my little rascal.
According to my hb, Joshua seems to be looking for me as he keeps 'complaining' and he has to carry him and walk around the whole house to please him.

Pinkzebra, maybe you can recommend a nice buffet dinner next and start the ball rolling? Heehee...
bear/sporty, u r welcome
blur me forgot tat i need to buy dinner for hb and had to go out again to kovan to buy nasi lemak...

glayz, this time i sit beside u n u really can talk...hahaha...

ya, agree we shld meet up more often...this is a gd way to destress...
good morning ladies!!!

how is your dinner last nite? hope to join in next round...

my meeting ended near 9pm so sianz hor... yesturday one of the driver come in the room and talk to our boss about our coming company dinner issue.. i keep hinting him that we can talk next time and he dont get it... then my other boss actually had appointment also hinting him and ask him wanna go home as already 8pm then this blockhead keep saying nvm la we settle this sat stuff first!!! then when my boss turn to other size,i point my watch to him say we are rushing in time, please leave the room and let us complete our meeting and i dont think he get it!!! he continue to yak yak yak for another 20 min, omg i almost faint there... later i see him must scold him!! haiz
Hello mummies..

I need to let out some steam! please bear with me..

Yesterday went for younger SIL's weeding dinner in JB.. Cos Sam is already in P2, i didn't bring him there (this morning got school mah).. All the stupid yi ma ku jie have got so much to comment saying we never bring our elder son along for family functions etc.. Dunno where are all these pple's brains.. we only got home at 1am this morning and Sam is in the morning school.. They are so so stupid!!

Elder SIL is also a stupid thing! She and husband sat on a different table as her children and left her noisy kids sitting with us on our table.. they were running about the whole dinner and speaking rudely to the other guests.. I was so pissed! Thank god both Nick and Grace behaved well at dinner. Grace was in her stroller happily playing with her toys while nick was busy eating the biscuits we brought along.

I hate such dinners...!!!!

had fun girls?

how's xavier? better?

u must be tired. was beaten flat after work yday.

little jet plane will be organising BP soon. keep a look out.
Thanks for the ride home!!!

Thanks for organising...
Me very goon when it come to fine dining.... as my hb always say...that zhi cha store is CHEAP and good... can die or not...

Ya lor...I can tok a lot one... kekekekekekeke
Morning Ladies!!!

i LOCK myself out of my lab!!!!

Alamak... morning... found my lab door LOCKED...
Then realise... mon..I took the keys to open another door...and forget to return the keys..
As the other door is tampered with..and can be open easily... onli my door remain locked!!!
So paisay to get the maintainence to break my door... so I will have a NEW lock!!! and of cos...quickly return the REMAINING keys....
u were locked outside ur lab. i was locked inside my registry! cant open from inside. and worst no phone in there. lucky brought my hp along
morning ladies...

bear, ya lor...maybe we shd have a lo hei dinner in feb after cny...shd be interesting...kekkee :p wow, joshua so cute kno how to complain liao...complaint king leh!!

ros, alamak...u really BLUR liao...how can forget to buy dinner...thot the coffeeshop near ur house also have nasi lemak...

peck/leobaby, dinner was fun and everyone had a great time laughing...hahha...join us next time k? looking forward...
Hahahahahaha...Of cos fun la....
esp we are super evil...trying to get rid of the couple inside the room... kekekekekkekeke....

Aiyo... U also poor thing...
But I also super paisay...becos the keys are in my LABcoat..that was inside the locked room lor.... so had to be sheepish.....
morning gals,

wah.. u all had a great time at the dnr last nite.. so nice.. :D next time i will try n make it!

sng's mummy, dun care them la.. most of the time, they talk w/o thinking one...

glayz, hee... nm la.. new yr new lock ma.. who is the couple on the room??
Becos there is onli 9 of us ytd...
So the waitress all very bad.. make this group of 5 split up...with 3 at the bar counter, and the other 2... same room as us....

So we start topic on something gross.... to us ok...but to them..maybe a tad too much...wahahahahahahha

Ya new yr... new lock!!!
glayz, hahhaha...ya lor...with all of our shit and pee talk...finally they buay tahan us and went outta the room...kekkee :p aiyo, why u so blur today? u must have caught the "blur" genes from ros la, tha's why kena locked out (opps, think ros gonna kill me for saying tha)...hahhaha
Ya lor... she MUST have spread to me ytd...
We check on xtine later...if she also ganna the BLUR virus...

u gals have fun at the dinner gathering last nite!
hahaha, i can imagine how the talk on poo + pee can turn unsuspecting ppl away.. hehe somemore ppl eating dinner leh ;p

pinkzebra, wish xavier a speedy recovery!
glayz, think xtine also kena leh...cuz in the car she couldnt make up her mind when to alight...we almost wanted to dump her in the middle of nowhere...hahha

sweet, oh yes...we did had fun...but think the couple were disturbed by our loud laughter...hahha...join us next time la...

rina, no la...the couple changed tables and went outside of the room...
hello morning ladies

now i know y i was sneezing early in the morning.. haha some1 is talking abt me.. ok i got the blur virus lai lah
morning ladies.

sporty, no prob abt e cereals, when i go & c GP, his staff always gives me lots of nestle cereals if they hv e samples. but i oni giving jake HT cereal.

glayz, no prob abt e ride.

sweet, no need to wait for bfing career to end to join us. i haven't ended my bfing career but i still went for dinner.
Morning ladies!

Thanks for your well wishes for Xavier. He seems much better today. His fever is pretty much in control, thank goodness no sign of high fever last nite. But his nasal congestion is quite bad, he can't breathe properly, and he's smart to breathe through the mouth which i thought he sound like Darth Vader haha...

Looks like you gals had lots of fun last evening

aiyoo... forgot to take pic ah, cannot see my preeteeeBeary *pouts*

orhh... next gathering i recc huh? i go find lor... hehe

yuppers, will join the next time
ok noted, will pass my GAP order to kenma

me working today, sent my boy to my mom's place this morning, he look so "teh teh" make me so reluctant... i guess it's like that when he's sick, otherwise he'll be so hyper, see also dun see me =p

i send you the GAP order tonite, cos it's saved in my laptop at home.

xavier seem much better today, the fever went down already, but his cough and nasal congestion still there. hopefully he'll recover soon.

i'm not sure where he caught the viral flu from. I suspect its from another baby, coz my mom brought him over to a neighbour's house the other day... and the lil gal was sneezing.
sweet, hahah...must wait till ur bf career ends ah? becuz u need to rush home to pump eh? can join us also mah...juz bring ur cooler bag...

hui, how come tues and fri u cannot?

xtine, so wat time did ur hb came and pick u up from the police station? hahhaa

pinkzebra, we yakked till we forgot to take pics...maybe next gathering we can go lo hei since its cny period...kekeke :p
jen/sporty, it's troublesome for me coz need to fetch trishelle + maid back from my parents' place everyday after work. so if i join u gers for dinner, i will need to let my hb use the car so that he can fetch them home. but since i m still pumping and so many things to lug bout, i cant do w/o the car! haha ya ya i know, spoilt brat.. furthermore i worked in west area, so by the time i reach town by public trpt will be ard 7.30pm liao coz only knock off at 6pm

pinkzebra, hehe so cute sounds like Darth Vader!
probably by tonite when u sees him tonite, he will be well and jumping ard already ;p
