(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

sorry cheezel, cant make it this friday already. There is an outing organised by my other part of the family.
next time ok?

when you going taiwan? this weekend? good for you, going to so many places...me only genting...
hmm, looks like the response not so good for turtle museum. will try opening to others.

i think the content of the tour will be simplified for our age group. this is what i was told from the playgroup session which i missed.

1. Difference between turtles & tortoises.
2. Exceptions where some turtles that look like tortoises.
3. A unique turtle which looks like a tortoise & which when threatened, retract head, tail and limbs and tail into its shell.
4. Children can see and touch the eggs laid by some of the turtles & tortoises - see the diff shape and sizes of the diff species of turtles & tortoises.
5. How to tell the diff between male & female turtles/tortoises.
6. Diet of turtles/tortoises & how the wrong diet will lead to deformity. Show them live specimen of deformed turtle.
7. Feeding of turtles in the pond with pellets an feeding of cucumbers to the land tortoises - this way, they can see for themselves how the tortoises can chew cucumbers even though they do not have teeth.

so anyone keen?
back from the baking class yday...my boy was rather playful....he was playing with the flour more than making a dough...when the instructor brought out those choc toppings...my boy was more keen on eathing them than decorating them on the cookies...which was why our cookies was very plain..cos whatever i put on the cookie..he ate it.but overall...it was a pretty good experience
u're so adventurous. i won't dare bring adam to a class where there's flour. haha! The closest to cooking I've ever let adam help, was to shred some bread pieces when i wanted to make bread pudding!

It sounds interesting. But it's too far for me and
i doubt adam can understand yet. Everything is tortoise to him. Yesterday we watched kung fu panda on cabletv & he knew the Master was a "Tortis" hehe.
janet & smalldream
haha but i still think 2.5 yrs old is too small..probably 3 or 3.5 yrs old is good age...i dun mind going again when he is older..

its okie to let him play with the flour at that place..cos i am not the one doing the clean up after everything..
it's all in my brain :p shd u need them, let me know n i can write it down for u, af d sch holidays can? sch holidays my busiest period.
turtle trip, i prefer wkday..
your EDD is just round the corner right? take care...take it easy on work ok? other people will cover. which hospital are you going?

I am bringing back a pack of wolberries home today (been in office for so long coz I used to drink it with dried flowers) so I can experiment with one of your soup recipes hhaha!

Yups, my EDD is end Dec 09/ Jan 2010. Hmm, which is better you mummies think? End of Year baby or early year baby? :p

I am transferring my work out to my colleagues. Am taking it easy, but at the same time, I feel the need to rush to clear as much work as possible. At 35 weeks, getting heavy liao. Thanks for yr concern, Janet!

pity those organisers who had to clear, hehehe.
Anyway Adam can't even clear his toys, let alone flour! We pretended to throw his toys in a big black garbage bag. He cried like what...haha...serve him rite, too notty!
i m back ... so tired but still hv to work today. Yawns :0

when u gg TW? holiday? Now shld be cold cold .. shiok. Hv lotsa fun.
with 2 kids, I realise I have no life / me time at all. worked the whole day at office, come home tidy up the house (cos my in laws don't do my laundry) and play with the kids. the worst part is they refused to sleep until midnight. I think it's because I got home late, so they want to spend more time with me.
by then i'm so tired to surf the net.

Re: career change
mummys, would you consider leave a 10yr job (which allows you to go home early and near your house but pay peanuts for the workload) for another job that requires > 1 hr of travelling but higher pay?
at crossroads now cos now my comp is offering me a promo but I'm very tired of the "comfort zone" yet I can take leave anytime for the kids.

I went to taiwan, had fun. liked the food. are you travelling on your own?

would like to join turtle museum but gotta be weekends cos weekday is really pack for me this Dec.
If I were u..i would wan a jan baby..at least when u compare with kids born in 2010...ur bb had an early start..
personally, I place my boy higher priority than my career...if the current job allows me to take leave anytime for the kids..I will stick to it..

one of the manager ever tell me this...in life you always hear ppl saying " you are a good wife...you are a good mother..but u never hear ppl saying you are a good worker".. which is true..cos we play a very impt part in our kids life now...
I also prefer a Jan baby.

But if u miss this promo, will the co forgo you the next time round. it is really a difficult decision
Gosh, I'm just preparing myself for #2. I guess during maternity leave it won't be so bad. It's when I return to work that all hell breaks loose.
But you need yr own time, so do rest if you can ok?

Same as Zhuzhu, I'd also choose flexi timing over career anytime. I'm not prepared to slog at work for a higher pay or performance bonus and leave my kids to another person to care for. I think what Zhuzhu's manager told her is so true. But then again, there's always opportunity cost. The opportunity cost of being a good worker is the time spent with family. The opportunity cost of being there for yr kids is a better pay & prospects.

Zhuzhu, Janet
A Jan baby? Hehe. My EDD is actually 3 Jan 2010. I bet the hospitals will be packed on 1 Jan 2010. All the pple sure want a nice date to be induced.
I thought a Jan baby would have a headstart too, but some teachers I know, said they'd prefer having a Dec baby. They say "rugi" 1 yr if you're a Jan baby coz you're so old. I seriously don't understand that rationale.
but then hor...this is ur 2nd one leh..she might wans to arrive earlier than jan.. aiyah anyway the most impt thing is bb is healthy lar..dec or jan bb not impt..
i agree with zhuzhu. Healthy baby most impt. jan or dec not impt. whether dec or jan baby, she is just what she is.

seriously i think you prob may want to weigh out your priority. To me, kids and family come first. Job oppportunity can come now but it also means it can come later. When kids grow up, you can never find back the time you want to spend with them. 10 to 20 yrs down the rd, they may not even have time for us when they have their own thinking, own circle of friends......its the other way round....Now, they waiting for you to come home from work....you prob be the one waiting for them at home next time.
zhuzhu, cheezel
Ya lah, I also don't bother if it's Dec or Jan baby. Lucky my hubby also like that. We also believe the most important is baby's in good health! I just find it strange when pple start suggesting to me all these things.

Awww, that's life I guess.... let's hope we really enjoy our kids' childhood. My 60yr old colleague, still smiles when he shares about how he brought his kid (20-30 yrs ago) to a children's show and how much happiness he saw in his child that day. Parenting is really a fulfilling, though challenging task...

Btw, I just got back from KKH, sent a colleague there who was in labour. The nurse looked at us and asked which one was giving birth. haha!
the nurse must be very confused to see 1 preggy sending another preggy to deliver...

tomolo we are going to see the thomas train show...anyone going?
You also caught the seseame st at compass point? me too. tomorrow me also going to watch another show like you and zhuzhu. but i am just going to united square for barney
Just returned to orpic...loads of email & work awaiting....Sianzzzzzzzz..

Was in Taiwan for a week...weather was quite cold and I only had a jacket. Lucky thing not raining there but just cloudy ..daylight quite short there..sky totally blacks out at 5pm daily.

Enjoyed myself alot there..went with hubby, my boy and my parents. Was a F&E trip.

Simply dread coming back to reality (Office).. DUH! :p
ur boy can take the cold in TWN? I tot of going somewhere cold in next Feb..but worry it will be too cold for my boy..
kids love cold weather. we brought ash to aussie winter when he was 2yrs old. he loves d weather n slp so much (in stroller). he wore long sleeve shirt w a slightly thicker jacket n jeans, it was sufficient for him. we did not go to places like melbourne or tasmania, if yes, i probably may add on scraf, vest n long john for him as melbourne winter can get real freezing cold. if is not snowing places, usually is not that bad. but my hb is more 'afraid' of cold than his boy. i loves cold countries!

hi SD,
welcome back. how i wish to go taiwan agn. but my hb not keen to brg 2 kids go such places. did Jonas enjoy himself much more this time? undtsd, af a gd holiday, d tot of work is a little sianz.. :p

wolfberries hv different grades. the better ones are the bigger n 'fatter' ones. the small small ones are usually a little sour in taste so dun put too much in soup. d better grades ones are nicer n naturally sweeter.
actually its true leh..we went to watch thomas the train show on sat..i was wearing long sleeves..n i still feel abit cold..but my boy..wah he wear short sleeves and okie leh..refused to wear the jacket..
I was less prepared for myself than for my boy...so I think I was colder in Taiwan...hahah..my boy wore long sleeve top, long pants, jacket and socks on the 1st 02 days..subsequent days I even put on long-john top(a thin thermal wear) for him. Me only had short sleeve T-shirt and jacket and open shoes... and yes, was I feeling cold when the wind blows..Lolzz...

Yup Jonas enjoyed himself.. I think he like hotel stay and "gai gai" every day from morning till evening with mummy & daddy.

He cried badly when he saw me going to work this morning though...leaving him behind the locked gates with grandma. :p
Hey springdance
welcome back to the tropics! Well, at least singapore is quite rainy these days, so not sooo hot...hehe

do share some pics with us! So nice that Jonas got to travel to Taiwan!

Ok thanks for the tip! Shall google.

Adam has an ulcer in his mouth and he's not been eating...just a few spoonfuls of rice. KEep asking for milk since last weekend. I was quite mad at him, then i realised he probably was hungry and didn't want to eat due to the ulcer....
wah u very brave leh...open shoes..geeeee

poor adam...it must be very painful for him..dat time Markus had ulcer in his throat..he din even want o swallow his saliva...
my girl high fever since monday. 38.4C. didnt really go down much, only to 37.8C, then up again.

even this Sat SSO baby prom also dont know whether can go or not.

interested in the cake baking class, but dont know whether she will be well by then

I am new to this thread. My son was a 2007 May boy..=)

Janet> Sorry to hear abt you daughter. My son just recovered from a 5 days fluctuating high fever (highest 40.5 degrees). Went to see doc 5 times. Pretty bad and the worse so far.

Hope that your gal can recover fast. Learnt from the kk's doc, usually viral fever last either 3 or 5 days.

So today is her which day?
there is a stomach flu virus going ard. jboy was oso having hi fever (39+ deg) for abt a wk. He was even vomitting. That was 3 wks ago. After dat, my ILs, their maid, my sil all oso kena the similar virus. SIL was even hospitalised. Doc says as long as they are hydrated and still active, shld be ok. B is active?

Hi Monica .. welcome to the thread
i'm going for claycove on 19dec, so cannot join you. how do I register for the bake session anyway?

re: Career
updates for all mummys, yes, I decided to stick to my old job with promotion cos it's rather "flexi" hours as in I can take leave whenever I want cos the management is used to me and office is 5 mins drive so I can rush back if kids need me. also will have the similar work load, so will just accept the promo they give me accept really pai seh cos some senior staff than me didn't get the higher post.

Hello Monica, for high fever, you may want to try to let him drink a bit of ling yang from Chinese medicine hall to reduce the heat. helps a little.

SpringDance, you enjoyed yourself so much that you won't feel like back to work. so what's your next project?

Re: Christmas gathering
ok, I'm think of something simple like potluck or just order food from Coffebean and a holiday gathering for Mapril mummies.
Anyone keen? will need a function room if have kids, else we mummys just meet for high tea.
Welcome, Monica!

Hello ladies!

would love to meet up again! It's been such a long time since I last met most of the mummies here. Been bringing YX to catch the festive shows while clearing my leaves. Hee. I had fun taking pix with CareBear myself too. kekeke.

I'm also going to this Sat's SSO prom. Hope your girl gets well soon!
Morning all!

Hope B gets well soon. Poor lil gal. Are you on leave now? Viral fever usually takes about 5-7 days to clear. Does she have tummy flu too? Coz I remember a PD I saw said, the fever that comes with tummy flu is usually very high.

Ya lor, I dunno if Adam's ulcer is on his gums. I hope not throat. I made porridge for him on Tuesday & he ate quite a lot. But yesterday he don't want already. Strange boy!

Hey good that you've made a decision. Good what, this place seems to have good prospects for you. For me, the chances of getting promoted is very low coz there are many many staff in my dept & also I'm the sort who does the bare minimum coz I guess I just have other priorities. Let the other singles prosper...:p

The baking class sounds fun! But I saw that it's only for those abv 5 yr? Adam helped out with just watching some sieving the other day when my sis was baking a fruit cake. See, no touch.
Welcome Monica!
So you only have one boy? Planning for No. 2 yet?

Poor B...I think it must be the viral flu...Early last month my bot also got stomach flu (got the virus from his dad) we think..he was having diarrhea, vomitting and followed by fever. We brought him to the doctor 3 times before he finally recovered.

Hope that B gets well by Friday and that your family can go ahead to watch the BB Prom.

You popping end of this month correct? Getting excited?
our kids can join. i check iwth the ladies. no age limit. for younger kids, we just participate with our kid and guide them during the class. older kids can just do themselves.
to register, can just email the lady. she will email u a registration form to fill up.

is B recovering? think there stomach flu virus going ard. a few of my colleagues down with that.

Congrats. when's bb due?
i only selectively bringing the boys for the festive show. We went library last evening n then pop by JP and manage to see bob the builder....n Javen told me to go mac instead. Say he dun like. so me n hubby happily went for dinner instead of staying for the show...hehhee.
hello all!

long time no log it liao. been v busy and tired cos hubby flying so much and Josh is sick and still have to take care of the small one. Maternity leave like no leave.

janet, coold, SD,
yes got stomach virus going round. Josh also got it. the worse thing is his cold and cough had not yet gone off, then he got stomach flu. really double whammy!

we are going to bb proms on friday!

I'm going for the 1st show. You lei? Look forward to seeing you and Jordan too! We miss each other the othe time at the Kids' run.

Thanks! Wanna guess? I'm 21 weeks preggy now
