(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

D, Fong,
Wah, must make reservations one ah? I am a super big fan of these little pastries, can have them for bf, lunch and dinner keke

Thanks for all the advices will go look around when i'm there!

How long you staying there?

any mummies in HR?

1. SAHM back to workforce (let's say after 2 years), can we still request for our last drawn?

2. is that an offence if we didn't provide the full qualification?
erm...i mean if the job requirements stated for O level, can we just indicate our academic grade upto O level?
aiyoh! with my temper...for sure cannot give 爱的教育!

but i must say...I'm learning from JK too. He has taught me to see things in diff. angles.

Hee! paisay to say...but is true loh! So far, I'm contented to being a SAHM and m hapi to spend my time with him to watch him grows

My hb keeps telling me...he is too young to b rebellious or trying to take revenge on me.
think she only enjoyed the Ball pit..i went on a saturday and it was super packed and there were 2 boys (3-4yrs) throwing them selves and climbing all over in the tods area!
i dun think nowadays there is such thing as too young..my gal whacks everyone when she is in a foul mood. You Siam her from her front and she will whack you using the back of her hand.

Even my dog (Jack Russell) is scared of her now!
u can request ur expectation, provided d employer is willing to give.
not an offence but company always hv a clause stating that they hv d right to terminate an employee who declare false information or (demand for compensation??). i m not too sure on this( ) but better not.
leo , u dun look like wan who whacks JK
heeee , looks can deceive

i whack my son whenever he is notti , he quite thick skinned , sometimes he dun even rxt when his fat thighs kena slapped . but he will cry when i scold him
meddy: gogobambini mst go on weekday ah.. weekday hor.. already so many kids.. i can't imagine weekend..

Kris: u hving #2 ah.. congrats..

who else is preggy? can enjoy the 4 months maternity leave leh!!!

Augleo: yes.. going back to work this monday.. i thnk i can't wait.. staying home too long for me hor.. made me quarrel even more with my HB.. haiz.. all over liao.. I NEED A LIFE!!!
Isetan was on sale. I wanted to check out stainless steel pots. But I think I saw a cheaper deal at Tangs. I didn’t cheong early morning la. Since when I’m a morning person. I went at about 3pm.

Ya, that day someone posted the Isetan promotion thingy that makes me ‘gyain’ lor.
Btw, my reason of delaying going back to work is.. Coz I’m really lazy to think about work again.

You do not need to check in your stroller. Just hand it to the staff before you board the aircraft. Then when you arrive, pick it up at the belt.
I'll be going back to Spore tomorrow.

I gate check my stroller (Quest) and pick it up again at the bridge.

I'm not really into piah..so that's all I can say.
My friends/in-laws all like the piahs my parents bring back from Him Heang.

I completely understand lor...haha. Dark or Bright really depends on the child's behaviour...while I'm happy being SAHM, there are times when I do think about going back to work too. What I miss most (other than pay) is my lunch break! Right now, there's like no break and it's as if I'm "sleeping in my office". Really can't run away lor... Do you know, on some "off hours" I have now, I'd rather take the train because it'll drag my time away from home longer!

My HB also say he's too young to be rebellious or take revenge BUT I don't think so! He's really pushing boundaries in a major way and I get so pissed with him everyday...every.single.day. And then I also shout at him quite a bit because it can be so frustrating. So so so frustrating. (okay lah, had a rough day with him today, so a bit negative here.)

But I have to say at least I have my in-laws to help me once in a while. I think one afternoon a month, I do get to go out with HB for about 3 hours (couple time). Then when my parents come visit, 3 - 4 times a year, I also get to run a few personal errands then. So it's better than nothing.

I actually think if I don't have to look after on my own, by myself, I'd be more incline to have more children...but now...hmm...
i think Kiddos now a days are different, classic example is like now, i just shouted at my gal for hitting me. Now she refuse to take the bot when i offer it to her but when my HB offer it to her she gladly take it with a smile!!

Now we are like fuming with each other!

Well at least Jesse is afraid of you when you raise your voice

Think #2 will only come when my gal is more independent and sensible..
you are not alone. i also don't really pratice 'love education'..
think you all hv seen how i smack D's hand at GOgo.

friends/colleagues all commented that i'm fierce towards my boy.
if he is naughty, i do start with talking nicely to him. but he always push the boundry too.. so gotta resort to smacking.
some say if we smack, our child will also follow suit and smack other ppl.
well i hope D will not do this
Hi mummies,
din come in for very long time.. my laptop crashed.. anyway, juz wanna congrat those mummies who are preg with no. 2!
i juz realised i din check in the stroller, infact i used the stroller until we reached the bridge just b4 we got into the plane.


yalor i was wondering how come u so hardworking to wake up so early
how come u din go to the gap sales. less 60% and if you get 3pcs, add 10%
michelle: gap got so mch sale ah...sob sob...

ladies..where got nice heels to buy.. saw some from charles & keith..bt than i was with my monkey ashlyn..she won't let me see.. n sale ends today..haiz..
okie shall gate check my stroller hehe

Gap sales where? at the boutique or some factory outlet?

Welcome back to work!
i personally dun like charles and keith heels cos they wear out easily. You can try Novo or if you like killer heels you can try Heatwave
Sorry was so busy last 2 weeks...errr...so did you order the training pants eventually?

Welcome back to working life again! Still as slim and Chio as before yar? By the way, me moving office end of this month...you wanna meet me for lunch b4 I go away?
Thanks for sharing but I never thought of having myanmar maids.
I worry there is language barrier & I also heard that those myanmar
maid dun close the toilet door when they use the toilet...

But I really agreed with u that it really depends on luck!


Thanks for your advise. U know after spending 2 wks with my current maid,
we found out that her actutal age is only 19!! Imagine, the agent stated
her age in the profile as 24!!! Its ridiculous cox her look is so young,
she dun even look like 24 at all. All the profile are crap.. example

1) She state down not afraid of dogs - But she is
2) Experience - She is not
3) Take care of children (age 6) - She doesnt look like, dun even know how
to bath my son.
4) Dun understand what im saying. I say 1 thing, she do another thing.

The only thing she know is cleaning/washing etc. My son doesnt want her.
Not even when she carry him. Its really terrible, imagine I have to cook
my son lunch/dinner & ask her to look after him but my son reject her &
always come crying looking for me to carry. Worst still, I cant carry my
son at the moment.

Anyway, this maid is not choosen by me. Its a long story.... my mil wanted to
get a maid initially & when everything is confirmed & document already submiited.
She then tell me she decided not to get her but its too late cox Indonesia side
already confirmed everything. She did show me her photocopy profile & I already
told her I dun really like her although she has a very pleasant looking. But I
dunno why I juz dun like her, I find her eye look abit fierce. So she ask whether
im ok to take over. What can i say??? I dun hv any choice & end up, there are so
many problem!! Im really very pissed off!!!!!
you so "wei da" ah, take over maid from your MIL.. then now your MIL still is w/o maid or she w another maid?

I no choice wor... If I said i dun want, she will waste her money..

She doesnt want to employ any maid at the moment. I told my hubby
to tell her mum if I dun want this maid, ask his mom to take over..hehehe..
Juz got back from a company's trip. Thanks for helping to place the order! Pls let me know how much to tfr back to you, ur account no. & how I can collect from u.
Dlim, i agree that profiles are only a gauge - i ended up calling to interview the maid personally and pose them IQ questions to see how 'intelligent' they are! :p

and for indons, the language barrier is really a big issue!
haha! indeed cute. it brighter my day in this gloomy rainy Monday! wahahahaha!

Joanie has new swim suit. sexy leh
din know coming SUNDAY is lunar 8mth CHU BA!
no wonder so many mummies rec'd wedding "bombs"!

in chinese calender, tat day is a good date for marriage + meet up frez. **grin**
thanks for explaining...otherwise, I'll be like "so?" And now I know, the last day of 7th month is a very smokey/hazy day...
i read the article in the papers today..maybe should ban ppl like him who got zero tolerance towards babies.. or maybe he didn't get a chance to travel when he's young :p
today our thread pretty quiet huh?

btw.. my D starting to scream when he can't get things he want or when he is not happy.
can feel my blood pressure rising and losing my temper very easily at him.
sd,i posted my order a few days back.thk mick stil consolidating orders ba.mick ,if nid payment,can u sms me,coz i hv 2 b at funeral wake these 3 days.thks
Jesse has been doing that for a few months already...have to persevere lor...cannot let him have his way just because of bad behaviour.

How's Day 1 as SAHM?
my girl also has been doing that nowadays. She will fake cry to get the things that she wanted but not given. From fake cry to real cry and continue on and on. Her stamina is good. Sometimes I cannot stand it and give in to her.
Such a lousy mum..

Agent D,
you are early!
i remember you mentioned that your dad sent you a link/article about places to visit in Penang. You still have it?
That's a comical looking photo....so cute! Did you manage to snap it yourself? Err...who is the boy beside Jordan?

I guess that guy probably had no or very little attention or love from his parents when he was young...that's why has this stupid mindset....

Thanks for the update....let me know if I need to pay you or do anything ya...

Oh dear....7th month oledi over still so many funeral wakes ah...You take care yar...dun get tired out.
SAHM must meet more often from now????
some of kiddo going to "school" and if timing not right, we won't hv lots of chance to meet unless wknd?

1 of them going to "school" in Oct
few of them going to "school" in Jan 09.
No, another mummy took dat pix. The boy beside jboy is Keiran, kikismom's son

i was reading the same forum on mypaper yday and was oredi commenting to my colleague, sure kena bombard :p
it's a general guide, not really suitable for people with children... if you have any qns can ask here and I'll try to answer.

This time round, we went out without bringing our own highchair (since he stopped biting highchairs, should be safer). Quite a few coffeeshops have highchairs available lah, some dirtier than others! Restaurants have highchairs (we ate there 50% of the time). If there wasn't a highchair availabe (at coffeeshop), I just put Jesse in the stroller. Usually I feed him at home first before we go out to eat. When we're out, I just give him snacks or if at restaurant, give him a bowl with some rice and tofu or something, let him self-feed. He enjoyed that. This time round, meal times were really quite easy.

Places I can recommend:
1) Northam Beach Cafe (hawker, evening, outdoor, next to sea, high chair available, 30mins walk from G hotel or the cab will probably charge you RM10, it's a rip off, but what the heck) - supposed to have good wantan mee and char kway teow. Though that day I had western food. :)

2) Gurney Drive Hawker Center (outdoor, near you, don't have to worry about transport, no highchair) I like the char kway teow but haven't been there for years...the rojak (diff from SG) and soya bean with brown sugar is also good.

3) New World Park (One section food court, sheltered but open-air, Ikea highchair). I've tried various hawker fare here...it's okay lah.

4) Mama's Nyonya food, Abu Sitee Lane, (restaurant, highchair available)

5) 747 Restaurant, at YMCA, Jalan Macalister & Adams Road (nyonya food, highchair) I love this place only because I used to stay at a house opposite and went there for ice-cream a lot. But their fish head curry, choon piah (spring roll) and stuff also good.

6) Ocean Green (non-a/c restaurant, by the sea, sheltered, highchair) It serves seafood. Quite near G Hotel (near Northam Beach Cafe also).

There are also lots of restaurants at Gurney Plaza. My mom's current favourite is Kim Gary (3rd or 4th flr). She also tells me the breakfast at Manila Place (G flr facing the hotel) is good...but everytime I go, it's closed (either I'm too early or there's a pte function). I had tea at Winter Warmers also facing the hotel on the mall side, it's quite cute because of the dainty teapots and cups.

As for places to go, I don't usually go anywhere, but previously mentioned, there's 1) horseback riding at Shangri-La(?) at B.F'ghi area. Jesse loves the 2) Youth Park, near 3) Botanical Gardens and my friend who went with her family (two young children) said they liked the 4) Butterfly Park. Though she also said it's hard with two young kids (2y5m and 9m) and no one to bring them around.

As for shopping, I think can stick to Gurney Plaza and/or Queensbay Mall (my mom says chendol at foodcourt is good) if you have the time. Q'bay Mall is about 20 mins drive from your hotel. But it's a pretty big mall, don't think the shops mix repeat at both mall.

Don't know how else I can help cos I'm usually driven or I usually drive. If you have any other qns ask lor...we have people who really grew up in PG here...not me. I'm fully sporean. :p

some full day, some 2 hrs...that's why she say "school".

that reminds me I'll probably go find out more about the "school" downstairs...maybe sign Jesse up. Now he wants to go out everyday, I also chuan!

This "school" refers to 2 hr playgroup.
