(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

really envy you lah. My pockets are still recovering from my japan trip last yr! Plus now gotta pay for delivery & stuff. So, holidays are no-go.

Yups, we are expecting a baby girl

I'm with my previous Gynae, Dr Aziz. Adam is still at home now but I'm starting him on a playgroup next year. How about B?

When I took my son to The Kids Dentist, he made me prop Adam up on my shoulders. It worked fine though Adam also the sort who can't keep still.

wowo u been to almost the whole of batam resorts..

I still cannot figure out how u prop adam on ur shoulders..

did the dentist take very long to check his teeth?

how do u know ryan had tooth decay?
i just make an appt at The Kids Dentist. bringing him in nov.
though his teeth looks fine..but anyway can claim from company so i just bring him to check

i hope he wont scream his lungs out.

veri sian le. now near to end of the yr....normally we will go for a short trip/stay...last few yrs we went sentosa or hotel stay in sg. now thought of resorts.....budget la....
start brushing his teeth at night now. now sometime i forgte to brush Javen's teeth and put him on bed, he will remind me....."haven brush teeth yet"...i just started brushing Jaren teeth at night b4 sleep
u just imagine me on dentist chair, and then adam is propped high up until his head is on my shoulders lor...hehehe..

The check took a few minutes only.

good hor, it's the fact you can afford to spend after a major japan holiday :p
I saw the tooth with the enamel peeling off. I thik it's tooth decay.

I have been brushing his teeth in morn and nite. But it's not those very very detailed brushing...
B also starting playgroup next year. Quite excited for her. dont know whether she will like it or not. The school is having orientation next month. Now when i asked whether she wants to go to school, she always says no, says she wants to stay at home and play
hahaha...so cute of B.

2 Sundays ago we saw some schoolkids carrying schoolbags at the zebra crossing & Adam said, "Friend goes to school!".

So we asked, Adam would you like to go to school?

And he said, "Otey!" (OK)

Heheee..let's see if he really wants to go when we bring him there :p
must make sure they chew food properly, else will find pieces of food in the poo

re: french fries
mummies, you can buy "raw" french fries and cook at home or if go Macdonald, remember to ask for unsalted fries.

really envy you leh. I told hubby I don't want to go overseas with kids for the next 5 yrs cos can't stand the thought of taking care of them!
by the way, you need preggie clothes? sms me ya.

i love Japan but staying there is another problem. do equip yourself with a dictionary and basic language else can really be stressed out during emergency
i always ask for unsalted fries at Mac..but too bad their online home delivery dun allow me to ask for dat..
Re: french fries
i just let Javen eat the normal one le....hehe....very bad hor....but if fun eat everyday should be still ok ba
consider Bintan... its near and its great! Can go for Bintan Lagoon or Nirwana. Both very family friendly. I prefer Bintan Lagoon...

you still have preggy clothes? never sell off? hmmm... planning for no. 3 still ah? You have dresses? Prefer dresses than tops and bottoms, cant stand the waistband at my belly.. feel so tight...

re: tooth decay
how to tell if our kiddo got tooth decay? they will be complaining of pain?
<font color="0077aa">

My little boy unfortunately has bottle tooth decay. I'm still very upset by this as I didn't give him sweets &amp; chocs. But he got it thru frequent latching on to sleep. I feel sooo lousy about it.

I dont think it's painful but you can see the tooth enamel peeling off a bit &amp; then it starts to discolour. You can try using fluoride to brush, it's good &amp; much better than those toddler fluoride-free toothpaste. My kids' dentist said that you'd need to swallow a whole tube to get fluoride poisoning, so it shud be safe.

He also prescribed the GC tooth mousse (which is available at BP at about $5 cheaper. I find Adam's tooth condition has improved after that.

No Jap updates ? :p

I'm so sorry to read abt yr retrenchment. But am sure you'd be able to cope somehow. This is a chance to be a SAHM for a while. I guess every storm has a silver lining</font>
not to worry abt me..
i just take a break b4 i start looking for a job lor.. got a good payout package lar...
for the fire house visit, do you need to register? or just appear on the time of the show/exhibition.
Eh…still uploading. No time le. Hehe….

What fire house? Talking abt this…I though of bringing Javen to the firestation open house which is on every sat 9-11am. Anyone interested? We can go to the central fire station where there is museum also. free
any fire station also can. but my friend told me central one is better cos got museum n also can shop ...not too sure what she meant....
Janet, cheezel, zhuzhu
No need to register. Just walk in to any fire station near your home.

I went to the one at Central Fire Station. Quite fun though it was so hot! U can check out my blog for some photos.

the museum is great coz it's air-con, hahaa!Think Central is the only one with a museum with all the antique fire engines.

Shop at the fire station ah cheezel? if u talking abt that, then i think singapore has enough shopping centres...no need to shop even at a fire station, haha. They only sell some memorabilia... and some toys could be cheaper if you get them in toy stores.

but if u meant can shop after the trip, the location is good lah, can always cross over to raffles city :p

Adam wanted a fire engine but hubby &amp; I refused to give in! He already has a mini one at home, and last week we just bought for him a duplo legoville fire engine. Too bad, he cried till we reached the car park.
no lah... he needs to learn he can't get whatever he wants all the time.

u gals can go together..just walk in. no need to pre-register.

time limited tho, only 9 - 11 am at central station.
i agreed leh..kids needs to learn they cannot always get wat they wan...markus oso the same..keep asking for the same toys when he already had it at home...

now he always say.."go gai gai..buy truck..buy airplane..blah blah blah"
Kids these days very smart hor! 2 yrs plus already know how to ask for toys!

Sometimes I really feel like getting the stuff for them to make them happy, but in the long run it's not good to do that right.

Even when I go to the supermarket, sometimes, Adam will say, "Buy this"! But I'll ignore. It's easier to give in, but it's going to be a bad habit.
i absolutely agreed !!! its easy to give it to them just to shut them up...but it will become a habit..cos he will thinks whatever he wans...he will get..
I brought Ryan to Kids Dentist yesterday. True enough, what I observed is right. He has early cavities problems...sign of tooth decay. I am sad when I heard it but he assured me that kids nowadays hv such problems...we have to watch their diet and brush their teeth...

1 thing he asked me, what tooth paste did u use? I am using first toothpaste cos no flouride...he doesn't know how to spit out yet..he told me, is expensive and nt protecting the teeth. Flouride...small amt will nt kill the child. Just a smal stretch of paste on the toothbrush.

same problem as you...I am also upset. Also bought the GC tooth mousse from dentist...but ryan doesn't like the mousse in his mouth.

I still have 2 tubes of first toothpaste...sigh.
wah...your appt so fast ah...they told me only nov got a few more slots

I'm using the fluoride toothpaste when Javen can spat out the toothpaste...but sometime, he do drink the water +toothpaste down.
at 1st cher teeth was badly stained till i thought it was tooth decay. so sad.. she dun drk milk fr bottle n she dun wake up for nite feed since abt 3mths old. but she latches on to sleep all along (but i hv now weaned her off). after hearing fr smalldreams, i switch her to kids toothpaste w fluoride n dump away d bb toothpaste. with diligent brushing n no milk to sleep, her stain is gone. tat day i brought ash to his regular dentist n d dentist did a quick check on cher's teeth (no charge) n told me her teeth is ok. she said a little of fluoride toothpaste is ok but remb to use a tiny amt n spread it out well on the toothbrush n af tat get them to rinse their mouth.
cher loves to rinse her mouth n 'merlion' it out. i alwy put a toy or somtg n ask her to aim n 'merlion' towards it so it makes brushing n rinsing so fun.
Morning all!

I seriously think that first toothpaste is just a sales gimmick &amp; regret falling for it! Guess now that we've learnt our lesson, for our #2 one, just use a little fluoride toothpaste &amp; clean the teeth. Cheaper also.

I bought 2 more toys for adam over the weekend. Cheap ones. hahaha.. one is an aeroplane, only $5 I saw at NTUC. another one is a cute walking robot. He was not feeling well on sunday so I thought it'll be good to distract him with something. ANd he liked my cheap aeroplane!

Adam was down with tummy flu yesterday. His fever was high at 38 - 39 deg
I had a hunch it was tummy flu but hubby still insisted to bring to PD coz fever was high. But I guess now he's better, we are happy, no regrets bringing to PD.
I cook for my girl every weekends. But cook until a bit sian already...no more inspiration. I want her to eat different things all the time and at every meals.

Mummies, any good and simple recipes to share?
fish - stmed, with sauce, fried, baked
chicken - with sauce, fried
pork - she doesnt like
beef - she doesnt like
egg, veg - all kinds

so bascially tried all kinds already lei...that's why a bit sian
wah janet..u cooked every wkend ah..nowsaday wkend i very lazy..the most do a fried rice..

i oso buy some cheap aeroplane for my boy..but u have to be careful with any sharp edges..cos the one i got had some pretty sharp edges..
cher prefers hm cooked food so i cook for her and ash evyday except wkend. i also at a lost what to cook many tx..
- soup: different soup evyday
- rice
- steam fish and/or
- oven roasted chicken wings (d kids fav)
- stir fried chicken thigh meat
- fried egg w tomato sauce or w long bean or plain w a little soya sauce
- claypot braised pork
- chicken chop
- green vege
somtx wld cook fried bee hoon
fried rice also need ingredients mah, need effort too! I try to cook some malay dishes on weekends, so at least hubby gets to enjoy them too. Feel sorry for him (and our pockets) when we always order take out or eat out.

I agree, the cheaper toys got sharp edges sometimes and also spoil very easily! I remember I bot $8 train set for Adam and it spoilt by the next day. But the thomas train sets last till today!

I think you're a great cook! Always so creative with your soups. Can you share some nice, simple soup recipes if you're free? Hehehe... I've always liked chinese cooking!

Actually my hubby's friend's wife wrote a Teochew cook book. He bought me a copy &amp; I Tried cooking fish porridge. I liked it but Adam only ate a lot when I served him the first time. After that he dowan already.
Javen likes to drink soup....so normally will make soup for him for dinner cos lunch time normally will be porridge or noodle.

i seldom cook la...only once in a while....hehe...but here's r some i tried b4:

1) Pumpkin, melon, carrot with porkrib/chicken
2) Si shen soup
3) Bak ku teh (less spicy)
4) ABC soup
5) Chicken mushroom corn

1) Fried Rice
2) Steam Egg (with vege, carrot, mushroom, meat etc inside at times)
3) fried eggs (plain/ tomato/mushroom/hotdog)
4) fried tofu with minced meat sauce
5) steam tofu (olive vege, minced meat, plain with light soy sauce)
6) grilled meat patty/balls (mixed with pureed carrot/pumpkin/biscuit crumbs)
7) pan fried potato + fish (mix the mashed potato n fish together. can add in chopped carrot)
Javen is a picky eater. so have to hide vege n carrots. now he into self feeding...so if he sees orange/red/green colour in his bowl...he will reject MOST of the time. very headache
agreed leh..i bot a cheap train set for Markus..after he tried to use manual force to move it around..it spoilt...n thomas still around
Thomas toys cost at least $30!! If don't last, dunno what to say man. Even the tracks are solid quality.
We were lucky coz my hubby's supervisor gave us a whole big black bag of thomas tracks. So we didn't have to buy any at all. Just the trains. But lately my hubby fed up coz adam likes to leave the trains running on battery, so he bought some wooden trains. Now more quiet. hehe.

So full now..had KFC's cheezy melts for lunch.
thanks gals for all the tips on more variety..
yes, B loves soup too. I am ok with soup. Because i just bought a cook book on soups, so just follow page by page. no need to crack brains
tink i m one lazy mum. Nowadays wkend always bring jboy eat out. His 2 all time fav . chicken rice or fish soup wif rice :p The last trip we went zoo, his lunch was 1 KFC drum + some coleslaw .. keke.
Wow, Jboy can accept coleslaw ah? that is very good. Actually with a kid that can accept outside food is very good, and so much easier. I am still bringing homecook food out now. A bit troublesome loh
What type of fish do you usually use for fish soup?
KFC drumstick OK what... I'll let Adam have a small drumlet too. He likes nuggets, so at times I make my own nuggets at home. At least no MSG. If not, he just eat those Mcnuggets lah.
You can just google for the recipe.

It's quite easy. Just get some minced chicken meat, marinate with some pepper, some salt, put some milk, bread crumbs, flour, egg if you want, and just shape into nuggets lor.

There are so many variations of nuggets. Just google. The best thing is, no MSG.
