(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Sandwich: that weight of my gal is of the assessment at 6 months.. she is already reaching 7 months. These 2 days .. she refuse to drink milk or even eat her favourite cereal!!

Traz: hahaha.. funny la.. urs also commando sperm!!

Ixora: I thnk my English explanation damn bad..kekeke

Michelle: wat is SIDS?


Gene : 2am and you are still awake.

Michelle : So amazing. I thought my friend's 3.8kg is big enough le. Haa...
Hi Mummies! Have been missing in action for like such a long time. Maybe some of u already forgotten me liao

Last time I always sneakily peek in and message chitchat while in the office but now... sigh... good days over and office security quite tight, so can only visit during breaks.

Last week I was SAHM for 8 whole days while my ILs went holidaying in Taiwan. Even though at hme and dun need to work, but virtually occupied with entertaining "boss" and housework till no time to watch TV, let alone log on!
KUDOs to all SAHMs who can juggle all the tasks and yet find time for relaxation like pop in to chat! Really peifu peifu!

Even tho SAHM is v bz but it is so fulfilling. Felt very close to my boy and as if our relationship had grown closer.............
How I wish to be a SAHM................... but...

<font color="0000ff">during that week I tried stopping BF but now I have second thoughts and might want to relactate. Thing is the flow is now miserably low. Only 50ml when I expressed in the morn (after 2 days never express liao).

How do I improve the flow?

Any ideas?</font>
so early U post, def will count u in for tomorrow!

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
SIDS is the leading cause of death among infants who are 1 month to 1 year old

ya, v v busy leh.. busy till i tired when i m at home, last nite slept at 9+ together with ashton. piggy mummy and little piggy... :p

the song ah.. i love the song leh... might be it's my march in song on my wedding banquet


hope to hear good news too kekeke...
Hi Kate!!

Next week onwards when i change dept, i will also be very busy and can't log in for a chat anymore. Sianz.

Actually i always feel closer to my girl after every weekends. Haiz... But it only that miserable 2 days a week. And i always feel so relunctant to bring her to my IL's place on Monday morning.

I also think being a SAHM is not easy. Whenever i took leave and stay home, i will be extremely tired by end of the days.

To improve flow, i think need to buck up on your expressing again.
so we misinterpreted yesterday. haha, to think it got some of us excited over it.

at last i collected my stuff from you. thanks.

dreamygal, u got promoted hence the change of dept?
mummies going to IMM this Friday: FYI!

2Nov to 4Nov
King's Creameries (S) Pte Ltd
51 Quality Road, Jurong,
Singapore 618813
Tel: (65) 6261 3133/4
Fax: (65) 6265 5325

** they will b providing dry ice packaging.
** more than 30% off

** feel like going during wknd.
if any mummy go, pls help advise what are the good buy. was told customer will b given a list of sale products.
Re: IMM Gathering,

Not able to join during wkdays. For those Mummies who are going...enjoy this fri.

Baby sleeping routine

Can mummies here advise how u plan for your bb sleeping routine? I have problem with my son as his sleeping time in the night is not regular. Sometime he can sleep ard 8pm+ & sometimes he can stay awake till 11pm++ the latest. Pls help!!
darbebe : not promoted... just a change loh... but that dept should be very busy... Its their peak season now... haa...

Usually 9.30pm, I will shower or towel wipe my boy. Massage a little if he good mood, & than his last feed at abt 10pm. After that he will sleep.
Michelle: so bb just die??

Darbebe: good right my English.. gotcha!!!

Dlim: dont worry.. 2 of us.. organize for weekend mummies..hahaha.. I love to go IMM.. my gal sleeps between 10 pm.. latest 11pm.. depends on whether she got take nap at 7+ or not..
I'm really envious how ur babies all sleep so early! Mine doesn't sleep till around 12mn and that's provided i sleep with her. i tried tricking her by placing her on the bed at 10pm and pretend to sleep too but she just can't fall asleep!!! And she sleeps on my Queen bed too...so me and hubby have to squeeeeeze. No chance for any minnies and mickeys in the near future! hahaaha

Re: IMM on Friday
Yipppeee!! I may be able to join after all!! Will anyone be passing by JE entertainment centre or Science Centre? If so, can give me a lift...pleeeeease? :D

have you consider letting bb sleeps seperately? My sil told me never to let bb get used to sleeping on our bed coz it's a habit that is difficult to change .. So imagine when bb grow bigger, you & your HB will be left with lesser space. She says her sis is a 'victim' & the worst part is, her daughter sleeps on her arms somemore. Now, she has to see doc. for some problem on her arm's vein
Initially she was sleeping in her own cot till about 1 1/2 mths ago...she will keep waking up and cry when she realises she is in her cot. And if i place her in her cot when she first falls asleep, she will definitely wake up once her but touches the bed!! sob!!! n i need my sleep so i decided to let her sleep together with us just so we all can sleep!! sob!!!
<font color="ff0000">cool daughter</font> : I actually requested for a trial at Suntec but the person don't recommend as it is an outdoor pool. She said that our babies are too young and she is afraid that they will catch a cold, weather and water will be cold.

She recommended me a trial at Tanglin village, a private pool but the booking over there is full. I am on their waiting list for 18 Nov. If she can confirm, then i will post here.

<font color="0000ff">Dlim</font> : My girl usually sleep at about 10pm. Will let her drink milk and pat her to sleep. We try to keep the timing a routine. But of course sometimes she just wanna stay awake.

<font color="119911">Kelley</font> : I want. Maybe you organise one weekend outing to Vivo lah. Then we bring our babies to the roof-top pool for a dip.
cindy: if my gal fall asleep, have to wait about 10 to 15 min before putting her down. Cuz they may be asleep but not soundly asleep ... I usu do the hand test ... if her hand already limp, means usu can put down, but if lift her hand and got resistance, eamns cannot put down yet :p
Mrs Lai : same here...

If not i will see her mouth. If she fall asleep sucking pacifier or drinking milk halfway, her mouth will be slightly open and not sucking anymore when she's soundly asleep. And that normally the time to put her down le.
All mummies, thank you for all the good wishes. You ladies cheer up my down down mood.

Dlim, I train my boy the hard way. I "force" my boy to sleep at 9pm every nite, even if he is wide awake. I put him down in his cot, tell him "it's bedtime, nite-nite" .... and pat him. Initially, boy boy didn't know what was gg on. When i switch off the lights & left the room, he will wail at the top of his lungs. After crying for awhile, he'll get tired. I will re-enter the room pat pat him, give him pacifier and he'll fall asleep. You need perseverance, takes about 1 week for bb to get into the "pattern". Less crying & resistance as time pass by. I'm glad I was iron-hearted to use this method, cuz once bb is asleep around 9pm, I've got time to read the papers, bathe and watch some TV.
i think we can both sob together coz my boy also sleep in betw us on queen size bed

initially he will be in his playpen but in midst of nite he will wake up then blur blur me will bf him then convieniently place him our bed

so lately we juz let him sleep betw us for convenient sake.

good thing is to be able to see him when i first wake up .. but we always kena kicked by him coz he will sleep in 12o'clock position then end up at 3o'clock position
tai tai
at least u can let your boy cry his heart out.. i can't coz i stay with MIL. u know lah.. older ppl can't bear to let their grandson cry so long.
now my boy very smart. when we carry him to sleep, he will grab our tee shirt real tight. if we attempt to put him down, he will grab even tighter, not willing to let go.

until his hand goes limp like wat Mrs lai say then that means he sound asleep
Min, yes I can understand. Dun say inlaws, when I started this "torture" my HB also, "buay song" me. But for the good of the boy, I must be iron-hearted. According to some articles if we dun train our bb, especially after 6 mths old, to sleep on their own they may develop a high dependency on their parents. Some kids will continue to sleep with their parents until 6 or 7 yo, but eventually decided to sleep on their own. Still, they will have a high dependency on parents. If is a gal, I dun mind. But mine is a boy boy, must be more ruggard. Cannot let him be so dependent on me.
Min!!! My bb exactly the same!!! I'm also in the same situation as you...staying with in-laws...so cannot let the dear grand daughter cry too long!!! otherwise MIL surely come in and ask what's wrong and next thing..."come...grandma carry" which is the last thing i want!! i also bf so ya lor...convenient but not good lor...no space and cannot sleep well.
cool_daughter: Your boy so obident, he still let u massage him. My boy ar...ask him to lay flat on his back is like torturing him leh. He will scream & want to turn over. Really bui tan han him. We need at least two ppl to entertain him when changing his clothing etc... I have ever try to let him sleep at 8pm last time & he is ok but now dunno why cannot liao.

Kelley: Same lah..depends what time is his last nap. If wake up late like 6pm++..he will sleep late. So i always told my mil that i discourage to let my boy to take his nap after 5:30pm.

Cindy: My boy also sleep with me & hubby on the queen size bed. And he will sleep with all sort of pattern. Sometime his head will lay on my hubby side & leg facing me...end up, i always kanna kick by him.

dreamygal: Its good to keep a routine & i read from the website is good to train our bb to sleep at 8am. I find it very difficult leh.

Taitai: Thats the correct way of training your boy to sleep in his cot but as u said must be iron-hearted lor. I dun think i can do it... Thats why everytime i dun hv time to do my things at night. By the time, i let my boy sleep & i finished my shower etc...already 10pm++. So tired leh!

So i very envy those mommies who have time to do blog for your bb.. pei fu!
Dlim, lucky I was iron-hearted to start this regime. Cuz now I'm PG wif #2, & if my boy cling on to me every nite like this I will sure suffer from pre & post natal blues. I hope my boy can be less dependent & play on his own so tt when #2 comes along, we could handle the 2 without much hassle. I dunno whether my maid can look after 2 after I return to work. Sigh .... This is my biggest worry now. The though of this makes me wanna cry.
Doc Fong aged a lot ah? Kinda sad to hear that think hes really popular and very busy with the patients cant get proper sleep wit so many deliveries to take care.

His pretty taitai wife probably use his $$ to go facials, botox injections and make-up. Me very bad horsay her until like that :p

Yes I agree with Sandwich ValC ever mentioned the difficulties of feeding her 2nd baby AND I feel that your Ashlyn is already of good weight dun be so KS lar. hahahah!

Thanks for the adviceactually I have every tried giving his cereal with the jarred baby food (carrots puree).... he also dun really enjoy but got eat lar.he very yim chim!!!
spring : dunno which is his wife so can't comment

but i have to agree... he seems to age a little everytime i see him ...
good to hear that you are cheering up. Stay happy to have a happy bb!

u huh, tempting ppl to spend $ again.

normally i will plan to let my girl have her last feed at 8+ then play with her till 9 to 9+, thereafter will put her on bed and pat her to sleep. Will wake up about 2 to 3+am for her night feed and off to sleep again. she will usually wake up at about 8+ or 9+ lor.

She has been on this schedule for about 2 months le. So far so good but there are also times when she only slept at 10+.
u must sprinkle some bb lucks to those mummies want mickey or minnie mouse

oso, come n join us on 8th Dec let us KIAN our preg days.
haha! who knows by then JM n Kelley aldy preg.
hee hee. nice right? Just wanna share mah. I missed out on a lot of BP lei. Just missed the shoe socks and famiy tee
I ever heard that baby cannot wear shoes before they reach 1 year old. Dont know how true but heard that they will keep falling down when they walk next time.
3 months ago, i've posted this question (y bb can't wear shoes b4 1 yr old)but no answer.

i get the answer today. heehee!

** last Dec, during "kids visit parents day" 1 of my colleagues let her 4mths bb wear shoes n the ofc cleaner told her not suppose to...i was puzzled but din ask more.
Thank you mommies for your feedback. I will try to train my boy to sleep early tonight & hopefully he will get use to it.

darbebe: My confinement lady told me the same thing too. But then my hubby still doesnt believe & let him wear the shoe i bought from Osh Kosh. That shoe was meant for my boy to wear when he is 1 years old...I told daddy better not else next time Jayden will keep falling when he learn to walk. Still he ignore me...
Dlim : Sleep at 8pm then i wouldn't have time with her leh... Maybe until i resign bah...

Min : Ok lah. I will arrange. Looking at Tumbletots. They only need 6 babies in order to start a class for us. Trial fee $23. I will call them soon.
At last the forum is up!!

Augleo: pai sey, I might have overloook ur post on this question. Now u got your ans today! hee..

Dlim: not sure how true those myths were so I just resist buying shoes in the meantime first. Otherwise, I will be gian to let my girl wear insead of keeping it in the cupboard at home. I have super weak determination.
hi mummies, my baby is one of those "sleep early type". he follows a bathe-drink-sleep routine. he slept at 8pm sharp yest and today. we ever used tai tai's method when he was about three months old. it's quite effective, but you've really gotta convince everybody at home not to pick the baby up when the baby fidgets and cry. try closing the door and getting the grandparents to watch tv loh.

just a few weeks back, my baby picked up a habit of needing to grab a piece of fabric (for security) before he can fall asleep. i've tried to use stuffed toys and pillows on him, but he doesn't really like them. so i've gotten a seamstress downstairs to sew him a blanket similar to the security blankies that are on the BP thread now. hopefully will turn out cute.
did you let ashrel try bellamy's organic toothiepegs before? curious if he developed a reaction to it. cos i bought a box today but i saw the wheat and dairy advisory only after i've opened the box. dunno whether i should let kaizer try then.

augleo, dlim, darbebe
if your babies start walking before one years old, then of course have to get them to wear shoes right? they can't be walking on socks or be barefooted outside the house. and of course these babies will be falling often when they learn to walk because if they're learnt to walk at 10mth-12mth, they'll not be very stable yet.
