(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

wah...I wonder how to get the ice cream between now and Friday...hmmm...but thanks.

Breastfeeding moms
issit quite normal for a breastfed baby to not poop for a few days? What's the normal range? Baby in question is 5 months. So think back a few months, okay?

Spring: I did my sums (v proud since i almost flunk maths haha). Pigeon is usually going at $9.90 for 3 packs. Avent was going at $12.90 for 3 packs, but after discount, works out to be at $9.60 or so. If the $19.00 for 6 packs, the difference is only 10 cents for 3 packs. Given that avent is a much bigger and thicker sheet, my vote goes to avent hehehehe
Jesse: if the baby is ok and the baby is on TBF, the "record" can be up to 8 days without pooping. Of cuz, if the baby shows signs of distress or discomfort, best to check with PD. And no harm for ur friend just ring up the PD's clinic and ask about it.
Jon's + Jesse mom...
welcome n enjoy.

thks for reminding me = Friday is the last day. i still thot i've Saturday to enjoy. erm...PRINTING JOB = CANCELED!
Spring: In case u are wondering, I use to count how many cents each sheet of tissue paper cost :p Had to cuz we were using so much tissue paper per roadshow so had to achieve the lowest cost!
no worries, usually company family day during June + the picnic date n venue not cfm yet. who knows will postpone

Company family day...whr? sound interesting...attractive "door gifts"?
Just saw the little dolly you posted on your blog. I know that doll! Went shopping with my ex-colleague for that doll for her gal. Very pretty, makes me want to play with her too, given that I never, ever liked dolls since young. She has lots of accessories and appliances like fridge, bath tub, etc. Have lots of fun! They sell at OG too, can wait for sale to buy. Hee just kaypoh-ing
my girl is born on 26 apr n she has 4 teeth too

mrs lai,
tks 4 d info. i did to kill a mocking bird for my lit too.

we din tink of getg her a doll too. but we were there n few japanese girl toddlers choosing d doll w their mummies n they seem to like it very much. tks 4 info, wld wait for sales then buy her more accessories, din noe OG has.
is normal but not 'encouraged'. bm is easily digestible n bb probably hv absorbed all d nutrients. wen cher was on tbf b4 she started solids, she had record of evy 3-4 days then poo. she got a bit irritable b4 poo n af her massive poo, she wld b happy. so if cher dun poo, i wld massage her tummy few tx a day then. now tat she is on bm n solids, she poo daily or evy alt day.
dun mention it, was just being kaypoh. If not for my ex-coll, I wouldn't have known abt this doll. We both waited till OG had a sale, then cheong there during lunch and grabbed many toys hahaha. She was torn between the different accessories while I could only buy truck la, etc...
that sale was ard Feb if I recall correctly. 20% storewide discount. Now with GSS, OG again having sale, but I'm not sure if it's storewide this time round. The highest discount is 20% to my knowledge and it's at least twice a yr.
Mrs Lai
Wah! Seems like you make a very good Finance Minister for the family….I never count till so precise…but we usually try to buy the pigeon wipes when there’s a promo.. not quite sure though if it’s still $9.90 for three during promo. But I’ll sure keep a lookout on the price the next round I buy! Thanks for alerting.

My dear…you sure brighten up my day with this possibility….haha….was kinda sad that we couldn’t go coz we have never been to a mass picnic, JBG and PLUS, there’s really quite little opportunity for my super shy boy to interact with other kids.

As for the family day event by my hubby’s co….it’s a lunch buffet at the hotel, followed by exclusive ride on the Singapore Flyer for the Company staff & family.
I’m not sure but not at the moment. As what Jesse said, no point if go back to work and get a miserable pay. Maybe when bb is older. Less stressful then.
The most difficult part of being a SAHM is not being able to spend freely like before.
So I always ‘shop’ at supermarkets lor. Then buy a lot of things for the house, then my hb won’t blame me mah.
My friend booked the Party Place to hold her son’s 1st month party. Rental is $500 for 4 hrs.

Nowadays I always read books on bbs. Like now, I’m reading: Your Toddler, Month by Month.. How exciting is that?

Mrs Lai
But I need an Indonesia maid coz my mum don’t speak English but she can communicate in Malay. So Indonesia better for me, I guess.

Value maid agency, is it one of the shophouse type beside a prata shop?

Mrs Lai/ Cherryteq
I love Enid Blyton and Roald Dahl too!

Botanic Gardens is Central la, not west enough.

I think it’s swan leh.

Wet Wipes
I hardly use them nowadays. Only when we’re out, I use it to clean bb’s hands. Otherwise, I’ll just wash her under the tap.

Eh how come your bb’s suddenly got so many teeth ah? Remember Gladys was one of the 1st to have her teeth at 4 mths? Then now only got 8 leh. In fact, she stopped at 8 for a lonnggg time.
Mrs Lai,
thanks for doing the sums. Now I know what price to look out for. Eh, if have sale for wipes, let me know, okay? I'll get my HB to go and buy

Sanrio, Mrs Lai,
thanks for the info. I spoke to hear again and found out that her daughter drinks frequently but not very long. i.e each time only drink foremilk no hindmilk. That could probably be an issue, right? From books...hehe...the hindmilk is the good stuff, no?

Ya lor...I find it hard to work for money (not like I very rich lah...just saying). It's not like I earn a lot so will sim-tiah if I don't have that bit. Plus, I don't really have a passion for my old job, in fact it got to a point I was just burnt out...so if I don't go back to that field then I'll have zero experience in anything else. *sigh* I would do volunteer work though and have been thinking of various places. Though HB was asking me when I think I'd start, I said "when the youngest child starts Pri 1". Then he felt better. haha.

For me, the hardest part about be a SAHM is I have no time for myself and my interests and because of that I've "forgotten" who I am/used to be...I can't pick one. haha.

Good lah...you can update us what our babies are supposed to do each month. hehe. I'm at month 14 now.
wish i can find the time to read! i am really quite a bookworm and literature was one of my fav subjects in sch but since i've had C, i can never find the time to sit down with a book. even finding time to sit down with a magazine is quite a challenge!

i like johnson & johnson wipes leh... thick and wet! i buy them in cartons.

C only started teething in jan this year and she has two teeth below and 4 teeth on top now

jesse, my head office is near tiong bahru so to summarise: there's nice food, near town (so quite convenient) but plenty of old people (there's a funeral @ beo crescent every week on average!)
3rd Mass meet up = PICNIC
Date : 7 June (Saturday)
Time: 3pm
Food: Pot luck
Venue: Jacob Ballas

1. Jo
2. Mrs Lai
3. Dlim (picnic Mat + cakes + fruits)
4. Cherryteq
5. Springdance
6. Gene
7. Sanrio
8. KSS
9. S/W
10. Augleo (picnic mat + pastries + cakes)
11. bububear (pasta salad)
12. Jon's mummy
13. Pisces Gal + Hubby + BabyG <font color="0000ff">(Roasted chicken wings)</font>
Cai Cai : Glynnis had a lot of red spots on her legs and some on her hands as well when she went for her 1st pneumo jab. We brought her to see PD and he just gave us some cream. That was when she's about 6 - 7 mths old. But when she took her 2nd jab, she's ok. I am bringing her for her 3rd jab this Sat. Hope she will be ok.

Jesse : When Glynnis was fully on BM, she poo every day. Ever since she started on solid, she may miss a day.
if bb is younger n take lots of foremilk, shd in fact poo more. but i suppose if ur frd's bb takes more foremilk, is probably all absorbed or passed out as pee.

jessemom, michele,
i oso hv no tx for my own reading pleasure. books tat i read now are what ash likes or read. so now i can tell interesting outer space stories :p
i thought his fever was ok this morning, so i went to work. but he didnt drink and eat much, so in the end i took PM leave to bring him to the pd. found that he actually had a throat infection, so fever was not due to teething. anyway, he's on mc tomorrow, so i'll be at home with him on thurs and fri. hope he'll be able to recover well, cos he has to start school on monday.

it's so like cher to have a doll. so girly! think cher's doll has a very catchy ad. me and my mum had to watch a particular japanese doll ad many many times at robinson's cos kaizer made us stand there to watch with him. dun remember the doll's name, but looks super like the one cher has.
can check if yoghurt to give baby is Yogplait petit miam right?

thanks. Yah D still can eat everything under the sky.. he can gum very well. so we always let him eat our table food.
mrs lai , i cant mit u for lunch after ur kindermusik lesson , my sonny has to hv his power nap from 11am to 1pm , so most prob , i cannot leave house early . bo pianz .

dreamy , thanks for ur info abt glynnis . the thing abt the spots is , it comes and gone , dunno why ... the pd told me on the phone that if it is related to prenav jab , it shd happen on MON , the day of injection . but i dun recall seeing it leh . sigh , anyway , i will monitor it to see how .
btw , micK ... in case u are still buying HUGGIES ultra . i bot many packs of it at the Jasons' supermkt after my kindermusik .
there is a promo , spend 25 above , can redeem a free romper at mothercare . ONLY receipts fm cold storage / JASONS , can be used ... while stks last
SOS !! anybody know where I can buy those manual chopper? I was using it to chop the vege for jboy's porridge into bits, but mine spoil this morn. The last time i bot from those temp set up stall :p
any mummies use ameda electric dual pump before? when u all pump do u use bags or avent cups or wat huh? getting prepared for #2 who wants to come early! me very determined to BF!!
hope Kaizer will get better. Wah...throat infection...hopefully, it's not to difficult for him to eat.

Thanks for the review of Tiong Bahru.
Actually my area also have at least one funeral a month and during the hot months or festive period, we get once a fortnight.

ya, she says she pees a lot...
hehe...when he's older, we'll go to the library to get more books.
Some for mummy, some for jesse.

so good that Glynnis plumbing works well.
Ya, solids take longer time to digest...
Consolidate Naps
Say, any babies/toddlers started to/is starting/has consolidated his/her nap? Usually what age do they start?

Also, any other baby likes to pull off their diaper? Jesse loves to pull off his diapers (clean, fresh ones) and some times I can find him diaper off after his nap....sometimes the find is not pleasant.
kelley, i use avent bottles/cups for my ameda pump. you just need to get the converter.

jessemom, at tiong bahru, its every week, not every month! haha...
Mrs Lai / MichK
I like shopping alot too...but I got one good point is I dun buy branded stuff...errr...can count as good point hor?

yupz...certainly hope to meet up with the mummies at the picnic if possible.

I stay at redhill...very near to TB...personally I like the location coz it's close to town and my flat is just opposite the MRT. Think Cherryteq can give you her feedback too as she's staying in the area.

Can try buying the chopper at Giant or Sheng Siong...
so nice are near MRT. Rental in your area high or not? We might sell this place and rent first...also don't know how and what lah. Still thinking. Cos my HB works at Tanjong Pagar, so he's hoping to move nearer his work lor. Personally, I'm okay with anywhere...like to move around then i'll know the whole island one day. haha.

Your area got funeral once a week or not? hehe... Now I know cannot move to Beo :p
cai cai...
ask your sis to buy more clothes for your boy! lots of nice clothes...and cheap too! leap pad n vtech toys are cheap in US too!

I use pampers wet wipes and pampers diapers here. i didnt know kirklands and cvs ones are good! but pampers does its job pretty well so i m fine with it. But u know what? I still prefer pigeon wet wipes and the pampers diapers in singapore. and i really really love pigeon breastpads! I use lanisoh now and i dun like it!
cindy , thks

jessemum , rental will be a killer @ TB . either u buy a flat or u just stay in Sengkang ba . i think for rents -> u are at the mercy of ur landlord , wat if they just decide to sell their hse one day ? then u be stuck ..
moreover , how come u so sure ur hubby wun change job ?wat if change a new environment , not in Tanjong Pagar , then HOW ????
anyway , i also think Tiong Bahru nice place , but very expensive now . last time i heard ( 4yrs back) , 300K+ for a 3 rm flat ( walk up apartment - no lifts type)
I'll honestly say I have no idea what breastpads look like! Anywho... I love CVS and Kirkland, try it when you get the chance. That time I used the "sensitive" ones. I managed to use pampers wipes there as well, cos it came free with the box of pampers I bought. Funny hor...I actually like the pampers there. It's bigger or something...over here we us mummy poko cos the pampers seems "slim-cut" and doesn't really cover-all. haha. Plus, I love all the sesame street pictures (and different size has different pictures/themes) on the diapers. Jesse went up to a size 5/6 so we saw it all. haha. Over here we have some strange pink/blue elephant...huh?

*nod nod* wanted to SAHM....
nope i m staying in the west....

mrs lai,
my girl don like to gum leh...she swallow all food tat goes into her mouth...

michellek, gacc,
our bb same same...4teeth...
I doubt i will have the chance to try CVS and Kirkland cos my pampers wipes will last me till i m back. won't ship any wipes back (Tho its really so much cheaper here) cos i have too many things already. I love the pampers sesame st designs here esp when cait loves elmo! but somehow, the diaper has some chemical smell! i rather stick to the strange pink/blue elephants! ahahaha! guess i cant have the best of both worlds!

caitlyn started teething at 6mths (quite early too rite?) but now stuck at 7 teeth! 4 on top and 3 below. the 3rd one below only popped up recently! so like gladys...she had 6 teeth for the longest time! even Claire is almost catching up even tho she only started teething in Jan!

Dun worry abt D's slow growth. He is slow n steady!

Does any of u have the Abbott Discount Voucher for Gain IQ?

Is it possible if I can have them coz I have lost mine? I am thinking of trying out Gain IQ for babyG and at the same time enjoy the discount.

Any mummy? We can exchange for local stamps if u want too.

Please email me.


Indeed .. after combing the whole parkway parade during lunch, finally found a mini chopper at Giant, $3.99, small small one. Hopefully it does it's job well
