(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

hi mummies,

i just back from compasspoint.. bought Ning, 2 pairs of shoes and 1 pair of sock.. total $20.. 1 pair shoe, original price $19, selling $9.. and sock, original price $6, selling $2 only.

helium tanks:
mummies, u think we can hv a BP for it? heeheee!
Party areas: East, North n West
can nego rental of the tank 1wk, 2wks or even 1 mth

OR even
S$50/per tank of 100 pcs of 12" balloons.
so we can share the tanks.

yes...ganna helium poison le
cher is so cuteeeeee! kaizer has the same float, but he keeps trying to climb out cos the front ring blocks his view.

such a coincidence, kaizer was puking big time yesterday too. we tried karihome goat's milk on him, and he looked quite ok for 1/2 hour, so i breastfed him and after that he puked his entire milk feed out in 3-4 pukes.
order batch #1 and #2 from:
- augleo
- mrs_lai
- sanrio
- min
- taro
- ms_tan
- jesmine
- kimsamsoon
- shirleyyeo

order batch #3
- mrs_lai
- taro
- jo
- cool_daughter
- dlim

payment received from:
- augleo
- min
- jesmineang
- ms_tan
- taro
- jch
- cynthia

please kindly transfer if you have not done so and do another transfer if you have ordered additional items to either my posb savings a/c 284-94094-6 or uob current a/c 142-307-552-5 (coleman st branch).
Hi Augleo,

I think I will be too busy on that day and have no time to inflate the balloon by myself and I'm not sure whether I can make it into a balloon bouquet. So I prefer someone to inflate and deliver to me.

When will JK Birthady Party be held? U managed to finalise on the venue?
agreed, on the party day, sure not free! mayb u can consider to approach some of ur close frez or relative help to do the deco n inflate those balloons.

alternative, u can try contact the splr @Tampines ind. park.
they do provide such svc.

JK's b.day venue not cfm yet
my prediction: heehee!
1st B.day party:
23/24th Mar:

29/30th Mar:

5/6th Apr:

12/13th Apr

19/20th Apr

26/27th Apr:
Can try bbqhouse.com.sg. I wud say not bad lah, but it's not fantastic. But than again, if I do bbq again, i will still order fm them for the convenience.

Dun hang pighead .. I am transferring now :p But hor, I using citibank leh, so may takes a few days. I tsf $23.40 (USD15.60).


San-tanning babe ;)
wanted to thks for ur offer (but earlier the forum is kindda slow).
dun think can take the offer of sharing from u.
btw, do u know those frozen snacks can stay best after "leaving" freezer huh?
expiry date of the snacks?
1st time ordering....

yup.. boy boy shoes also very nice.. some designs running OOS.. must act fast.. cos only $9 per pair.
not sure they'll top up new stocks or not.


i think not all FOX having sales..
Am getting shoes for Ning to wear after 1 yr old

i called Christina(64015324) already, her add is BLK 110D Punggol Field. She said we can login to www.twinkleballons.com We just need to tell her which designs we like and she'll bring it down and show us. Thanks much for the help le.. you're really great!!!! muackssss..

For those who wanted to order balloons from Christina of Twinkleballoons and if your party is held on sunday noon. I have checked with her few weeks ago and she will not be able to deliver the balloons on sunday morning as she need to attend church service.
bb/kids who are allergic to cow's milk usually cant tolerate goat's milk too. tat tx we wanted to buy goat's milk n let ash try but pd told us not to waste $, haiz... wat to do..
did u try to dilute d feed?
we tot of sending ash for a food allergies test. can tell me more? cos tat tx we wanted to but pd said can but not necessary, fr his reaction, we can tell n abstain but i tot wld b gd to make sure/noe exactly wat are d allergens..
i m extremely allergic to fresh longans (fruit), if eat, wld cough till breathless n puke. funny right, longans???
The eclairs and springroll i ordered the last time were defrosted by the time i reached home so i refreezed them. It was ok leh. Then they all have expiry dates but then depends on batch so cannot really advice how long they can be kept. The longest i had was for 3 mths in the freezer hehe.
for those interested in order cakes fm Pine garden..
do take note:

2 tier cakes available in min order of 2kg. Pls note that marshmallow lollipops and figurines are to be provided by customers. Orders to be in at least 3 days in advance.

Some of the props /toys are provided by customers. Pls adv DOB and leave a contact number as well. You can opt for self collection or delivery at S$12 per trip per location.

info given by my fren
jo juz now puked her entire milk, porridge and yogurt onto me and my bed.. damn messy and stinky. i almost puked at the smell.. quickly undress ourselves and went under shower head. Jo seemed having fun with me while me feel so sian.. i removed the bedsheet n protector, my mattress still got vomit smell.. how ah? u all got any idea how to clear the smell?
march mummies have ordered the 2 tier, the 2 that i see commonly ordered is the choc and longan martini one :p

think the price is $130+ depending on the artwork as well.
Im celebrating my girl's bday on 12th April, the actual day at a bungalow.

Nothing was done yet. Now sourcing for cake. My friend recommended SO.
hmmm....Is ecreative's cake yummy?
Ya, what a coincidence! bbBelle looks like you, and your sis looks like you too.

Cher is the ultimate! The pool must really be comfortable. She's really cute. As for longans, maybe it's heaty? Do you cough after eating 'heaty' fruit? Poor Ash, but why pd say no need test for allergy? Isn't it better to find out beforehand what he's allergic to, instead of try then jialat?

Enjoyed lunch with you. Hope to meet up again soon!

Oh dear, how come Jo puked? She not feeling well? Oh the work to be done, take care...

calling Kelley. Heard from SpringD you work near Chinatown?
aprilmum , where is the baby fox shoe sale huh ? at all outlets or just the warehse .

augleo -> me not holding party , i am very lazy ... :p
i see all of u buying balloons , i didnt join mah .
ixora , try putting softener n detergent to soak ur bedsheet?

for the pukey smell in the room , if u hv leftover mandarin oranges fm CNY , u try peeling them n leave them in the room wif skin , can absorb bad smells
wah, must be bad coz u also wanna puke. wat happen to jo ? is she sick ?? take care, ya!
bedsheet wait for your hubby to come back than change.
coz i change my king bedsheet myself very shiong.
thks for ur sms but River Valley too far for me le. most of the guests from East.

even jus u, hb n Zac m sure still consider a celebration for Zac.
me just grouping bb together for fun

good idea of helping ixora to get rid of the stinky.
today me jus dry the m.oranges skins for desserts n steamed fish

what happened?
Jo played heavily after meal?
hope nothing serious.
cleaning is tedious, try cai2 suggestion ba.

oic...is an hour session?
is nice to keep these pix

u ordered those frozen snacks from BP or direct?
thot of ordering carton of 144pcs = hope can mixed both choco n strawberry. kekekekekeke!
huh! u still managed to change ur king size bedsheet all by uself. u power lei.
from marriage till now, me oni manage change twice by myself = SUPER SIONG!. the rest of changing all done by hb.
mattress so heavy + the size. no joke!
twice a month, usually will do it on wknd.
used to joke with hb, "u can't b away for more than 2 wks." kekekekekekeke!

i'm not sure is't all outlets, but MIN said raffles city dun have.. so i think not all outltes.. you can go compasspt, 1st floor


ai yo. that's bad. ya, try caicai's method.. think may works.


wow.. all pics are well taken
hi aprilmum , thanks , i go look see at GWC later . this place not much shoppers ... kekeke
how is your pregnancy getting along ah ?
yes...red bean soup

besides dessert u can oso add abit of the skin into pork or fish soup to taste.

hv start drying the m.orange's skins 3 yrs ago, this yr almost forgotten to do it. with our little ones .... memory is fading

my pregnancy so far so good, another 3 more months to go
.. then i will see my 2nd princess


you very good in cooking le!!! start drying m. orange's skins 3 yrs ago.. wow.. how i wish i stay near you, then i can taste also.. hahaha
every yr the m.oranges skin will consume so got to do it every yr loh.
heard the longer u keep the m.oranges skins the better taste lei
err...can I ask why the mandarin oranges that I bought rot easily? Last year also like that.

Is it something that I din take note of?

aprilmum , so fast ?!!now 2nd trimester , shd be quite ok , 3rd tri wld be more jialat --i hv elephant feet then. treasure the little one inside u now . i missed the days when my baby was inside me . kekeke 1st child is alwys so special .
wow , augleo your 3 yr old orange peels can eat or not ? not mouldy eh ?
i bot the 佛手,my ma no time to sun it for me . this one also very good ...
