(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Yap...threw a small party for her, but the poor b'day girl wasn't feeling well. Going to bring her to the PD tom. Just happy that the party went well and that it is over!

Dont know what's happening..seems like alot of babies all sick.

My girl recovered from her fever but the cough still lingers around. I hope she will recovered by Sat, her bday.

Over the weekend, while crawling, she hit herself against the floor. I got a bad shock cos she was bleeding. haiz..now she has a little wound on her upper lips. Sad..sad.
take care of yourself too .. weather is bad + lack of sleep taking care of cher, u may fall sick urself. Me oredi sick after taking care of jboy last week. But hang in there, am sure cher will be alrite soon
take care ok. keep cher in my prayers!

its ok.. my boy at 1yo also juz started standing with support.

Oh No.. hope cher will recover soon. U must be very tired right now.
Pls take care of yrself & do keep us update abt cher..
catherine: Consider getting some "wai shan" as well. it's the dried version of burdock. I buy 1 pack and grind into powder form, and I add 1 tablespoon of it to my porridge. According to my ma jie, it's suppose to help to keep a baby healthy. But, I remember one of the mummies say that don't add the chinese "herbs" to the porridge if got carrot, cuz carrot will neutralise the effects.

Sanrio: Hope your gal is feeling better - my gal also came down with fever this morning. You take good care of yourself ok?

Now so tired, got to rush home after work and I still have to discipline my maid over some other matters.
hi mummies,
tks for concern. she was admitted sat noon not fri. likely viral fever as she had no other symptoms. urine test cleared. blood test showed wbc n platelets a bit low n she was weak/lethargic so they admitted her. we are hoping to go hm tdy as her fever subsided tis morning.
Oh dear…Cher is not feeling well again….poor mummy must be tired out… you take care and try to rest also in the ward when Cher is sleeping. Hope that Cher gets well very soon….

Seems like our boys development tend to be around the same pace…except that I think my boy is also SUPER shy….haizzz
dear mummies,
cher said tks to all aunties.. hb is here to carry cher go walk walk. so upset, we were all ready to go hm tis noon then b4 go off, took temp, 37.8. doc said can go hm n monitor. af abt 15mins, nurse took temp agn n was 38.6. senior doc said hv to stay for observation

cher dun like tis place, neither does mummy. cos our hm is d most comfortable place. n i really dun noe wat to do w her wen she is cranky n wan carry all d tx n wen hb is not w me
cher has phobia of nurses now, cos nurses = medication tx evy 4hrly = temp taking evy 2hrly. i din nap tdy. hopefully 2nite she slp well n i can slp..
Hi sanrio,

I know how u feel. I have went through this last month.... hope Cher will get well soon. By the way, beside fever, is Cher having running nose or cough? They only give paracetamol every 4 hourly? This is also what they did for my son. My son only recover after seeing his PD at Raffles as the PD give another type of medicine to alternate with the paracetamol given by KKH. Did they tell u that the fever will last for 7 days?
Date: 3rd May 08 (Saturday)
Time: Lunch (12pm) or Tea (3pm)

Venue: TBA
** Plaza Mkt cafe (Buffet S$23+++ 12.30pm to 5pm; free for kids below 6yrs old) = City Hall MRT.
** Globetrotters (pte rm: S$24.90++ 11am to 2.30pm)
** Clubhouse @Suntec = there is a children playroom (waiting for quote)

1. Augleo + JK + hb
2. EE + Tiffany + gor gor + hb
3. Kelley + Ash
4. bububear + Bryan + gor gor + helper
5. ixora + Jo + hb
6. coolD + Jordon + hb
7. Gene + Gladys
8. aprilmum + Ning + hb + helper
9. Kris + Kelly + hb
10. Dlim + Jayden + hb + helper
11. michele + claire + hb
12. sandwich + kaizer + hb
13. sanrio + hb + cher + ash
14. disneytokyo + Siggy + helper (depending on venue)
15. kimsamsoon + isabelle + hb (to be confirmed)

pls add on...
sanrio, cindy, mrs lai,
it's kaizer's b-day today and he also developed a high fever from this afternoon onwards. it's day of mishaps since he banged his right cheek on a table, earned a big blue black on his face, and puked his entire dinner out onto my brother's shirt. couldn't get him to eat his medicine, but didnt force him, since he's already so upset abt being sick.

are you bunking in with cher at KKH as well? kaizer has 2 days MC. maybe i can bring him to visit cher on wed at your place after she's discharged. but provided both the kiddos get well by then lah. think they're both depressed and will be happy to see each other.

i think kaizer's teeth also grew out pretty fast. first came out ard end Feb, and he has six now. prob another one/two coming if his fever is due to teething.
lina: are u referring to petite cubes or are you referring to really ice cube trays?

the first one, you can check with little jet plane if she still has stock at http://www.littlejetplane.com/

If the other type, I got mine last time from JL at Marina, but the second time I went there no more. A safer bet would be Isetan.

Sandwich and Cher and other mummies, according to my PD, the latest "trend" is not HFM (apparently already controlled), but 1) fever with flu like symptoms - watch out for the HK flu - if baby is very "sianz" and listless and don't want to eat, must bring to PD 2) Fever and nothing else - could be the fake measles (the kids can have it repeatedly as there are many different strains(?))

I'm not sure if my gal's fever is due to teething - there are 4 sore red spots, otherwise she's very active still (like trying to kick things these days cuz she too lazy to bend down to touch) and climbing all over the furniture. May want to take the afternoon off so I can spend some time with my gal, provided I can finish my work lah *sigh*
MicK: can i ask u ... ur sister in USA got kids or not ah? if yes, do you know what kind of formula she fed her kids with? My sister says she is feeding hers with full cream cow's milk and I was surprised, since u no singapore culture is so different.
Spring: it's not ur son super shy, he just take a longer time to warm up ... bu yao kan bian ni de boy, in 16 years time, he may be the heart throb in his school and chased by countless of gals and he always strutting around with pretty gals hanging on his arms!
Date: 3rd May 08 (Saturday)
Time: Lunch (12pm) or Tea (3pm)

Venue: TBA
** Plaza Mkt cafe (Buffet S$23+++ 12.30pm to 5pm; free for kids below 6yrs old)
** Globetrotters (pte rm: S$24.90++ 11am to 2.30pm)
** Clubhouse @Suntec = (waiting for quote)

1. Augleo + JK + hb
2. EE + Tiffany + gor gor + hb
3. Kelley + Ash
4. bububear + Bryan + gor gor + helper
5. ixora + Jo + hb
6. coolD + Jordon + hb
7. Gene + Gladys
8. aprilmum + Ning + hb + helper
9. Kris + Kelly + hb
10. Dlim + Jayden + hb + helper
11. michele + claire + hb
12. sandwich + kaizer + hb
13. sanrio + hb + cher + ash
14. disneytokyo + Siggy + helper (depending on venue)
15. springdance + Jonas + hb (depending on venue)
16. tft (Catherine) + Malcolm + hb
17. Kimsansoo + Isabelle + hb (to b confirmed)

please add on….
Sanrio: So sorry to hear about BBcher's plight... I can understand how you must feel when Cher is crying from discomfort but unconsolable from your hugs and soothing.

Please take good care of yourself and stay strong for BBcher. I'm sure she will be able to draw mental strength from u and get well in no time!
Sandwich: BBKaizer also sick? You must be very xin tong, cos you just returned from a long trip in Egypt to find little K unhappy with illness. Take care ya...
Direct discount for eCreative cake @15%:
mummies interested in this direct discount, pls pm me ur NAME, HP# n DELIVERY DATE n design code.

** last delivery date: 4May
Think it’s better that you make Kaizer take his med…otherwise, he will take very long to recover…poor boy….he must be terribly uncomfortable.

Mrs Lai
I know I know….my boy takes longer to “warm up”… but now I’m more worried with how he will react at his own birthday party….cry & hug us like a Koala bear throughout? Now that I have settled & booked everything…I am starting to get worry how things will turn out (which is too late for regrets!)…. Actually knowing my own child in the first place, I should have juz have a small gathering with him & hubby…but the devil in me wans to hold a party for him so much….. :p
springdance , my sonny also refused to cooperate during the little gathering i had in a pte room @ at restaurant , coz he didnt hv his afternoon nap. sometimes , kids hv a mind of their own , difficult for us to predict . since u hv aredi done all the prep work , u just go ahead , anyway , no one will blame him for crying . he is just a baby wor .
Mrs Lai,

how old is your sister's child? Over one year, they do start transitioning to cow's milk...below that, they have more (types/brand) formula than what we have here.

Well...Jesse's usually very friendly but on his birthday in a small, at home gathering, he hated it. So we really can't predict lah.

my baby is sick too...sianz...he was coughing the whole night and appetite also not good. BUT he doesn't have fever leh...but got to bring him to see dr cos don't know what cough syrup to bring him. Do you know of any I can just buy from pharmacy?
Dun worry .. maybe jonas will give u a surprise on his bday .. he will 'tell' u, mummy, i grow up oredi n no more afraid of strangers le
sprD: Caicai is right. Jonas is still a baby. This means that they are unpredictable, insecure and have lotsa room to change

Even if he does exhibit "shy" behaviour now, that could mean that he knows no other behaviour. With time, things will change for him as he become more confident and get exposed to a wide range of situations.

HAVE FUN AT JONAS' big birthday bash!

Lele's bday bash will also be a small small one at a restaurant... hmm...I wonder how he will react!
mra lai,
my nephew now 7yrs old, but he was on cows milk after he turned 1yr.

he very cute, last time when he was still learning how to read, he saw LOW FAT MILK. and he told his mummy he doesnt want to drink coz he is scared he will get FAT
MicK and Jesse: hmm i see .. very different from here hor ... anyway I asked my sis to consider to drink similac grow and Go (their version of stage 2) instead of cow's milk.

Spring: just enjoy lah ... if he wants to cling on like koala bear also enjoy it, in a few years time he will be saying "dun touch me! dun hold my hand! dun stand so clsoe to me!"

Jesse: for coughing, you can try applying vicks on the sole of the feet and then let ur boy wear socks to sleep. My SIL says her PD told her to do tt for her baby.
Date: 3rd May 08 (Saturday)
Time: Lunch (12pm) or Tea (3pm)

Venue: TBA
** Plaza Mkt cafe (Buffet S$23+++ 12.30pm to 5pm; free for kids below 6yrs old) = City Hall MRT.
** Globetrotters (pte rm: S$24.90++ 11am to 2.30pm)
** Clubhouse @Suntec = there is a children playroom (waiting for quote)

1. Augleo + JK + hb
2. EE + Tiffany + gor gor + hb
3. Kelley + Ash
4. bububear + Bryan + gor gor + helper
5. ixora + Jo + hb
6. coolD + Jordon + hb
7. Gene + Gladys
8. aprilmum + Ning + hb + helper
9. Kris + Kelly + hb
10. Dlim + Jayden + hb + helper
11. michele + claire + hb
12. sandwich + kaizer + hb
13. sanrio + hb + cher + ash
14. disneytokyo + Siggy + helper (depending on venue)
15. kimsamsoon + isabelle + hb (to be confirmed)
16. babyraphael + rina mummy and kelvin daddy
Mrs Lai and Jessie,

I'm actually thinking of letting Caitlyn start on cow's milk instead of formula. Most babies after 1yr drink cow's milk in US...the variety for formula after 1yr is very limited and very ex. I think the PDs here recommend cow's milk cos the babies can get the other vitamins and nutrients from the food they eat.
i believe in US and australia, it is normal for children to progress to normal fresh milk instead of formula milk after 1 yr, if the mummies no bfing anymore
Date: 3rd May 08 (Saturday)
Time: Lunch (12pm) or Tea (3pm)

Venue: TBA
** Plaza Mkt cafe (Buffet S$23+++ 12.30pm to 5pm; free for kids below 6yrs old) = City Hall MRT.
** Globetrotters (pte rm: S$24.90++ 11am to 2.30pm)
** Clubhouse @Suntec = there is a children playroom (waiting for quote)

1. Augleo + JK + hb
2. EE + Tiffany + gor gor + hb
3. Kelley + Ash
4. bububear + Bryan + gor gor + helper
5. ixora + Jo + hb
6. coolD + Jordon + hb
7. Gene + Gladys
8. aprilmum + Ning + hb + helper
9. Kris + Kelly + hb
10. Dlim + Jayden + hb + helper
11. michele + claire + hb
12. sandwich + kaizer + hb
13. sanrio + hb + cher + ash
14. disneytokyo + Siggy + helper (depending on venue)
15. kimsamsoon + isabelle + hb (to be confirmed)
16. babyraphael + rina mummy and kelvin daddy
17. Ms Tan + Faith + Hb

please kiss Kaizer for me since at its bday today! hey, want to send you the pixztaken on friday, but i accidentally deleted your SMS for your email address.
Luckily saw dianne's email to U ! so i have juzt send them over.
not sure about the truth of it. but old wive tale depicts that baby tend to get fever during/near to their birthday as during that time, their bone will starts to grow. the adverse side effect of the bone growth results in fever.

maybe all mummies can measure if bb has grown any taller after the fever

before my gal turn 1, she was perpectually running high fever for 4 days and temp hit as high as 39.7degrees. constant sponging wil help to bring down the temp. as well as making her feel better.
mrs lai
my cousin doc say can give cow milk like Magnolia.
can give as breakfast cereal tog with cocoa pops or cornflakes..provided they can chew lah

and i'm thinkin of giving that as an afternoon snack in replace of his 1 FM feed.

anyway, can give Vitasoy anot? i tried 1 packet and its not sweet at all
pls use this updated list to add on

Date: 3rd May 08 (Saturday)
Time: Lunch (12pm) or Tea (3pm)

Venue: TBA
** Plaza Mkt cafe (Buffet S$23+++ 12.30pm to 5pm; free for kids below 6yrs old)
** Globetrotters (pte rm: S$24.90++ 11am to 2.30pm)
** Clubhouse @Suntec = (waiting for quote)

1. Augleo + JK + hb
2. EE + Tiffany + gor gor + hb
3. Kelley + Ash
4. bububear + Bryan + gor gor + helper
5. ixora + Jo + hb
6. coolD + Jordon + hb
7. Gene + Gladys
8. aprilmum + Ning + hb + helper
9. Kris + Kelly + hb
10. Dlim + Jayden + hb + helper
11. michele + claire + hb
12. sandwich + kaizer + hb
13. sanrio + hb + cher + ash
14. disneytokyo + Siggy + helper (depending on venue)
15. springdance + Jonas + hb (depending on venue)
16. tft (Catherine) + Malcolm + hb
17. Kimsansoo + Isabelle + hb (to b confirmed)
18. babyraphael + rina mummy and kelvin daddy
19. Ms Tan + Faith + Hb

please add on….

Happy Birthday & speedy recovery to Kaizer!

So many bbs are sick, hope all will recover soon!
Sick bbs, tired mummies.. Hang in there k!
