(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

ok, call my HP. Do you still have my HP? BTW, let me know how much, if have enough cash, will pay you cash, otherwise, will transfer
Morning mummies!

It's OK.... am sure you know your own schedule
and level of committment
Just con't what u're doing, hopefully it's a phase Jonas will grow out of soon !

Congrats! 6 weeks.. ok lah at least yr gap is like 3 yrs right? Am sure yr gal will enjoy having a little sibling to play with.

what toys do you let yr kids play with?
Last weekend I went hari raya visiting & i went to my friend's place. She had a huge playroom for her 2 toddlers and I was sooooo fascinated with the amount of toys they had!!!!

It made me less guilty of the toys I bought for Adam. hehehe... and made me feel like I've been limiting him with only some toys. Hubby is the more indulgent one, whereas I'll not allow him to have /buy too many toys.

Do you have any ideas what montessori toys may be suitable for our 2 yr olds?
hb oso the same..he just buy markus toy to shut him up..
now we try to stop dat..there was once hb went out..then when he came back with a 7-ll bag..Markus keep digging inside for motorbike..then he cried when he couldn't find any...haiz..

there is some montessori BP going on..u can check it out..

long time no hear...congrats!!!
I just bought a lego set from Metro. They advertised last weekend. for age 4+..of course B doesnt really know how to put them together. So the parents had a fun time...while B played with the end products..haha
i dun have a lot of toys for lele... but she's is into playdoh and drawing now... so in our living room, the playdoh and her crayons are always there... she can just pick it up and play...
B might just pick the fixing habit up soon!

Adam likes his megablocks. He'll fix them into "houses" for trains & let the trains run through them.

But Lego is quite ex right..

Have you heard of Playmobile? So tempted to get for Adam.

So cute! I may be wrong, but I observe that girls are easier to contain through drawing activities. I saw this toddler girl, quietly playing colour2 at Jurong POint. So good! I think Adam can't make it like that...

He likes playdoh, he'll always say, Ibu, take Pi-doh!' but I've caught him eating the playdoh a few times. Grrr...
That time metro offer, so $39.90..ok lah, still come in a pink box..so i like, for girls mah...pink is the colour...

no, never heard of playmobile..will check it out.

B also likes playdoh..but i limit her play time only before she bathe, otherwise, would need to wash her hands thoroughly after playing
not gg bk to workforce (for d tx being). next yr some major changes to our 'routine' so i hv to b at hm for d kids.

adam gg to b a big bro to a bb sis
is nice to hv a lil' girl, so much more nicer thgs to look at n buy but mean more $ spent :p
lego is gd, both my kids like.

congrats! cher likes to draw too but not as much as ash thou who loves art.
markus oso like playdoh..but i dun like to let him play..cos it gets messy..

playmobile..heard of it..something like lego rite?
janet, zhuzhu
same lorr... i also let adam play only before his shower. Hee!

it does get messy, but i think it's not so hard to clean... playmobile yeah, something like lego i think, more like a playset
no leh..we play a while then kept it inside the box..now i oso lazy to take out for him to play..
..i think u better dun buy lar..cos take up space..
yeah I'll buy it if my house wasn't so full of furniture! My house very small lah. Maybe when I've moved to my own place and i have a playroom for adam, i can consider bulkier toys :p
yeah..cos when ever my PT maid come over to clean the hse..i had to dismentle the blocks and keep inside the box..aiyoh super troublesome..
abit regretted buying it..
am back from my trip!! tired but its FUn....

Congrats!! yeah....long time no see u liao le.Its like that one....y nt ask ur hubby t help carry lele when needed etc....the last preg, Javen also keep asking me to carry ....i carry him even till 7-8th mth though i try t refrain. most of the time my hubby will help to carry....but i always carry him n bring him down for walk after work esp when hubby is on noon shift. i give birth t Jaren at 34 weeks pregnancy....my mm keep saying thats cos i keep carrying Javen n all the heavy stuff....hehe
u are back !!! share with us ur trip..

hahaha maybe..i am going to start clearing away most of his toys..when i stop working next yr..
u are gonna stop working? by choice and be a SAHM?

But i think that's the time you need all the toys, so u can keep him occupied :p
hahah not by choice...its was retrenchment.. will take a break b4 looking for a new one..in fact i am considering becoming a CC teacher..
heee.. thanks... lele still prefers me to carry though the papa will offer... lately she run here run there... always knock on me too... or if we are on the bed, she likes to jump and land on me!! faint... tell her got baby inside, she understands and will even 'sayang' my tummy, but next time may repeat all the jumping and knocking again... nowadays dun even dare to lie on the bed with her.. haiz...

cc teacher is hard work but i'm sure is a meaningful job
No. In fact there is not much of typhoon ove there. the first day we reach narita, we took the limo bus to ur hotel. Javen vomited during the journey to hotel. luckily thats when we were abt to reach. my hubby shirt n jeans plus bag were all wet. Javen whole pants and shoe all wet. no choice, have to throw away his pants and shoe cos really too wet n smelly. My hubby had to wash his jeans n shirt in the hotel. n clean his bag.
The 2nd day is not too bad....except intermitent typhoon. the wind is so strong that its able to älmost"topple our stroller with Javen on it, plus our big diaper bag. jaren immeidate reaction is to cover the ears cos the wind keep howling at the ear and hide his face on ur body....but then still ok cos we took the underground path instead. weather is very good over the next few days there.
the 2 boys were generally quite obedient unexpectedly....not much fussing or crying. Thats already a very god factor for an enjoyable trip. manage to cook porridge at least once per day for them.
The kiddos enjoy disneyland the most. Jaren seems to be more excited than his elder bro. the 1st reaction from him is "worw"!" n keep smilling.
i haven't travelled with sophie abroad so am very impressed you can handle 2 overseas. her first trip may be end of this year. but no flight, it'll be a road trip to malaysia. friend of ours is bringing his kids so we're tagging along.

next year we'll have a chance to fly her to japan if we decide to relocate there. do you have difficulty with the language there?

wow, a girl. nice combination since your first is a boy. got chance to buy pretty dresses.

haven't met up for so long. what changes will you be having next year? erm, is it good news? :p hahah.

sophie is now into painting, she can draw patches and tell me it's sun, waterfall, and river, forest. but to me it's just patches of colour. no shape kind. hahahah.

i used to have playmobil. very much like lego, but more figures i think. i remember the funny hands.

now sophie is attending school 3 days a week. since she's going to N1 next year, am considering increasing to 4 or 5 times. but i think i'll miss her being at home on my off days or bringing her out. anyone has any comment if i should put her in for all 5 days? my aunt commented it's better since she's learning in school.

The Japanese generally can speak a little bit of English. But mst of their restaurant's menu are all in Japanese. So we will note down what we want to eat from the display and show it to the waitress.

u going to relocate to japan?> its a nice place...
yeah..know dat its hard work..so still thinkin abt it now..

long time din hear from u..wow u are planning to relocate to japan? Markus had been on 5 days of CC..he learns alot in sch..pretty pleased with his progress in sch..
wow, u threw away the pants and shoes? Can wash right? That time, when we took a cab up genting, B also vomitted on me and herself too.

relocating to japan shouldnt be a problem for you. You are so fair, you will look very much like the locals.
But if you are thinking of relocating, or confirmed already, maybe sophie no time to have more days at CC, otherwise, when relocate, need to change and adapt again.
does your kiddo still have solid food pieces in the poo poo? B sometimes still has small pieces of veg, mushroom, carrot, or so in her poo poo. Looks like never digest. dont know why lei...
hahaha, not that lah. On ur off-days, brg sophie to mt up w cher

for me, i wld prefer d 3 days school for now (if u hv time n can cope, can go kaikai) since next yr she wld b in full 5 days sch. wld she b attending nursery in d same cc or another place?
wow! relocating to Japan? ur hb working there?
my frd relocated to Japan. so far d family like it.
yr end wld b our first trip overseas w d 2 kids, but to Bintan Clubmed.

shd b normal if no serious constipation or must exert so so hard when pooing. cher too if she eats stuff like corn or bigger pieces of green vege. else she does chew her food very well so not that bad. she takes vege mainly so no constipation.
cher is not in school, only attends 1.5hr playgp once a wk at kidsloft. i m her 'teacher' but lazy. oops we spent so much tx playing :p
yah, B usu swallow food, i think she seldom chew...except for french fries...because she is not that fat...so i allow her to eat french fries.
very good leh you... both you and hubby handle javen and jaren by yourself in japan? so cool...
that time lele 16 months, we went to hong kong with other family members, though got others to help out, i was dead tired with all the carrying, feeding etc.. feel so deprived that i cant eat and shop as much as i wanted...

this dec, we are going to new zealand, me, hubby, lele, my mum and mil... hahaha... its the 'best' combination of people to travel.. cos we got the old, the young and the pregnant!!hahaha...
I try to wash the shoe but still very smelly. And cos I wash so it is very wet....even when I try to use the hair dryer to dry. So my hubby say just throw away. Plus we only bring one pair of shoe and a pair of crocs sandal for him so we wear socks and crocs for him the next day and buy another pair for him there the next day so that he can wear asap.

The pants I already intended to throw after he wore in japan cos its alittle bit too short and worn out.

Javen poo is still ok le. But Jaren one will have pieces of carrot etc

New Zealand is nice!! Enjoy the trip. Yeah...u have the right pple to help out. Hehe...initially my mom wanted to come along with us but then decided not to cos she afraid we cant board the flight last min n she has to fly to japan by herself and wait for us for another few hours.
new zealand is very nice. there's a lot of travelling on the roads so make sure you dress comfortably since you're pregnant.

sophie tends to swallow without chewing much so can see bits of veg (sometimes a whole leaf) and corn.

ya, i'm fair but i cannot speak the language!

at least you can play with cher. i get so tired playing with sophie. sometimes i feel like hiding in her play tent so get some peace. hahah.

if i want 5 days also will start only next year. but thinking of 4 days. her nursery probably in the same cc. no other place is so convenient. and i dun want to move her so much, since she's comfortable with the ppl there.

ya been busy with new job role. now dunno how to tell boss i want to take no pay leave.

if i'm on no pay leave, i cannot take maternity leave if pregnant right?

the move more or less confirmed since hubby's boss already spoken to him but the dates are not finalized. maybe mid next year.
hello mummies,
so long din log in. how's everyone? i'm lost liao from all your posts!

yoohoo! you busy ah? where have you been?
I need to pay you $$ leh for the SSO baby prom tix. also need to arrange with you to pick up. SMS/PM me k?

your #2 is a girl too? nice!

aft your trip to Bintan, let me know how it is ok? I'm hoping we can do a trip too with 2 kids and not wait till they are at least 4-5yo....perhaps we'll go back to Msia for christmas.

Updates on J&E:
Josh is so far a very nice gor-gor. no violent behaviour from him. but recently he is quite cheeky and gross too. likes to play with his saliva! damn yucks! in sch, his teachers commented that calm has returned since mei mei was born. previously he was a little cranky in sch as well. next month they are going to stage a concert and Josh seems quite excited about it and has been sort of 'practising' at home. in sch also will pester teachers to do the dance over and over again, until the teachers are so tired. hahahaha

as for Emily, she's slightly more than a month old now. putting on weight v nicely. she's more docile than gor gor and would give warning before blaring out loud. she also sleeps better. I think she'll be sleeping through the night soon! wahahaha! I didn't get that with Josh until he was 15 mths!

oh and I need to get Josh a white shirt for his concert. anyone knows where i can go to buy? i just want to get a cheap one cos I dun foresee him wearing it much aft the concert.
sometimes after markus ate corn..i will see alot of corns in his poo..very funny..think all the corns din digest..n get pass out..

not sure abt the leave system leh..but i guess u can discuss with ur boss lor..

i agreed leh..very diff to teach at home..end up..we play more than teach..

white shirt ah? dat time i bot some cheap $5 or $10 (cannot rem) long sleeve shirt at Tampines isetan..never see them selling..maybe later when they hv some children fair..they will bring out the shirt again..
Thought of short getaway at resort. Any nice one to recommend? Not too far. Only want a night stay.

Port Dickson – Avillion Resort (They have water chalet but its exp at Rm690++ for a weekend stay)
Batam – Turi Resort (Cost about SGD 200 per night)
JB – Austin Hills (< SGD 100 per night with spacious room…)

Still look ard……
ai, you just got back from japan lei...so fast another holiday already...good life eh...

me only thinking of local hotel, that is as far as I can go
my coleague will be staying at turi. but i think its quite pricey as compared to the other resort. Now considering Harris or Batam view resort

anyone been there?
i happened to hv been to all e resorts u mentioned but years ago:p .. keke.

Port Dickson – Avillion Resort
water chalet .. nice, but i thot its more suitable for couple dan family. Nothing much to do but got beach beside.

Batam – Turi Resort
i like tis one. cheap n nice. oso nothing much, but at least can swim, n laze ard n relax on e hammock. but dats e whole idea of resort mah.

JB – Austin Hills
rm super big. Got big big bath tub in rm. But oso nothing much to do unless golfing. Tink got bowling alley if i rmbr correctly.

harris i tink last time its call waterfront resort or something. been there during younger days .. can do alot of things in batam, like cable skiiing, go kart, karaoke, etc etc .. wonder if they r still ard.

batam view resort
been but not much impression :p

hehe .. like not much help hor :p

But generally, i feel dat bintan is safer dan batam. batam feels unsafe .. especially if u bringing kids.

Hi Ladies
Long time din post here....Anyone send their kids to dentist recently? Ryan seems to have tooth decay due to the milk intake at nite without brushing teeth....I hope to bring him to see dentist but he sure put up a fight there...he is unable to keep still....any good and patient dentist to recommend? Thanks.
