(2007/04) April 2007 MTB


I still don't let Jesse watch kiddy shows...so he has no idea who Barney (don't like the idea of mass hallucinations), wriggles, teletubbies and etc are! Really blur boy. The only character he knows is Elmo and that's because there's an Elmo toy at his grandparents' place...and then I bought him one.

He watches the news though...every morning he'll come into my room (I'm still in bed) and he'll point to the TV and say, "watch news, watch news" hehe...

today went to marina sq then found out no show ... so sad!

anyway shopped at JL (spend $$$$ again) then came home ... quite tired ... panicking about work on monday but I keep telling myself to take it 1 step at a time!

My gal likes barney and little einsteins. I record the show in fact for her so when she wants the TV to be on, I'll just play the recorded show for her. I also like pocoyo and hi 5, but my hub station already running out of space!
Mrs Lai,

Jesse only knows how to Bang on the keyboard and do things I never knew my computer could do like zoom in on the windows...

So is there 20% discount at JL?

why are you thinking about work on Monday?
D; Ya got 20% discount. helped a male colleague to buy his household barang hehehehe

cuz got important meeting on tuesday and I haven't finalised the info/ people yet. kinda stressed cuz first time doing it and not much guidance ...
ahh...oh well, if you can't do anything about it this weekend, might as well enjoy it!
My HB used to tell me, "they don't pay me that much to think about my work after hours". haha.
juz came back fm barney show .. i thot it was quite nice. jboy likes it. It was soo crowded when we rch at abt 6.50pm .. luckily spotted min n dillion, so told security guard to let me in.

Thanks Min
don't mention!! next time i doubt i be that crazy to queue up for any children show

din expect so many people!
betta avoid wkend crowd at PS.. its scary unless you wanna q up real early to sit near stage
thks D

I was there @10am, the Q to enter was LONGGGGGGG!
Q for 5mins, walking to the hall for 10mins....

Choices of kid's shoes = not too bad
"shortlisted" 2 pairs for JK but no size.
shorthanded = wait for the staff to get the size for u = GOOD LUCK!

we left w/empty handed coz dun wish to stay too long in the crowds w/JK.

for all info:
there are few stalls at the hall entrance:
1. 3M = car mats; washing sponges, mop...
2. Beautex tissue
3. TC boy tuna
4. CNY goodies
n others
JL sale hv 20% for public
some selected items hv additional disc . opening hours were extended to 11pm yesterday ...

aiyo...never buy anything...

Today, HB and I went back to Tagore. In the end, still cannot decide on buying anything...so didn't buy. (okay, I'll admit, I'm eyeing another kitchen set by ELC). But we did get a free gift - steamer from Delphine. They were doing promo there and we signed up for free trial and they gave steamer. Oh well...
u signed up for the Delphine.
hmmm... i hv been approached by the sale few times when I'm @Suntec, TM n other fair.

jus 2share...i dun really feel good using their svc.
Cath sms me yesterday...she left w/empty handed too. no carpark lot!

will u b going coming Friday sale@ Tampines Ind. park? starts @9am.
if possible (hb's schedule), i will b there @9am...n do a fast one
Clark's Sale

It's the worst sale that I've ever been to....I'm not sour grapes but it's pretty bad organisation!!!

That stupid $$&^*%^%$ sales-kid who is supposed to get for us the kids' shoes (cos we could not take ourselves!) is super duper blur plus useless lor...witness some parents stood there with sample shoes for 30mins!!!! & the kid still return empty-handed!!! Poor parents...it's worth the trip but the organisation was hopeless....
Augleo: I need to report back to "prison" (A.K.A. School) on friday morning @ 7.30am!!! (siao!!! go back so early donno for what!!) can only go in afternoon...can grab for me...I desperately need CNY clothes for Mal....
what don't you like about Delphine?

Anyway, they just doing trial and my HB is the one handling them
I don't like to deal with "people"...hehe.
hi all,
kaizer was hospitalized for one night yesterday. we brought him to A&E after he vomitted non stop for 1/2 day(from friday night till saturday morning). was admitted cos doc was afraid he might be dehydrated. anyway, he's fine now. still having a bit of loose/watery stools, but no more vomitting. was also able to eat/drink, albeit not at the usual level. he's been gaining good weight before this. was 9.9kg when we weighed him at A&E. anyway, the hospital stay wasn't all that bad. he was feeling terrible only for the first 2-3 hours, thereafter, he was playing as usual and didnt mind staying there. shall post some hospital stay pics on his blog when i have the time. nites, everyone!
wow, must've been stressful for you and your hb. Glad that Kaizer is doing better. Did the dr find out what was wrong?

think disneytokyo's son had an episode like that a few months back...
Poor Kaizer... hope he get well soon...

I went to T3 to take photo with Mickey mouse too. OMG, the q was super super long!!! We reached
there ard 4pm+, still walk awhile then head down the the place. I didnt expect the q was so long.
We r queuing for 530pm but it was full. So end up, we have to q for 730pm session...
Glad K is oki now...u too, pls take care.

will try

saw u n family while i'm feeding near the fountain.
JK doesn't know who is Mickey mouse so.... we din join in the Q...after feeding JK we went up to Viewing Gallery

Why never wave at me?
Mickey mouse is Jay favourite character so we purposely bring him down to take photo!
Is it another allergy reaction? Wish Kaizer a speedy recovery and enjoy a happy Christmas.

CoolD / Min
We also tried to catch the Barney show at PS at 7pm...but we reach like 7.05pm only, so the place was jammed packed and we had to stand behind the crowd to watch...Jonas didn't like the hordes of people around him so we left after a short while. So dun think he'll ever enjoy such shows unless mummy miracously 'siao onz' queue 2hrs beforehand and get him the first row of seats so that he won't feel the "people pressure". LOLZzzzz.

I am also recording the Barney & Bob Builder shows on JimJam... coz we just ordered one of those small portable DVD player.. intend to load onto it so that when we go out for meals next time, can entertain my boy with it and we can eat more peacefully. :p

where did u get ur small portable DVD player ? how much u paid for it ? Brand name.
cos interested to buy 1 for my son
Were You Spanked As a Child? Will You Spank Your Child?

I was caned lots when I was young and slapped a few times (by my parents). It definitely worked in keeping me in line...but mostly, I got caned when I failed my spelling or didn't do well in exams.

Now, my parents say I should beat J when he's naughty (like touch things I tell him repeatedly not to touch). I'll say that because I hit hard, it stops him in his tracks but that's usually my mtd of last resort and I'm never happy about having done it.

As for failing in exams/spelling, I don't think I'll cane him for that. I feared failing but for somethings like spelling, I couldn't help it and it just led to other behavioural problems like lying, cheating, covering up, forging, etc etc.

Anyway, that's all just my point of view. What's your's?

Just in case you're wondering where I'm coming from: http://forums.asiaone.com/showthread.php?t=16542
D: sama sama. My mother believe in caning and slapping. To this day she defended herself cuz we were notti. But now we older can talk back mah, so I will say oh u think u very guai is it, you did this and this u think i dunno is it :p it's never ending lah.

beating and scolding excessively will result in fear and insecurity, so obviously no good. But i believe there is some truth is spare the rod and spoil the child. For me, now V = wagging finger as final warning before getting spanked. Usually getting spanked means 1) picked up by me (which is getting harder) and then 2) 3 quick smacks on her butt - not too gentle not too hard. Gentle = play play and I dun want her to associate with that. Before i do that I tell the maid to go and hide in the room and lock the door. Cuz my gal will cry and cry and then look for the maid for comfort. whether it works? hmmm ... I'll say yes, cuz she doesn't play with my glass cabinet anymore, and if she's in a cheeky mood, she will do something notti, like pretend to eat a button and then wag her finger at me.

to date, i think i spank her 4 to 6 times. Mostly wagging the fingers or carrying her into a corner and letting her cry/ ignoring her works. Which of cuz only works if the other pple cooperates.

then again my method doesn't work for every one cuz each child has their own temperament. Just unlucky for her she also happen to have a mummy tt's even more stubborn than her.
about spanking of kids . i am guilty of doing it to my son too . whenever he refused to listen to instructions or when he hits or snatches toy from his playmate , i will spank him on his thighs. real hard type coz i considered as notti behaviour. like when he cldnt sit still at dinner time , i will spank him real hard and strap him to his chair ( which will end up with lotsa of tears n unfinished meal)

recently i juz came back fm jpn . my ex boss also hv a son who is actually much younger than zac ( 3mths younger)
he told me they dun spank their son . they only talked to him nicely ... give warnings etc and really tell him not to do this and that .
which of coz , the notti boy continued to do lah .

when i compared his son and zac's behaviour . both are equally notti , touch this and that , cannot sit still . take the toys and messed around and throw things all over the place etc.

conclusion , even if i had spanked zac real hard before , he still persisted in all the above nonsense . so spanking him doesnt mean that he will change for the better .

hence , after my trip , i hv stopped the spanking temporarily coz i feel that it doesnt work for my son at all . still so notti n itchy hands ...

moreover i will make him dislike me more if i hit him .
nowadays, uwhen k is notti, i will ask her go n stand at her notti corner. and she usually goes.
but i am wondering now, is she beating me back ? coz i will beat her hands when i deem its needed.
T3 got viewing gallery meh? that day my friend brought us up which he claim that is viewing gallery but cannot see any planes coz they are using 2 way window.

how disney tokyo? so long nvr see her online oredi.

I spanked his tigh before. but i always regretted then give him a hug coz he loks like on verge of crying real loud.
but spanking or beating him also no use coz he will repeat his actions again.
he is not scared

even naught corner also no use. he tend to move away then i hv to cary him back again. so tiring
Is Augleo who mentioned got viewing gallery.

Jay also not scare after I spank him.. he will repeat again too.
Not to mention naughty corner. When I bring him there, he will cry & run & look for me.
mummies: i think pick your battles lah. we can't win everything and we can't really reason at this point of time. No point killing ourselves also. Sometimes I think they do it just for attention. Like sometimes i play with my gal but my attention drift away, then my gal will pose with the button in her mouth in front of me.

If she's really sleepy or hungry, i give discount.

She dun have notti corner now, but what my SIL does is she bring the gal to the bedroom and close the door. then she will ignore her gal and read her book. Notti corner = restricted movement, cannot get off the bed. But think her gal slightly older can understand and will listen.

the kids are also smart, they know our weak points and they know who to run for help (esp grandparents or helper). So sometimes v hard to discipline when the others are around also.

Min: if the kid will cry, i will let her cry. no hugs until she has calm down. now she will pretend to cry v loud but no tears. only when she realse we not taken in, then got tears come out. terrible rt?

micK; can't help u if K beats u back. V dun do that. but she got this habit of playfully patting the face (which can be quite hard at times - like patting the dogs :p) but we will tell her "no" very sternly. if she repeat, we will hold her hands and repeat "no" again. No surprisingly, V's first word is "no" :p
now my D is in the spitting saliva phrase!
not happy or frustrated then will pui his saliva..

this behaviour i really dunno how to correct him..
Did D learn from somewhere? My Jay likes to play with his saliva & blow bubbles too...

I dunno where he learn it from.. sometimes play too happily, he will split out his saliva.
When I saw it, I will press on his mouth & said "No" very sternly. If he repeat again, I will spank him.
Apple red
Oppss...want to correct about the player...it's not on DVD...can just upload the movie files directly on the player (no need transfer to DVD) to play the recordings.

My hubby ordered online from Hardwarezone...I am not sure of the brand name but it costs $150.

Re: Spanking
I'm the soft mummy who have never slapped or spanked my boy...but I do give warnings in a stern tone (which doesn't seem to work).

Daddy does caning though...and it's those that leaves a mark for several days! Think it kinda works coz when the same naughty act is repeated after experiences of being caned...daddy just give a fierce "NO" and my boy will freeze and not attempt any further....or I will warn my boy "Stop or Daddy will beat beat you ok"..also works sometimes. :p
SD , cane ??? so extreme ... i hvnt resorted to that yet ...
my ma said , if we cane , they can become lagi stubborn

my cousin used rubber band to shoot their notti fingers , it works for her son
fyi: sale @Tampines Ind....email stated sale from S$3 but last yr from S$1 onward. not sure still hv any good buy.

past 2 years, stock will b replenish every morning so even u go on 2nd day i guess u still can grab some good deal ba.
Discipline or Counseling

Was discussing with hubby about this too....both of us supports certain amount of discipline, too but must go hand in hand with counseling...

Both of us were caned countless times when we were young. My mum even have this policy that we I ever fought with my younger brother (or vice versa) both of us would be caned, regardless who started it. Cos one hand can't make a clap. But hor...now, whenever we beat Mal, my mum would scold us lor....DUH!!!

ok, back to discipline. Usually we would give warning. By the 3rd warning, we would beat him at thigh. Mal would cry and scream for whoever beated him to carry him & sayang him. He would lie on floor and twist and throw tantum. We wouldn't do anything until he stops crying then explains why he is being beaten.

It's a hard battle lah but we do see some outcomes. Mal could remember what not to do & what stop what he's doing if we gave him a firm "NO".

1st day @ Cherie Hearts Childcare

It's a terrible and difficult day for me...hubby & me and both there. Mal stuck to us thruout the day. Refuses to participate in any activites or even eat the food (breakfast & tea break) there. When I disappear for awhile, he cried and refused to be pacified by any of the teachers there...sigh...am worried whether I should delay this...but I keep telling myself I must do this...very heart-wrenching for me...

Tom is 2nd day...think I must be more hard-hearted. I would put him there and run as fast as possible b4 I hear him cry...
