(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Hi Pinkypink, I also hope that my second one will be good. Actually, I was really quite emotionally unstable a few weeks back when I found out that I was preg. It's a mixture of joy and fear.. more fear than joy. Even until now, sometimes I will just cry when I think abt my last preg. I think also couple with the current preg, sometimes emotions feel very unstable.

Actually, I'm glad that I have m/s this time round because the last time, i didn't have any symptoms at all. And I didn't know that i was preg until my 7th or 8th week. Even until my fifth month, I didn't really look preg too, unless i wear maternity clothes. I only felt tired and bloated the last time round.

This time, the symptoms started showing really early. Believe it or not, i actually started "feeling pregnant" within a few days of conception! Somehow, I can feel that I am pregnant, and I started burping and feel a little tired just within the first few days. Of course, at that time, I cannot know or test whether I am preg or not as that is way too early. Now, i am only about 7th week and already i can see my "tummy" showing..

In a way, I am hoping that since I have so much symptoms, it's a good sign that my preg is doing fine. Even my doc said it's a good sign. So I just pray hard..

Wish all MTBs here a good and safe pregnancy too!

Hi Cherylasu, congrats and welcome!

Hi Sylingko, thanks. I guess all pregnant women will feel a sense of fear and insecurity as we often have so many questions and fears. It's good that we can find answers or share feelings with one another, so that we know that we are not the only ones feeling that way, and our symptoms are actually quite common.
Hi all

I am new to this thread! just had my first check up today and did a vaginal probe scan. realised my baby is 6wks 3 days old. saw the sac and yolk sac but no sign of embryo nor heartbeat. very worried now. i read that not everybody can hear heartbeat at 6wks but i just cant help worrying coz its my first preg. next visit is in 3 wks time... cant help worrying..
Morning MTBs,

Howz everyone feeling this morning?

Argghhh..... I am feeling awful about MS. Keep having the feeling to puke. Took Digestive biscuits on the way and sipping hot water now. Haiz.... Going for meeting soon. Anyway, letz all have a good and beautiful day, despite any of our MS rounding us....... hehe.... =)

Oh ya, I do have plenty of phlegm (correct spelling?) and need to spit quite oftenly. Sorrie to be grossed. Thatz juz another of what I am going through. My MIL told that itz normal. Really?

Most of the MTBs I read about your gynae appt, itz seems to be on 2 weeks basis. My 1st appt was early JUL (4+weeks), and gynae get me to go back after 3 weeks (supposed to be @ 7+weeks). One more weeks to go in exact, so anxious..... Anyone can help if what I should be expecting during this visit?
Morning cherylasu n edde & anyone whom is new here that I miss out..... Congrats n welcome. Letz share whatever and have a smooth pregnancy journey together....

Yipeee...... =)
thx LBB.... i hope everything is normal. the gynae measured that sac and concluded that the pregnancy shld be around 6wks 3days.... so.... hm.... its really affecting me a lot esp my mood. Used to be very happy and excited to learn abt my preg. but since yesterday, i have been feeling moody and depressed. and its affecting my work indirectly... hate this feeling...

BBchew, thx for the warm welcome.. i really hope i can have a smooth preg with all of you...
Hi Autum
same here, i had very very mild MS previously but had other symtoms such as painful bb. this round its much worse, hope its a good sign for us! i started to have backache either around ovulation or after that, followed by nauseous feeling when i stepped into toilet, so found out early too.
hi Cherylaus and edde,
welcome and congrats!
Hey edde,
some people may only see HB around week7-8, dun worry!
Hi everyone,

Thanks for sharing my joy! Edde, I'm also feeling very moody. Just don't feel like talking to anyone.. I guess its quite normal.
BTW, this is my 2nd pregnancy. My son is 32 mths old. Anyone gg thru 2nd pregnancy too??

Sorry to poke in. Bt I read abt Ryes & Gin's issue.

Erm, can I just ask something? When u say if can't hear heartbeat - wat type of scan did u do?

Cos I rem when I 1st met my gynae I was at 6w 4d, then he tried to do tummy scan he said can't c clearly nor feel anything. Therefore, he tried to do v-scan, then can c liao.

Then he let me hear the heartbeat. Bt when I was at 9w 1d, he did the tummy scan - nt very clear when seeing the bb, cos still very tiny but could detect heartbeat & agar c the head, hands & legs all already formed.

Bt anyway if really can't hear yet could b bcos the bb is 2 tiny. U know lah, sometimes machines also can be faulty @ times.

Dun get angry over all these issues, we r all here to share our views, not to hv arguements.
Mrs Wong meant well also, but perhaps she did not put in the right words tats y some of you feel offended.

hi gals, thx for all the encouragement and assurance... on top of my mood swing, i had a terrible day at work... wat can be worse..

ah ger, i did a v-scan. my doc used the 3D scan machine. did not see bb nor hear the HB. sigh... i can only pray for the better now...

cherylasu, hope u have walked out of yr lousy mood by now
edde - dun panic dun panic *pat pat* maybe urs is early of 6wks leh tats y can't hear yet. Nx time sure let u hear until u laugh.

Ha ha ha, cos when u 1st hear the heartbeat, erm.......... shall I tell u leh? Let u all wait bah...... if nt no excitement le.

Indeed really I've read some gals can't hear their bb heartbeat yet @ 6wks. Bt sure will hv the chance.

Everytime must think +ve then everything will b +ve. Though bb is so small bt then watever u feel or u say, the bb will know. So dun let anything affect ur mood.
Hi edde, I know it's difficult not to feel worried. But at 6wks, it's really still quite early. By your next appt, you should be around 9wks, so should be able to see something.

When I went to see doc on 3 July, I thought I was 6wks then. But doc could only see a sac and he told me i was probably only at 5wks then. He asked me to see him in my 8th week, which is next week. So from then to now, I sometimes also worry that my baby may not grow or something will go wrong etc.. But then after that, I will scold myself and tell myself not to be so paranoid.

After going through a terrible experience last year, I m still emotionally unstable at times. But I can only tell myself, if bad things are meant to happen, it will happen. Whether I worry about it or not, it will not help what God/fate has in store for us.

In fact, we must all the more be positive and feel happy so that we can have a happy baby. Let's all try our best ok.
hi Autum

Yeah - everybody sure has mixed feelngs - excited & worried @ the same time.

Me too - when I was preggie, I fell sick. So sick tat I had to take med to recover. Though I told the GP I m preggie bt still again u know afterall taking so much med is no gd for u nor the bb either.

So when I was almost due to go for my 1st visit - I had very mixed feelings. Bt when I c the sac & hear the heartbeat already - I was ver assured. Gynae will also @ the same time chk for cysts & fibroids. Then he told me - I m perfectly healthy

So gals - dun worry........ everybody will pass thru tat stage. *cheer up*
thx ah ger and autumn! i am so glad i joined this thread coz everyone here is so encouraging and positive! i really need all of that now!
Hi edde,
instead of going back at 9 weeks, you may want to consider going back at week 8 to cut short the waiting, should be able to detect HB by week 8.
im also going for my scan this Fri, very worried too.
hi pinky, the gynae told me to go back at 9th wk so i just do as he suggested... anyway, am hoping that he cld let me start my antenatal package on that visit, then can save me a bit.... thx for the advice

this fri scan is yr first one dats why u r worried?
hi edde,
if the gynae didnt say anything, and ask u to come back 3 weeks later, means it should be ok la.
mine is second, should be coming to end 6 weeks too. last time during my second scan at 7 weeks, there isnt even a yolk sac, means empty sac so hopeless lor.
congrats to all! me just found out tt im preggers, edd 14 march. havent been to a gynae yet bt will be gg at end of the mth. just wondering...anyone experiencing gastric pain morn n middle of the nite even tho its after meal? having slight cramps as well bt was told tt its normal
hi peachy
congrats! i dun have gastric pain, more like want to eat but cannot eat, gets very hungry at nite, but unable to drink or eat much, eat biscuit in order to sleep.
Blueblue, symptoms? haha. first one was that the breasts were getting big and sore! haha... are you suspecting? wait no longer, just to to the pharmacy and get a ClearBlue kit! good luck!
Hi pinky, so u went for yr first scan quite early huh? all the best for tmr's visit! maybe yrs can hear HB already!

Hi peachy, speaking of which, i am having terrible gastritis now... almost threw up aft dinner yesterday.. do feel hungry at nite too... so usually to avoid that i will try to sleep early... i heard its not gd to put on weight too much and too early, so i also dare not eat too much, let alone supper! haha... guess its normal for us to have gastric pain since we are eating for 2 now.... if u r worried, pls ask yr gynae! then can feel more assured!

hi blueblue,
my symptoms are missed period, sore breasts, and bigger waistline! i also tested with clearblue to confirm before i went to a GP then a gynae... but u only test aft you have missed yr period k!
Peachy, congrats and welcome.

Blueblue: For my case, I am 6+weeks now. Symptons that I face - MS, tiredness+laziness, no appetite (have feeling to puke during mealtime - my worry as I dun seems to be eating well), bloatedness, plenty of phlegm (sorie to be grossed), slight giddyness (on&off), moody (at times), breasts enlarging (bras getting tighter), breathless, etc. Of coz, starting to be huge....

Whatever I face, I juz write. Haiz.... sounds scary ya? Yes, I am trying hard to cope with these and calming myself by taking deep breaths at times.

MTBs, as I have not much appetite, I try to 'swallow' soya bean milk and/or HL milk. Yes, juz as everyone else say 'U dun wan to eat, there is little one inside u that needs to eat.' No choice, sip and bite abit here and there.

Read that these symptons subside @ near 14weeks. I am waiting patiently and trying to cope till my 14th week. Hopefully, all goes well.

Anyone been to gynae checkup? Howz everything? Juz as what expected - GOOD & WELL? =)
i also start to have the MS symptoms but mine is not only morning. i feel nausea the whole day and simply got no appetite to eat. I wonder if i can just don eat. SO now i try to take more chilli so that at least there is a taste, else my mouth taste bitter
i wish i have my good appetite back again....

also the bra strap feels tight although the cup size seem the same. i also feel breathless like bbchew.

sigh....i am only 6 week. long way to go to 14 weeks.
Hi edde
i went for my first at late 4th wk/early 5th wk, cannot confirm when i conceive yet. tomorrow im praying to see the embryo + HB...should be about the same as BBchew...
ya BBChew
like you, im feeling very miserable, see very delicious very tempted, ordered already can only finish half, feel very down and useless. how to tahan until week 14?
i feel so miserable now....almost puke in the toilet. i cannot even tahan today liao, how to tahan till 14 weeks? help help. even eating the suan mei doesnt help.
hi all
sorry to barge in like that......

i also got MS... now in my 11 wks.... i'm at the feb07 thread.... MS wld last till 14 wks ahh? help! these few days my MS got worse.... puke twice leh.... once during dinner on mon... then this morning..puke out my milk & biscuits... sighhh
let's jia you!! hope our MS wld go away soon.....
nana , it's ok...hee hee i going thinking of eating nana curry, very spicy....dunno why i can only think positively about spicy stuff now....or salty....yesterday i had a very unhealthy meal...KFC spicy wings and Mcdonalds french fries...yummy....at least i could eat those and don feel like puking. Now i don like to eat pasta and piazza when it used to be my favourite.
na na, u r already in week 11 and still MS got bad...jialat. i am only week 6 so i think i am going to jump off a building now....
Hi everyone,

It seems MS is very common.. I'm expecting my 2nd child (EDD 19 Mar 07) but never got to experience how MS is like. But the disdvantage is I put on more kilos than anyone else. My appetite is so good and I put up a hefty 17 kg during my last pregnancy. I'm quite petite ard 1.54m and 48kg now (my tummy is showing slightly). In no time, I'll be 17 kg heavier....So MTBs out there, MS is not such a bad thing..
hey belle,
pros and cons...cant bear to see myself grow so fat so fast :p
i hate the smell of my burb too, its disgusting. feeling thirsty but cannot drink water, drink ribena scared too much sugar.
Hey gurrls, haven't posted for 2 days coz very busy.. hmm, having M/S is good! I know it's tough, but do try to look on the positive sign. Having m/s is a sign that your pregnancy is doing well.

I'm having m/s on-and-off.. some days feel very nauseous, some days just bloated. I don't think m/s is the same for everyone.. so for those who are still early in the pregnancy.. it doesn't necessarily mean that your m/s will get worse.. so don't scare yourself so much ok.

for those who like spicy food, just go ahead. i have a colleague who is 6mth preg now, and she also loves a lot of spicy food since she becomes preg. As long as you feel happy, just eat whatever lah.
hi veryberry, edde and bbchew
thanks for sharing your symptoms. Me not due for testing yet but hope this time will be lucky. I don't have any symptoms except my breasts feel heavy but no soreness. My breast always enlarge after O.
pinkpink, so you're going to Jocelyn tomm for a scan? i saw my bb last friday too at 7weeks. Have fun and good luck! see u at the clinic one of these days. :>
btw, anyone taking multi-vitamins already? i hv trouble swallowing mine. tried to crush it but was worse. retched as soon as the crushed pill touched my tongue. also dunno why :< so i have been surfing the web and was delighted to find chewable multi-vit!! yay, will ask gynae abt it at the next visit. i just hope we hv that available in Singapore! *pray hard hard* =P
veryberry, i also started on the multivitamin called materna. Pink in colour. B4 i got MS, i got no prob swallowing it but now the taste makes me want to puke too.
Blueblue, initially i was like you, no symptoms at all except sore breasts. then later i started to develop bitter taste in my mouth and slowly MS just creep on me ...
hi belle,
me was actually in between feb &amp; mar mtb, but i frequent Feb more tho.

I happened to chance a web call "alife" and was introduced to eat dry bbq pork to curb ms, it seems to work. I have been vomiting since wk 6 till now and nothing seems to work on me. Yesterday, I tried eating and I din vomit the whole night till now...touch wood lah! No harm trying since my MS is so bad till i actually lost 2 kg these 3 weeks. Try it and see if it works on you
Hi all mummies to be:

Missed my period tis mth.. always feel like AF coming but go toilet see only some discharge like CM.. Dunno if can strike jackport a not.. hope can join u gals officially..
wow thats the lot of postings in a short while! so sorry i really lost count of who wrote what so this posting from me will address to all k!

i read that one of u mentioned "cant drink water", why leh? is it so to avoid water retention later on? i have been forcing myself to drink more water leh!! nvr drunk room temp plain water in my life before this!

one of u mentioned drinking soya bean milk. i heard its not gd to drink too much soya bean milk coz of dunno wat calcium deposit esp when it might make yr feet swollen. so pls be careful with it k! check with gynae!

i am down with gastritis and slight stomach flu these few days. have been on 2 days mc since yesterday... feel so paisay... coz i dun want pple @ work to think that i am using preg as an excuse to get mc

anyway, these few days have been hell for me. yesterday for lunch i have to force half bowl of bee hoon soup down my throat coz with every mouthful i took i felt like throwing up... i cant even stand the smell or tot of food! esp when i walked past the stalls and smell those fried stuff kaoz i almost puked! today feeling better but stomach still churning and feeling naseous... i hvnt had MS before this, so i am hoping that this feeling will not linger and dev into MS!!! in fact like doggy, i lost 1.5 kg in 1.5 wk. i am now 58.2kg at 161m. FAT also lah!

lets share our "sorrows" here so that we know we are not the only one suffering and can suppport one another to be strong! *tong gan gong ku* haha
hi doggy, i have not really vomit yet so if so maybe i will try ur method.

edde the tot of food also makes me feel nausea. so weird. is it because baby don like food? ha ha... edde, your office knows u r preg already? i have not told them. think wait till 2 tri more stable then i say. i havent even told my mom.
hi veryberry,
just seen my little embryo and heartbeat! - looks like a tiny mouth opening and closing very fast. im 6wks 6 days - CRL 7.6mm, exactly from when i suspected we BD and strike. Im going to see her in 3 weeks from today. hey maybe can see you then :p your edd must be early Mar, likely to give birth late Feb lor

BTW multivibs has iron, may get constipation, eat more fruits.
Hey juju,
i will get some ribena light this weekend.
Hey doggy marbride,
will get Ba Guan (correct right?)
Hey edde
ya my colleague kept buying back food, the smell of it is making me miserable. when i thought all its worth it after the scan, i puked all my lunch out just now. I got some anti-nauseous pill from gynae, but hesitating, cos the nauseous/puke may be good sign so dun dare to eat the pills.
hi belle,
1 of my coll actually announce to my whole office which I'm not very happy abt it! But anyway, what done cannot be undone. Why didnt you tell your mum? My mum knew abt it as I was spotting during my early week.

Hi Pinkypinky,
yes bak kuah...or ba guan as you mentioned. Buy little to try if it work for you...at least it helps me...no vomiting for today....(keeping fingers crossed!!!)I tried taking anti-ms pills, but din work for me!

Hi mummies,
yes, now i'm very sensitive to smell man...1 of my coll actually apply some hair cream to her hair and i will puke every time i smell it. So terrible!!
Hi Edde

heard tt gastric is act quite common and aniway i went to the gynae. unfortunately coudnt see heartbeat.

estimated 5 wks so hopefully next week shld be able to see.*cross fingers and pray hard* was given hormones pills and advised no shopping and rest well at home =-\

Hi all
read somewhere tt if u feel pukey, shld take a few small meals thro out the day instead of 3 big ones, maybe it will help =)

me no pukey feelings and no cravings yet.
Hi Pinky, when u say u r 6 weeks and 6 days, it is counting from the day of your conception date and not from your last menstrual date? So in fact if u count from your last menstrual date u are already 8 weeks and 6 days right??

because i am going to see my gynae when i am 6 weeks and 6 days counting from my last menstrual date and hope to see the heartbeat too

doogy, i didnt want to tell my mom just in case anything happen. i don want her to worry for me.

mummies do u find that u prefer to eat more spicy food or more plain food? i prefer more spicy or flavourful food like maggi mee with lots of the MSG ....know it is no good for health but no choice, don feel like eating anything else.
