(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Hi Ladies,

Has anybody gotten over their MS yet? I am 11 weeks pregnant and wondering when the nausea will finally say goodbye..
Hi, somebody here has been asking about keeping the bb's cold blood and actually I have been thinking about it too. So just went to surf the net to see which are the Cord Blood Banks available here in Singapore and I found out that there is a policy by CordLife and NTUC Income which I think is very affordable and much cheaper than just keeping it with a CordLife Bank. The policy is called MediCord Plan. Interested parties can go to www.income.coop to learn more about it.

And for those who not considering the same, actually you can do a good deed by donating your bb's cord blood to the Singapore Cord Blood Bank, it can save other children's lives. Please go to www.scbb.com.sg to read more about it.
Hi Pinoopy,

Your 11 weeks to say goodbye to nausea is still early coz' some of them here who are in 13 or 14 weeks still experiencing the same, for example Me, in 13 weeks still got the nausea feeling everyday. I'm also wondering when it will all go away.
Hi Pinoopy,

Your 11 weeks to say goodbye to nausea is still early coz' some of them here who are in 13 or 14 weeks still experiencing the same, for example Me, in 13 weeks still got the nausea feeling everyday. I'm also wondering when it will all go away.
Hi Pinkdaisy,

Wahh so long...sigh sigh... :p
Can we say that the baby is still fine because of the nausea? that is if we have nausea, then the baby must be still there right? I had miscarriage earlier and fell pregnant again immediately...
The problem with the nausea and vomitting is that u may recover and then all of a sudden come back with a vengence! I tot i have recovered, i am in my week 13, but yesterday i vomitting everything and after all food is out, then vomit gastric juice only. so gross. feeling so sick today as a result. appetite is still no good and mouth has no sense of taste.

anyone who has recovered from nausea can share the good news so that to encourage the rest to perserve?
belle, pinkydasiy: me too... still the same, should be in the 14th week/15th week liao.. but still throwing up my food. Really hope it gets better soon.

Pinoopy: i htink it depends on idividual, maybe u r one of the lucky few who will get over ur MS by ur 12th or 13th week.

pinkdaisy: i was checking the difference between stemcord and cordlife. It seems that one of the major diff is they storage method. Cordlife stores the cord blood in 1 bag whereas stemcord stores it in 4 containers. So this mean that u have more than 1 chance of using ur bb's cord blood with stemcord since its in 4 seperate containers. I was also told that since cordlife stores all in 1 bag, ur chances of using it is only 1 time.
hi belle pepper
i dare not say my ms is over, im still feeling nauseous and dun feel like eating once in a while. I'll take an anti-ms pill when i feel that. other than that, my appetite has improved a bit, still eating little but snack a little in between. im looking forward to the day i can do without medication and eat steamboat.
Hi belle,
Looks like your ms is really strong. For me, I only feels nausea, no vomitting so far and I can still swallow my breakfast, lunch and dinner and sometimes, in between got snacks too. But then hor, I also didn't put on a lot of weight, only about a kg from discovery of being preggy until now, amazing right!! heehee...

And Pinoopy, actually even if u dun feel nausea, your BB is still fine and alive kicking in your stomache, so dun worry too much.

Starfruit: Do you know the fees between Cordlife and stemcord?
pinkdaisy: i only know stemcord's price. Currently price is 1 time registration fee of $100. then u pay a gynae/hospital fee. Think this depends on hospital and gynae. For my gynae, if i were to give bith at gleneagles or Mt alvernia, i need to pay $400 for the gynae fee. If i choose thomson, i have to pay $50 more ontop. Yearly subscription is $250 per year. Note: price exclude GST.
However, DBS ladies card has a promo now, if u sign up before end of this mth, they will waive the $100 registration fee.
starfruit - thanks! haven't really given it much thought so haven't signed up for it yet. and thanks for the heads up on the DBS ladies card promo.
hi doggy, yeah think thats how i feel abt wearing loose top with skirt - sloppy... haha.. but i guess if really no choice we still have to start wearing loose clothes liao...

hi guys, i am also one of those who is in 13th week (tmr) and still suffering from ms. wed nite i really sat down in my toilet, hugged the toilet bowl to vomit... also dunno vomit wat.. mostly liquid.. and foam... i weighed myself just now, lost another kg from 2 wks ago. but all in all still gained 2 kg from pre-preg. appetite no gd.. been eating small meals... snack in btn.. dun eat gastric pain, eat liao wanna vomit.. very cham..
very frustrated.
Hi Starfruit, my colleague recommended Dr Chong to me. Actually I have wanted a female gynae but the only one I know got other people said she is not friendly, and the other one in TMC, gynae for my sister-in-law, my MIL said very good but always long long queue. I need to look for a gynae rather urgently (cuz I'm in the middle of hepB vaccination) so since my colleague got the contact and everything, I just went to him. But gleneagles parking is hell, if your hubby driving you there, you have to there at least 15 minutes earlier to be on time for your appointment.

Hmm, I read that triple test is $90+ somewhere in this forum. Will be able to tell you for sure after my test.

Brushing is still giving me nausea despite changing to a normal brush but I'm already very lucky compared to the other suffering MTBs. Best wishes to you all.

But hor, I gaining weight a bit too fast, at least 3kg gained since discovery. Better go exercise soon. :p

me too vomit gastric juice with foam. very very cham. so cannot take liquid at all, go to bed without water and feeling very dehydrated. i feel so depressed about the whole nausea and vomitting thing. Feel no mood to work and eat. Just want to stay at home to recuperate.
Hi Starfruit, when i was in korea last time for my belated honeymoon, the tour guide said in Korea, the preg woman take the cordycep.. cordycep is "Dong(1) Chong(2) Chao(3)" and also Korean Ginseng as BU for themseleves.

For me, i only bought the Korean ginseng in powder to be mix with honey and drink, else it taste very bitter for me. I will be taking in another 2 weeks daily when i reach my 14th weeks.

Hi Mejo, have you done your triple test? I have went through an ultrasound yesterday and cost me $85. After much discussion with my hubby, we wont be taking another blood test which cost $158 which will be done in my 15th weeks. cs the 2 test suppose to compliment each other for down sydndrome. my probability is very low when tested even for my age..

I guess its like buying travel insurance, its more for an assurrance and no 100% sure. unelss if first test shows a higher chance of getting, tehn do the second.

Maybe cs we are on a tight budget just after wedding in Jul and try to save a little more

oh for u gals out there, anyone takes butter for thier bread spread? if you do, please switch to soft magarine as the contains in butter will affect the immune system for BB. hard magarine also no good. I was advsie my my korean tour guide and also read this in a mag call Baby Boom on nutrients fact
Hi starfruit,
As far as I know, taking birdnest from 7th month onwards is for the bb since it can absorb better. If its consumed before that, most probably will be absorbed my mum. its fine too. So no issue.

Hi all, I signed up for stemcord promotion with $50 registration fee during suntec promotion last time.

and belle, your ms sounds no better than mine.I am lucky that i can still eat, though i vomit too. Actually, tell u one story about myself.

I had serious spotting during my 1st two months (8 weeks) of pregnancy which made me think that i was not pregnant at all. I was totally fine, no ms, no problem. After that, gynae gave me hormones to support my pregnancy(pills, injections, etc), and my ms came after 1 week. Its still ON now and I feel terrible too. However, a fren told me that as long as I have this ms, this also implying that I have enough hormones to support my bb. Which might be a good sign. It should not affect the bb in 1st trimester since the nutrients required is very little during this period. I am not sure if this is true, but I get a bit consoled when I knew about this. I hope that u can feel a bit more relaxed too. I cannot drink water too, so i drink ribena, fruit juice and glucose only.
Take care!
I have mixed feelings about cordyceps. I bought 8 bottles of chicken essence with cordyceps that time when I suddenly crave chicken essence. But it so happens that the one with cordyceps is cheaper (cuz 2 bottles free), so I bought that. After that I tried to search for info on cordyceps for pregnant women. Most websites said not advisable for pregnant women cuz no comprehensive clinical trials done yet... also some bad quality cordyceps may be contaminated with lead, and there have been cases of lead poisoning after taking cordyceps supplement. Nonetheless, I finished my 8 bottles of chicken essence... Will not continue eating any more cordyceps though. Gynae said no TCM actually, cuz some may have hormones analogs.

Hi Kola Bear,
Nope, have not done test yet. Is scheduled on 23rd Sept. I'm very afraid of needles though... kinda dread the coming of that day and yet, wish it will come faster cuz din get to see baby since 15th August. Its my first pregnancy, so extra nervous. @_@ I suppose you are doing the OSCAR test? Detailed scan + blood test = OSCAR?
Mejo: do updated me after ur test on the 23th. I wanna know the cost as well. Thank you. I am only doing mine on the 29th...hehe. I also scared of needles leh.. the last time when i went to see Dr Chong for the pre-preg examinations, they took 4 tubes of my blood.. i newarly fainted but thankgod the nurse who took it was very fast and efficient.. so it was done very quickly.
Do u usually have ur appt in the afternoon or morning? weekday or weekend?
Thanks for the tip on parking, will let my hubby know. Anyway have u decided on a hospital yet? i think most prob i am going for Mt Alvernia.

QQ: ya i also heard that if u have MS symptoms, it means that your pregnancy is progressing well. even though i cannot feel bb yet, i think i am consoled by my MS symptoms hehe.

I had a nightmare last night.. dreamt that i was bleeding heavily..miscarriaging..it was so real until i woke up and realised that it was only a dream. I am so scared now. Anyway having such bad dreams as me??

All: I should be in my 14th week now.. so i can start taking all the nourishing stuff from now? how often is it recommened for us to take bird nest? once a week?
Hi QQ,

I am from Apr 2007 mtbs. I shortlisting Paul Tseng as my gynae. May I know so far what is your comments about him? What are the tests that you require?
I usually have my appointment in the morning at around 10 on saturday. I'm also considering Mt. Alvernia. Recommended by same colleague who recommended Dr Chong. Wah, scary man... well, just as well I din have the chance ot do pre-preg examinations...

Hmm, anybody else suffering from nose bleed? My right nostril is constantly bleeding slightly. Very slight, not enough to flow but when I try to clear it, I can see spots of blood, sometimes dried ones, sometimes fresh. No pain though. I wonder if it is caused by iron overdose. I'm on iron supplements.
Starfruit! Hee hee, I had the same dream as you before. I was so scared but afterall it was just a nightmare. Now, I have weird dreams almost every night. I dreamt that my hubby put in bean sprouts into my birdnest last night, and I cried like hell. Very stupid dream.

Garfield, I met Dr Tseng for 3 times so far. I'm going to see him tonight again. As far as I know, he is quite nice and I'm quite comfortable with him. Quite gentle, and he also answers my questions patiently. So, I have no problem with him. He did not force me to take up Oscar test, in fact he said I don't need to do if I want to keep the baby nomatter what (to save money and trouble). However, I went for the test because I wanted to assure that everything is fine. So far, went for oscar test (blood and scanning) only. I'm not sure if i have any other test in future. He doesn't give me ms pills even if I had ms because he said I don't need it since I can still eat. So, i guess he is the type who prefers natural ways in pregnancy and delivery.
i am feeling very frustrated now. today is first day of sch. bad as it is, my ms has to play on me at this time. i just vomited milk that i just drank + sour, acidic gastric juice. i dunno if i am psychologically allergic to sch or wat but waking up early in the morn seems bad for my ms. reason being, i dun have time to eat breakfast immediate once i woke up and my gastric pain will start its torture. when off work, i usually eat immediately aft i woke up to avoid this situation. but given the morn rush and early lessons, i really dun have the luxury to do that. and given the fact that i am not a breakfast person, eating full meal in the morn also makes me sick. this is really bad. i dunno to eat or not to. i really feel like crying now.
hiya starfruit. dun worry. i had the exact same dream too! and then several weird ones the nights after it... prob thinking and worrying too much.

edde - so poor thing. maybe something lighter in the morning like bread, or maybe cerals will help? or bring a museli bar in your bag so that you can munch on way to work?
It is so tough to teach with morning sickness! Try to think positively about your work otherwise, it is going to be a real torture everyday....I understand how tough teaching is..I taught part time for a while in Pasir Ris Secondary School..Try not to get agitated and too involved with your students' problems. Be detached for as long as you dun feel well yet. Taking care of yourself and your baby are most most important now. For breakfast, buy your favourite cake or buns which you can eat along the way. Eat small portions for a start. Dun nid to eat full meal. Have many small meals spread out throughout the day so that you can have enuff energy to work. Having gastric when you are preggie is real painful. After resting, usually going back to work requires quite a bit of getting through the inertia. Hope the days will be better for you. Find strength in your bb.

Good luck for the blood test this morning. Dun worri too much okay. I am sure everything will be fine.

I heard thet now in some hospitals, the facilities are also updated. In the past, KKH used to have the best facilities. According to my gynae, one advantage of KKH is that in other hospitals, if you are in labour, you can only wait for your gynae to attend to you and sometimes the gynae may not get there in time. For KKH, they make sure that there are other gynaes to attend to you in such cases. I have heard so many good comments about your gynae over the web, I am actually thinking of going to see her. My sister in law who delivered in Mt Alvernia has been singing its praises and its very good services. Like I mentioned, I am sticking to KKH only becos of my gynae. If I can find one equally good, I dun mind switching..

Belle pepper, starfruit,
I am in my 14th week and my ms is more or less gone. I only have very slight ms if I dun have enuff sleep but not to the extend of throwing up. I feel mush fresher now and can do my work with a clearer mind.Hang in there, it will all be alright soon.

Thanks for the info on butter. I have been taking quite a bit of butter and kaya bread (sudden craving for the last week). In fact, I just bought a block of SCS butter and kaya from Bengawan solo..

This morning I woke up with a rather ridiculous dream too. I dreamt that I went into a hostel shower to take a bath. When I turned on the shower, I realised that a man had sneaked into the same cubicle and even started to take off his clothes to join me. I was so terrified that I kicked him you know where, sprint out of the cubicle and grab a towel to rushed for the door. He pursued me and guess what? I managed to slip thru the tiny door gap during the struggle to open the door and used the door to bang his head as he tried to get out. I banged so hard that he was bleeding badly and finally fainted. Gosh so violent hor, hope my bb dun noe about my dream.
hi edde,
me equally frustrated as you...due to vomitting plus the extra extra work being push to me! Met with some aggressive colls who dun care whether you are preggy or not and keep pushing and pushing! feel like quitting but cant...sigh! totally understand how you are going thru and i can only tell u to press on!

for the rest of the ladies, sad to say that at 16w5d, i'm still vomitting! and badly....
Tricia, Koala bear,
I don't take butter, and margarine. Maybe you can try this Olive oil (solidified like margarine). It tastes good as well. I guess this should be a healthier choice.

I eat very little (a cup of holicks plus one slice of bread) before I go to work. I cannot rush, otherwise will vomit. After I reach my office, I eat another piece of bread/cake/pao, etc. I have > 2 rounds of breakfast now. I eat something else around 10am, then followed by my lunch at 12.

I'm getting better now (14 weeks). However, ms comes back whenever I don't have enough sleep or not enough food.
kola bear - just for your considerations. at my 1st visit, my doc went thru a list of things that i shld avoid in my food. the list included ginseng and shark's meat. she said these are stuff which hv been medically proven to increase miscarriage. but i think some people do take ginseng at a later stage of pregnancy to "bu" but not sure if it's advisable to take too regularly so early. just sharing what i know. hope you dont mind. cheers.
Edde and Marbride,

my ms getting worse. I am in my week 14 now and i feel like breaking down. Yesterday i cried on the bus and my hubby was so worried. I said i dunno whether i can take this kind of life anymore. i feel like i am dying a slow death. because i cannot eat well, digest well and vomitting, i feel my body is wasting away. i feel so scared. I feel so helpless and worse the tummy is going to get bigger and i will feel even more discomfort. Whether i eat breakfast or not i will also vomit. so it is now not about the food anymore. I wish i can turn back the clock. I don't think i can take the prenatal vitamins and DHA because will make me feel worse, i feel like a lousy mother.

i am also vomitting gastric juice until my throat is burnt and when i tried to sleep, it was so hard because the throat is hurt. Think i slept only after 3am and today got to work. So i can fully understand how u feel.

i also got a little blood in my nose.
Tricia, sorry I only got time to read all the bulletine today...I switched gynae cos the earlier one at Far East Plaza - Dr Kee Clinic waiting time was horrible & they sort of cut qs for regulars...Very angry cos I waited almost 3hrs & they told me that the Dr is rushing for delivery. Now, I have changed to Dr Phua & will sign package with him to deliver at TMC ;p

I was reading about the BU thing & wanted to contribute : not to take anything with Ginseng as advised by Medical Hall. This is what I rmb clearly...I'm still taking Hashima & Bird Nest though I'm only 13wks. Even for mom is good cos I'm having many small white/oil pores at my chin.
Oh no. Pls try to think positively. I used to think like you too, but now I think i should stay happy if I can. I either happy or not happy my tears drop down automatically.

I don't know how to help you, but i was once/a few times feeling like the life is so meaningless, and what's the point torturing myself with my ms, bloated stomach, etc etc. I scared my hubby too. He said he almost throw his hp since he was overseas while I'm sufferring along here. He got too worried and also guilty. Anyway, we just need to support each other here.
Hi Tricia
thanks for the hospital info.
i had emotional dreams too, dreamt tat my hubby dun bother about me and i broke down crying in the night.
Hi edde,doggymar
ladies here seem to be having bad ms, even at 2nd trim, why? my ms still come and go, giving me a break for 2 days, come back in force for 2 days etc. im still very hesitant when people ask me out for dinner.
hey belle pepper
did u ask for stronger ms pills? i can understand how u feel, no life and all i wanted to do is to lie in bed.
guys, i appreciate yr kind words and advice so much... its really heartening to hear consoling words now.. i really need the support..

to all who are suffering like me, i think we can all hug one another and cry haha..... upon hearing yr experiences, i must say i am not the worst here... tho not much better... and you guys give me strength to move on... if you are suffering more than me and yet are still so strong, it really gives me no better reason to whine.... so gals, lets give one another strength and be strong!!! *trying to psycho myself here* haha...

just took time out to visit my usual gp. my gynae is away for conference... and i am too desperate to get help. he gave some medication and advised me to stop milk for the time being. he said milk might trigger gastric pain. hence, i believe the milk i drank this morn is the culprit. another failed trial and error.

for me, if i take small meal, gastric pain will still come, coz all gastric juice will be attacking the little food i ate. so... very cham.... my gastric pain is really bad and giving me prob.... and more prob now.

its really hard to break the inertia aft the break. if only i can afford to quit now. the only thing i wish to do now is to lie on my bed and sleep. only then will i not feel the nausea. like i told my gp just now, i feel the nausea every second every minute from the day i discovered my preg. a bit exaggerating lah... but not far from it.
Hi QQ,

Have you started the package with him? If yes can I have the information?

1) How many times? How frequent?
2) Package price?
3) What is it included?
belle - hang in there... i really hope that your ms will get better. are you taking ms pills now? if not you might want to request for stronger ones, like what pinkypink mentioned.

would crushing the vitamins and mixing them into some drink be better for you?

you're not a lousy mother... and you can't help how your body is reacting to the hormones. chin up k?
The prenatal package is only available from 20 weeks onwards, i think. I'm not so sure about it yet since I still have 2 more months to go.

Sorry that I don't know anything about it at the moment.
*To all suffering ms MTB - *Hang in there and stay strong, we are all here for one another. Take good care*

** Gals - any idea on wat is the normal range for NT thickness? Understand that some of you had already did the scan...just wondering what kind of normal neck thickness should the bb fall under. Any other considering factors?

Just did my test today, cant wait to see the gynac in the next 2 weeks.
Hi Belle,

Try to think positively, dun keep thinking about the bad things. I have this little method which I try to keep away the nausea i.e. I would think of what I want to eat way before the meal time and once I thought of that food, I will tell the BB that this is what I'm going to eat, please dun throw out and it works. If you really dun feel well, go and see your gynae, ask him to give you anti-ms pills and a few days rest at home. Hang in there, ok, we are all with you.
Hi Gals,

My EDD is on the 8th March 2007

Just curious is anyone in here visiting Dr. Phyills at TMC. Is she good? She's my gynae.

I'm also having my MS every now and then, even though i'm 12 wks liao...really feel sick sometimes, esp mon. Feel guilty fro taking so many times leave and MC. Don know if my company will feel that i feign illness or not...

Actually for 12 wks, is there a need to bu? I only took chicken essence and the vitamins that my gynae had given.is it enough?
Hi hi, forgot to tell u gals who will deliver at TMC.

I've signed up for a weekend antenatal class from Oct-Nov during my last visit to TMC. Heard that the seats are taking up very quickly. So, fyi! call 62514090 to book.

I really believe that your method works, maybe it is only psychological. A few days before my oscar test, I ask my bb to cooperate so that it will be easier to see the gender. I talked to bb everyday so that the position should not be blocked. The first thing that the radiographer told me? hm... She can see the gender though it is not confirm. However, we spent a long time taking scans at my bb's neck due to its position. How amazing! I believe bb can hear me already. How imaginative I'm!!
Thanks to all for ur kind words and support. now all i can do is to seek support from this forum because i really don want to scare my hubby anymore. i think he is also sad to see me in this state.

*Edde, yes after the break it is hard to go back to work. i went back to singapore for one week thinking that i will get well, but ms only disappear for 2 days then after that returned with vengance. I think it was because i also started panicking when i have to go back to HK soon. I also contemplated taking long leave but i don't think the company will allow it and i really don want to quit and lose the maternity leave. Now got one more mouth to feed, so cannot be so reckless. But for teacher, taking 6 months off should be ok right?

why do u have gastric? because u don have food in ur stomach? or vomit until the stomach gastric juice is burning? I think when u vomit u got to drink water to help the vomit come out diluted. else the vomit will contain too much gastric juice so will burn the throat and stomach.

i think for u when u r teaching and feel nausea really very tough. But i thought the work can temporary take ur attention away from ur nausea? Does it help?

Welcome Just a Woman

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>VeryBerry</TD><TD>24-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mar_Bride</TD><TD>25-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD>Autum</TD><TD>3-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Woo Bit Hwa</TD><TD>Northern Hope </TD></TR><TR><TD>Starfruit</TD><TD>3-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Chris Chong</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Regina Peh</TD><TD>6-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Giolyn</TD><TD>7-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prof Tay SK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>moogen</TD><TD>8-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Brenda Low</TD><TD>Glen E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Just a woman</TD><TD>8-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr. Phyills </TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mejo</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Christopher Chong</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>PinkyPink</TD><TD>10-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blurbelle</TD><TD>11-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD>11-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tricia</TD><TD>12-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>KT Tan</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>QQ</TD><TD>15-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Paul Tseng</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Edde</TD><TD>16-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Tan Yew Ghee</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinkdaisy</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Chia</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mist</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherylasu</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Ben Neo</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>blueberries</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>W K Tan</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kola Bear</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mary Yang</TD><TD>Glen E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Paulyn</TD><TD>20-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mary Yang</TD><TD>Glen E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Heavengift</TD><TD>20-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Tan PK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lynn_Angel</TD><TD>22-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kiddo</TD><TD>25-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>m00n</TD><TD>30-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>K C Yeo</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>EveJosh</TD><TD>11-Apr</TD><TD></TD><TD>Gordon Tan</TD><TD>Glen E </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
belle: Hang in there, Dun think and worry so much, i think its just ur hormones playing havoc on ur emotions now. It will all past soon and i am sure u will start to feel really good in a few weeks time.

Taysetsuri: Doc will tell u that as long as the fluid measurement is below 2mm, ur bb should be fine. However, i came across some books which uses below 3mm measurement as a safe guide instead. Hope this is helpful to u.

All: i think my prenatal vitamins is also one of the cause that is making me puke. as a result, i skip taking them somedays.. then i worry whether bb is getting enuff nutrients. IN a dilemma everyday now, dunnow hether to take vitamin s or not!!!.
Hey Belle

Dun be sad. We are going through the same ugly-looking-fat-lady phase. Imagine my hubby can't wait to see my tummy to be extremely big, but now I am at a phase of either i look pregnant or fat. Worst thing my hubby asked his family members do i look preggy. U know what my SIL said, "Looks FAT more than pregnant!" I was obsolutely mad at her and my hubby and his big mouth to ask around. *FedUp*.
I do also have ridiculous thots at times my emotion is going thru' a roller coaster. Once I met up with my hubby after his KTV session with his colligs but he do not want to meet me at KTV but rather meet me somewhere near there. When home i started to cry and ask him isn't that his wife has gone out of shape and feel ashamed to let his collig see me. blah blah blah. I know I am silly cos my hubby is very truthful to me. But my tears keep pouring and pouring.
Everyone seems to be more concern abt the bb than me. I felt terrible at times. Complain many times to my hubby that as a mother, I will take care of the bb and as a husband, he should take care of me. I know sometimes is a thin line to draw who he is actually more concern with. Bcos of this anger and pent up emotion my tears will roll out of a sudden or feel moody at times. *Sighhh..* But i know whatever i feel bb will also feel it too. So try to avoid thinking abt it and tell ur bb that the world is still beautiful and awaiting for his/her arrival.
Hi QQ,
Totally agreed that bb will listen to our instruction! i told my bb whatever that "need to be done", yes, I was able to see the gender too (though its only 80% confirm) and gynae was able to measure the neck! SO, yours is a prince or princess?

dun worry, you have me with you...guess other than me, there's no one who vomit so badly. i will follow pinky's method, tell my bb what i'm eating and ask him to be guai ya
lets try!
my mom said she didnt take any supplements and eat very ordinary food not like high in nutrients or anything, and i think all my silbings turn out fine. I am going to skip my supplements till i feel well. now my stomach is very acidic, want to vomit also cannot vomit out. Just like "shen bu ru shi"

thanks. despite ur circumstances, u can still console me. Thank you so much.
Mar bride,
Its a gal gal.
hubby told me not to trust the result since it is not confirm. He is afraid that I get too dissappointed next time if the guess was wrong.

I everyday talk to my bb and i also dunno if some ppl might think that I'm Siao, especially when I am walking alone. A bit weird to do so though.
hi ladies,
you may want to try drinking some ginger tea to reduce nausea feeling and also reduce gas.
You can get it in those 'super 3-in-1' packets or buy single cup from coffeeshop.

Hi Ladies,

Seems like many of us getting the toll of all the MS and the pains... Me too, starting to feel my mood very gloomy. Perhaps it is a common symptom at this stage. I used to be a very active person, running a lot, playing badminton, cycling and hike mountains. But now I suddenly can't do any of these. I can only swim which is not very practical and walking is quite boring. Now it is working, eating (forcing myself to), watching TV and sleeping along with all the nausea, sudden headaches and dizziness... I wonder how all the mummies before have gone through it, some 12 times!
