(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

i see, so mainly Heinz jarred food la... hmmm.. my girl doesn't quite like leh... maybe I'll ask for a bun or something...

abit stressed over the flight liao, since my girl cant sit still!!! just hope she will sleep during the flight..

we paid $150.. no seat for her though...

i'm not sure about making requests when booking tics leh.. hubby and sil were the ones to do the booking...
egg sandwich sounds nice.. my girl will prefer this than Heinz jarred food..
s/w , sanrio , wat is a good moisturizer ?
my sonny suffers fm mild ecezma , so he cannot use those normal prodts , he is using cetaphil soap . but his skin quite dry , so i was thinking of buying a moisturizer ( ps : i dun like cetaphil's moisturiser , a wierd smell)
I kaypoh. My boy also suffers from eczema. Pd recommended Physiogel bath lotion and moisturiser. Eh, I'm not sure what you mean by weird smell, because these hypoallergenic soaps have a smell... they don't have fragrance oils.
Alternatively, you can try Gaia baby range. Quite fragrant, but also suitable for eczema/sensitive skin.
Physiogel works well for my boy's ezcema, can get fr guardian. i got d cream one (slightly more costly) instead of lotion type. another mild one which is not bad is Dr Atopeace, can get fr most pd clinic.
U mus mositurise regularly n diligently esp af shower. my boy uses CB body and hair wash for super sensitive skin. he tried cetaphil wash, still drying for him.
for them, cant smell nice nice loh, cos fragrance is not gd for sensitive skin.
i m sure ur parents miss seeing kaizer evyday. u can cum join us if u are on leave. we mt on thur or fri or flexible since all of us are sahms.
in my opinion, physiogel A1 cream (red label) is the best moisturizer so far, but it's also pretty expensive. if you mind the cost, then the next choice would be physiogel cream/lotion (yellow label). if you're looking for something w/out smell, then maybe you can try QV, if you're looking for something w/ a nice smell, then maybe you can try california bb aloe vera. mrs lai got a bottle for me, and it smells good =) most of the time, i'm the one using it though, cos it's a little "stinging" for the skin (like the prickly heat powder type of sting) so i usually don't apply it on kaizer.
jboy also used dr. atopeace b4, gd but quite ex. Very small bottle. Now he is using avene, not too bad oso. Avene is available at watson and some departmental store
K also got used, i bought frm overseas spree fm korea. i small tube is $11. 2nite i go take pic and show u tmr, then u can go n chk it out.
if u want CB, I jus bought from spree, u want this sunday u come earlier, u can find me at the food court from 12 onwards :p think we only leave aft 1pm
sanrio, caicai, cherryteq,
kaizer's bathing with "soft touch minus", that's supposedly milder than even QV and cetaphil and physiogel. problem with this brand though, is that i can't find it in conventional pharmacies. can only get it through the skin doc that recommended it to us. so far so good, we saw a marked improvement the first few days we switched from cetaphil to this (ahhhh reminiscing abt the old and horrid eczema days)

yah, they miss having him ard to mess the house up. hehee, let me know when there's thurs meetups then. my weekly thursday PM leave has started! but i've decided not to take my weekly monday PM leave though.

spoke to my office to cut my working hours instead, so that i can go to work a wee bit later and fetch kaizer a wee bit earlier from sch. supposed to work 42 hours a week. am now most prob going to work only work 36 hours a week (and then continue to take thursday afternoons off).
thanks to cherry, coold , s/w , sanrio and micK for the advice , i will pop by watsons to kpoh .
i luv the CB calenda cream's smell , but dunno whether he can use it or not . he is on cetaphil since young , so i dun wan to change his wash . but i hope he can still smell nice at times , like a real baby .
understand how you feel. Before I realised my boy's eczema, was using johnson's and johnson's and I would sniff his hair especially after his bath. Now I can only smell his "unique" smell, because he's not fragrant anymore just neutral.
I may be wrong, but I think Physiogel is not that easily available. Always buy my stash from hospital pharmacies, never really check other places.
Btw, can go check out Changi Hospital Online Pharmacy. They have free delivery above $75 or $85 can't rem clearly, and the price for Physiogel may be slightly cheaper, but the best part is the free delivery.
cherry , i think i go scout at Great world city , there are 2 pharmacies here.
micK , thanks for being so kind :D , i go find off the shelf type first .
Your boss really "Sayang" you alot! Allow for such flexi work hours....you must be a right-hand woman to your boss...so envy!

Talking about <font color="0000ff">GAIA</font>, did you saw the horrifying advertisement on TV about the GAIA campaign? The boy's head being slash with a knife and blood running down his face....Dunnoe why they never think about the kids watching TV and their possible reaction when they see such advertisement!
you are right, can make meal requests on the SQ website.. but somehow i've experinced problem saving the meal changes on the website leh.. will try again... thanks for the info

**wave back** heee.. the last time never 'wave back' at you, of course remember you la....

what GAIA campaign? the advertisement you described sounds horrible leh... why got this kind of ads one? i havent seen it yet...
it's only 12500 miles per ticket if you redeem online
But still have to pay taxes lah...$200+ But I honestly cannot remember if that's for one person or two... probably for two. So our trip back during CNY cost us probably $400?

they should have some kind of sandwich on board...and they have rolls also (can always get from bizclass)...and they have biscuits also, but I don't know if you already give your daughter cream crackers. HK is a short flight so the flight attendants will be quite busy...but when they are not, they can help you chase her around. haha.

Wah...that means I budget correctly lah, 1K. HB and I were just going through our expenditure and budget last night.
Any Mummy ever been to Sunway Lagoon via public transport (ie plane or bus)? Is there a coach that goes there?

I would love to drive...but...I need a new car first!
i have enough normal points to get abt two tics. have som elite points as well. will have to go to singaporeair website to see what elite points can do. i'm quite suaku, never claimed the points before. i think my husband should be able to claim tics himself too, with his own normal points. yeah, we'll all be able to get free tics for this trip, plus most likely get free tics for my mum and dad as well!

he's recovering from his bypass, but still a bit weak but he's very disobedient. always trying to eat food that he's not allowed to (ie those with salt), and then a few days ago he also sneaked out in his car (my mum doesn't allow him to drive yet) to go to a nearby mkt. haahaa, he sounds like a little kid with so many things that he's not allowed to do.

the deal is made with the office, not with my immediate boss lah. anyway, i'm in the civil service, so boss cannot show favouritism, hahaa. the downside is that i have to take a slight pay cut with the new arrangement. but at least i'll get more sleep and more time to bathe/eat my meals/talk to my bb and husband.
i juz bot my D to GUG trial at 1pm today. wow i super tired coz my boy also only crawler and won't sit still. the lesson was 1.5hr.. wow super long. now thinking if i wanna sign him up coz the curriculum seem quite good
if you intend to get for your mom and dad then you need to get (d/l) the nomination form. Or maybe that can be done online now, before you can claim for them. Did that for my parents before too.

There's no diff between normal/elite miles, it's all the same. Just for krisflyer gold/pps etc when you flew the last time, they gave you like 25% more miles than what you actually flew. Something like that...
When you claim, it's all the same.
your dad macam kaizer ! wahahahaha.... 2 kiddos

must remind him again that he needs to fully discover and dun over-exert. hope he will recover soon

there is a bus i took last time, the bus service leaves from novena. nice bus. but cost more.
if u want, i can email my bro to ask coz he was the one who bought us the tickets.

yes, dat horrible ad. Was juz complaining to my hb abt it last nite. I tink tis is worst dan e anti smoking ad pple complain abt the last time round :S
GUG: bbJon has been attending GUG for about a month &amp; so far I feel the curriculum is quite good and Jon starts to enjoy it more each time. I agree that is quite tiring esp the last session when sometimes need to swing/carry bb up &amp; sing but I quite enjoy it &amp; always look forward to his class
jon's mummy
Jon lesson is on which day and time?

not sure if i wanna sign my son up coz he keep crawling away to touch the toys, posters etc.. rest of todd were seated on playmat.

but teacher assured me that its normal for 1st-timer to wander ard and if they attend more lesson then they be focused
Jon's lesson is on every sat, 11.30am. Jon is a shy bb so he didn't wander around very much in the 1st lesson &amp; he even cries when doing some activity. As he gets familiar with the teachers &amp; classmates now, he starts to be more relaxed &amp; start to walk towards the teacher during story-telling time or look around the class. But I will always remind him that he is in class &amp; try to make him seat within the mat &amp; also highlight to him the activity that is going on.
jon's mum
there are 3 girls and 4 boys in my class and i noticed that its always the girls that will walk and stand infront of teachers. rest of the boys will be wandering or fidgeting.

the only activities that my son like is to play with musical instrument.. for story-telling, he will auto crawl away. and i like art &amp;craft as we can bring back their artwork..

this is D's 1st finger paint artwork. Mummy hv to guide them to draw fruits. seem like I got no talent in art.. juz anyhow guide him
SpringD &amp; CoolD,
Yup, I saw the Gaia ad. First reaction was freaked out, but after looking at it, it reflects what's truly happening to Mother Earth. I think if parents guide the children when watching the ad, it should be fine.
The electronic games kids play nowadays are far more violent...
The anti-smoking one is scarier becos they show the real human body. That's my opinion la of course.
Jon's class is bigger - 12 bbs. Jon enjoys most of the session except sometimes he will look around during story telling time; had manage to stop him from wandering around too much. me too, like the art&amp;craft session cos they get to touch paint &amp; object (sprinkles, raw veg). He always ends up with paint all over his hands cos instead of using the brush, he will use hand to draw. The teacher said is normal cos they tend to want to feel things.
if u attend kinder, then you will know what is siong. at least GUG curi only last portion have the swing part

anyway, i also notice K's change of behavior (1st class) and now. got improvement

after this term of kinder, we will b moving to GUG liao!

when u flying to penang? SQ having promo travel date till aug 31 , price is $351.
Kinder only allow 1 parent? my hubby refuse to accompany my son leh.. and my son not scared of me at all. very hard to control him
My Gym
Made an appointment for Jesse for a trial class later this afternoon...hopefully he'll like it. Anyone has any tips? This is his very first formal class.
The bus to sunday, does it travel by day or by night? by night I think very difficult for me (alone) since Jesse will be really really upset...and I don't want him to start waking up at night...

Actually, no solid plans to go back yet...but my HB going away last wk of Aug.
Eh, the aug 31st one, must come back by 31st?
this might sound crazy...but would you happen to know if there are buses/coach from Penang to Malacca?

Anyway, I check the SQ website, not bad ah...the fare inclusive of taxes and surcharges. Outbound to travel by 31st Aug but there seems to be no inbound restrictions...other than it's a 14 day ticket. The only catch is the 2 adults must travel together to and fro...hmm...Thanks for the heads up!
bus going to KL is hourly basis if i din remb wrongly. u go check it out what time suits u best

of course there are buses fm penang to malacca, my parents took them before when they went to visit their frends
but go KLIA...far leh... I wish I could just drive. But that sunway plan is not a sure thing lah. My parents going this weekend, ask me to join them...ya, if Jesse older much easier.
really ah? from komtar? what an idea...make my HB travel with me to pg by plan then he can go travel to malacca for his course and come back to pg and fly back with us. hahaha...

Just check the px on sq site, not bad leh...626 for two ppl includes taxes and surcharge. But cannot cancel, change date or accrue miles.
yup, nowadays, sq suppose to ad their tickets inclusive of taxes
so no worries ! usually, promo price is 2 to go !

if u travelling to KL flight will be 45mins nia but nowadays teh buses is 18 seater very comfortable, those double decker type.
unless jesse takes nap easily on buses, if he is those cranky types like my son . sometimes bright n cheery, sometimes stormy .dun try for the sake of your own sanity . kekeke
imagine u want to go toilet , how to leave jesse behind if there is no one to help u lookafter him if u are travelling on bus alone ?
not from komtar, nowadays the bus service all from the bus station near the expo. u know whre the old expo site is ? i cant remb the name liao, paiseh.
its been awhile since i been there. but ur parents shld know where.
i thk to KL still manageable, but gg to penang, beta take plane too long liao, 10hrs in bus. think u will be very stress!

Woohoo...since I was at the SQ site, I log in to our accounts and yay! we still have miles to claim. haha.
Now doing more boh liao things on their website like redemption calculations...

Ya, I'll just ask my parents... thanks

Ya, it'll be quite a challenge to bring Jesse on coach, just because have to go up and down and carry bags. I think I can tahan don't go toilet lah but if he poos...haha. If I try, it'll still definitely be a day time thing, will not travel with him at night.
