(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

tai tai, congratulations! Baby is a blessing and gift from heaven. Dont depress but rather enjoy it. *Smile* Baby can feel your moodiness.

So...How many months pregnant are you now?

taitai n fong,
i do rmbr both of u

congrat! tai2, u take care.
in facts, i was thinking who will b the 1st mummy here get mickey/minnie. is u. realli congrat! again. m hapi for u.

March bb updates:
Gene's BB 28th Mar = coming to 4 teeth le
Traz's BB 31st Mar = recently rejecting milk, hope is doing beta now. drinking breast milk.
page up = she seldom login not sure abt her bb updates but she will b joining us on 8th Dec = our bb 1st X'mas party.
bblove's BB = 28th March still drinking EBM.
my bb 29th March = 2 teeths coming, no sign of crawling forward. "crawls" backward since he was 4mth old.
Thank you mummies! Thank you for the good wishes.

Mrs Lai, you still remember me. I'm gg back to see Dr Fong for #2. EDD is 31 May 2008, but most likely earlier. Cuz I gotta go for c-section.

Caicai, you really know my "heart". I'm depress cuz I also haven't shower my #1 with enuf attention. And now PG with #2, dunno how true are old wives' tales, my #1 has been rejecting me. He cries like I'm torturing him when i put him to sleep, but once my maid took over he stopped his wails IMMEDIATELY. Imagine how depress I am feeling now. SIGH.

First Food - I got mine at Popular bookstore 2 months ago. I heard MH had arrange for BP at a better price. I got mine at a discounted price of $23 plus? It's useful, esp. to a super greenhorn like me. Cuz I really dun like the "old aunties" way of cooking. They add food which may trigger allergies to babies, like dried scallop which is an absolute no-no. My mum intro brown rice to my bb, but it causes indigestion. Sigh .... so it's better I read up, and use my own discretion.
mrs lai
gone were my days of dog-showing, training, breeding etc.
had 9 dogs staying in our 4 rm flat then..one kena ticks the rest all tio!
Everyday I spent abt 2 hrs de-ticking them. Catch and put on masking tapt, fold and piak!
can be quite addictive..the situation was once so out of control that i had ticks on my bed, crawling on the walls, and on my jeans (when i discovered only like aft half a day outside, in a cinema's toilet!)
Anyway, the only effective method of destroying them is one kind of powder (only availabe in pet farms), very toxic, apply on them and u'll find the ticks all dropping from the fur to the floor, dead and dried up.
The next best product is front-line capsules that goes to the bloodstream.
Front-line spray is a waste of $.

Hi Hi!
Of course i remember you!
and i think there's another mummy whose nick is quite close to yours...something like mrs taitai...

Ji4 lai2 zhi1 ze2 an1 zhi1 lor....
hey, i'm oso a tigeress, hb bull, gorgor goat, didi pig. thinking of a cow meimei...
same as u...all farm animals except for me!
Tai Tai: how could I not remember you =) same gynae somemore ...

Dun be too depressed - i know it hurts that your baby rejects you (mine will bo hew me from time to time) but in the end, the baby will know who's the mummy! and your baby can sense you are pregnant, hence jealous. You should see how my girl react when I was carrying my baby niece - i was like "wah cannot be guai" took me a few hours to coax her again ;P but baby will still want mummy in the end, no matter wat. Cuz they bo hew u for too long, they also lugi ... so now my gal bo hew me, i also bo hew her. and very fast, she wants me to carry her ;P

well, I've been thinking about number 2, but unlike you, no chance to accident - cuz basically is flat out every night. Dr Fong also says to try for number 2 after I stop Bfing so I guess won't be so fast lor ...

also to share, my sister also 1 yr difference from me, and we are v close from young - so will be v good for your children when they grow older.

Hi Hi!
Of course i remember you!
and i think there's another mummy whose nick is quite close to yours...something like mrs taitai...

Ji4 lai2 zhi1 ze2 an1 zhi1 lor....
hey, i'm oso a tigeress, hb bull, gorgor goat, didi pig. thinking of a cow meimei...
same as u...all farm animals except for me!
Augleo, u can really rem the updates of the bb here. Good Memory!! Pei fu!

Tai tai, wat is the old wivies tales about being pregnant and #1 will be rejecting you?
congrats, i also remembered you, and U really very long din post here liao.

since U preg #2, try to enjo yourself lor

born in the year of the tiger.
i also a tiger... as a child ppl say i fierce leh, bad tempered as well. but u see me now, where got fierce ?? kekekekeke
Our bb 1st X'mas Party:
Date: 8th Dec (Saturday)
Venue : THE EDEN @Tampines
Host: Michele
Time: Lunch
Will hv gifts xchange.
Currently, there are 41 mummies had signed up.
** family members n maid are welcome.
** PIC will do some calculation n advise hw much we need to pay per adult.
** mummies yet "sign up" come n join us
Taitai : Be happy... Since it has been a fact now, you should try to make the best out the the situation. Be happy for the sake of the little one inside you. The baby is a gift to you and i believe everything happen for a reason. Don't worry too much.

I have heard of the old wives tales about baby rejecting mummy when mummy is pregnant with 2nd baby and also other versions like the #1 suddenly being super cranky, super sticky to mummy. The old people believe that young children can sense. Some even say that if you ask a young kid who is close to you about the gender of unborn baby, normally their guess is correct.

I do agreed with Mrs Lai that it could be better for the kids as they will be real close. Just that mummy will be super tired. Take care and update us ok?
tai tai, i don't believe in old wives tales at all. i think your baby wanted someone else to put him to sleep at that instance cos you were depressed and tensed up. he probably could feel some bad vibes.

cheer up and look towards the bright side. like mrs lai said, think of the good stuff that can happen. then when you're happy, your baby will love to play with you and have you carry/comfort him =)
congrats!!!! take care and rest more. you're gonna be more tired in 1st tri. have someone help you for a while. are you working?
also remember that during period we are a little more emotional. every little thing makes us cry.
outing this week
plaza sing and vivo also got daiso leh! why must go until IMM?? hehe... if the other 2 locations, then i can join!

taitai! congrats! indeed, children are god's gift from above so enjoy and keep only happy thoughts coz both your baby inside and out can feel it when you're unhappy!
Dear mummies

Thank you so much for being so encouraging. Its sure is a depressing time I am gg thru now. Very worried who is gg to care for #1 and #2 when I am back to work. Doubt my maid can look after 2 babies. #1 will be bz crawling and walking, #2 wailing for attention. Maid is good with #1 so far, but dunno how is she ever gg to cope wif #2. No help fm MIL cuz she past away a couple of years ago, #1 too young to go childcare, my mum is absolutely hopeless ....

Tough luck for me. I was hoping to stop at one. But now expecting #2. If heaven wanna play a trick on you, no matter what you do also cannot hide. I juz gotta keep my fingers cross that all will turn up well.

I had a tough 3 weeks as my HB was not in town. Finally, he is back today, I can "throw" precious to him & take a mental break.
hi ladies,
I'll likely be going for IMM outing.. just thot I'd start this list..

Date: Fri 2nd Nov
Time: what time? 2pm is good?
Place: haven;t been in awhile-- where is good place to meet? Mrs Lai- suggestions?

1. MichelleK
2. Gene
3. Sanrio
4. Mrs Lai
5. Cindy
6. Catherine
7. Mrs Chia
so many posts!! i can't keep up leh.. kekeke

i rem u too.. congrats! understand your emotions & worries.. but dun get too stressed up.. "what come may".. juz handle whatever comes along.. am sure u can go thru it.. yah gd that u let your hb 'take over'.. rest whenever u can..
Taro : My hubby brother's 3 yrs old got to remove a no of his teeth and i think it costed them $300 for each tooth extracted. So must really take good care of their teeth.
Taitai: so u have been missing to make bb ah congrats!!!! You mst learn to relax.. ur initial preggy days leh.. things will flow smoothly one.. bb is here for a reason.. of cos not to torture u or god playing trick on u k??
hope i can rem who to reply to...

ya my gal can crawl now.. but still on tummy kind, using her four limbs to move ard..

i dunno what's the reason she doesn't drink as much in the morning.. her last feed is abt 9+/-.. thot she wld be hungry when she wakes up in the morning but she cldn't finish 150ml intially, so i reduce.. she's ok with 90ml in the morning.. strange hor, bbs hv eating patterns one..

i started her one feed semi-solid, juz to see how her body reacts.. so far ok, she's taking more portion now.. i juz started 2 meals for her this wk.. 6pm is cereal.. i dun add salt/seasoning to her porridge.. all natural taste.. recipie? me like gene, using baby food maker.. will cook porridge till nua nua, steam carrot/potato/sweet potato/pumpkin etc.. when ready, juz mash up and mix with porridge.. later thinking of steaming apple to mix with cereal..

if Keria doesn't fuss, think it's fine not to feed her at 1am.. my opinion lah..

tks again.. think i won't go IMM.. i need to look for something nice to wear for my sis wedding.. will go to another place..

sorry can't share cab with u..
family members can tag along? and they must pay right?
my hb needs to work on weekends sometimes. if so, i will get my sister to accompany me.
mummies: just to let u know IMM will chrage parking fees from 1 nov onwards.

HOWEVER, the first three hours are free so i guess it's more than enough time to shop an eat

i go imm daiso cuz i only know PS got daiso and it's kinda small, so i stick to imm. but if others also big, then why not ?

generally i have phobia oh shopping centres ciz of my ex job but ps, taka, imm and marina square ok cuz seldom go there.
Augleo / Taro
I will be mixing both brown rice and white rice for the porridge coz I think just brown rice alone, it will be quite coarse and my boy probably wont like. By the way, he refuse to eat the HT Brown Rice cereal. Even his Heinz White rice cereal, he also getting tired of it. Used to be able to fnish quarter bowl now a few mouths then dun wan liao.

White rice I think dun need to blend rite? Only need to blend brown rice

Yah I also think that its so dirty to such the toes but what to docannot stop baby from doing it lei. Hehehe so you manage to catch a glimpse of my office just now eh?

Dun forget me also seeing the same Gynae as you & Mrs Lai.

Am sure Dr Fong will be very delighted to see you. Bring your baby to the visitsthink Doc Fong will be overjoyed to see your chubby baby.

Kids are a blessing from heaven Chuan Dao Qiao Tou Zi Ran Zhidun worry so much nowjust take care, eat well and enjoy your second pregnancy yah. If cannot cope, can consider sending the 1st one to infant care. Sure got solution one lar..
Kelly, you are so funny! I hv to be very honest with you. My sex life is zero. The time I conceived #2 was done on my infertile day and using a condom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So you see, if heaven want to play a trick on you, no mater where you hide will also kana strike one.
To think that I was married for 7 years to conceive #1 since both HB and I have medical problems. But now ..... no need to say more. Oh ya, our babies share the same BD 8 April rite?
Springdance: ya loh.. finally know which is ur office.. hahah

Taitai: huh.. u use condom still got no. 2?? So mst be one of the days u never use la or then.. ur condom expire liao.. yes.. they both the same.. hahaha.. bt ur #2 bb sure earlier than mine!! Hahaha.. shows that after #1 sure fertility go up!! so everyone expecting #2.. pls start night exercise soon!! hahah
I agree with Mrs Lai, that u can get it over at 1 shot, without settling into your comfort zone yet. Otherwise u would have to struggle with all those upside down sleep pattern years later will be even tougher.
Mrs Lai, I'm exptg to hv #2 at all. I spent so much $$ losing weight, and buying new clothes ... waleow, now all cannot wear. To think that I even gave my maternity clothes to the karung guni man, save for some nicer ones. Now must buy all over again. Waste money. Me old mama, no energy to keep up with babies leh. :p

Kelly, I know exactly which day I conceive, & I used!
Am I missing something here, r u PG with #2 too?
kelley sounds like she expecting hor .. darbebe
wow condom still can get preggy . wat brand u use ? maybe expired one ...
Erm, mine's a gal lor. She's very good, thanks.

Haha. Ok, then I shall not spoil her angelic image.

You damn funny lor, the way you describe bb Hippo.

Congratulations! But you should try to maintain a happy mood for the sake of your bb lor. Must take good care of yourself ok. How many months are you now?
caicai & Dlim
yah, she sounds like she's pregnant wor!

use condom still strike lottery, somemore infertile days. No wonder u said unexpected.
*pat* But still, being pregnant again is such a joy! Should enjoy it before its over. Take care.

where are you? Quick unveil the mystery.
