(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

yes...i think so too.
Once upon a time...........
then Prince n Princess married n live happily ever after.
Morning mummies,

thanks for well wishes on ashlyn bday.. it was tiring even though it was a family affair and i loved the cupcakes from cake avenue in HK theme!! hahaha..

ashlyn had tons of fun.. we went for our photo shoot and wai peng loved her.. ended up more than 220 pics.. but she said she will edit for me n send to me by post!! i was super tired cos i was buzy hunting for electrical appliances for my new place too!! i simply bot a super big fridge even though i don't know hw to cook!! buahahaahah.. happy happy... oh.. and my gal loved her chicken n egg mee sua on her bday n her cupcakes.. i will update her blog soon!!!

as usual, babies are swarmed with new toys on their first bday!
not to wori. ash was once a upon a tx an 'antisocial' boy tat took a long while to warm up. wen we brought him to classes wen he was a toddler, he hid at d 4 corners of d rm. kids cum near him, he run. kids touch him, he cried. crowded places, unfamilar faces, he cried. during then, we cant go frds' hse. he only slowly open up wen he started gg school. tdy he is chatty, sociable n quite friendly. n wen other kids push him, he tell them off :p but by ntaure, he is d 'not so rough' type, a bit more soft n gentle type thou. but still playful, active, mischievous n boyish n love cars n said dolls n pink stuff are girls stuff, he dun like. phew... no worries for me :p
Thanks alot for sharing about Ash...have a strong feeling that my boy will go through the phase that Ash once went through.. :p

Here's wishing Ashlyn "Sheng Ri Kuai Le"!

Michele / Dreamy
Here's wishing Claire & Glynnis a most Happy Birthday!
Oops..missed Glynnis! Happy Birthday Glynnis!

Her fever is gone but now she's coughing quite badly...i must have spread it to her.

Glad that Cher is back home and recovering!
mrs lai ...yes thanks u the petite cubes is what i'm looking for...

have any mummies here tried to grind brown rice?just using normal blender/grinder can right??
Taro: Last time my boy lurrrrved the teething toys esp when it's nicely chilled. But he dun fancy them now. More interested in dropping them on the floor than chewing on them.

CaiCai: Bao Yin Dan? Okay, will try if his symptoms persist. Cos usually he only fussy on day 1... Hope he will feel better today!

SprD: Understand how u feel about other people's negative comments. Last time when I bring Lele out, one or 2 aunties will comment,"very quiet hor."
I'm sure they did not mean anything but at that point of time I felt that maybe they meant to say my baby is TOO quiet, that sort of thing...
i tell myself not to be bothered by others' comments because I know my son best, not them!

Sanrio: wow... you really weida mother! Tolerate a blister just so your baby can continue to nurse! I'm sure baby Cher will really appreciate your motherlove and stay strong for your sake. JiayouJiayou!
I heard that some virus (such as PD virus) can be hidden in our bodies and not affect us, but can still be passed from our bodies to others. And if passed to an able body, the virus will remain harmless. But when passed to a weaker body like an infant's, can cause some reactions.

So who knows, the virus could have been hidden in one of the persons Cher came into contact w and passed on to her!
Sanrio: my PD says BM can help with the gastrointestinal (?) disease, but no proven effect for any other types of illness. I asked him tt time when my gal has the UTI and 2nd grade VUR, and tt's what he said. So even though Cher is on TBF, there's no guarentee she will have resistance against the "fake measles" and other things.

V is down with a fever still and is now developing a cough. *sigh*
Lina: I've started giving brown rice to my baby but never grind leh. I just cook the brown rice porridge first and then add the white rice.
Good Afternoon Mummies,
It's official...Jesse's sick

HB brought him to pd this morning and he has mild bronchitis (runny nose, sore throat, etc) but she doesn't know what's causing the fever. So if fever persists for 2 more days have to go back to visit her. oh well, we do already have a 1:!5 appt with her on Friday.

So I guess I won't be on much the next few days...Jesse sick
no lah.. i m a sahm whereas all of u ftwm, tough oso. i jus bite on handkerchief while she nurse :p actually, i dun noe how to wean her off. is my 'fault' for being lazy n din give her bottle so she refuses bottle. i wld 'tong' till she can drk well fr a cup or she self wean off. oso my boy totally cant take any milk n has so bad allergies so his specialist advised me to bf my girl for as long as i can. so i jus try n try n has almost been 1yr oreadi..

Mrs Lai,
i know bm is no magic. u are right tat d main protection is agst gastrointestinal illnesses. but i do believe tat there are other benefits. i remb how u persisted in ur bfg journey. ya, i mus agree tough tough.. i try to persist for d above reasonns i mentioned to Kate n oso bfg has somehow becum part of me n cher's lifestyle..
oh no, hope V gets well very soon...
sorry to hear tat Jesse is sick. is probably d throat infection tat is causing d fever? hope tat he gets well soon. u take care too.

May all our babies/1 yr old toddlers stay happy & healthy always
sanrio: I think the biggest magic of BM is the bf itself - the closeness between u and baby! for me, I just do my best ... although i do miss pumping milk :p cuz it's like i'm not giving anything to my gal anymore and I hardly spend time with her as well.

Jessemum: hope ur boi boi gets well soon too.
sanrio , u are a brave mummy ! peifu all of u for bf-ing so long , sandwich , michele , cindy too ...

augleo , how u derive "toddlers" . u mean if our kids hit 1 yr old mark , they are no longer babies eh ?
Hey, dan jboy also toddler le
Nowadays, sometimes I am quite amazed by his understanding power. No more a blur blur in his own world bb.
Aug: where did you derive the defn? It's interesting! Cos me always assumed that toddler means after 1 year old...
Lidat, BBJayden is toddler at 10months since he started his first steps then, and BBJK is also considered toddler liao? Hmm...
pls use this updated list to add on

Date: 3rd May 08 (Saturday)
Time: Lunch (12pm) or Tea (3pm)

Venue: TBA
** Plaza Mkt cafe (Buffet S$23+++ 12.30pm to 5pm; free for kids below 6yrs old)
** Globetrotters (pte rm: S$24.90++ 11am to 2.30pm)
** Clubhouse @Suntec = (waiting for quote)

1. Augleo + JK + hb
2. EE + Tiffany + gor gor + hb
3. Kelley + Ash
4. bububear + Bryan + gor gor + helper
5. ixora + Jo + hb
6. coolD + Jordon + hb
7. Gene + Gladys
8. aprilmum + Ning + hb + helper
9. Kris + Kelly + hb
10. Dlim + Jayden + hb + helper
11. michele + claire + hb
12. sandwich + kaizer + hb
13. sanrio + hb + cher + ash
14. disneytokyo + Siggy + helper (depending on venue)
15. springdance + Jonas + hb (depending on venue)
16. tft (Catherine) + Malcolm + hb
17. Kimsansoo + Isabelle + hb (to b confirmed)
18. babyraphael + rina mummy and kelvin daddy
19. Ms Tan + Faith + Hb

please add on…

currently we hv 34 adults in the list, pls advise (mummies w/helpers) is ur helper joining for the makan?

Our tentatively booking w/Globetrotter (pte room) till this Friday.

any mummies only prefer specific venue, if not will not able to join?

pls advise.....thks
i get the meaning from dictionary = after reading ur post, i cfm with another website ...same meaning leh

** child who is just learning to walk **
cool_d: I think our babies are SO <font color="0000ff">FUNFUNFUN</font> to play with at this stage, when they begin to comprehend the meanings behinds our words and come up with funnyfunny actions/words of their own!
But I also find that Lele is become more opinionated. He will express his dislike for water by pushing our hands away, or show displeasure for our action by bowing his head to the ground and kicking his legs.
Hiazz…Think only we new mummies are more sensitive to those remarks…to the aunties, probably they didn’t realise at all that what they said meant anything negative….

Re: Toddlers
A friend told me that toddlers are defined from age 18 months till 3 years old.
Date: 3rd May 08 (Saturday)
Time: Lunch (12pm) or Tea (3pm)

Venue: TBA
** Plaza Mkt cafe (Buffet S$23+++ 12.30pm to 5pm; free for kids below 6yrs old)
** Globetrotters (pte rm: S$24.90++ 11am to 2.30pm)
** Clubhouse @Suntec = (waiting for quote)

1. Augleo + JK + hb
2. EE + Tiffany + gor gor + hb
3. Kelley + Ash
4. bububear + Bryan + gor gor + helper
5. ixora + Jo + hb
6. coolD + Jordon + hb
7. Gene + Gladys
8. aprilmum + Ning + hb + helper
9. Kris + Kelly + hb
10. Dlim + Jayden + hb + helper
11. michele + claire + hb
12. sandwich + kaizer + hb
13. sanrio + hb + cher + ash
14. disneytokyo + Siggy + helper (depending on venue)
15. springdance + Jonas + hb (depending on venue)
16. tft (Catherine) + Malcolm + hb
17. Kimsansoo + Isabelle + hb (to b confirmed)
18. babyraphael + rina mummy and kelvin daddy
19. Ms Tan + Faith + Hb
20. michellek + hubby + Keira (TBC)
SprD: Agree! We new mummies tend to be more gan cheong spider la. Can't be helped because we are young and inexperienced. Now I look at Lele so at eased w himself anywhere with anyone.
But I remember when Lele was about 5months, we brought him out to a meet with hub's friend, wife and their baby boy, and another friend.
The baby boy is just 2 weeks older than Lele. He was very at eased and smiled and laughed alot. He also played with us easily with all of us and even attempted play with Lele!
Lele however was grouchy and fussy.
He did not respond to others' cooing, just stared expressionless.

I remembered telling my hub at that time, why Lele so ill-at-ease...
But we decided that each baby is diff so dun compare. With time, we discovered Lele just needs time to size things up before he can "play". AND, he is a "need-to-sleep" baby. If wan him to enjoy anything, must make sure he has enough sleep. Otherwise other things "mian3 tan2"!
i also cooked brown rice the same way at kate. must cook brown with high fire then i add calrose rice then simmer all the way
my boy also a big baby .. still long way to go even after 1 yo, he shows no sign of walking.

now my boy very fun to play with.. he can smile at us for no reason.. and can happily clap. he also HATE water.
now my straw training fail. i used pigeon's mag for water. then when he sip, the water will flow out. so i duno if it bcoz he hates water or he really dunno how to suck.

now when he see a bottle with straw coming, he will shove it away or shake his head violently
i used sandwich 'method' to 'teach' cher to drk fr straw cos she is 1 who rejects teat, spout n straw. i hold d magmag straw cup n pretend to very 'kua chang' do d big sucking action repeatedly then pass straw cup to hb n ash (but not to her) n we all pretend too suck so hard n tell her 'water is so nice yum yum'. then she wan to grab d magmag n she imitated our sucking action n she got it. af a few round, she noe how to ctrl d flow.

oh yes, abt d porridge in tiger food jar. remb to hv enough water if u intend to leave d porride all d way to dinner tx. if i no tx, she only take d porridge w d stock. else i wld steam n grind the meat n pack it separately into d container tat cum w d food jar. add in only during feeding tx.
sanrio, michelle, kate, min and cool_daughter,
i introduced the magmag straw cup to kaizer this afternoon. bought him to west mall to let him pick the colour and cup that he likes. turns out that he likes the magmag design and prefers green to orange/blue. very happy that he managed to suck successfully by the second attempt. phew, at least straw training is stress-free compared to the extremely stressful teat training. he had fun practicing his new skill, so he kept drinking and drinking hahaa. but he hasn't learnt how to moderate the suction yet, so he keeps sucking out more water than he can drink, so a bit messy when he spits all the excess out.

i didnt know that you can get blisters from excessive latching on w/out emptying the breasts. hmm, i better go express my milk then cos kaizer skipped 1/2 his night feed. he also skipped all his solids today as his nose is super blocked and uncomfortable. wanted to bring him to the hospital to visit my dad (admitted this morning) but i think better not do so till he's totally recovered otherwise he might catch some viruses over there. at least there's a happy thing that happened - he learnt to use the straw - otherwise today will be a super lousy day!
i pretend to also suck the straw and even put milk inside but still cannot succeed

i also pull straw out but water will spill out in the end

anyway i can only conclude that my boy really hate water to the core coz i revert back to bottle and he also reject it.

cindy, michele, sanrio,
do you gals know what are the indicators to show that our bbies are losing interest in latching on? i was thinking of developing a weaning off plan cos i want to start thinking abt having a second bb next year. and i want to make sure that there is a gap when i'm not breastfeeding, so that my body can rest. when are you gals planning to introduce FM/cow's milk?

cow's milk will be great, cos it means bb and mama and papa can all drink the same milk! but its a big no no for me now, cos this morning i let kaizer play with my empty chocolate meiji milk container after i've finished the milk. he was mouthing the bottle cap area to imitate how i drink my milk, and within 1/2 hr he developed food allergy rashes around his mouth. luckily not serious cos the quantity that he took in must be miniscule. if i introduce a BM alternative, it would have to be something like NAN (HA) again.
