(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

no Josh is still holding on to us to walk but he's very keen to walk these days..i'm very tired from the walking around.. :p

yes let's go imm one of these days...

yes both my hb and I and Josh met Ash. He's well-behaved, sitting nicely at his seat and drinking his water aft his gym lesson at the indoor gym.

i get very worry when my niece coming over cos i afriad her scream will frigthen my boy, or m boy will learn to scream like her ( ky used to scream n i managed to corrected him).

So how's Jonas now? And how are you? I hope yr flu hasn't developed into something quite full-blown. Sad huh life in singapore... sick also must return to office to clear work. It's like that with me too, then by the time you leave, half day gone liao, and goodness how much virus we've spread around to the others...(whoops..heheh)

Cheezel, Janet
With regard to the 4-mths maternity leave, yeah, Cheezel, sure hope you'll qualify for it! Envy!! I envy my colleagues who are going to pop soon - they should qualify for it as there's a 1 yr window period i heard? But then again, am sure our older colleagues also feel the pinch, coz during their time, only 1 or 2 mths paid maternity leave. If everyone wants to wait for the juiciest carrots, then I guess no one will ever have babies!

I agree with Nellu too, it's about a thorough change in mindset. it's an opportunity cost too - career or babies. But personally for me, career I can put one side, but family matters most. At the end of the day nothing can ever replace family...

sometimes when adam shoves his cousin, I can't help but wonder too that he did it coz toddlers are learning about their own territory, so it's natural to protect what's theirs (whatever they're holding). i guess we gotta educate the older toddlers not to snatch etc. I caught his cousin (only 3!!) using her leg to kick adam when she had the opportunity to do so, so I held it back & moved her leg away. she sat down on the bed quietly as if feeling upset i did it, but I just ignored her. hehe. Of coz if adam kicked her, I'll give him a good tiny whack on his legs too. Must teach by actions, cannot by words only...
it could be a form of HFMD...did you check for ulcers in his mouth? sometimes they don't develop blisters on hands or feet. That cld be a reason why he's not eating or drinking coz it hurts. My #1 was like that before (she wasn't confirmed as HFMD)...I tempted her with all sorts of food...junk food better than no food. Cold juices went well for her coz it numbed her ulcers. She lost 2kgs during that week long ordeal.
well you can't control your niece cos you're not her parent. so the only thing that you can do is to teach KY well. This kind of problems will surface again when the kiddos go to school. Then how? You can't do anything abt the other kids but you can teach your own kid the right thing to do.

totally agree with what you said abt tods. Yes i think it's normal behaviour of a toddler. They are learning to be independent so these are the things they do. So we as parents need to teach them the right way to assert themselves and to behave in socially acceptable ways. Someone I know, who is a SAHM with 3 kids (14, 12 and 8!), told me that if the kids misbehave (even when they are cranky!) it is usually our fault, cos we failed to meet their needs! It was quite hard to swallow but it was really words of wisdom!

btw, maybe the next time adam's cousin does something naughty to adam, what you can do in front of adam, other than moving her away, is to say to her that it is not nice and that her actions will hurt adam. I suppose if adam hears you say that to her, he'll learn too that it is not the right thing to do.

I do this when my neighbour's 3yo sometimes pokes Josh and Josh is upset with that. I tell her that it is not nice to do that cos it hurts. She gets the message and at the same time, Josh becomes more assured. At the same time he learns something too. He used to poke other kids' eyes, but now he doesn't do that anymore. so I guess it must have work..

josh is too smart and too fast for us!!
i agreed with u, only thing is to teach my ky well. today nanny told me my bot knows how to says 'durain'! she brought him to parsa malam down her place n told ky that's durain n when they went back n she showed him the book n he can tell nanny it's durain!

Hey hope you and yr little one are doing fine...


Well as parents, we have to protect, yet educate our kids, huh... it's tempting to just blame the other kid, but if we want our kids to grow up gracious (haha!), must discipline the rite way, and gosh, parenting *Is* tough!

wah, so clever huh yr boy can talk liao! mine can only make some babbling sounds, though sometimes we can make out what it means, hehe...

zhuzhu, cheezel
yeah...the maternity leave only starts in Jan 09. My colleague was sooo disappointed as she is due in Oct 08. I guess the package is aimed towards those who don't really want to have babies but may consider with the carrots dangled infront of them... what to do.. and also perhaps to give employers more time to pre-empt temporary loss of manpower due to maternity...

guess missing the boat is a part of this whole works... but i count myself luckier than my more senior colleagues who only had 1 mth maternity aeons ago...and worse, must take unpaid leave some more!

Yoo hoo, where r ya? I took Adam for his MMR at poly today! Only $4.50 in consultation. Hehe. Of course taking him to a PD Is more convenient, but gotta pay $35 in consultation & don't know how much for MMR jab itself. But i like the nurses there, friendly!

now just hope he won't get bad fever...

ya lo. Missed the boat this time round. A lot of the mummies from sept 08 to dec08 threads r very upset over it. They’re signing petition to request for backdate to at least 01sep08 so that those due tis yr will get to benefit also. In 2004, they actually backdate to 01aug so that all gets to benefit the 3 month ML….tats y now all upset that its going to start 01jan. anyway, with the new benefits or not, I’m stopping at 2.

But hor, I also feel abit not fair la…cos adopted child or foreign child who converted to sg citizens from jun 08 gets to enjoy the benefits as they backdate 6 months from 01jan. so why not those born this yr.

My colleagues due in dec even more sien……
how come need to pay $4.50? you see the doctor ah? I dont need to pay anything, also i didnt see the doctor lah..just went for injection only. my girl developed fever after 7 days. today is the 2 days of her fever. hope she gets well soon. maybe that is also the reason why now she doenst want her bedtime milk feed

ya hor, so unfair, how come adopted and foreigners can get benefits, where as singaporeans cannot.
cheezel, smalldreams,
the new benefits got no effect on me. I'm still singing the same old tune: the govt can gimme all the country's reserves and it would still not make me have another child just because of that! HAHAHAHA!..well, money really doesn't make the world go round wor!

my hubby was saying, why should people be disappointed? When they got preggie earlier, they probably shouldn't have expected these new benefits coming in. Besides these are specifically targeted to ENCOURAGE people to START having children or to start having MORE children...

yes parenting is the most difficult job i've ever got in my entire life so far. That is also why i secretly wish that the govt would sometimes stop giving out so much $$ and all to get pple to have more kids. I always believe that if you have kids, you've got to teach them and bring them up well. What's the pt of having a brood of 5 when you have no time or make no effort to educate them?? I worry more abt such things than whether or not there are enough children!

Yups we saw the doc as it was the first time ever my boy has ever gone to the polyclinic. Guess it's a routine check up to see all's good before baby gets the jab. If go PD, all will be done in 1 room right..tats why more convenient lor...

guess now i gotta wait for adam's turn. next sat we have plans to go to the water theme park in pasir ris with SIL. if adam has fever..uk oh...

Well, of course the mommies have every reason to feel disappointed even if they have decided to get pregnant before the goodies were announced! I'd feel it too if i were in their shoes. Guess it's about being shortchanged.. but at least they get to enjoy their baby earlier
Come to tink of it .. no matter when is the implementation date, there will be mummies who felt shortchanged. If government allows Aug'08 as the implementation date, they will expect petition from the Jul'08 mummies .. haha :p
precisely that was what my hubby was trying to say!

in any case, he thinks that sometimes singaporeans are too pampered and always complaining. Sometimes i can't help but agree with him esp having travelled with him around and getting to know pple from different parts of the world. We are actually a very lucky bunch to have a govt like that.
not says pampered la. Am sure whatever decision made, there will be pple who likes it, pple who dun. It's ok to share views and opinions actually, tho' the opposition party will easily view them as 'complaints' :p
ya, I recently got to know of an american. He was also saying singapore has one of the lowest taxes, and we are still complaining.

He said US tax is 68% in total. So From Jan to Jun, your pay goes to the government. Only starting from Jul, then you are working for yourself...well, think of it, kind of true lah...
Nellu, CD

I guess what you say is true..ehhe then the cycle will never end. Oh well, i guess this depends on luck. But Nellu, if the govt gives me all its reserves, i seriously don't mind having more kids. No need to work..can shop, yet enjoy the children, eheheh :p


Oh my! 68%?? Serious ah? Wow, that's very high. When we were in perth, i heard taxes there were abt 40%, that was high enough for me already. But then again, they also have other perks, dole etc. I guess the grass may always be greener on the other side...
smalldreams, janet,
yes singapore is one of the very few countries in the world where personal income tax is super low! can you imagine the americans are paying 68% tax and when they buy things they still need to pay VAT (GST equivalent)? The high tax rate is such to facilitate the welfare state that they are..likewise with UK, Australia and so on...

i'd rather pay less tax...
the 68% includes the VAT already. but still much higher than singapore...i also would rather pay lesser tax.
Perhaps the baby perks intended to start on 17-Aug-08 but by doing the way they did, they'll gain points with the people...Politics...

The 16-Aug mommies must be so upset now....endless one...they can't backdate again. Someone's bound to be unhappy...

Does that also mean we have 4 more days of child care leave for this year now? And the childcare subsidies....
cheezel, haha, yeah good for ya!

Of course lah, there will always be unhappy people...poor thing huh, the ones that gave birth in Aug 08. But then again, they chose to have the babies before the policy was announced...so, can't win all the timelah...

I guess the child care leave thingy will only come into effect later...Oct 08? Just now just skimmed thru the papers.
abt this new slew of benefits, my hubby said something really weird to me last nite. He asked me if I was open to adopting. I was like "HUH??!?!" Then he told me "ya mah..easier..no need to go through the whole process and still can enjoy the govt benefits!"...Haiz...i think he's overworked..crazy liao that's why say these kind of things...
Hello mummies...me am also a 2007 May mummy of a son...today I faced a situation, and am on leave thus decided to post and find solutions. What do you do when your child ate own poop? I found my son in his cot today with heavy diaper and a poop that has dropped out...then realized his mouth was stained...i ran him to the toilet to wash his mouth and bum! Daddy finds me exagerated wanting to bring him to the doc. He is now at the infant care...no news from the centre thus may not be sick.
hi hi, welcome

just to share, my MIL told me my SIL ate my hb's poo when they were young. Hb crawling in front n poo-ed. SIL crawling behind picked it up and put inside her mouth. Nothing happen, and SIL was not sick or anything. The only thing is we still joked abt it until today :p
i am worried whole morning looking into internet for some answers...no solutions...bringing to see doc when no symptoms is silly...hubb was aksing me this morning " how come never take pic?" I'm like DUH!!!! My hubb crazy...i know animals eat their own poop...but not humans? My hubb fed son the cocopops...thus think his poop is chocolatee...sigh...fetching son soon and will observe him in case sick...
don't worry too much. I guess accidents like that do happen sometimes. just monitor and also work on teaching your kid abt poop and wees i guess..
guess if not sick should be ok lah...i remember last time when young, the person sitting beside me in class, always eat his own nose shit...felt so disgusted. but he still live.

maybe let your son drink more water. Though u may need to tell the infant care to take note in future. in case in the school, he also does that.

dont worry.
when should we toilet train kids? Earlier my friend told ne 2.5 yrs old...so late? Xavier is 15 mths old...but he can tell his nainai he poo poo...when he was left with my mil's house last sat.

this morning his poop was like cocopops...maybe that's why he ate it...i still can't believe his daddy thinks is funny.
Work has been terribly busy for me since last week and will be like that all the way tille end of the month...anyway, just to update, we finally found the cause of his many days of his fever, runny noise & cough....He has got bronchitis.

Since Wednesday, he has on the neubuliser everyday...1st few times when he was on it, see him struggle & wrestle like mad when his dad held on tight to him and eventually, he ran out of energy and sat there stonily...even after the process is done...very very heartpain and this mummy can't do anything to help him.

I was feeling really bad on Wed/Thurs...on one hand, I would like to spend more time with my boy at home during this period but on the other, I have so much work in office that it's impossible to take leave...I was so upset & stressed that I couldn't help it cried on bed on Wed nite..

Anyway, after letting out, I felt better... husband took leave to put on boy on nebuliser every few hours these few days and I am slogging super hard to cut down my OTs and go home........
My son was on Neubuliser 3 times since he was born. Springdance i can understand how u feel. Xavier is now 15 mths...i placed him in infant care...he caught on virus...after not getting well many times, we brought him to Gleneagles...they had a clinic in AMK as well. He got bronchitis...very common for kids i heard. Over the period of 6 mths, 3 times on neubuliser, my son sees daddy catch him and the mask...he cries till your heart aches...there is really nothing to be done. The neu will make your child better no matter how much he hates it.

After I took Xavier out full time from Infant care...no more problem. Now Xavier goes only once a week to socialise. I still worry about him falling sick...but he needs friends too.

Kids with bronchitis, should not expose him to direct wind, cover him in socks when zzz...put vicks...keep him warm.

Take it easy...don't break down. Pop ur zinc + vit C. My son always passed me his illness...including his HFMD he caught in infant care.
my daughter has also been sick since monday. fever, cough, runny nose, explosive watery poo and rashes..going to bring her to the pd again tomorrow. think she has bronchiolitis again too like jonas. this will be her 3rd time in less than a year..haiz..isnt there anyway to prevent this? will try the vicks tonite
Is jonas better now? u must be really stress up n break down. can feel for you.Like what euhhue mention....keep jonas warm and not forgetting to let him drink plenty of water or juices or whater fluid. tat time when Javen down with flu, i also rub his sole with baby rub and let him wear socks.long sleeve pyjamas to sleep. at night, i will rub some cold rub at the side of his head so taht he can breathe n sleep better. Also ton him up with vit C. Rosehip is good. can let him drink.

no wory abt the poo poo thing la.my bro ate his own poo when he's young too. nothing happen too. hehe.....perhaps, change his diaper more often so tat it wont be so soil and even when poo, it wont come out easily.
it was early morning at 7 am when that happened...mummy still zzz to change his diaper. Was wondering why quiet in the morning and saw him playing in his cot...that's when i saw his dropped out poop...a small ball...sigh...now his mouth stinky...drank so much water liao...looks like cocopop...his father fed him some last night. sigh...i wonder if he knew...did it taste bad? oh well...anyway, thanks...
can try giving the neb when Jonas is asleep. KY was admitted for bronchitis when he was 11 months remember? he was on 4hrly neb so i usu give when he sleeps so that he would't sturggle.
Hmmm....so much talk abt the baby bonuses & benefits huh...Guess some win & some lose in watever the govern. do. Cheezel congrats on getting the baby perks, I think the best is the 4mths ML, shiokadoooooo...... For me...juz hv to diam diam watch the show like nellu...SAHM....but on the other hand, Im 3mths PREGGY!!! wahahaha....

Sori to hear tat ur job is stressing u up & Jonas has contacted bronchitis...Poor boy. At this point of time, do take things 1 step at a time, try not to stress up. Tk very gd care.
hang in there...can understand. the heartache of working mothers. need to balance child and work. I cried a few times before too. job demands too much out of me ...but guess no choice if need the money to give a brighter future for your kid.
take care

Congratulations that u are 3 months pregnant. I am very happy for u

Btw, do u happen to have Julia Gabriel 50% discount card? If yes, can I have them please?
