(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

so u r mixing as in really mixing the FM per feed rite? I was tinking pure NAN for 1 feed, pure mamil gold for 2nd .. hehe.

oh, giant got sell? Ok, next time jboy grow up into stage 2, i go n buy

wow , coold , like that quite challenging wor .
why must it be pure 100% leh ? issi better or wat ?
i scare they know the taste and dun wan to drink .
last time my pa gv him 100% of mamil step1 , he drank half bottle and dun wan to drink leh . so we guess he knows the diff .
i smelt the nanha2 , abit yellowish and a very strong smell which i dun really like ,so i assume my sonny also dun like . i prefer mamil . heehee
but i find nan quite heaty , coz he did not poo consistently . he usually pooed once a day . on Nan , he skips poo
morning mummies...

mon blues...haiz...sat..seems so far...

yest i bring my chloe for KM trial class...think she is the oni crawler..LOL...
ooooh , millo , u are chloe's mum .
u forgot abt my sonny , he also a crawler .
hahahaha .
are u joining our class ?

micK --->i clicked check immunization , "really NO records found"

do i need to stick to one doc for all vaccines , i was thinking of changing to Leo's pd @ tampines .coz i took the 1st prenav jab there .

I read yr message late..so didnt get the chance to reply u. I was at the motherfair on sat
ard 1pm++. The rain juz stopped when I was there so not much ppl & I bought quite alot of things..

How abt u?
MichK / CaiCai,

What time is your KM class? Cox I will be going for the trial class on coming sunday as well...
Give it a try...
diff. FM:
I've given diff. FM to JK too but mainly on Friso.
1. Mamil
2. Friso
3. Nan
during CNY, JK tried 3 brands (Mamil + Enfa + Friso)in a day coz his blur mama forgotten to bring his FM out

ha...these short stories i've extracted from a book (top 100 stories that mummy shld read to their child).
today story abt a selfish farmer own some premium watermelon seeds and refuse to share with his neighbors (farmer too).

i've get it translated from a web:
A melon grower thought of every means that to look for some high quality watermelon seed to plant. After the neighbors know, comes to inquire seed's origin in abundance. This melon grower worried is after greatly domestically grown the high quality watermelon, oneself had the competitor, therefore then refuses to tell. The neighbor has to plant the beforehand seed. To the summer, this melon capital invested in agricultural production had thought that can the bumper crop, the result actually discover oneself harvested was still the inferior watermelon, compared to neighbors watermelon how many. He feels is puzzled, then consults an expert. The expert said: “because your watermelon gave was still the neighbor inferior watermelon pollen.” The people often ridicule this melon grower, for fear that but many people suffer a loss, is not willing to help other people, violation similar mistake. Actually, each people are in society's one, has this contacting inevitably with the periphery thing, produces mutually is affecting, kindly treats other people, kindly treats itself.
No la, coz I was tinking if its 100% than can hv different taste mah :p Hehe, I was not tinking of reject, more like more choices not so sianz. I also hv some Nan samples at hm .. but its sachet form, so mayb if open, hv to finish. Anyway, will juz give n see how. Are you giving mamil gold step 3 now? I haven finish my step 2, so still on step 2.

Btw, jboy has diff vaccine fm 3 diff docs. I guess it's ok bah. I went in to the website to chk, all of them updated jboy's vaccines accordingly.
Date: 14th June (Sat)
Time: 8:30am flexi timing meetup (late just call for directions)
Venue: Botanica Gardens
Meeting point: Jacob Ballas Children's Garden Entrance
BYOB and a little you can spare for the others =)

Interested mummies and babies and others:
1. The Mrs Lai & Vanessa
2. michellek & Keira & ws :)
3. jessesmom & jessesdad & jesse
4. cherryteq & Matthew & K
5. michele & Claire
6. Dlim & Jayden & helper
7. Kate n hub n Lele...
8. Augleo + family
9. KSS + family

u n K can free to join us on coming Saturday?
i find the bugoboo very bulky too. anyway, i find mine ok anyway in terms of weight, i can still carry K inside up n down some flights of stairs
*nod nod* i m chloe mummy...sori i cant recognise u...there r so many mummies, bbs...
wats ur boy boy name...

ya, it was like pouring, i went late evening...waited for the rainy to stop, there are so many pple, my feets kana rolled over by a few strollers...i didnt buy much cos too many pple liao

chloe is in the sun 2pm class
MicK , my boy is ZAC
alamak , u dunno who my boy is , sob sob
i am in the 2pm class , same as lele wor .
but last sun class abit boring leh , not interesting at all
millo , i am the mummy who helped chloe wear her red mary jane socks lah :p
micK , did u confuse me wif another mummy huh ?
i kancheong went to call up my pd clinic , they said they hv since sent the records to the MOH for update , then i questioned her why so long . she said she will check for me again . heng , i dun nid to chase them , thanks Dlim
for offering me the #

Ya I was quite surprised it was not crowded at all & there wasnt any q at
the nestle counter too. So I quickly shopped & buy my things b4 the crowd start

Michk / Caicai,

So wont get the chance to meet all of u cox my tiral is at 4pm..

CaiCai - Oppss.. u remind me again. I will give u the no. tmr ok...
dlim and micK ,
i very SOTONG , i tot the bc no. starts wif "S" but it is "T"

dun hammer me !!! i found his records

I have the 3 8R photos enlarged and framed up so it will be another different price again
. I haven't collect them yet ;p
ixora . u made me blush even more liao ... kekeke are u going for the picnic ? long time nvr hear fm u liao .
lele is at 2pm class , same as ME and Milo
Date: 14th June (Sat)
Time: 8:30am flexi timing meetup (late just call for directions)
Venue: Botanica Gardens
Meeting point: Jacob Ballas Children's Garden Entrance
BYOB and a little you can spare for the others =)

Interested mummies and babies and others:
1. The Mrs Lai & Vanessa
2. michellek & Keira & ws :)
3. jessesmom & jessesdad & jesse
4. cherryteq & Matthew & K
5. michele & Claire
6. Dlim & Jayden & helper
7. Kate n hub n Lele...
8. Augleo + family
9. KSS + family
10. sandwich and kaizer (and husband maybe)
I think i wont get lah...i m so happy letting her walk n using the stroller...i dun wan to go back to my carrier days!! I need to hang my shopping bags on the stroller! ahahahahah!

Sandwich is using the ergo carrier

What is the max weight the carrier can withstand?

Yesterday while Im was at mothercare, we wanted to buy the baby bjorn carrier but it was so exp!
Then the max weight is 13kg, so I dont think Jayden can use it. The most we can use only for
a few mths...
hello mummies,

we are travelling with baby this wednesday.. to hong kong... taking SQ.. anyone here has exeprience travelling with baby on SQ? do they provide baby food upon request? what sort of food ah?

excited excited
Date: 14th June (Sat)
Time: 8:30am flexi timing meetup (late just call for directions)
Venue: Botanica Gardens
Meeting point: Jacob Ballas Children's Garden Entrance
BYOB and a little you can spare for the others =)

Interested mummies and babies and others:
1. The Mrs Lai & Vanessa
2. michellek & Keira & ws :)
3. jessesmom & jessesdad & jesse
4. cherryteq & Matthew & K
5. michele & Claire
6. Dlim & Jayden & helper
7. Kate n hub n Lele...
8. Augleo + family
9. KSS + family
10. sandwich and kaizer (and husband maybe)
11. sanrio n family

me me, i m tinkg of buying d ergo carrier to ferry cher to/fro nearby places. shd i? do u only use ergo to fetch kaizer to/fro infant care? i saw ur blog. he seems to b adapting well. how's his allergy?
kaizer also enjoys walking about in his squeaky sandals when he's outside nowadays. but unlike you, i don't shop much, so no need to bring stroller out to carry my shopping bags, hahaa!

yup it's used to ferry him to/from school everyday. it has also effectively replaced my stroller when we bring him out on weekends, cos we dun drive. so more convenient to use the carrier for carrying kaizer around, than lug a stroller on public transport.

are you planning to have a third kid? if so, then you should definately get the carrier! if not, then a bit not worth it for you, since your husband fetches you and the kids around quite often, so can always bring your strollers out with relative ease.

he had allergic reactions in school for the first three days (lasting abt a few hours each time). scratched till he bled on the third day, so we had no choice but to force him to take zyrtec late last week. zyrtec worked really well cos no more allergic reaction. (i take zyrtec myself now also esp when i my eczema flares up) now the minor scratches on his face are healing and his limbs just require moisturizing. but his nose is perpetually dripping. think that will take a bit longer to go away. maybe a few weeks?
I believe they provide jarred food (one sweet and one savoury). I can't really remember but it should be Heinz. They can heat it up for you (put jar in hot water in a cup) and will probably provide a metal teaspoon to feed. They'll also give you cloth bib. If you require anything else (or special), e.g. plastic feeding spoon, better to just bring your own.
how much are you paying for the SQ flight for your bb to HK? am planning to bring my bb to penang in nov, and shd be flying SQ too, cos i heard that bbies have a pay a more expensive fare if they're flying a budget airliner. so not worth it!
let me know how much you pay for your family of three for airfare to PG. The last time we claimed miles...so I don't know the adult fare lah...but we are thinking of flying there again in the next one year.
nope, no 3rd kid. it all started cos recently i join a bt batok mum n bb support gp on wkday. we rotate among d houses n some are walkg distance fr my place, some req'd a short bus trip. i cant manage stroller up a bus. i tried sling but had very bad bkache. oso i tot w d ergo, i can brg cher go westmall or imm kaikai anytx..
me n ash are 'zrytec users' wen necessary. in d past, i chose to 'suffer' tru my allergies n somtx it turned into bad case of infection. doc said zrytec is certainly a better/safer option than antibiotics or stronger medicine or steroid wen allergies becum much worst.
how much was you and your husband's air tics then? for the nov trip, we are attending a cousin's wedding plus bringing kaizer to meet my dad's family. my grandma hasn't seen him for over a year.
just saw your post abt the miles. thanks for reminding me abt the miles! i think i have miles from the last few long flights that i took. shall go check and maybe will have enough to get a free tic to penang =)

i see. then maybe you can get the ergo and then sell it off after cherelle gets bigger. your bbatok group sounds fun! haha, i just officially moved home to dover last week, so i can no longer claim that i live in bbatok now .... my parents are pretty sad though that kaizer has now moved home.

think when u book ur tickets u can actually ask for post weaning meals, they provide heinz jar food. but some how i was serve egg sandwhich which i ate
