(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Happy to hear the good news!!

Yes, we are meeting on 18th!

You r good with dates!

Adidas Factory Outlet Sale up to 50%

2nd Sept to 22nd Sept
12pm to 7pm daily
Wing Tai Industrial Centre
105 Tampines Rd
Hi mummies,
Re: Genting
we're planning for a family trip to Genting either 3rd or 4th week Sep. can share with me your experience (i hvnt been to Genting for ages)..
1) Genting Hotel or First World Hotel or?
2) Are they near to d theme park?
3) Besides theme park, any other interesting places?
4) Food?
5) Any other things to note?

personally, i find the genting rm much much nicer n more spacious. First world, i tink wif kids, beta not. But the indoor theme park is nearer to first world tho'.

You can do both indoor n outdoor theme park, shopping etc. Are you driving? If u are, can stopped by at the temple at mid-hill. Nothing much, juz walk ard .. there r some stuffs like our Haw par villa.

The best thing abt genting to me is still the weather .. so enjoy
sanrio, first world is much newer but terribly small - go for the biggest possible room your budget allows for! yes, just enjoy the weather. ash can enjoy the rides too!

traz, very happy for you! continue pigging out & don't think abt the weight gain now! you haf no fat cells in your body one lah! u'll regain ur slim figure very soon after!
okie i go check it out. i read ur blog, can tell me which cereal cos cher is still eatg cereal for brkfast evyday..
oh, sso bb prom, wld u b getg d tickets? i m keen to go on the fri session. u n sandwich gg?
gd to hear tat. yes u mus eat more. no worries abt eatg like a pig lah, w 3 kids to run af, those preg wt wld all b gone. share w us ur studio pics
J.little sells allerhand bags? thinking of getting a small one... keke... if yes, then count me in!

sanrio, let me get the lab test results from the company first. don't wanna 'ruin' their reputation if its not their fault but if u search online, i think quite common lah... keke... SSO babies prom? yes, we'll be going. so far 3 of us, including u will be 4. tickets for public only opens on 15 sept although online now can buy oredi (supposedly opened for SSO members and must present card on collection/door of event but dunno how true?). confirm u wanna go?
Wah...looks like it'll be quite an outing next Tuesday!

I honestly don't know what JL sells...but I'm just going there to look see. Of course, will buy if there's anything.
Hmm...new diaper bag...sounds good.

Leo, are you thinking of buying M.Poko there? Don't know if it's cheaper...
eat, eat and get fat! good to hear that you're doing better now =)

genting sounds fun for someone of ash's age! come with us for the sso prom!

just downloaded google's chrome browser. features are so different as compared to explorer and firefox. the size of this post box is expandable, for instance. also, there's an irritating spell check on whatever i'm typing now.

cindy and d,
are you watching the US elections? i've been busy watching youtube videos of the speeches. looooooooooove obama. love the scandals abt sarah palin too! the elections have turned into a reality tv show of sorts this year!
Hi Sandwich...
No...i have been pretty busy packing to follow the elections! You like Obama? Hmmm...i dun quite like him...in fact i actually prefer Hillary to him! But if compare him to McCain..hmmm...think Obama then!
okie. cher is eatg Organix brand cereal now. she likes this a lot. when wld u b getg d tickets? i m tinkg whether shd i brg ash or brg cher, i cant manage both alone.
my HB follows but I'm just reading here and there, not really a lot of time to follow also...but of course I read about the scandalous bits. haha! I don't know if I like Hillary though..hmm...But ya, I prefer him to McCain. Having stayed in NY, if Bloomberg ran, I'd tell J to vote for him. haha. :p When I see Bloomberg and then I see all our ministers here, all I can do is shake my head.
the children can roam around so maybe can bring both... if you had to choose, I think Ash would enjoy better since he's older and can play go on stage and play with the different instruments at the end of it, whereas Cher like the rest of these tods would probably not "get it" as much. Ash needs a ticket, but Cher can go in for free...

But I read, roaming, crying, talking allowed...so maybe it won't be so bad to bring both.
9 Sep (2pm) @M.Sq = J.little

1. augleo
2. D
3. Gene
4. sanrio
5. min
6. michele (not sure abt the bag, but wat if dun hv? come lah...kekeke!)

is not a closed door pte sale.
so...join us
i agree ash wld enjoy more n wld b a gd exposure for him since he loves music. dun tink i can manage 2, wld brg 1. ar u coming along? but if i dun brg cher, hb got to take leave to take care of her..
yup, I'll be going...
If I go on sat, my HB would go too...he's okay either way.
If I go on sat, I'll probably choose the 2pm show. But as it stands, I'll join the group here...
sanrio, actually C loves her cereal too...
tickets i'll probably get on the 15 itself (coz sells out very fast!) and if u can, u shd bring both coz both will enjoy lah. C loved the music (& decor of the concert hall!)!
obama obama obama!

i like our health minister. am quite indifferent to everyone else on the cabinet though.

cindy and michele,
you gals were on a regular gymboree class right? thinking of bringing kaizer to gymboree when he turns 18 mths, since there's one nearby at vivocity. interested in their mums & babes yoga and art classes. have you seen them being conducted before? are they fun?

anyone have recommendations for fun classes for 18 mths old kids? don't really want anything that involves serious type of learning. i've checked ballet already, they'll accept from 3 yrs onwards usually.
mummies who organise sprees:
there was this article evaluating virtual concierge like vpost/comgateway/globeshopper services and efficiency on yesterday's paper.
You might be keen to take a look. Apparently, the clear winner is Globeshopper.
haha...I cannot imagine how they'll understand what to do at ballet class now...hee..."Come on kids, point your toes" and someone runs in the opposite direction. I asked around, rollerblading is also out until they are 3 or 4.

I think MyGym is quite fun.
That said, at the end of this package (maybe five more sessions), I don't mind trying something new too...or maybe sign up at another center. No particular push factor, I'm just "bored" with going to GWC.

Btw, our health minister's daughter smokes, a lot.
D, i dun understand? why must be 9am?? think after midnight shd be able to book already isn't it? u join me @ marine parade when his sessions @ GWC are over! hehe... then we can go together!

s/w, i just signed C for 2 semesters @ mygym since my li'l monkey has abundance of energy - am thinking of starting her on the montessori playgroup from next year (twice a week, 1.5hrs) actually. u know i think kaizer would love mygym coz he's just as active as C. i'd love for C to try ballet at some point too.
oh ya hor...heh...so you standby 12am lor :p

I see how lor...have to contemplate driving and parking there...it's always so crowded. If at Big Splash, I don't mind...more parking.

Say, the playgroup, issit parent-assisted or independent? Do they have website?
i tot of signin cher for mygym too. ash attended the one at woodlands last tx n he liked it. cher has 'suddenly' becum very active n loves to climb!
d, michele and sanrio,
mygym locations are too far away for me. gymnastics is a possible idea though, since he really loves to climb.

found this other club that offers gymnastics classes for tods, in case anyone's interested. http://www.primegym.com/program.htm ... it's at toa payoh, so again it's pretty far for me.
hi mummies..
actually i tot of sending D to Mygym but location not ideal
only GUG at united sq is the nearest

i think the one at TPY is quite new rite? its very near my place.. let me go look at the web
Today is my 4th consecutive SAHM days. very tiring.. esp when D has temper and will scream.

got so stressful planning his 2 solid meals a days. i try not to give porridge on every meal so must rack my brains to whip up interesting food for him.
I'll take a look at the site...told my HB this morning, he said "so far". haha

actually, woodlands was a good choice for me too since it's the nearest. But I don't know what else to do there! - Go to the zoo...:p

don't stress lah, D is an easy eater, right? Then just give him the same thing lor. My porridge is always the same. To change things up, I give him jarred food or pigeon brand food.

TPY also near me...shall check it out. Though it's quite obvious he's not a gymnast. haha.
coold , no link btw mmr n autism , u can proceed liao
WASHINGTON (AFP) - - A new study carried out in the United States found no evidence of a link between autism and the combined measles, mumps and rubella vaccine.


Researchers hope the findings will help boost the rate of immunization against these illnesses amid some parental concerns about a potential link.

The research published Wednesday in the online version of the journal Public Library of Science sought to test results of a 1998 study led by Dr Andrew Wakefield of the Royal Free Hospital in Britain which said there was a link between autism and this vaccine.

Wakefield, whose research also has appeared in Lancet, later officially pulled his findings.

Researchers at Columbia University in New York and at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) looked for signs of genetic markers of the measles virus in intestinal tissue samples of 25 children with autism who also had intestinal troubles.

They compared the samples with 13 children of the same age who do not have autism but do have intestinal ailments.

The tissue was analyzed by three labs which did not know from which group of children the samples were taken.

"This study provides strong evidence against association of autism with persistent (measles virus) MV RNA in the GI tract or MMR exposure," the authors said.

Added Dr. Mady Hornig: "We found no relationship between the timing of MMR vaccine and the onset of either gastrointestinal complaints or autism."

The US Court of Federal Claims has been weighing a complaint by parents for over a year.

Parental concerns about potential vaccine risks by people who have opted not to have their children vaccinated have led to a major surge in measles outbreaks in the United States and Europe, the CDC says.

Measles kills some 250,000 people a year, mostly children in developing countries.

One child in 150 have autism or Asperger's in the United States, CDC data show.
I posted at the wrong thread. So pai sey! haiz..blur blur in the morning.

I wanted to ask those WM, are you all entitled to the 6 days childcare leave this year?

I was told by HR that the 6 days childchild and infant care leave will take effect only next year.

Is this correct? I still thought its effective from 17 Aug.
darbebe, the entitlement only applies when the legislation is enacted and will most likely be in oct or nov (thus will most likely be pro-rated for this year)
thanks for the info .. hehe, maybe can plan to bring jboy for MMR, but after all the mooncakes and lantern first .. in case he develope fever :p

childcare leave, i wun mind even if it's pro-rated. 1 day extra also beta than nothing.

i am moving next year - en bloc scheme. already picked my new unit way back in 2006, but construction's taking a long time. my new flat will still in dover, next to singapore poly and opposite acs(i). cherryteq's family is moving too.

cool_d and darbebe,
i'm not sure abt the childcare leave, but the childcare subsidies have kicked in. i've got $600 instead of $400 in subsidy for my infant care fees this month.
Hey Mommies,
here's an extract from a mail which i received from a fellow colleague:

MOM LRD <[email protected]>
Sent by: Pamela TAN <[email protected]>
09/02/2008 05:37 PM

Effendy_AbdulRahman <[email protected]>

Re: Enhanced Paid Childcare Leave

Dear Sir,

We refer to your email dated 1 Sept 08.

The childcare leave entitlement of 6 days per year will be pro-rated for the period 17 Aug 08 to 31 Dec 08 for eligible employees, which works out to 3 days. However, if an employee has already taken 2 days of childcare leave under the Employment Act prior to 17 Aug 08, he/she will only be entitled to 1 additional day of childcare leave until the end of the year. These 3 days will be employer-paid. Where employers are able to grant up to the full 6 days of childcare leave, the Government will pay for the additional days of childcare leave taken, up to the maximum of 3 days.

Before the legislation takes effect, employers are encouraged to voluntarily grant the additional employer-paid childcare leave to their employees. After October 08 when the legislation takes effect until 31 Dec 08, employers will be required to do so.

From 1 Jan 09 onwards, the childcare leave entitlement will be 6 days for eligible employees.

For information on the recently announced enhanced Marriage &amp; Parenthood package in Aug 2008 (e.g. maternity leave, childcare leave, infant care leave, etc), you may wish to refer to the Marriage &amp; Parenthood website (www.family.gov.sg/MnP), the Ministry of Manpower website (www.mom.gov.sg/MnP) or contact the toll-free hotline, 1800 233 2229.

Tan Pamela(Mrs)
Labour Relations Officer, Employment Standards Department
i think all those money that you can 'get' from the govt, all can be received immediately whereas those that are from the employer, have to depend on whether they are 'willing' until the legislation comes into effect and that's why s/w enjoy the additional S$200 subsidy oredi. those who go for IVF also can get the subsidy immediately.
my HB just told me yesterday that his co has pro-rated childcare leave to 4.5 days this year (I think he means this FY which ends Mar 09) This is inclusive of the 3 days the co gives usually...so it's actually extra 1.5 days

I guess your co would have to give a statement about it soon or you can ask the com/ben ppl at your HR lor.
Thank you mummies for the inputs!

I've got an idea now on the leave. We are given 3 days for this year. 1 day additional which is good enough.
