Afternoon ladies, seems more postings here. Happy to see it going actively.
For past weeks, I do experience tiredness in late noon. Feel so sleepy that my mind goes blank instantly and dun noe what I m doing. Just need to sit down and dun wan to do anything else. Once in a while, do get a bit irritated about minor matters (think I have to calm down and correct this problem). I do have bloatedness at times too. Oh yes, I got new 'discovery' today. I cun stand SMELLY toilets. Almost puke and faint just now when I m out for lunch and visit a public toilet. My goodness. *Faint*
As usual, I will think about this and that relating to bb inside me. Though thatz normal (as per a book that I m reading), but I keep reminding myself to let nature takes its course and just to take good care. Itz tough man.... Mind gaming.... arggghhhh...
Letz all, MTBs MAr07, take good care and have fun with our bb' development process inside us.
Gd dae to all. =)