(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs


I agree with edde. Gynac also told me it is becos of the more active hormones (my gf is trying to be positive and I understand her gd intention...) and if you dun suffer from that...you will still have a healthy baby. Look at all the poor girls here...I think you could be one of the blessed one

*edde, verryberry

My boss is male, married with 2 children. Becos of re-org, I just went under him...heard from the rest that he is not very understanding. He used to make the female enginners cry after seeing/clearing work with him.

Ya, nothing is more important than our little one. In fact, I am not a career minded women. Family means a lot to me esp going thru the last trauma.

I decided to spill the beans to him tomolo. Thks, gals. *HUGZ* I feel better after hearing your opinion
Hi edde,
my appetite not that good. just have cravings at odd times lor... b4 i pregnant, i used to have gastric problem. always got too much acid n wind if i eat slightly late... being pregnant now, whole day gastric not good also. like got lots of rumbling n wind inside n dunno is it hungry or wat... it's definitely not a good feeling.

last time used to take antacid quite often but now preggie, i have stopped taking...
think just have to endure n avoid sour food. eat more small meals lor...

dun be upset. we can eat whatever we want after baby is born. though now there r sufferings, when we see our baby, we know it's all worth it. by 2nd trimester, most of us will feel better... it'll pass... i'm looking forward to that
Hi Taysetsuri
Since u r not career minded definately easier as been worker what boss say we do within reasonable limits. As long as there isn't serious mistake he cannot terminate u. No matter what got to take it easy for the sake of the little onw.

Heehee hope i don't get MS ... thanks...Do take care all...
*Apex, at my 2nd visit i asked my doc if all the rumbling means i really nid food or it is just rumbling that i shld ignore. She said that our digestive juices become more active, so food that i eat is, in fact, being digested more quickly. so it's true that our tummy needs food. the trick is, as everyone says, try to take small meals of healthy snacks. i keep my stomache quiet with light biscuits, fruits, raisins, honeystars... i also noticed that when the rumbling starts, so does the MS, so i've been stocking up in the office. i also used to hv gastric pains, so u shld take good care too! cheers! :p
hi apex,
my next appt will be 2 weeks time. Feeling very tired now. And a bit crampy on the tummy but on and off. Does that happened to you?
hi veryberry,
in fact i feels opposite! I feel i cant digest my food and alway like in my throat and i can like puke out anytime leh

actually my gynae did told me that my bb is growing well and my MS can prove it! well, believe him then to make myself feel more at ease tho with the bad ms!

hi heavengift,
just tell your boss...agreed with the mummies here that nothing is more impt than your bb. anyway, not all company appreciates what we have done....just my 2 cents worth
hi Tay
it must have been difficult for you. Im actually a boss myself :p and i can understand the boss's difficulties as well. it's really hard to comment, cos you are having hi-risk while the company has an important job going on. I think it may be good if you tell him the truth so at least he can make 'backup' plan?
As for my case, i dun think i can afford to take 3 months maternity leave. I'll most likely go back on-and-off after 1 month.
Hi Apex,
thanks for your encouragement, i trying hard to stay positive, just gets emotional sometimes and feel like breaking down. My next scan is next Fri, hope it helps me feel better
Hi all MTB!

Juz wondering if any here made enquiry at KKH on the anntenatal packages? Seems dat it can be fully covered by the medisave now with the new maternity benefits.

Am expecting my 3rd kid and am thinking of taking this package since theres no cash involved! :p
thanks veryberry

ya, will try to eat more small meals... if not when pple hear my tummy growling also paisay!

hi syang,
ya you will be more tired lor. i feel most nauseous n tired near dinner time. and recently, got more giddiness leh. dunno why. no mood n energy to work yet can't take leave. super sian!

for the crampy feeling, i am not sure. i dun think i have pain like cramps. more like pulling and stretching. localised feeling. but it last for a few min only.

funny thing is at 9weeks plus, i feel that my lower abdomen is more bulging than before, more like a harder round kinda feel. dun think it's bloating or fats. do u gals experience this?
Hi apex,
somehow i feel that my tummy is harder, i've lost weight so tummy shrink a bit actually.
Hi kiddo
could tat be urine infection?
Hi pinkypink,
my weight is the same as before. i think maybe womb is starting to grow lor. but i never thot so fast. though it's only visible to me...

when u check, do u really have urine leaking? or is it just a feeling that showed nothing?
Hi ladies,
nice meeting all the MTB's here. Glad if we can exchange and share our experience

This is my 3rd pregnancy. I'm a SAHM with 2 boys. I'm abt 5weeks now, hope to see from this week scan. Previous 2 pregnancy has spotting problem, hence has to see gynae upon preggie.
So far, not much symptoms yet other than fatigue and loss of appetite.
Pregnancy is like a roller-coaster ride, from joy, excitement to worry moments, i went thru frightening moments during my 1st two pregnancy, looking back, its all worth it. Just read up more and anythg unsure, seek advise and consult gynae for assurance.
Hope to share more after my check-up this friday

Hv a great day ahead all!
Hi Apex

Normally when i had the feel i go toliet have a check. I juz have those feel of dripping really not sure it is juz a feeling or what. But there isn't any pain nor spotting juz that the urine seems to be smelly kind...
actually when there's really leakage, ur panty will be wet lor. urine normally dun smell good but if u realise recently it's dark cloudy color or the smell is different from the past, maybe u wanna check with GP to see if it's UTI or incontinence???
hi apex,

i do feel some pulling and streching on my adomen area too.

All MTB, do you all have the same feeling too?
hi jessie
welcome, so you are the expert here! tell us more.
Hi syang
yes, i feel tat once in a while...hope bb growing bigger and bigger, sometimes i feel a little pressure pressing on a lower position in the uterus..dun know wats that called.
hey apex,
some mummies' tummy grow big faster, so change into maternity clothes from 2nd trim, some 5 months then change. my mum said her tummy was big when she was having me, and it was small with my bro, only became bigger till last 1-2months. maybe tat tells the gender difference too.
hi all,

today is a bad day for me... my vomitting comes back again... just vomited gastric juice.... sigh... looks like BB only likes McD.

i have the same prob with doggy... aft i eat food seems to get stuck in my throat. there seems to be this cloud of air in my stomach that is blocking my food from going down.. so aft every meal, i feel like puking... it wld be such a gd feeling if i managed to burp! i used to hate pple who burp in public, but now, its such a blessing for me! haha...

i do get cramps too esp when i sit up from a lying position.. mostly at the sides of the tummy... guess its normal...

i told my mum i feel like going to the hospital for a drip... this feeling is terrible... i really hope MS will go away real fast..
Edde, i couldnt agree with you more.

I also hope to be put on sleeping pills and dleep till my MS is over. then start enjoying the food ....now so sianz...dunno what to eat. Last time i couldnt understand it when people say they have no appetite.

But don't you think after vomitting, you feel much better? i ratehr vomit than feel nausea.

although i am in my week 8 now, i cannot fit into normal pants anymore. i got to wear skirts or dress. So fat and yet didnt get to eat much
i long time cant fit into all my pants. mainly due to the bloating n i dun want to squeeze my tummy n hurt baby. tightness makes me more nauseous too

me too. now i wear skirts to work already. all my skirts either have elastic bands or more low waist. dun think u r fat maybe it's the bloating... i thot i grow fat but my weight is constant.

soon our tummy will grow faster n need to buy more clothes. used to hate empire line dresses but guess they'll be our best match now...
hey edde
can we request to go for drip? is your vomitting on-and-off, someday bad someday worse.
Ya belle,
every morning, i really drag getting out of bed, cos its a another new day of nauseousness. mine is some day bad, some day worse, overall can't eat much. after meal is always the worse part of the day.
yes pinky, mine is on and off... i dunno if we can request to go on a drip but if really cant take fd, guess its our last resort...
i vomitted bit of my dinner out this evening... really bad....

belle and apex, i have prob with tight skirts too! even at home, i will wear my panty and shorts below my tummy, so that they dun press on it and make me feel nauseous... at work, when i am at my table, i will loosen my skirt or pull it below my tummy too.. luckily my table is at a corner... so not much human traffic...

like apex, last time i wont buy empire doll dress, coz it really makes me look preg. with my bah bah figure... but recently i bought one coz its so comfy without the band around my tummy! i even resort to taking off my shorts when sleeping coz they are getting tight. recently i also bought a silky robe, intend to wear it instead of the normal t shirt and shorts when sleeping.. more comfy...
morning ladies
hope it will be a fine day without MS for all of us

Hi Syang,
yes, now i feel the stretch in my adomen recently, maybe our tummy is growing...

i guess edde's condition is the same as me...but pls dun think of going for drip in hospital, i feel that shld be our last resort...bear for another 2 or more weeks and hopefully we will be fine. I can fully understand what you gals are going thru' coz me are not any better

now i can't fit on to any skirt at all. i bought a few dresses and it's really make me feel sooo much better....the tight skirt and those which press on to our tummy really makes me feel nauseous.

btw, do you gals feel very lethargic? I feel so boring recently. Its like wake up>work>eat>sleep blah blah blah. I feel like life is so meaningless and as I feel terrible most of the time, i have gave up all my hobbies and lie in bed most of the time.
edde n doggy,
guess we all share the same problems with our clothes. actually skirts r not as comfy as dresses. so far me haven worn any dresses to work. for me, i must wear a jacket with dress if not, will not look formal for work.

i also unbutton or pull my skirt lower when sitting in office. blouse is long enough to cover. my colleagues said that i dun look pregnant yet cos they cant notice the little tummy that's popping out haha!

guess at home n when sleeping, we must be as comfy as possible. robe is a good idea... but kinda hard to find. or those baggy long T-shirt kinda sleepwear? i guess they r comfy too.

for me, i feel most lethargic n nauseous at the end of the day... i think our lifestyle somehow will be more monotonous when we r pregnant...
Hey gals!

ask u all, do u all wear bra when sleeping?

i dun cos my swollen breasts hurts n hard to breathe. but i'm afraid with time they'll sag easily...
Apex and doggy and pinky, i don't even wear bra to work ha ha. Because the tightness at the chest area makes me nausea. I feel so carefree now

I feel very cold nowadays so i have to wear long pants and cardigan to sleep even with just the fan on. I think i am losing heat very fast.

I also feel so sianz...everyday i dunno what to eat for lunch and dinner. Especially dinner so i anyhow eat just bread and nutella and some fruits. Still constipated jialat. My gynae told me to take lactulose so i am going to start that. Else how??

Life is really quite meaningless now right without food to look forward to and also cannot walk too much so cannot go shopping and also getting fatter so shop also no use, clothes cannot wear.

Yes i pray all MTBs here don have MS forever!
hi doggymar,
i know wat you mean. when my ms is serious, all i wanted to do is to get into my bed and sleep so tat i will forget everything. i avoid gatherings since i can't eat. waking up in the morning is tough as im scared its going to be a bad ms day.
anyway my ms is more mild these 2 days, like that i also worried, serious also complain, dun know wat i want.
hey apex,
i had problem fitting into my pants and skirts at early stage, since i lost a little weight, the skirts are still ok now.
does it look obvious that u r not wearing bra at work?
will they be like bouncing or jiggling alot when u walk?
bra? i usu. dont wear to sleep, but like Apex, i'm so worried abt them sagging... and they've grown so heavy it's uncomfortable without support even when sleeping...!

i've resorted to digging out my lacy lingerie which have minimum (but at least some!) support, they're more comfortable too cos the lace is stretchable mah. and cos it's tighter now, i use the bra extension for more comfort lor.

the other quite comfy alternative is to wear those stretchable, cotton tanktop to sleep. i happen to hv a few i bought from bkk, the ones i hv provide good support too, so quite comfy.

me really worried abt sagging breasts later uh. cos those breasts hv really grown...haha. hope you find the above suggestions useful! my 2 cts' worth.

me rather worried abt sagging breasts cos it's irreversible unless go for plastic surgery. i think the effect of gravity is not so great on our breasts when we lie down to sleep. really need to buy bigger bras liao.

doggy, i only go braless when i wear those bra tops which have inner support under the blouse. n nipples are compressed so not obvious. actually it is comfy not to wear bra.

but if the top is loose, i think the nipples can be seen lor n movement of breats r obvious too!
for me, i cant coz i got rather big boobs...haha. if i din wear to work, think will be too bouncy....hehe! but have to agree that now bra is getting tighter and make breathing more difficult.
Hi Apex, my breasts although have grown still small lah so not obvious. Won't bounce, guess mine are so small as comapred to most ladies here who are C cup. As for the nipples, as long as i wear two layers or the material is thick enough then wont see.

aiyo i want to sleep to forget my MS too....so torturous....feel nausea but cannot vomit, damn gross feeling...

and baby want to eat different food everyday. and i got no appetite. How to satisfy him?
hey doggy(mar)
not really leh...
hey ladies
is it normal that i feel a little itchiness on my nipple? i brought johnson baby lotion to moisturise my whole body, hope it helps.
hey belle
very cute leh, your baby wants to eat different food. i headache dun know wat to eat.
anyone going for scan soon? mine is next fri.
hi pinky,
me going on this Sat...after 3 weeks wait
i ate the bbq pork in between meals and it helps...but hor, very fatty, so i actually cut down tho it helps
hopefully you can find something to curb your MS soon.
me going next Sat... 11 weeks liao. can't wait to see baby. what abt u?

my nipples not itchy but after taking bra down, my nipples appear red and breasts feel very warm...

hate my breasts now so painful n heavy. make me look fat also. colleagues say they can see they've grown bigger n obvious man!
Hi apex,

is ur breast sore and painful from day 1 u know u're pregnant till now?
Mine was sore from day 1 i know i'm preg. But now the soreness is not that unbearable anymore.
aiyo MS the whole morning. sianz...have to keep munching or drinking milo/soya otherwise go to toilet to puke every 15 mins. sianz or not?

the only venue to vent my frustration is here. to keep me sane.

pinky, bb reject food that has been eaten before except bread and nutella. headache, dunno what to eat. everything so sianz like that.
hi doggy mar, ssyang & apex
im coming to end of 8 weeks, next fri scan will be end 9 weeks. still feel a bit worried. 3 weeks of waiting is no joke, my mummy said she only see doc when she was 8 months preggie! modern mummies all very gan jiong hehe.
my breast is not sore, more like pain at the area around it. wow APEX, 11 week, you are coming to the end of 1st trim...so fast..sob sob...
hello gals,

I hope by the time u are reading my post...all of you are feeling better from the ms. *Praying*
Yes, my GP told me that if we are feeling really lousy and sick all day long over ms...maybe need drips. So talk to your doc, ya.

Just wanna to thanks all of you for giving me the strength and support to tell my boss over my pregnancy...I FINALLY did it today. He is shocked but appeared more understanding *cross my fingers*. I even told him over my relaspe of previous condition and would need frequent blood test and visit to the hospital..he said ok, just need to inform ang get someone to cover my work. I feel so much better than the past few days. Once again, thks...for all yr support
Hi Tay
great to hear that! im sure you feel better now.
hey ladies
i was reading the fertility friends forum, the ladies were saying that MS usually peaks around week 8 and slowly taper off...maybe there's hope :p
hi syang,
i always have sore n swollen breasts before every menses... so in June, i didn't expect to be pregnant cos thot menses coming. but initially really painful, now more bearable. but my breasts seem to grow day by day! i really hope they wont grow too big! i'll look fatter with my petite frame!

hehe... maybe i wasn't clear just now. now i'm at 10 week. next Sat will then be at 11 week...
so 3 more weeks to go before i hit 2nd trimester.

Doggy, u r entering 2nd trimester soon!

hey doggy mar,
some people last longer, maybe your pregnancy hormones super strong, good also. anyway you only have 1 more week to 2nd trim, so envious!
Hey apex
im 1 week behind you, cant wait!
