(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

michele and sanrio,
if i had my choice, and if he was not such an allergic baby, then kaizer will be drinking magnolia and meiji milk now. there's this 20+ mth boy in his school who takes two packs of magnolia choco milk in a day. just sit with the packet and slurp the milk up with a straw. that's all his milk intake consists of. so super convenient!

by the way, i let him try vitasoy last friday. took abt 3-5 mouthfuls with the straw. no rashes and swelling, but coughed and puked out everything. the puke was very neat though, unlike the usual allergic puke. he didnt look too uncomfortable. so i think he might be okay with vitasoy if i introduce it a few months later

same, i do wish ash can just sip those pkt or meji milk too. ash is ok w vitasoy, he takes tat in school somtx. yes, ash's health n allergies do seem to improve especially this year, as he grows older.
coolD: the let-it-cry out method must
be consistent and provided u and hubbie can bear the wailing...
One method is: when child cries, let child cry for 10mins. If crying cont, go in and comfort BUT no carrying, talking, playing etc. Just patpat (check whether diaper soiled etc) at most and say to child ,"okay go back to sleep" then leave. Tot duration of stay not more than 2mins.

If child cries again (which he will exp in the first few days) let him cry longer, say 15mins, before going in and doing the same thing.

Increase the duration you let him cry.

But I think cry-it-out is only if you can bear to let child wailwailwail for up to 1 hour...
hmm, tink we are not hard hearted enuff. And since jboy sleeps in the same rm, we oni ignore him, but we are still in sight. maybe dats why he dun stop.
coolD: i's more diff to let Jboy cry it out when you are all in the same rm. He will cry till there is some reaction. N it'll also be easier to "give in" cos the wailing is so loud. N once you give in, next time he will try even harder cos he knows he just needs to go a bit further to get attn.
ya .. guess we really had set a precedent, so more diff to change now since he is older.

Hey, mummies, ever wonder while we talk abt consistence and perseverance, the bbs probably are also tinking the same. "As long as I cont to cry, mummy will come n pick me' .. haha :p
ya , i agree , more diff to change the bad habits of the todds now that they are older .

i cannot wean off the PACIFIER too
maybe you can follow KSS's method of weaning of pacy which she put on her blog.
few of my frens also succeeded in this method
Mummies: Thurs I got time off ... anyone wants to meet up?

Cai cai: i read you cut off the pacifier bit by bit, not into half right away. This is so that the child will slowly find the pacificer is not "satisfying" the needs and will give up by himself/herself. I haven't tried on my gal yet. We went cold turkey but I gave in ... regret it man ... now she largi even more attach to her pacifier.
hi mummies,
i tink im preggie le, shld b 1 mth ba. i did my own test n intending to c gynae next wk

I also juz read KSS blog & the next moment I saw u mentioned here..

Indeed it is a good ideal.. my boy likes his avent pacifier soooo much that when I gave him pigeon pacifier,
he can split out..haha.. Maybe I shld try to cut off pigeon pacificer 1st & slowly move to avent.
I cant imagine he dun have his avent...
Min: cuz she misses it so much mah ... if she see a rouge one lying around somewhere, she immediately plug it into her mouth> That day went taka baby fair, she went to the shelves and help herself to a few pacifiers (she was carrying her own basket) i almost peng san.
nvm la .. let her use it for a while longer. i tink when they r older, see their peers not using shld ownself dun wan le bah .. peer inflence

jboy oso still using his fav NUK during nite time.

Congrats!! If u were to visit the gynae next wk, probably still too early.
Not sure can see the sac by then. But if u feel better then juz see
your gynae.
if no bleeding or discomfort etc.. maybe 2nd time preg can wait till 8 wks then see doc coz otherwise they will ask you to return to see them 2wks later
If no complications, they won't even see you till your 12 weeks in US! I actually intend to do the same here...


Wah...suddenly so many pregnancies!

Having hard time with Jesse now...completely swearing off children. haha.. :p wait...I have one already. dang.

what a lively thread today...I just skim through
I share the same sentiments.
But when i see newborns.. my heart start to itch and love to cuddle and 'molest' them

but when i turn and look at my 'cannot-sit-still' son.. think No. 2 can wait!
thankfully though, I can put myself to sleep in another room, close all doors and sleep for the night. And after doing that, I think No.2 won't be so bad. haha.
SSO Babies Prom
Who wanna go together? Ticket sales starting soon!

Dates: 05 & 06 Dec 2008
Timings: 10.30am & 12.15pm
Venue: Victoria Concert Hall

Price: S$24 (+ S$3 booking fee) & S$19 (+ S$1 booking fee)

FOC for those under 2
pretty bunnie, caicai,

dlim, agentD, min,
dats wat i tot oso, to c gynae at 6wks since im oreadi taking folic and multi vit but u noe itchy backside, juz wanna go n double confirm dat its preggie n to do a scan n c the small sac
you buying? I would love to go...prefer Sat, 6th (so HB can go too)...either timing is strange for our routine, so I guess it makes no difference.

I'm only going Bali in Oct...but even when I'm there, I'll have internet connection.
upon re-reading my post, I meant...you getting the tickets first (we'll pay you first/later)? Or do we get the tickets ourselves? If you chia (treat) then everybody sure go one... haha.
mrs lai/ D ,

u make stock in ice cubes right .

Example , we boil 1 big pot of stocks , then we wait for it to cool off before we pour into cubes rite .
usually how many trays of "cubes" u hv ?

when we want to use it for soup /porridge , wat is the volume of water : no. of cubes , can advise ?

Sorry if i sound abit silly here , i was thinking last nite :p
caicai: i suggest hor, you use a get a few cubes and then measure the amount of water - so u agar how many litres of water = how many cubes. So when you boil the stock, you can measure the amount of water you need from the kettle or a measuring jug. If you using a normal pot to boil, you need to add more cuz some water will be boiled off. If you using slow cooker or thermal pot, then you can be a bit more exact since water loss is minimal.

I use the avent cups (those 180 and 225ml ones) to store. generally if "rice" it's 1 cube measure of rice to 4 cubes of stock. More if you want porridge.

If soup, then you gauge how many meals? you can use the "bowl" you feed with to measure how much water, then u can equate to how much cubes.

It's easier to do this once, then you can agar how much is how much.
Min: I almost forgot. My gal does eat the dried figs - organic ones from Branalun (or something). The type she eats is Black Mission figs - since it's stored in the fridge, we take 1 one, let it thraw for a little, it will soften, and she will just bite off direct. Alternatively, can mix with cereal, just cut into small pieces and add a bit of hot water to soak. It's v sweet and it's actually quite tasty. Sometimes my gal dun finish i gobble up :p
count me in for the sso prom! prefer friday cos weekdays should be less crowded. you're taking orders first, then we pay you later is it?
in case u wanna to know.
rec'd sms from the playgroup, tonight there is a 2nd round of registration @Blk 842 = 8pm

bring along:
** S$100 deposit
** copy of BC
** health book

Other info:
S$160/month require 1 month advance (S$320)
S$30 uniform (2 sets)
S$30 registration
S$380 insurance
i used those clear plastic bag (that can be found in NTUC when we buy fruits) to store my stock.

used roughly a large soup bowl for each serving.. to freeze
if not enough then add water when you cook.

wow thats a lot of $$ when we need to sign them up!. JK is going for whole day or half day?
just brought my D for chix pox jab.
he finally crossed 9kg mark! he is 9.6kg but seem quite short at only 78cm.
his weight and height is only 50 percentile

anyway, i be delaying his MMR till when he is closer to 2yo as PD say no hurry for it and since we are already late so might as well take 18mth jab first.
min/mrs lai , thanks for ur kind advice abt soup . heee , i shd start cooking this weekend

wow chix pox vaccine , i think i will schedule after my last pnemococcal jab ba . zac took his MMR liao , so far no fvr , heng ...

50 % tile , ok mah
, it means he is average , where got short .

I remembered last time u mentioned one childcare centre is it ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH CHILDCARE CENTRE
near Bt Timah area?
toking abt MMR. .. still haven bring jboy for his jab tho' he crossed 15mths le. Tho' PD insist the MMR vs Autism saying is a myth, but me still abit reluctant. Hmm, maybe next wkend
coold , actually i was quite scared then , but i see the older boys went liao . so i thk shd be ok , coz it is a compulsory jab anyway
i very blur, i forgotten that 6in1 actually incld MMR. I had signup a package with my GP. then i conveninetly brot him to Poolyclinic.
then last sat when i brot K to the clinic, the nurse thot i brot her there for the jab.
kekeke... nurse juz called to say will refund $20+ for the MMR.
K also so far so good, no fever too

Oh really.. can tell me whether is good? I intend to go down & visit the place this sat.
Do they entertain walk in customer or need to call & make appt 1st?

micK , ya lor , i so worried he wil hv fever coz milo's chloe fever quite bad . heng ah .

like that u save $20 bucks fm GP , good mah , u can use 20 buy more clothes lor . i see u buy n buy lotsa of things .... machiam shopping queen

i made appmt wif the polyclinic for the 18 mths assessment , last jab 3rd booster , dunno how much it costs though .

ANYMORE foc jabs frm polyclinic huh ?
