(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Hi Belle

Hope to get some info fm you since you're staying in HKG now. I'm too staying in HKG & had TTC last mth. So far, symptoms are sore breast & slight dull cramps on my right/lower abdominal. Next AF is supposed to be tmr & this morning had pinkish spotting (once only) when going toilet. Wondering if it is implantation bleeding? Did you see any gynae or GP when you did 1st yr checkup?

Hi everyone,

I was a SAHM when I was expecting my 1st child so I didn't wear bra most of the time. It was super comfy but I regretted it. I breast-fed and now my breast is saggy and ugly.. Now I'm expecting my 2nd child and working full-time, so
I make it a point to wear bra event when I sleep. I'm just afraid it will make my breast sag even more..
Hi Cheryl,
pardon my direct question... are u on the busty side?
is sagging more likely for those with bigger breasts?
i hope sleeping without a bra wont be the main cause for me...
pinky! MS peaks at 8th week ar!!?? die liao lor... its my 8th wk next wk

apex, the robe should be quite easy to find. i bought mine at isetan tampines lingerie section... $16
but i hvnt tried lah... i moved to my parents place since i bot it on sun, so no chance to try yet...

gals, is yr MS on and off? mine very funny, yesterday vomit today ok. i am worried that my colleagues will find me "fake" if i appear normal when i return to work next week...

speaking of daily activities, my colleague just called to tell me that they intend to have buffet at hyatt after national celebration on tue.. but given my condition, how to go..
if i go, later pple say i fake mc also....

so hard to be pregnant...
HI March-Aries72, yes if ur sore breasts do not get better , which usually do nearer AF, then high chance u r preg. I also got implantation bleeding about 3 days before expected AF. I did not see gynae before i got preg, i just did normal annual body checkup. Anything else i can help?
hi edde,
initially i'm very worried abt my colleagues saying me as well, but come to think of it, they are not the one pregnant and they cant understand how and what we are going thru'! For me, i vomit everyday, go to work everyday, they are already saying me but i dun care lor. At least my boss understands and thats enough! just be yourself and dun feel you "owe" them any explaination. just go there and eat. For me, i used to eat alot and 1 coll ever mentioned to the rest that my appetite has really change after i'm pregnant...so the rest was like keep quiet lor. Just ignore if they say anything
hello to all march mummies to be

i just tested positive a few days ago. my doctor told me that i am abt 5 weeks plus pregnant. so i guess my EDD will be late march or early april.

hope to get some advice from experts in this thread.
1) when should i make appointment with the gyne? when i am 8 weeks or later?
2) right now i dun ve any MS except sometime feel very bloated and blur a little. my breast also dun feel very sore. Is this normal?

dragon gal,
i assume ur Doc is a GP. i feel that it is best to book an appmt with a Gynae soon cos he is able to check that the pregnancy is in the right position (via Ultrasound), that means ruling out ectopic n can give u impt vitamins or pregnancy support which is crucial in 1st trimester... also he can estimate ur EDD. from there he will decide how often u need to visit him...

probably now is too early to experience much symptoms... with each week, they'll be stronger i guess. Gynae says it'll be a good sign if symptoms r experienced strongly

Went see gynae last nite. Saw bb heartbeat so exictied. Gynae estimate base on the scan baby in 6th week only. So envy soon many of you reaching the first trimster.. i still haflway...

For the sake of the baby, ignore whatever people is talking as long as happy. Must be happy....

Finally change to a new gynae, a bit old but very experience and keep joking and laughing. Make the visit so joyful. Hope to go for the next one soon....
Hi Apex,
I'm quite petite, only at 1.54m and small chested (70B now). I guess sagging is part and parcel of gravitational force. I hope to have a firmer breast and pls.. all MTBs out there, breast firming cream don't work!!
Hi Cheryl,
me also petite and same height as u! heavy-chested, now worse might move to E cup. think i'll buy more comfy cotton wireless bra for sleeping time. if saggy, they'll look really ugly n there's no turining back even with exercise
Sweetie bb,
me at week 10 liao, also got a slight rounded hard bulge in my lower abdomen. i think our womb is growing...
of course others wont notice this minute change
great to hear ur good news!

i hope u r feeling okie abt the leaking issue u were concern previously...
hi apex,

thanks for your reply. i went to see a lady gyne from kkh. i went to see her previously about body checkup, papsmear etc. so when i tested positive myself,i went to her again. however she told me it is too early to scan.

i read that some of u gals are having bad MS. i wish i had some leh .... hope to show more symptoms in the weeks to come...
Hi Apex,

Thanks. Yup the doc say my sac is a bit low but other then that shouldn't be any issue. That y the pressure on the bladder. But now i got to eat the medicine to protect the sac and cannot do any strenuous exercise and squating. I had to bear for another 6 to 7 weeks. Seems so long yet so fast...
hi edde
prepare your anti-nauseous pill with you all the time just in case. yes, mine not on-and-off but bad-worse. last sat-tue was terrible, wed-thur better at least the feeling of someting stuck at the chest not as bad, who knows i vomitted my dinner out, flooded the restaurant's basin haha. today im feeling moody...
im desperately lloking forward to next week, hoping it will slowly become better.
hey LBB and Apex,
i do have a small tummy before i got preggie, now i dun know whether it's my original tummy hehe.
i'm supp to be 10wks0days today too! will be seeing bb again tomm. doc said by now we'll be able to see the little fingers and toes! hee. hubby's v excited.

but oh no, it also means gotto do the blood tests soon (supp @ 12 weeks)... i hate needles... sistas, give me strength!! haa.
pinkpink, me too. i think the bulge is still my own tummy le! (althou now i dont bother to suck in anymore.)

i've been reading up cos friends lent me some books... up to 10 weeks, the bb is still small and forming. but thereafter it will just grow and grow. e.g. by 12 weeks, it wld hv doubled its size in the 3 weeks. so, our "real" bulge will appear soon!

Things not too good for me, sac still not growing, if by mon, if still not growing, that will be the end of it.
Dragon gal,
so ur visit only consist of consultation? at 5 weeks plus, believe she is able to check the sac for u. when i was at 4w3d, my Gynae just tried n scan via vagina n could see sac. did she ask u to go back to her again?

MS is really a bad feeling. even when i dint vomit, the feeling is terrible thru out the day
Hi AngelBee,
just stay positive
I know exactly how you feel...i went thru that during March and all i can tell you is to rest and wait for mon to come. Dont think too much ok?
Hi Belle
That's wat i suspected too but have not used HPT to test yet. Thinking might be too early to test. How long did yr implantation bleeding last? M quite worried when i saw the spotting. After you tested positive, did you see any gynae in HK?
Hi everyone
Have been reading all yr postings & they're indeed valuable advice/info. Hope all MTBs will have smooth pregnancy & enjoy every moments with little prince/princess in yr tummies.
we r all here for u to pour out ur woes and will support u thru out.
in the meantime, like wat doggy said, be positive okie.
Hi Angelbee, juz try to relax and enjoy the sun bright.

Hi All,

juz curious and have a fun poll here, since we don't know the gender yet. Do you all have any preferences gender of BB...

Many pple ask me but i don't know i prefer gal or boy?? But my hubby prefer gal... i juz want a healthy baby...
for this 1st baby, i really hope baby just healthy n normal regardless of gender.

But i would want a gal eventually.

many around me speculated that i'll be having a boy this time!
hi jasda,

u just tested positive? how many weeks now?

yes, it is a consultation plus urine test confirmation. as i will be travelling for work, i was anxious to know if it will be ok to travel. she also prescribed me with some folic acid and some medication for nausea.
hi kiddo,
i same as apex, healthy baby is good enough. both me and hubby TTC for abt 6 months and is was really a blessing that we got a baby this month. so gender not important at all
dragon gal, trust me u will not want to experience MS. be thankful u don have those symptoms because life is really horrible with MS.

March Aries, i did see 2 gynaes in HK but i think they are not good. not detailed and nto caring. So i am going to do my checkup in singapore every month. got to travel and so cost is more due to air ticket but what to do?

Gynae in HK are not cheap. they don have package so everything see them must pay consultation around HK$500 to HK$800 and scan HK$250 to HK$800.

My implantation spotting was only one day but after that i have some milo type of discharge for about 1 to 2 weeks.
Hi there.....

Thanks for your all concern.
sac doesnt grow despite have jabs and pills. now gyane gave me progesterone gel for virginal insert. hope this works.

There is nothing much that I can do right now, I have done my very best. just hope there is miracle happen on mon. dont sure if TCM can work or not since western medicine dont seems to work.

Asked MIL to check with medical hall for 'shi san tai bao, she haven't come back yet
Hi Belle
Who are 2 gyanes you've seen, can you give me their names? I've a friend who recommended Dr Christine Choy, Care for Women Clinic @ Central, to me. Ya... agreed with you tt gyane charges in HK are really ex... but wat to do coz still have to engage 1 here if I'm pregnant. Juz curious of yr flying back SIN for consultation, I thought it'll be dangerous to fly during 1st trimester?

i am from feb mtb thread..

just to share with u my experience. when i got spotting, one gynae told me my sac is very tiny. the next visit to another gynae, i was told cannot see the sac. but miraclously, during the third visit, i can see the fetal pole and round sac.

dont give up hope and stay positive!
HI Aries

The gynae i saw is in Prince Building called Eric Lee. He is a very sarcastic person. I needed him to write my conception date so that i claim medical insurance and he said " do you know ru conception date? If you don't know , don;t ask me". I mean how can he say that right? IF he can work out the number of weeks i am from the scan, he can work backwards to guage the conception date what. Then the nurse is alos very rude. so i rather not subject myself to high blood pressure talking to them.

Another gynae is also a GP. So i thought it will be good to see her since she is also a GP, so company can pay for my medicine in case i fall sick. She is not detailed. just ask me to come back in week 8 to scan, never ask my medical history, and brush aside my preg symptoms without sympathy. I mean the morning sickness is really a sickness, can make one person really weak because cannot eat and digest well. She is called Catherine Cheung in Cosco Tower.

Well i think there is no real danger in flying as long as u don have spotting problem. Otherwise the doctor will order bed rest. My singapore gynae is Caroline Khi and she gave me her email and hp so that i can contact her anytime. She will also write letter for me to fly on airline when i am in week 33-35 so that i can fly back to singapore for delivery.

I feel that that air in HK is bad and so i don mind going back to singapore more often to do my checkup. Singapore gynae are more caring and detailed. Also delivery in HK private hosiptal can cost a bomb. Doctor consutlation, delivery fee and the hospital stay can come up to S$20K!
hey veryberry
so excited for you..update us ok, such as the size etc...mine will be around 10wks when i scan next week too, i can't wait to see the little fingers, it sure help to ease our misery
wow after 10 weeks will be so exciting to see the bulge.
Hi Angelbee,
yes dun think too much, just think shun qi zi rang, i also went thru tat in march.
hey apex,
why people speculate its a boy? my hubby wants a boy badly, i can tell. i think he dun know how to respond or sayang girl, sure train her to become tomboy.
Hi Belle
Wow tt male gynae is really SUCK ya!!! How can he make so ungentlemanly & unprofessional remarks to you!!! Thanks for sharing yr experiences. As for me, my plan will be flying back SIN probably, in 2nd trimester for consultations/delivery, if I'm pregnant. Ya... air in HK is really polluted & clear blue sky can hardly be seen here. Btw, which part of HK are you staying?? I'm staying in eastern of HK island.
HI Aries

I am staying in Sheung Wan so the place is quite polluted. Which part of eastern HK are you staying? So when u intend to fly back permanently for delivery because Cathay doesnt take pregnant week after week36. So taking leave has to be negotiated with the boss
Hi dragon_gal,

Tested positive. Mine now is week 6. How abt u?

Thanks cherylasu for ur warm welcome.

I've bad MS nowadays... Always feel like vomitting, but didn't make the sound. Is it normal?
Hi AngelBee....

have you seek any second opinion? Just a penny of thought that you should. Becos it also depends on the advancement of the equipment, the experience of the Gynac etc. E.g I read from some books that some BB's heartbeat can be heard by 6 weeks, some in 8 weeks. Do you know what I mean...can give it more time?

I know and understand how worried you are. As I am reading the thread, knowing that some fetus is so much bigger than mine, I have been worrying for the past 2 weeks. Spoke to my GP (also a Gynac), he said.."my gal, all babies grow at different rate. Can you explain why some babies are heavier than others, and why some got hair, some doesnt?" I felt much more relieved. So pls pls give it a chance. Go seek second opinion.

Sorry for the long post. I just really really hope and pray that you will stay together with us throughout this pregnancy journey. I will pray for you, gal. *Praying*
Dragon gal,

i will encourage u to see ur Gynae again or seek 2nd opinion... becos u r travelling. 1st trimester must be very careful.
the week after i realised i was pregnant, supposed to go KL by coach. in the end i dint go cos dint see HB at 6weeks.
* Kiddo

I used to hope that my first bb will be a boy (my hubby is the only son), so I kinda of a little stressful. Very old traditional thinking!! But now, I am different...since the last experience. Me and hubby only hope for a healthy baby

Hee...of cos, if my wish comes true...it is a extra bonus :p
Hi Belle
I'm staying in Quarry Bay. I plan to fly back fm 20 weeks+ onwards & stay SIN till delivery. Anyway, I'm not working so still quite flexible for me to fly at anytime. BTW, have not use HPT kit yet as want to monitor few days later. Moreover, also want to wait till HB come back as he is outstationed till next week. Thinking to see the test kit result with him together.
i have colleagues telling me if i have brown discharge, likely a boy lor.
also my SIL helps me calculate the gender based on the lunar calendar n she says it's a boy. n verify with her friends that the calendar calculation is very accurate!

So nice, that u can go back from 20 weeks onwards.
so how do you pass ur time while u r at home? I find that there is nothing much to do in HK as well. ur HB flies very often?
Juz personnal feels that this round mostly is boy...
so if abt the same time concieve that i guess we are all abt the same age...
seem fun.... and if can find someone the EDD is the same and delivery at the same hospital ... wow nice meet up place....
Juz wandering, anyone interest in going msn/yahoo chat?? Wander if it is possible when reach 2nd trimster can organise some gatherings to meet would anyone be interested???
Hi Taysetsuri,

Measured the size of the sac on tues, was 4mm, today still 4mm, gyane did not mentioned about the heartbeat or fetal pole. Did another blood test today to test progesterone level again. Dont know what will be the results like. Gyane also say that taking blood test again is to check if the progesterone level had went up cos sometime equipment may not be accurate.

I hope and hope that the equipment that he is using is not accurate, i think most accurate is the blood test liao.

Any gyane with high tech equipment to intro?

my Gynae's a high-tech ultrasound from Philips. his clinic was mentioned in the paper when the 3D scanning was first introduced here. FYIP
