(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

Augleo/ Sanrio
Thanks for sms-ing me earlier but I don't think I can join you gals tomorrow as Gladys is down with fever. Poor gal, whole day only had the most 200ml of milk and half a slice of white bread. Didn't ate any of her porridge. So unlike her usual greedy self. Super sticky to me but I think she's recovering. Doctor said she got throat infection. Just took her temperature and it's back to normal. Hope she'll be ok soon. I'll catch up with you all next time k.

take care then. hope gladys gets well soon. as long as she stays sufficiently hydrated with water and juice, she would be alright in no time =)
we c u n gladys next tx. hope gladys get well very soon.

shall we try the new shokudo japanese food bazaar tomorrow? its supposedly like marche but they serve jap food only.

date: 22 feb 08
time: 2pm
venue: raffles city shopping centre, shokudo japanese food bazaar (#B1-44E)

1. sandwich & bb
2. michele & bb
3. sanrio & bb
4. mrs lai & bb & helper
5. augleo
6. ms tan & bb
Yah, I agree the TV in US are very interesting, especially those reality shows. I rmbr when i was there few yrs back, there was this show, where a woman will be on show with her baby searching for the baby's father. So, every wk, she will identify 1 man, & than the man will be put on DNA test & than result reveal. Most of the times, the man will deny, than the woman will insist & say things like ' .. he has ur eyes blah blah .. ". I rmbr when I was there, this black woman oredi dunno 10+ times on TV still searching for her bb's father, but everytime, the result turn out -ve .. haha.
date: 22 feb 08
time: 2pm
venue: raffles city shopping centre, shokudo japanese food bazaar (#B1-44E)

1. sandwich & bb
2. michele & bb
3. sanrio & bb
4. mrs lai & bb & helper
5. augleo
6. ms tan & bb
7. mrs chia
sanrio: Me and augleo will be late. we are heading to concourse first then go back to cityhall. perhaps about 2:30pm?

Can contact me at nine six eight eight one nine two two? my other HP low battery liao.

Vodka: I pay you cash later can? Thanks!
come n join us
disney can ... u can contact me at my HP if none of them reply to you. You can sms me ur number also then I can forward to one of the mummies who will be there at 2.
see u, oki

me n Mrs Lai will b there ard 2.30pm. heehee! tat provided we can hop on bus departuring concourse @2.20pm.

date: 22 feb 08
time: 2pm
venue: raffles city shopping centre, shokudo japanese food bazaar (#B1-44E)

1. sandwich & bb
2. michele & bb
3. sanrio & bb
4. mrs lai & bb & helper
5. augleo
6. ms tan & bb
7. mrs chia
8. d.toyko + bb
ay yo! sorry sorry! i have something that came up just a few mnutes ago! client wants to meet today same time. I did not expect this. Really sorry. Next time will join you.
see u next time

date: 22 feb 08
time: 2pm
venue: raffles city shopping centre, shokudo japanese food bazaar (#B1-44E)

1. sandwich & bb
2. michele & bb
3. sanrio & bb
4. mrs lai & bb & helper
5. augleo
6. ms tan & bb
7. mrs chia
hi ladies

didn't read the previous posts...too tired..no time too.

Hb started reservist training this wk..i've to handle the 2 boys all by myself...plus i'm pregnant...MS kicked in. feeling tired and nauseous all the time.

anyway, i've cramps since wed aft and it has been on-going. Suddenly no nausea. Afraid that bb no heartbeat. Was very worried and went to see the gynae yday.

luckily bb still has heartbeat but gynae said my pregnancy not stable. So got to take hormone pills 3 times a day for 2 weeks. Side effect: NAUSEA...sian..

he asked me whether i over-exerted myself. I replied, "mmm...i cycled my son to school everyday." He looked at me with eyes opened wide wide...

another reason for my cramps could be my breastfeeding. bb hippo is still on EBM and i expressed 260ml 3 times a day. tat's like 780ml a day. gynae also told me to stop.

wanted so much to join u ladies at cityhall but it seems impossible...my house looks like it's been ransacked by robbers and i hv tons and tons of house work to do....
You thinking of going Airshow today again? Seems like you are a plane lover…how much are the tickets? By the way, will you be buying F1 tickets too?

Sounds like you are going through a really tiring & stressful period…’Big Salute’ to you for giving all your best to such a wonderful & capable mother….

Actually, since bb hippo almost reaching 1 year already, you can consider to stop BM and give him FM & solids…you have really done a lot & tried your best liao and is moreover preggy now…. Dun need to feel guilty at all on stopping BM.

Cool_D / DLim
Not planning to order balloons decors online for bbJ’s party?
Traz, take care. It's gonna be tough for you these few days without your hubby.

Springdance, Im not a real plane lover. But Im working in this industry so I have free trade day ticket to the airshow.
traz , u shd stop breastfeeding hippo aredi .
passed 6 mths mark already , he could hv taken the nutrients fm his solids etc . dun be so hard on urself . now that bb is considered not very stable , u shd also take care of ur own body .
i am sure, even without your breastmilk , baby hippo can still survive and grow well on formula milk . many of our babies here taking FM now . dun be overstressed over breastfeeding n doing ur hsechores . if it gets tougher while u progress into ur pregnancy , u shd consider getting a maid or a part time maid to ease ur burden . with pets n 2 kids n 1 on the way , really xin ku ni
Must tell me if Kaizer grabbed anybody's toys after the meeting k! u must all be enjoying yourselves!
No...i am not catching american idol. didnt catch last seasons one as well cos getting bored of it. we subscribed to cable and we have like over 200 channels! i dun even know what to watch!!! so many to choose from. There's demand tv too so in the end...its always barney, baby genius, disney programs...u get the jist!

i agree that the balloons and party decor are much cheaper in US!! And nicer too! It's so cheap to ship thru CGW! Only $20??

Take care k? U sound really stressed.
sandwich/sanrio/mrs chia/mrs tan/*mich*/augleo..
nice meeting up with you all! too bad i can only stayed awhile..

Mrs lai how come nvr see you??
Sandwich/ Sanrio
Thanks. Gladys is feeling much better today but still quite whiny.

You sounded quite tensed up. Perhaps you should relax a little. Take things easy, one at a time. It's not easy taking care of 2 boys and being pregnant at the same time. Maybe you should consider stopping ebm? Coz I remembered when my SIL was pregnant with 2nd, she stop bf the 1st, coz afraid will take away the precious nutrients meant for the bb.

Meet Up today
How was it? I missed it.
Traz, you are really a supermum. 2 boys and a bb in the tummy, & manage to cope with a little stress. Comparing me with you put me to shame. I have the help of a maid with my 10-month old, and preggie with #2 now who is 7 months old, I'm so tired all the time. Can't carry #1, can't play with him for long, only thing I could do is read him bedtime story & pass to maid to pat him to sleep. Maybe cuz I m an old mama, that's why stamina very bad. Can't imagine what is gg to happen when #2 comes along, what is gg to happen & who is gg to look after the 2 monsters
Augleo, I am fine. So far so good with #2 pregnancy. Juz worried that bb maybe born premature. Since #1 and #2 are barely 6 mths apart. Sigh ...
How are you? I've miss out on the forum for almost 3 weeks, so busy with work & domestic affairs. Tired ....
Augleo - how was your meetup? sorry was called into a meeting last minute, supposedly free today.

how do you celebrate your baby's bday in sg?

yah he grabbed faith's pacifier and pacifier clip to bite. he was biting it for quite a while before i realized it. so embarassing, cos the pacifier is quite personal lah.

mrs chia and min,
thanks for entertaining kaizer while i had my lunch.

thanks for the ride to the station.
great u are doing fine

did gynae advise pre-mature issue? if not, dun get too stress abt it. oki?

the meet is good.
1 boy n 4 girls
8 mummies attended
din take any pix this meet up.
shall meet u next meet up.

1st b.day in SG
2 wks ago, mummies here were discussing what to prepare to let bb pick.

Picking item on 1st b.day on bb's lunar b.day.
future career:
1. lego
2. book
3. dollar note
4. pen
5. aeroplane

n letting bb steps on some flour-made stuffs.

how abt Japan?
hw they celebrate bb 1st b.day?
care to share more?
Hi Michele,
can add in my order also? Thanks

Mickey's Clubhouse Birthday Foil Balloons http://www.msrballoons.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=4673
$1.60 x 5 = 8

Mickey Car Shape Foil Balloons
$3.54 x 1 = 3.54

Mickey Mouse Head Foil Balloons http://www.msrballoons.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=970
$3.46 x 1 = 3.46

Birthday Printed Foil Balloons http://www.msrballoons.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=611
$0.81 x 10 = 8.10

total : us$23.10
sgd = 34.65

Please advise if order is taken so that i can trf. Thanks.
u bought foil balloons from Party City?
yest. i was there n get to know there refill of the helium to the foil balloon is unlimited.
S$34 (5 foil balloons= "1" @32", 4 @18" (2 stars shapes) + S$11 (helium).

can keep going back for the refill.

if the foil balloon not tore can sell loh....save some cost

Spent S$300 for consecutive 3 months can b their member (no expiry date) n enjoy 10% discount.
or are u aldy a member
oh, i thought you are there... cos i thought i saw ur boy.. haha

i went yesterday. managed to get one of the rolling balls thing. the mums gt a extra set so i took it but remember to chk the price before paying. same items gt different prices
oic! we hv yet meet up, so u seeing a boy look like JK huh

wow! same item diff. prices.

so worth going huh?
me waiting for hb to off work, hope still hv good buy
helium tank:
yest. was @concourse to find out more on the rental of the tank:

S$50 for small tank = 50 balloons
S$100 for big tank = 100 balloons
dep. S$200.
return within 3 days.

care to share where u rent S$85 tank?
can blow up hw many balloons?
ha! me forgotten to online

sotong me, after i've choose not to auto online after login...manual login lah. kekekekekeke!
helium tank updates:
find out more:
** balloon size = 11" latex balloon

S$50 for small tank = 50 balloons
S$100 for big tank = 100 balloons
dep. S$200.
return within 3 days.

$50 for 50 balloons
3 days in advance to order
S$200 dep.
returned within 1 month (mummies can share if is nearby each other)

S$70 for 80 balloons
3 days in advance to order.
returned within 1 wk (Sengkang, mummies can share this too

helium tank updates:
find out more:
** balloon size = 11" latex balloon

S$50 for small tank = 50 balloons
S$100 for big tank = 100 balloons
dep. S$200.
return within 3 days.

$50 for 50 balloons
3 days in advance to order
S$200 dep.
returned within 1 month (mummies can share if is nearby each other)

S$70 for 80 balloons
3 days in advance to order.
returned within 1 wk (Sengkang, mummies can share this too

Bukit Batok:
S$60 for 80 to 100 of 12" balloons
3 days advance booking
return within 3 days.

hahaha! wat m i doing?
ganna helium "poison" wahahahahahahaha!
