(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

hello doggy, the shop is on the row opposite Eu Yan Sang. It's just a normal clothes shop (they sell alot of normal wear) and they only have a few racks of maternity wear. However, the salesgirl was really good and experienced. She was able to recommend me various pieces and match them together so the end results look quite nice. She told me some of the maternity tops were actually normal tops design, but because they know nowadays young mothers dun like to wear frumpy maternity clothes, so they asked their factory to amend the tops so that it's broader and can fit maternity wear. So basically, you get normal-like design but in maternity form (broader at the waist). Quite good.

feel happy that ur hubby is so loving n sweet... guess most of our hubby will eventually learn how to make us feel better n be more sensitive towards us during our pregnancy... n we gotto share with them our feelings rather than bottle up our negative feelings or resentment.
hi tay
yes sac is the bad wrapping the bb. if you already see bb size, should be fine.
hey doggy mar
feeling better already, guess that nite i was afraid to sleep, its 'the' month. after taking the chicken soup mian xian, for the first time i dun feel nauseous in the night, and got so hungry tat i ate a small cereal bar. im so glad.
hi all, am back to sch today... just now i smelled zam chai bng in the staff room and i really feel like vomiting! but i cant stop my colleagues from eating in the staffroom also, so boh bian have to endure.. haha... very hungry now... am going to order Mcd.

Paulyn, yes i feel hungry 24hrs. i can even be too hungry to sleep and wake up to cook instant mee goreng! haha!!
ladies i am suffering...anti-ms pill no longer works for me and after breakfast will vomit, after dinner will also vomit. otherwise cannot sleep. no hunger no craving. whatever my hubby cooks for his own dinner (because i cannot eat), i will feel nausea and vomit. i am getting psychotic liao....

Edde , aiyo zam chai bng smells gross. U still eating McD? Me having constipation, even taking senokot also vomit out, cannot go toilet. so don dare to eat Mcd anymore.

Mar Bride: Ms-pill works for u? I am feeling totally gross inside out.
hi belle,
initially it dun work and gynae change to another type for me. When i took it, it does not take effect immediately. but i feel better the next day. if i dun take, everyday will be hell for me
the smell of food in aircon place is really terrible...i cant stand it as well..
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doggy</TD><TD>25-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD>Apex</TD><TD>26-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>VeryBerry</TD><TD>2-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Autum</TD><TD>3-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Woo Bit Hwa</TD><TD>Northern Hope </TD></TR><TR><TD>BBChew</TD><TD>4-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prof Tay SK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Edde</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Tan Yew Ghee</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carol</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>PinkyPink</TD><TD>10-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blurbelle</TD><TD>11-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinkdaisy</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Chia</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD>18-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherylasu</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Ben Neo</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kiddo</TD><TD>25-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hey Belle thanks for the effort!
to fill up the blanks in my row, u may wanna add Dr SC Chew and Mt E
will update on my EDD after this Sat if there r changes.

Do u gals having sleeping difficulties?

i almost didn't sleep last night n is feeling terrible today. can't fall asleep at all and stupid me drank a big mug of sugarcane drink at 8pm n woke up 8 times last night to go toilet!

other days i definitely have to wake up 2-3 times also. in the past, sleeping is always a problem now worse. hope wont have panda eyes eventually...

Think mine is the last in March....

Terrible morning to start... don't know if able to puke out better then not able to ... feel so nausea.... something got choke at my throat... so uneasy....

I think we must make our hubby to appreicate us and not to abuse them..
Hi apex,
i couldnt sleep well last nite, maybe slept too much and kept wanting to pee. but on fri and sat nite, i will wake up let say5-6am, couldnt sleep for a while then went back to sleep until late morning.
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doggy</TD><TD>25-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD>Apex</TD><TD>26-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr SC Chew </TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>VeryBerry</TD><TD>2-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Autum</TD><TD>3-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Woo Bit Hwa</TD><TD>Northern Hope </TD></TR><TR><TD>BBChew</TD><TD>4-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prof Tay SK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Edde</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Tan Yew Ghee</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carol</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>PinkyPink</TD><TD>10-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blurbelle</TD><TD>11-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinkdaisy</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Chia</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD>18-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherylasu</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Ben Neo</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kiddo</TD><TD>25-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Mar bride: Smell in aircon room sucks. i have to get a air purifier to put int the house so that after hubby eats his dinner, the air purifier can filter the smell out.

Kiddo: haiz...everyday i am awake, i feel it is a torture. only when sleeping can i escape. I feel sleeping also tough because of a congested stomach. and cannot turn easily because don want to hurt the uterus.
Hi belle,
Ya sleeples nites and terrble feel in stomach.
I pray hard not to have these feelings but now alas....
lossing all my appetiate can't eat most of the solid foods... the idea of eating now make me feel like puking can't stuff in any more things... stomach bloated till can't figure if that is due to pregnancy or due to indigestion...
hi belle,
i think by next week you should be better, at then you would have past your week 8? my gynae said week 8 is the peak and indeed it was. but since start of week 9, seems to be getting better, but also worried if bb is growing well. havent seen him/her for a long time
Hi Kiddo, i never knew pregnancy was so tough. i thought it is just feel nausea in the morning but can still have very good appetite.
Never knew that the sense of smell is so acute that we can easily be triggered to vomit by smell which usually are associated with nice food.

Pinky: my friend is in week 15 now and still vomitting....i feel this current week 9 is going to be a nightmare. But thanks for consoling me. I can only see my bb in 5 weeks time when i am week 12. also miss seeing him/her but i always tell him/her to be good to mommy and don make mommy feel sick. Doesnt seem to work
hi belle,
same sentiment! see my fren/coll pregnant like so easy....din expect me to be like that.

u know hor, i always "talk" to my bb asking he/she to be good and healthy. But whenever i say that, i will puke more...maybe thats the sign of healthy lor. Puke = healthy
Hi Belle, ya from the day i suffering from insomia i know that the road will be tough.... but still whenever i see the BB every terrible feel can be swept away... that y mother is always the greatest....
Ya my favourite chilli crabs... able to eat lots of it but now only able to take in few pieces.. durians my favourite can eat tons of it but now only a few so sad.....
So envy u gals are almost finish 1st trimster i still half way thru... oooo gosh...... can only see BB in 2 weeks time .....
i have cravings for chilli crabs but my mum said cannot eat crab now. is this true?
durian is my fav but now i dun seem to like it. it is really funny...

hey gals... let's face our sufferings with optimism okie. it's a price we have to pay to have a healthy n strong baby. it'll all be worth it!

have colleagues who breeze thru pregnancy but have difficult labor. let's hope our labor will be swift n smooth
Hi Apex,

No we can eat whatever we want but must be moderate vice vesa too much fish also no good all must be balances even tom yam also can eat but must not over do it.... I also drink herbal tea... but not those that are extreme cooling like ling jiao etc....
Crabs to be avoid becoz afraid sensitive skins and food posion coz different pple react differently...
ya nine months down the road everything will be worthwhile.....
hi Apex, i heard an old wives tale about eating crabs - they say if pregnant eat crabs, the baby will like to pinch people next time! heehee..

Other than that, maybe eat crab a bit high cholestrol.. but what i understand is, pregnant women generally can take higher levels of cholestrol. so if you take once in a while, should be fine lah.
kiddo, ya mummies are the greatest. I feel that men should be the one to be pregnant since they are much stronger physcially than women hor. i am so envious of men. they don have to suffer but can have babies.

Apex: i love black pepper crabs. used to be able to eat more too. i also like durian but now i scared of the smell. I used to worry about the labour, but now i worry about day to day nausea and vomitting. to me labour is like soooo far in the future. When will it be my turn?

u gals are so optimistic. i find it tough to smile nowadays. i watch movies and drama serials to try to take my mind off....
Ya Mother is always the greatest... But if man also can get pregnant no differences between woman and man...
Since can't take in much of good foods get some nice maternity clothes that make us feel good... think of wearing it early so that when take train can get a seat.... nowadays legs get so tired easily... that day juz climb the overhead bridge make me so tired that i collapse on the bed the moment i done my bath ... don't even want to move any more...heehee.. look at the bright side... make hubby dotes on us more than normal.......
autum, i heard old wives tale about eating crab is that the child will have itchy fingers i.e. like to touch things.

i think crabs have high level of toxin because crabs eat junks basically.
Hi everyone,
I'm starting to feel hungry.... Anyway, I've been craving for more flavourful food nowadays.. food like Instant Noodle... Anyone have similar cravings??
actually the old wives tale i heard abt eating crabs is that the kid will have "itchy" hands ie. like to touch things! haha! anyway, i guess ultimately moderation in any food is the key.

but i have stopped taking cold drinks, tea (all kinds), pineapple, jackfruit. pple say tea is too cooling n will make our womb weak. Chin chow also must skip. still can take barley though.

my mum n MIL said better to watch nice movies with beautiful people, things. best to skip those horror, sci-fic, gruesome, bloody movies... dunno what their rationale is...

hehe, u all believe?
HI cherry,
i have been craving for Maggie curry noodle now and then....know its rather unhealthy, but just want to eat lor
apex, i used to be able to watch those TV programs on surgeries. but now i cannot. i find it repulsive. i have changed !! i think pregnancy really makes a person's preferences change. Fav food like pasta becomes No. 1 enemy also. Yes my mom asked me to look at cute babies photos so that the bb will grow like the pictures.

Mar_bride, at least u got craving. i got zero craving. there is a very dull bitter taste in the mouth so headache duno what to eat for lunch and dinner.
hi all! so sorry to hear that some of u are having a hard time now... like one of u mentioned, if yr anti-ms med doesnt work, maybe you can highlight it to yr gynae so as to change to another. for me gaviscon and Prochloperazine work very well.. now although i do still feel nausea, but at least i dun vomit anymore...

i used to love chilli crab too! but now no more craving. crab is no good according to the old folks also becoz it is very "liang"... but i also dun care lah... like one of u mentioned, jst eat everything in moderation ok liao. i also drink cold fizzy drink sometimes :p makes me burp and i like it !!!

i also have some cravings eg roti prata, and instand mee goreng!! haha!!! wierd stuff that i dun really used to like. i also have difficulty having a gd nite sleep. having to wake up for toilet is one thing, i realise its quite diffuclt sometimes for me to fall into deep sleep, keep having dreams! can have 3-4 dreams a nite! few nites before, i dreamt that my hubby doesnt care abt me and i was so sad.. haha!!!

dun say smell, even watching some food on mag and tv are enuf to make me feel nausea!! haha... jialat....

those who really cant eat, at least drink some energy drink like milo, honey or glucose k... if not will get dehydrate.... to ease constipation, i realised yogurt and yakult work for me, and lotsa fruits too! try it! gd luck!

take care all, *hugzz*
wow belle,
5 weeks? thats so long! i had negative cravings for the past few weeks, cannot seem to keep anything down. this week i feel queasy but the heavy feeling at the chest has subsided. every nite there is this Tian Tian steamboat commercial playing on and on, i always want to puke when i see it.
hi ladies
i found something which i really like eating - Alpen Fruit and Nut with milk choco cereal bar. Its a small bar and when i get really hungry i can eat this.
hi doggymar
maggie curry noodle seems quite popular among the preggie mummies. my hubby made the soupy one for me.
hi belle,
pressed on! few weeks ago, i was like you. Think of food also sian...no craving at all. After few weeks have passed, i feel better tho still vomiting, At least i know what i want to eat but at times, it is so worst that i dun even want any food. Jia you!
HI All 2007 Mum-to-be,

I also found myself pregnant when it was 4.5 weeks. My EDD is 7 March. I am engaging Prof Tay from SGH as my Gynae. Sighhh.. have to wait a long while before my turn.

Not sure why recently I am not that hungry and that much vomitting recently. Frankly speaking I am quite worried. I just saw Prof Tay on Sat and he assure me that I am fine. But I did not get to do the ultrascan. So somehow still feel worried. I will be doing the blood test for Down Syndrome on 18 Aug. Hope everything will be fine.
you are so funny. we share the same experience. craving for weird stuffs that we dun used to like. before pregnancy, i'm a very health conscious eater now opposite! actually my cravings are all junk food. i feel so guilty after eating but at the same time, try to console myself that being pregnant is a good excuse to eat junk food! haha!

talking abt smell... i have gone to the extent of asking hubby not to put perfume. now all kinds of perfume makes me nauseous! do u all experience this? even perfume i used to wear...
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doggy</TD><TD>25-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD>Apex</TD><TD>26-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr SC Chew</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>VeryBerry</TD><TD>2-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Autum</TD><TD>3-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Woo Bit Hwa</TD><TD>Northern Hope </TD></TR><TR><TD>BBChew</TD><TD>4-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prof Tay SK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Giolyn</TD><TD>7-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prof Tay SK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Edde</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Tan Yew Ghee</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carol</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>PinkyPink</TD><TD>10-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blurbelle</TD><TD>11-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinkdaisy</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Chia</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD>18-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherylasu</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Ben Neo</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kiddo</TD><TD>25-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

welcome giolyn!

Apex: yes perfumes put me off. i don put perfume anymore. even my handwash i changed to another one. I also don go and smell my hubby, very bad hor? But if eat junk food so often wont get constipated meh? i hate the taste of plain water but cannot keep drinking milo or soya bean, because too much sugar already.

Pinky: ya i used to watch travel &amp; living and they show cooking programs and now i am finding myself switching to other channels because i cannto stand the looks of people cooking and eating.
hi ladies,

wow, all the postings are abit fast for me leh... cannot catch up.

Is it true MS is peak in week 8? me currently is and i've been feeling terrible since yesterday. Actually sometimes i dun know what i want, sometimes pass mealtime, and i am still not hungry. so i will eat abit, then a couple hours later, i will feel hungry. Anyway, i am rather frustrated with myself.

I do feel more tired loh, seems never had enough sleep, keep yawning... dun know why. Best part, i keep thinking of going home though i am at work, anyway, i also cannot concentrate on my work... sigh.... how to continue like that?? me got a few major projects leh, and i am procastinating.

oh, it's going to be my first visit to gynae this friday, what are the things to expect huh??

Hi giolyn,

welcome. oh, you are seeing Pro Tay sun Kuie at SGH, his consultation is usually long long waiting time... hehehe... so you gotta be prepared of the wait lah. ;p
i read that some of you are having food cravings liao, so fast ah??? anyway, it's better to be able to eat again..... me used to be those "can eat" category, now sian abt eating and dun know what to eat, and eat very slowly also...
yes i used to amaze my hubby by the amount i can eat and he always worry i will grow fat. now i cannot eat, sianz to eat, hate to eat, hate to see him eat. i am so hoping my craving will come back. i don mind putting on weight.
haha! smelling my hubby is still not so bad. but really i find 99% of smell/fragrance puts me off. hubby still okie although i dun smell him as often as before...

i drink lots of water so dun have constipation. but i hope junk foods wont affect baby's development too much...

frankly i dun wish to put on too much weight during pregnancy. quite vain in a way... hope my weight gains all go to my baby only.
* Apex, Pinky - thks for the clarification.

* cherylasu - Hee...saw somewhere tat you crave for maggie noddle...me too. Haha...I stock up various kind of cup noddles :p

* All MTB... I read a book that tells us what to expect week to week...I summarise this section that could be interesting to most of us...that is to know the development size of our bb

How big is yr baby??

I will start from week 6 (from the last "M" day) since most of us are already at that milestones, ok?

Week 6 (age of fetus 4 weeks) = 2-4mm
Week 7 (age of fetus 5 weeks) = 4-5mm (@ begining of Wk 7) &amp; at the end of the week = 11-13mm
Week 8 (age of fetus 6 weeks) = 14-20mm
Week 9 = 22-30mm
Week 10 = 31-42mm (weighs about 5g)
Week 11 = 44-60mm (weighs about 8g)
Week 12 = 61 -64mm (9-14g)

I will continue again when I finish other section...but if you are interested to find out certain weeks, let me know so I take a look quickly.

Hope the above are interesting...
hi belle, sorry to trouble u, think u might hv missed my "report" on sat nite. doc did anoother scan for me, and based on bb's size, i'm in my 11 weeks instead of 10! and my edd is 24 feb. like apex, wld like to still stay in this thread cos v warm here. hee...

aiyoh, dont know what, after the very exciting saturday (saw baby waving hands and moving legs and getting really active in his little sag...), today i went back to work feeling really nauseous and horrible... and it lasted the whole day... urgh... cant wait for wed to come... can rest again.!
hi all !

went scan today my bb (9th wk) is 25.5mm can see bb 'nodding' head when disturbed hee quite happy to see the movement. i gained 1.5kg in 2 wks! arrgh!
Hi all... not been here for days, though still reading up the postings to keep up with all u.

Giolyn, wat a coincidence... My calculated EDD is 4Mar. Same with Prof Tay @ SGH. Hehe.... *Shake hands* Scheduled to meetup and do the ultrasound &amp; blood test on 22Aug. As per Prof Tay, unless the results indicated high risk, if not the amniocentesis test can be skipped. I m up with folic acid only tentatively. Wat about u?

As for the long wait, maybe u can try to get early morning 1st or 2nd time slot. Waiting time is shorter. I find it better. Hehe... It depends oso...

Ya, wanna ask MTBs. Anyone still with make-up, especially working MTBs? Coz my pale face really need some make-up, especially some lip colour. However, my concern is about whether cosmetics are safe or not. I do read about that some cosmetics contains lead contents and itz not safe especially during pregnancy. *Not sure how true.* Any brand to recommend?

Again, info on fetal development available from the following.



I find the above link good and useful. I encourage myself by going to this link and understand how bb is growing. Itz quite encouraging, though still trying to cope with the MS symptons.

*Go-Go, Jia-You.... to all MTBs. =)
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>VeryBerry</TD><TD>24-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doggy</TD><TD>25-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD>Apex</TD><TD>26-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr SC Chew</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Autum</TD><TD>3-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Woo Bit Hwa</TD><TD>Northern Hope </TD></TR><TR><TD>BBChew</TD><TD>4-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prof Tay SK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Giolyn</TD><TD>7-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prof Tay SK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Edde</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Tan Yew Ghee</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carol</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>PinkyPink</TD><TD>10-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blurbelle</TD><TD>11-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinkdaisy</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Chia</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD>18-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherylasu</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Ben Neo</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kiddo</TD><TD>25-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Verybery: wah u r top of the list!! Must be really touching moment to see your baby moving. That is the next milestone after detecting the heartbeat.

BBChew: how about putting blusher instead of lipstick? Ya i think lipstick got some chemical. the less chemical we ingest should be better lor.

Blurbelle: ur appetite must be very good! *envious*
morning mummies,
feel better today but after i smell my coll's hair, oh mine, went straight to toilet and puke!
she has been applying this herbal cream on her whole head and its so smelly...same as some of you, at times, cant even smell my hb's perfume

hi BBchew,
thanks for sharing this link...really informative!

re makeup
i still have light makeup coz need to go out esp when i'm working in town. Nvr heard abt whether make up is safe or not..anyone have any idea?

hi belle (pepper),
your bb so active...my gynae told me my bb is very quiet...maybe sleeping...anyway, great to know that everyone is progressing well
MINE IS EDD 20MAR gynae is dr gordon tan from geneagles .....
thanks a million

hee hee i think it is blurbelle whose bb is very active.

Oh dear the smelly colleague's hair. Gross. Everyday when i walk on HK streets, i got to breathe through my mouth. The streets are so smelly i will puke when i breathe normally.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>VeryBerry</TD><TD>24-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mar_Bride</TD><TD>25-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD>Apex</TD><TD>26-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr SC Chew</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Autum</TD><TD>3-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Woo Bit Hwa</TD><TD>Northern Hope </TD></TR><TR><TD>BBChew</TD><TD>4-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prof Tay SK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Giolyn</TD><TD>7-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prof Tay SK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Edde</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Tan Yew Ghee</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carol</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>PinkyPink</TD><TD>10-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blurbelle</TD><TD>11-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinkdaisy</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Chia</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD>18-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherylasu</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Ben Neo</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Paulyn</TD><TD>20-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Gordon Tan</TD><TD>Glen E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kiddo</TD><TD>25-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi ladies, i m so tired today. Have been woken up at least 5 to 8 times by my hubby's snoring! find that eversince pregnant, i can't seem to sleep as well as before.. and my hubby is a perpetual snorer.. sometimes i feel so frustrated when i got woken up for the umpteenth time, that i will "box" him.. to shut up.. but doesn't work lah.. cause after a while he will start to snore again..

sorry belle(pepper).....
forget there are 2 belle
btw, when are you coming back? saw the news and seems like HK's weather is not very good, is that true?

wow tay
looks like bb grow faster from week 10, can't wait.
hey apex,
i cannot stand the smell of the baby moisturiser i just bought and my hair moisturiser.
hey blurbelle
congrats for seeing your moving bb! btw how come our gynae said yours is 1/400 when u havent done any test yet?
oh veryberry
you will be end of 12 weeks in another 1/2 week time, hurray!
