(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Hi Mist, Pinkypink,

Packages for gynae varies from gynae to gynae. Some gynaes start the package from 20th week onwards, because basically, some feel that up to week 20, there is still a certain risk. So it's pointless to have package. In my previous preg, I encountered this situation. I was supposed to start the package from 20th week, but unfortunately it didn't happen, because by the 20th week detailed scan, it was discovered that I had to terminate the preg.

Some gynaes start their package in week 12, or week 16. Again, it's the same thinking, that before the first trimester, there is some risk that the preg may not last.

Hmm, this time round, I found a doctor that the package can actually start from the 2nd visit! Regardless of how pregnant you are. And I actually did sign up for the package already (now I am only in week 9). My doc is under the Thomson Women Clinic, which have many branches all over Singapore. I believe all their branches have the same package/concept. The package is only $550, and is regardless of the number of visits. So, if say, you happen to be the sort who need to see doc very frequently, like every 2 or 3 weeks (versus every 4 weeks), there are no extra costs.

Since I had a bad experience before, I actually asked them what will happen to the "balance" money if my pregnancy doesn't keep. The reply was they will deduct whatever has been consumed (by the visits) and if there is any balance, they will use it to offset the charge for termination. There will be charges if you need a medical termination. I didn't ask them what if it's a natural miscarraige.

Whatever the case, at the end of the day, it's how comfortable you are with the gynae that is the most important lah. If anything bad really happen (touch wood!), by then you won't be in any mood to talk about prices also.. What all of us hope and pray is that we all have a good and healthy baby.

By the way, Mist, I supposed you haven't seen any gynae yet but have tested positive. Please buy folic acid from any pharmacy and start eating them. The folic acid cost $2.52 for 100 pills. You can take one per day.

Folic acid is good for the baby's spinal development which actually forms in the first 6 weeks of the pregnancy. You can go and see a doc later if you want, but do start taking the folic acid now.
hi autumn,

thanks for the clarification.... so not all gynae got package right?? hmmm, doesn't really matters if no package right, since different ladies have different needs.

My GP already prescribe folic acid for me, thanks for the info
Hi all, i went to buy some maternity wear over the weekend in chinatown. Actually didn't really thought of going there to buy, just wandering about and saw this shop. It's in the newly renovated People's Park Centre, the one with the hawker centre on the first floor. The shop is on the 3rd floor, called Belly Basics.

Some of the items are quite nice. Simple and nice. Apparently they are from local designers. Bought a skirt and two tops for less than $100. If you happen to go that area, maybe can pop by there to take a look. The sales girl there is very friendly.
Hi Autum
you've got a point, i dun dare to commit any package because of the 'hurdles' before 20th week. but then, each visit costs $100+, not cheap too. sorry to ask, but is it common to find out that there is defects in the 20th week? im so afraid cos i have a m/c before at 8th week.
and for those having m/s, im eating raisins now, seem to help
Hi all,

Think I may be preggie. Just had 2 positive preg test done. If really preggie EDD should be mar 07.


my gynae is also Dr Chew SC at Mt E. I delivered my boy with him. But most of the birth he is not there. When fully dilated then the nurse will call him and he will rush down. Will be going to visit him this sat to confirm everything. Even if preggie, I dunno if I would keep. I really want to but I need to find my strength somewhere to cope with everything.


My hb also teach in poly. He is new, and he is the only breadwinner now. I am a SAHM. I heard him mentioning there is a childcare service at poly. Do you know much about it? if I decide to go work I will need to send my son to a childcare.
hi autumn, is your gynae Dr Lawrence Ang?

hi ladies, me back! on MC on fri as I was vomiting terribly!

Hi AngelBee,
just be relax...i was like you during my 1st pregnancy and all i can say is rest well, no point thinking

hi wenthana,
is your hb teaching in Ngee Ann Poly? If so, there is really a child child centre there....
Hi Pinkypink, the 20th week detailed scan is meant to scan for any structural defects. ie, whether any structural/physical problem. Could be anything from making sure there are 10 fingers and 10 toes, to looking at internal organs such as kidney, lungs, heart etc.. and also facial defects like cleft lips and of course, spinal problem.

Whether it's "common" or not, well, only in this 20th week scan, then can u see all the structural things, because before that, baby may be too small. As such, this scan is compulsory. It's hard to say whether such cases are common. There can be many different factors. Some are not serious, like cleft lip, nowadays can do surgery for baby.. so not life-threatening. Others, in my case, was a very serious defect.. so I had no choice but to terminate. The doc advised that even if I keep, the fetus may eventually die in my womb or may be still-born.
Hi Hi gals,
wow so many updates...

Got a question, if anyone ever encounter.
Coz i have some yellowish discharged. Seems to me funny.. as common is spotting or brown discharge. I seems to have the yellowish discharge wonder if that is connected to my urine? I thinking since i don't have any pains so it should be ok. Coz only going to see the gynae over the weekend.
Hi wenthena, you sound pensive about this baby. Is it because you didn't plan for it? I suppose it's really up to you and hubby whether you eventually want to keep.. but if you can afford, then do consider keeping, ok?

I guess having a baby can be really overwhelming. I remember when I first know I was preg (last time round), I burst into tears. Cos at that time I wasn't working, and was worried about finances etc. Then after rationalising through, I told myself not to worry so much about money..

The irony is, in the end, I had to terminate my pregnancy because of the fetal anomaly. Then, I start to blame myself that maybe because I wasn't so sure about the baby in the first place, that's why the baby became "bad". Of course, on hindsight, I know that is a very silly feeling.. but as a woman, and a mother-to-be, you will start to think of all sorts of silly and ridiculous thoughts... especially when things go wrong.

Since you already have a boy, maybe you can think of the joy your son brought you. And have a good talk with your hubby.. tell him your fears and concerns. And you can also always come here to "share the misery".. being in this forum has been a good avenue for most of us to share our joys and fears with one another.

As for childcare, I heard from another friend that Nanyang Poly has that too. And apparently, it's at a subsidized rate for staff. One of my friends is doing that - the hubby teaches there and bring his daughter to the childcare there. You may want to ask your hubby to find out more.
Hi Doggy, my gynae is Dr Woo Bit Hwa. I am currently seeing him at the Thomson Women Clinic in the Tiong Bahru Plaza branch.

He has another clinic in Punggol, under a different brand - called Northern Hope. At Punggol Plaza. Found him quite a nice man. I went to him because after doing some research, I found that he is sort of like specialising in birth defects. He seems extra nice to me, but maybe because I told him about my previous history, so he doesn't want me to be too worried. The first time when I saw him, I actually cried in front of him, as I told him about my last preg. Maybe I scared him! heheh
Hi syang!
Great to hear u can see sac liao... that's a good sign. take good care of urself okie. when will be ur next appmt?

Hi wenthena!
so we share the same Gynae... i was referred to him by my SIL who isn't his patient. anyway, is it a bad thing he wont be around during most of the labour? so far my experience with him is good. did u spend alot when u deliver ur boy at Mt E?

it's kinda sad to hear u r considering whether to keep ur baby... if possible, would support u to keep it...
Hi all,

Had a talk with my family. Think I will go ahead with it. Seems that there are plenty of misunderstandings. HB doesn't want to stress me IF I do not want to keep the baby; and it came across to me as he doesn't want the child.So, thank goodness it is cleared up now.
Let's just hope this test result is accurate! Secretly, I have been pining for a child. Seems like such a good age gap. Besides, I am now taking a part time diploma. Guess I would find a more appropriate job after I graduate anyway, right?? kekek
I am feeling more optimistic right now. Autumn, this forum is indeed a great avenue for sharing. kinda like a group therapy thing? lol


My mom refered him to. He was also the gynae who delivered me from my mom. SO, he's been there a long time! I do have one gripe about him though: He is seriously short of time. Appointments are always rushed!! Waiting time is long. He is the kind of gynae that don't tell you anything. Cos he doesn't want you worrying unnecessarily. However, he is softspoken and you can ask him about anything under the sun and he'll answer you in the most matter-of-factly voice and you will not feel silly!!
hi autumn
thanks for the info, this is my second try too, so lets pray for successful ones this time!
hi syang,
Hi wenthena,
every baby is soo precious, if there is financial issues, try to settle for the most basic first...
hi wenthena,
thanks for replying. ya waiting time is super long. visit for other patients seem so long but for mine, it's chop chop. anyway, i do like his professional approach to let us know just the facts rather than cloud us with info that may be scary...

roughly how much should i set aside for the delivery by him and the hospitalisation charges???

I cannot remmeber the exact $$ but I think his package is $1700 for normal. and $2000 for c section. Package includes consultation but i cannot remember the ultrasound($90) he charge or not. ultrasound is something he does at every checkup for . The rest like meds, blood test and swab test you have to pay. I stayed in a single room. The total bills was around $4000++ with paed charge, anesthetist, induction drip, epidural, hearing test for newborn, etc. Cannot seem to remember everything off hand. I paid the $700 after the week 14 nuchal tube test. and the $1000 with the hospital bills.
Hi all! many postings in one day! i read until blur liao...

pinky, yes i lost weight, but not much, around 1kg.. gynae said its normal coz my appetite has not been gd.... but he said its not crucial now as BB draws nutrients from our bodies now... i asked him abt calcium/milk intake he said its not crucial now too... most crucial thing now is to be able to eat and drink.

my MS seems better now... think the vit B6 helps a lot. i also tried not to rely too much on medication... so i only take it when i really cant take it.

someone mentioned abt taking tonics. what i understand from gynae now is better not. dunno why also. but mum said essence of chicken is fine. so till now i still dun dare to take chinese tonics.

am staying at my parents' now... treated like a princess so gd hee hee... i am so thankful that i get homecook food everyday.. increase my appetite so much!
Hi Apex
Thanks for the referrel
For me , no bleeding and got good appetite
Feeling pretty good , just a little sleepy
Seeing my gynae tomorrow and see how
Selina, u r welcome. keep us updated on ur visit okie.

Wenthena, thanks for the info! will set aside more for all the charges. it's really not cheap nowadays even before baby is born!

agree that it is best not to take Chinese tonics at this point, esp 1st trimester as advised by my Gynae. even normal soup with a bit of Chinese herbs i also dun take... Gynae also said dun take pineapple, jackfruit, smelly cheese n raw foods...

i think all of us should try to enjoy our pregnancy cos of the special treatment n attention we r given during this period... from hubby to parents, parents in law, colleagues n friends n even strangers!

Just came back. Sac is slightly bigger than what i saw on Sun. Ask you, as I take folic acid 2 times a day?

Gyane did not mentioned about the fetal and HB.
hi apex,
for me, only enjoy special priviledges from my parents, hb as well as some close colleagues. Some of my colleagues are very skeptical and not happy when I go on sick leave. They always claimed that i look perfectly alright when i was like vomiting so badly at home. Well, guess there is no point explaining to them coz diff pple have diff reaction! As for my in laws, i have not told them yet...have all of you informed your in laws already?
hi AngelBee,
great to hear that sac is growing. what did ur Gynae say? when is ur next appmt?
i am taking folic acid 5mg once a day since 4th weeks onwards.
has ur bleeding ceased?

hi doggy,
dun be too bothered by ur skeptical colleagues... sometimes u just have to prioritise... ur baby more impt n if they dun understand at least it pays to see wat kind of pple they r... hang around with those who r nice...

when i knew i was pregnant, i told all my close kins including my in-laws. i know they will be super thrilled n will take good care of me! n they'll stop hinting haha! if they found out later, afraid they'll be upset that we keep from them. it's good to let them know the good news n get their support!
hi angelbee,
i saw my bb heartbeat when i was in my 8 weeks coz i was bleeding initially. So, dun worry and i'm very sure you will see and hear on your next visit! For me, i took folic acid & some vatamin once everyday. Perhpas you might wish to check with your gynae.

hi apex,
Yes, i choose to ignore them coz i cant control how and what other pple think, rite?
for my in law, my mil and me not close and she always ignore me, so, i didnt tell her lor. will inform her sometime later but hb will be the one informing and not me. becoz of her bad treatment, my hb ask me not to visit her, so, he will tell his parents himself then.

for me, still vomiting badly
coupled with poor appetite too
hi doggy,
so which week r u at now? me 9w4d...
my appetite also not good n got different cravings on different days... so far haven break record of vomiting but the nausea is terrible. make me pale n look sick. thot preggie mums should look vibrant???

anyway, for ur in-laws, it's good u get hubby to break the good news to them but no point avoiding visiting her cos in future, i think there r bound to be more interactions... hopefully, ur MIL will treat u better after that...
Hi Apex, Doggy,

Next appt = this coming fri.

Still have bit of bleeding. Gyane told me to continue to take folic acid(everyday) & omega 3 (every alt. day), OBIMIN to take later.

I am confused. Gyane told me that I am 4 to 5 weeks preggie. I myself checked through internet by entering LMP, i should be 6 weeks by now. Hope that I can see the fetal and BB hearbeat on next visit.

Your colleagues all females and not preggie b4? Why they like that?
What cravings you have right now?
Me as usual, no craving, MS only visits restroom very often and always feel hungry like every 2 hrs interval.

Did Gyane give you pills to stop vomitting?
ur Gynae may be more accurate in estimating ur baby's age cos he based it on the sac dimension. dun stress urself too much for the next visit. let Gynae guide n advise u... r u on MC now?

i have all sorts of cravings, mostly more flavored n spicy foods. think my baby follow my hubby's unhealthy diet cos i like healthy n more bland kinda food. or maybe my appetite poor n most food taste too bland to me now...

so far, have craved for roti prata, samosa, curry puffs, wanton mee, fried n BBQ chicken wings! haha! all unhealthy ones!

also need to go toilet often, so often that i have bad sleep, always hungry n got wind in my tummy, growling n burping whole day.
gals, try to take some food or better still, some sweet drinks like soya bean continuously. it will help prevent the blood sugar from going down and nausea. I am trying and it is working. I guess what the baby needs now is we keep up our calories, so if we stop eating, nausea will kick in.
have u ladies told you bosses yet? I am thinking of telling soon before the colleagues speculate and then my boss feel he is the last to know.
ya soya bean drink is good.

have told my boss once i knew i was pregnant.
Reason: to seek his understanding when i need time off to see Gynae during office hours. my 2 weeks of MC has kickstarted rumours n speculations that i am pregnant. i'm okie cos eventually they'll know n most pple will empathise cos 1st trimester is very fragile. n so far, boss n colleagues have been very understanding...
becos before the day i told him i took half day urgent leave to see Gynae, when i was back the next day i told him "boss, need to tell u something. I am pregnant. that's why yesterday i took urgent leave to see Gynae"

then he congratulated me n ask me not to worry abt going for appmts during office hr. also suggested to keep low profile in office first
hmm, i told my boss when i was given mc to rest at home when i'm bleeding. my boss has informed my big boss too. Thanks god both of them are rather understanding and they even told me i looked very pale. can work from home if need be. at least better than those colleagues!

hi angelbee,
1 of my coll who are bad are actually married with kids. she dun want to cover me and hence, keep hinting me dun go on leave so often! u know when she knew abt my pregnancy, guess what she told me? "huh, then closing u not around how?" aiyo, think till so far! i mean not everyone is so bless to go thru' pregnancy without morning sickness lor. I told u hor, 1 of my coll is even worst!!!!! coz i'm not a vege person, she told me if i dun take vege, my kid will become a idiot and in the end, have to abort my bb! goodness, she is also expecting and can say suh things out! I'm so furious that i actually din talk to her!

hi apex,
me in my 11th week, appetite still poor and initially crave for spicy food, now, crave for nothing! think abt food alone has already make me feel like vomitting. Did take the anti-pill, ok for 1 or 2 days, after that like worst! hey, your boss not bad hor, is it a male or female boss?
hi belle,
maybe try hinting your boss you have not been feeling good these few weeks....if he/she ask why, then you say you are expecting lor...
hi edde,
so lucky, you not working ah...i have a few colleagues down with flu, scared leh. im about 81/2 week, wonder when will MS subside, counting down to 1 month till end of 1st trim is no joke. im taking the anti-ms everyday now cos i cannot tahan, not that it has gone worse, but im totally sick of it.
hey apex
i dun have cravings leh, every meal time i have headache on what to eat.
HI mar bride and Apex, thanks for ur advice, i have just told my boss. Basically i said i apologise for taking MC because i was not feeling well and that i found out i was pregnant but since it is since early i did not tell the rest.

Then he congratulated me. I guess boss cannot say anything else right? Then he told me not to work too long and take care. quite nice lor.

Pinky, try to drink something sweet like milo or soya whatever, to keep your blood sugar up. try and see if it works for u ?? I also got no appetite and HK food are so salty and oily and unhealthy. variety also not as much as singapore.
*doggy - aiyoh, your colleagues really not v nice leh... lucky the bosses are ok. just ignore the mean colleagues... they're just accumulating bad karma for themselves!

i had to tell my boss early cos we're planning an official trip in Dec. It's a 3-week worktrip with long hrs every day. I was v sure i wont want to be working overseas for so long, so i had to tell her even before i told my in-laws! cos she was putting in the names for accreditation/registration. hee, now she has to go. :p

as for the rest of the office, havent told them yet. plan to wait till 3 mths, and after we've done all the tests first. tummy still ok - not showing yet thou i now hv to give tight tops a miss.
Hi doggy,
my boss is a male n is very nice. he's a father of three so i guess that helps

ya, when i think of food before every meal, i feel like puking n also no appetite. my cravings very funny one. just hit me suddenly. one day i crave for it, the next day the thot of that food makes me wanna puke.

dun be too bothered by ur colleagues... let them say whatever they want. most importantly, must get ur boss's support.

pple say once 1st trimester is over, our appetite will become better so will have more cravings by then! no craving also good, if not hubby poor thing gotto get for us...
Your colleauge "mei kou de" . she very daring, preggie still dare to talk this way.

I agree with veryberry, they are just accumulating bad karma for themselves and they are petty.
hi ladies,
ya my colleagues are quite horrible one...all really mei kou de! nvrmind, let them say what they want...as long as we dun harbour such thoughts to curse pple will do

me just had my lunch and feel so terrible now...cant eat too much if not, will puke again. me visiting my gyane this wkend and hopefully bb is growing well as expected

hi apex,
thats what my mum told me! after 1st trimestar, appetite will be better...i hope so...keeping my fingers crossed. I have been losing weight and tho i'm little overweight, i hope my bb is well, so fat also dun care for now
hi apex, how i wish i have yr gd appetite!! sigh.. actually i do crave for spicy and sour stuff too. sun ate tom yum soup with rice, then whole day gastric very uncomfy...
really ask for it...

i think i really pan tang leh... my colleagues smsed me to ask me if i feel better. not long aft i told them yes, my teerible nausea came back again... sigh.... just took anti-MS med to curb it... now gastric still feeling upside down.. i wonder if people with gastric prob get MS easier.. it seems so to me. the worse yr gastric prob used to be, the worse MS u will get... dunno if my assumption is true....

pinky, u better stay away from yr coleagues who are sick!!! its very cham for us to get sick now, coupling with the MS! coz GP cant give us too strong med, so if you get sick, its very hard to get well... so be careful yeah! i am someone who gena pple's flu virus very easily too! so whenever someone beside me sneezed, i will hold my breath and quickly walk away.. haha...

doggy, yr colleagues really very bad leh... so insensitive !!!! dun tok to her lah.. dun let her affect yr mood!!! actually me also very paisay abt taking mc for so long... frankly speaking i used to be one of those who hate working with preg women and i used to think that they always use preg as an excuse. but i dun say nor behave outright that i dun like that, just grumble to close frenz and hubby thats all. now that i am preg myself, i finally know how it feels!!! and i really regret having that kind of thinking last time.. so i truely believe wat i am going thru now is my retribution haha!!! now that i have become one of the hated preg women!! haha!!!

but seriously pple who have not been thru it, or hvnt had a hard preg wont understand how we feel.... so thinking on the bright side, we dun ji jiao with them for their ignorance lah huh! haha.... stay happy doggy!!
hi belle,
today i cant even drink the milo beside me now. i just had 1/2 cup of 3-1 cereal, lunch didnt eat much. now the puking feeling is always at my chest level.
Hey apex,
ya im counting down to another 4-5 weeks, but very difficult. i feel like crying now, this thur someone invite me to shangrila buffet lunch i cannot go, at nite mala steamboat i also cannot go...sob sob
Hi gals,

i am thinking of asking if you all have told your bosses about pregnancy...Hee...when I saw so many posting over this issue. Actually, me in a dilemma if I should tell my boss. Like to hear your opinion.

I have been on a week of hospital leave since I got to know I am expecting. Then went for 2 medical follow-up during office hr. Followed by today...mc over ms. My job requires me to go out to construction site so I told Gynac and he wrote a letter to ask my company to excuse me for site work. I can feel my boss is not happy over it because we have a critical milestones in Oct and Mar (that's when our EDD is). I only told him over my relapse of previous illness which is a fact but yet to tell him over expecting. Becos I belong to the high risk pregnancy group so I am really worried. So thinking of telling him after the first tri. Really feel upset over his words. Can I hear your opinion, girls? Do you think I should tell him the truth?
* Pinky

It's really sad to hear about yr unconsiderate colleagues. They are really sick. Stay away from them... & dun be upset, you will get well and eventually you will get to eat what you want and hang out soon. My friend told me that it is a good sign that if you are suffering from ms...it also means the baby is growing
So stay positive *HUGZ*


Stay away from this colleague too.
Hi Hi
It is really mean that having MS is good.
When does the MS start? Coz i don't have MS only keep feeling hungry....

I suppose when the time to tell your boss you are pregnant will depend on your job role. As different role will have different impact. Especailly need 3 mths maternity leave and on off got mc and check ups. Will have big disruption if holding important role task
Kiddo, my doc says the MS peaks at 8-9 weeks. so if i didnt remember wrongly, it cld still be early for you. but do pray that you're one of the lucky ones like me, dont puke... but nauseous at various times of the day. just read this thread and we count our blessings. the rest of the girls really quite poor thing.

Heavengift - precisely since you're in the higer-risk gp, you shld tell the boss and make him understand how critical and impt it is for you to avoid site work. is he married? got kids? if yes, he better understand how serious this is...!
i agree with kiddo... but for taysetsuri's case, if i were u, i will tell my boss even though its not 3 mths yet coz like u said its high risk preg and high risk job it seems! to me, baby is most impt before anything else. i guess this is the same to all parents
well, this is an opinion from a non career-minded mummy lah! for career women out there maybe you have other constraints...

i asked my gynae if its true that having MS means its a gd sign that BB is growing and healthy. he said 50-50. having MS just means that the hormones are active. so those who are not experiencing MS dun worry, i have come across many who dun but still have healthy babies
you are so lucky!

pinky have u taken the anti-MS med?? maybe u wanna visit yr gynae? last week i was so desperate that i called for an appt as i was vomitting non stop... really cant take it... and i am glad i visited my gynae as i felt more assured and better after that.. maybe its a psychological thing.. u take care yeah..
