(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Thanks! and you take care too!

I find Dr Joycelyn Wong caring and very patient. She takes time in explaining my queries. R u looking around for a gynae? I surely will give Dr Joycelyn Wong my 2 thumbs up!!!

My EDD is on 5 Apr 07. Can you pls kindly update the list? thanks!

Our EDDs are quite close to each other ..:)

Cheer up! I went for my 1st scan on my 5th week and saw nothing except the waterbag...and on my 2nd visit (i.e. 8th week) i can see my baby's heart beat .... i guess you shall get to see your baby's heartbeat on your 8th week too ..
thanks peggy,

guess i was too anxious....i never get to see my bb heartbeat for my 1st pregnancy....prob thats y i so worried
Can anyone advise what can we expect to see during the scan at the 9th week? I'm going next week, can't wait for the day to come...
Also, can I ask all mums whether you take leave or mc during your gynae visits? Dr Wong only sees patients during office hours and it's a bit difficult for me to arrange appointments as I have to be off from work.
kai ling
Doc say that the head, body and limbs are formed when she did scan at 8weeks but i can't really figure out which is the head. so i guess for your case, you can see your bb quite clearly.

and also request for Doc to let you hear your BB heart beat. quite fun!!

for appt.. i always arrange for a Sat so that i don't hv to waste my leave.
oh that's exciting!! can't wait for my nxt appt! thanks for telling me!

for my dr, her sat appt are usually very full and as advised by her nurse, it usually costs more...
<table border=1><tr><td>Nickname</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby #</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cmy</TD><TD>1-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR Hii HC</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Geyser</TD><TD>1-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dragon Gal</TD><TD>2-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Paul Tseng</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jessie</TD><TD>2-Apr-07</TD><TD>3</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>CelC</TD><TD>3-Apr-07</TD><TD></TD><TD>DR SC Chew</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dlim</TD><TD>3-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Mary Yang</TD><TD>GLENEAGLES </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peggy Ng</TD><TD>5-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peggy 17</TD><TD>7-Apr-07</TD><TD></TD><TD>DR HK Ho</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stileto</TD><TD>3-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Catherine Lee Sammi</TD><TD>4-Apr-07</TD><TD>3</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Michele Chua</TD><TD>5-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR YG Tan</TD><TD>RAFFLES </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wenthena</TD><TD>6-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR SC Chew</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fen</TD><TD>7-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR HK Ho</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rainbow7</TD><TD>7-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Suresh Nair</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baby Love</TD><TD>9-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR HK Ho</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>JL (Mindy)</TD><TD>9-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cindy (alcin)</TD><TD>10-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Kowa</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Page Up</TD><TD>11-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR LS Lien</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fiona</TD><TD>12-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Kowa</TD><TD>MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ixora15</TD><TD>12-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Yong T T</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Piggymum</TD><TD>12-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sweatcorn</TD><TD>14-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR Eunice Chua</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pine3</TD><TD>17-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR Kenneth E Lee</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angela Lee</TD><TD>18-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>DR PS Lui</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kai Ling</TD><TD>18-Apr-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ValC</TD><TD>18-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR WK Tan</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Scoobydoo</TD><TD>21-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>DR YC Wong</TD><TD>NUH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Eunice</TD><TD>27-Apr-07</TD><TD></TD><TD>DR Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
hi ladies,
may i know roughly what is the size of the bb at week 5-6......my one 7mm at week 5.....so i get confuse if that is the size of the waer bag or the bb......
hi cheezel,
my bb was abt 1cm at wk 7.. it's the size of the bb
so it is not the size of water bag? cos my gynae told me its water bag....so when i look at the scan print, it mention 0.7cm, i tot its the size of the water bg...so confuse
Cheezel, my first visit to my gynae was at the 6th week, where the water bag/sac measured ard 20mm, while the baby can hardly be seen yet

Yesterday just went to see the gynae for my 8th week visit, baby measured 15mm at 8W1D, can see the heartbest quite well ... gynae mentioned it was healthy growth

Maybe you'll like to visit your gynae for a scan again at the 8th week for a better clarification?
hey mummies..
Hey..wat's an OSCAR scan?? it's really expensive..
Pretty excited now..cos tmr..i'll be seeing my gynae again for the dating scan...to determine my actual EDD...hope to see the yolk or maybe hear the heartbeat!
As for me..i'm pretty worried about my gestational diabetes..i got it for my 1st preg..and doc already sent me for my GTT test liao..so most probably i already got it!..just pray that i'll be able to control my diet and my condition will not affect my baby's growth.

Cindy..congrats!..having twins is not easy..but it's double joy man!..do you have twins genes??..i'm also a twin..wonder me or my other twin will have twins??...
hi scoobydoo,

I think oscar stands for one stop clinic assessment of risk. It consists of the usual blood test and nuchal translucency test(i.e thickness of the baby neck to calculate risk of down syndrome). Most gynae will provide this service but of course at additional costs.

Hi J,

You can choose a gynae based on your budget, location of the clinic, where you want to deliver your child and of course, recommendation from friends. It is best to see a gynae as soon as possible so as to ensure your pregnancy is under good care.
WOW...Scoobydoo and cmy...you are twins...so cool! Are you and your sisters identical? I read up on identical twins and it seems like for identical twins, it's not hereditary. Only for fraternal twins.

The last time I went to the gynae was at Week 7 Day 6, the twins were 14mm. Can't wait for the next appointment to see their development!
hi mummies...
juz went for my gynae check up... bb is now 7 weeks 5 day at 1.42cm... can c little limb butts n the heart beating furiously... btw my edd has been adj to 21 apr 2007...

baby love,
can help to update? thanks a lot...

my gynae oso asked if we wan to do oscar... the price is so steep leh... hmmm... we r still considering loh...
hi SC!! I also went to the gynae today.

My bb is now 10 wks 1 day at 3.57cm CRL. Unlike my son, this fetus is very gentle. Slowly moving its hands and legs, while sucking on a thumb. Gynae said it is bigger than expected and so my EDD has been brought forward to 4th april. Also, according to a french method, I am most likely expecting a girl this time around. however, this method is not 100% accurate at this early stage. Will confirm with me the sex later
I am so excited!


I always call it the nuchal transluceny test. hehe just realised they are the same thing. I don't think i have a say in it. the last time my gynae just ordered it. I do not remember paying more for it. It is just done like a routine check. However, the test results will surely assure you and make any pregnant mom feel better. The only thing i rememebered was my son that time was jumping around too vigorously for the gynae to measure so we had to wait til he settled down. If i had to choose again I think I will take it. Will buy less maternity clothes then
cheezel, that was at week 6th... i've yet gone for my next visit yet... was supposed to go next friday but i pushed back to 26 sep.
hehehehe... wat french method... must tell me leh so that i can oso 'predict' the sex of my bb... told my gynae my symptons, she say 'so expecting a gal gal ah??... hmmm.... let's c...

think most prob we'll go for OSCARS... for mummies-to-be who are doing it at TMC from the fetus assessment unit (level 4), u can consider joining their first born incentive (FBI) or subsequent born incentive (SBI) programme to get 10% discount... i called up to check and they say if join b4 28 weeks its $108 and citibank card holders pay oni $98 until end of this mth... for more benefits of the programme, u can refer to their website or call them...
cmy..oh..so this is going to be your 3rd &amp; 4th kids..are you working?? or SAHM..
my mum is also a twin..they are identical leh..anyway..we'll see.
for my last pregnancy..the gynae actually check the folds of the neck through normal ultrasound scanning..i actually went through amnio..it's actually from the amnio test that we know that we are having a boy..haha..tot can see his little "bird" from that scan..haha
visiting my gynae later..will update..
hi sweatcorn,
i should be delivering at TMC also. Have u signed up for the FBI program? could u share with me the discounts we can enjoy under this program. I will be doing my Oscar in 2 weeks time
Hi scoobydoo,

Me working mother lah. Can't afford no working in SG. This is my 2nd pregnancy. Most likely confirm only one bb in my stomach...haha My mother not twin either leh...

The french method is done by ultrasound. Gynae will look at the part of the fetus and then the part see point where. if towards the top then boy if not then girl. gynae say only 70% accurate. But last time lerler also predicted boy at 3rd mth only at 12 weeks.

I don't have spotting and bleeding but quite a lot of white creamy discharge....did you do anything strenous?? Go and see gynae!
hi fen,

i have some spotting last week. It happen an hr after 1 moved bowel. Gynae suspect it is due to too much straining of muscle. However, he didn't want to take any chance so give me hormone pills and make me rest for 3 days. Going for checkup tomorrow, hope everything is ok.
Not all spotting will led to miscarriage but it is best to alert your gynae as soon as possible.
Hi stileto &amp; page up

thanks for ur concern, have see the doctor yesterday and was told too liang...would be me eating fruit early in the morning without any food inside the stomach...
baby is fine inside me.. so glad to heard that.. baby turing 10 weeks today and measuring at 2.1 cm..
Hi All,

can i join this thread? i have not decide on which gynae to go to. abt 11wks now and my EDD is 1 Apr 07.. this is my 1st bb..
Hi garfield

Welcome and congrates to your first bb. Do you have a few choice of gynae in mind? Think it is better to start visiting gynae soon to ensure you are well taken care of. Most anenatal package also start around 12 weeks

Hi Fen,

Glad to know that.Do take care. Will be moving into 2nd trimester soon when the pregnancy is more stabilised.

Also got back from my checkup today. Am glad that the baby is doing ok, can even see him/her moving his/her limbs... so cute! But the bad news is my blood pressure shot up again just like my previous pregnancy *Haiz!* got to avoid all outside food from now onwards because they contain too much salt

Hi Michele,

I only know spotting is quite common in first trimester when pregnancy is at most unstable stage. There are many causes but one of them *touch wood* is the sign of threaten miscarriage. YOu may want to read this website for more details.


I find it rather strange. During our grandparent or parent time, spotting during early pregnancy and miscarriages are quite rare, but it is so common nowadays. Wonder if we are weaker as compare to older generation.
my package started on my 2nd visit at 8weeks leh.

my mum said when she had me she had spotting the whole of 1st trimester.

how come i dun see any limbs?? only a tadpole looking thing.
Hi Page up,

I have shortlisted Paul Tseng &amp; Joycelyn Wong both from TMC. Quite keen to take up hynobirthing class from fourtrimester. May I know what are the compulsory tests that i need to take cos I am VERY scare of needle?
Hi page up,

Ya.. most of us will be moving to the sec trimester soon.. hope we will all be fine then..
Haha.. me also can see my baby moving yesterday when doctor use vigara scan as i complain abt stomach pain and spotting ma..
blood pressure shot up isizz due to the food u eat? too salty? i also very worry as my in law maid cook very salty de..
Hi ValC,

Which week are you in? Mine is approaching 10 weeks so I guess that is why can see the baby moving limbs

Hi Garfield,

Some of the ladies here use this 2 gynae. I think there are some discussion about Dr Joycelyn Wong if you scroll up.

There will be a triple blood test in 2nd trimester when they will draw up 3 tubes of blood for testing. Later during birth, there will be more needles and cuts, even if you choose natural birth without epidural.
What I did is try to look away when gynae or nurses poke needles in.

Hi fen,

Yah, doctor said eating too much salty and fatty fat will elevate the blood pressure. I read that it is not very common lah. I'm not too sure why I got it. My blood pressure is usually on the low side, I sometimes will faint because of that, but once i got pregnant, it shot up like nobody business.
Anyway, because of my history of pregnancy induced hypertension, gynae advise me to avoid all outside food which usually add in more salt or msg.
I think from next week onward, I got to pack lunch to work *sob sob* Felt a bit antisocial for not able to go out lunch with colleagues.
Hi pageup,

dun like dat lor.is onli for the time being de. dun worry.when ur blood pressure is abit down liao then u can continue to eat wif ur colleague during lunch x liao lor.if nt u can try to eat fishball noodles soup or wat lor.. just ask the ppl nt to put oil all that.. it will be very plain &amp; tasteless de.. but for the baby sake it should be ok... cos when my friend is on diet she also do these.. haha
Fen still remember me? that time u ask my i born in pig yr u hv msn can add me? i _ ling83@ hotmail.com

btw my last auntie visit was on 21st july then till now my auntie havent come visit me and i also got buy preg kit test dun hv leh maybe too stress ba....but this is the 1st i auntie never come if this mth also never come then will go see doctor and hv it check ..

hope u and yr bb r doing well.
Hi ling,
ya.. me still remember u lei.. haha.. hope u will join us soon..

Ya.. ling thanks for the concern.. although there is some spotting but glad to say that me and the baby inside me are doing also fine..
hope to heard from u soon lor..
hi page up... thanks for the info. i've not experienced any spotting but just wondering.

i still about 2.5 weeks before i next see the gynae and by then, will be in 2nd trimester. hope everything will alright in the meantime.
page up, i was at my 8 weeks when i scanned. mebbe in 2 weeks i will see limbs.

can't wait for 2nd trimester when i will feel back to normal again. now feeling generally sick. no appetite. and nauseas all the time.
i go home see my us pic n c the part pt where... think its point to the top leh... let's c if its accurate huh...

I do not hv the exact details of the discounts... hee... forgot liao... as this is my 2nd bb, I'll be joining SBI instead of FBI... u can call their hotline @ 6358-0055 to check on the discounts... vaguely remember got discounts off some services in the fetus assessment unit, some % discount in their pharmacy, got free 3 books, % off their antenal class, certain amt off their hospital bill in total n etc... but that was for 2005 so I'm not sure if there is any changes now... better that u call n ask them...
hey i jus called the SBI hotline, and my FBI is still valid. till nov this year. so i'm still entitled to 10% discount for oscar.
valc, mine oso still valid leh... kekeke... but dunno mine still in time for my detail scan in dec anot leh...

but think i'll still join SBI for the discount off hospital bill if this discount still valid... kekeke...
fyi, the disocunt is only off the room charges only, not the whole hospital bill. i wish. this is the info i got :

FBI or SBI is a privilege card valid for 2 years. To apply for this card, you need to fill in your particulars on the application form. Kindly provide me your mailing address so I can send the FBI/SBI form to you. The incentives are as follows:-

1) If your gynaecologist send you for a fetal assessment scan/X-ray or Ultrasound scan at TMC Level 4, you will be entitled to member privileges.

2) If you are going for ante-natal courses (Parentcraft ) at TMC Level 3, you will be entitled to member privileges.

3) If you deliver your baby at TMC, &amp; occupy a single room $100.00 off on total hospital bill size, $80.00 for 2 bedded &amp; $ 60.00 for 4 bedded will be given.

4) If your gynaecologist is in our FBI/SBI program, member privilege on delivery fee will be given and paediatrics member privileges will be given on consultantion fee (inpatient &amp; outpatient)

5) Our 24-hour Family Clinic at TMC, member privilege will be given to you, your spouse and new born baby when you see our doctor.

6) If you or your spouse would like to do a yearly health screening at our Lifestyle Centre at TMC Level 5, member privilege will be given to both of you.

7) Upon signing up for FBI/SBI program, 3 books worth of $48.00 are given to you FOC (Childbirth, Breastfeeding &amp; Childcare) which is written by our Lactation Consultant Mrs Wong Boh Boi.

8) We also have quite a number of Retail Partners in the shopping area, like maternity wears, baby products, milk products, confinement food. Yoga &amp; swimming courses etc.

9) Price of card for FBI: $128.00, $168.00 if you are more than 28 weeks into your pregnancy. Price of Card for SBI : $108.00 if your 1st child was delivered in TMC, $128.00 if your 1st child was not delivered in TMC, and $168.00 if you are more than 28 weeks into your pregnancy. (card valid for 2 years) Now, we are having promotion with Citibank till 30th September 06 (Price at $98.00), and Alum NUS member till 31st Dec 06 (Price at $108.00) The credit /member card must be either under yours or your spouse name.

10) If you are taking the cord blood banking for your baby with M/s Cordlife, you can save $50.00 per year on the storage fee.(save up to $450.00 for 9 years)

11) For our TMC pharmacy, you get member privilege for purchasing any products except for milk products and promotion items.

If you have any doubts, please do not hesitate to reach me at tel : 6358 0055 during office hours. Thank you and have a nice day.
Hi ValC,
Thanks for the information .. my next visit with Dr Joyclyn Wong is on 22 Sept and will be doing the Oscars Test on that day ... guess i better sign up for the FBI program soon

hi fen,

anyway, i don't really look forward to lunch time nowadays because really don't know what to eat. Most of the time I just eat 1/2 bowl of porridge, seafood soup w/o noodles or niang toufu w/o noodle. I will feel sick for the rest of the afternoon if i tried to eat more than that. Quite embarassing to 'merlion' when my office's toilets aren't that sound proof. ;p

Yah, look forward to 2nd trimester.

Have you ladies inform your bosses and colleagues about your pregnancy. I haven't tell any of them except for my subordinates (but I guess some of them are suspecting already). Not sure how and when to break the news especially to my new male japanese boss.
