(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Gintonic, not all can see heartbeat at 6weeks. It also depends on how good your gynae's u/s machine is.

When I was 6weeks, I went to 2 gynaes. One could see the heartbeat strong and fast through normal tummy scan, the other could not, even through V scan! And one appt was in the morn, one was in the afternoon on the same day.

Maybe your gynae know many of his patients can't see heartbeat at week 6 but can see at week 8 so advice you to come at week 8.

Plus if u see at week 6, you need to go back for another visit at week 8 also. So maybe he is trying to save money for you?

Tks Mrs Wong, i'm taking folic acid and no other vitamins. so far i only felt sore breasts n back strain. Also i felt v sleepy recently..been taking short naps. Worst is i'm having exams now. Difficulty in concentrating.
Gintonic, my gynae can deliver at Mt A or TMC. I've chosen TMC.
Hey Gin,

I managed to see the heartbeat via vscan. So when I saw the hearbeat, I was at great ease and happiness lor. Go see a gynae lah, afterall, there's nothing to lose right? Most of the others were able to see heartbeat at 6 weeks, I guess, urs can also see liao. Coz I'm very concern abt my pregnancy, I prefer to see my gyane early. I went to him once I knew I was preggie at 4 weeks, then see him again at 6 weeks and next appointment at 9 weeks. From 4 weeks to 6 weeks, the development is a huge difference. I say go see a gynae and scan. Each consultation costs perhaps just $100+. My gynae drew blood from me to conduct test also at week 6.

My period is haywire, so I am estimated based on the size of the foetus to determine hw many weeks I am.
hi everyone, i'm new to this forum/thread. actually i'm not too sure if i shld be in the feb or mar07 thread cos all calculators i've used says i'm feb but the scan i did yesterday (YAY!) showed that i'm a mar mummy! anyway, i'm happy to be here.

pinkpink, looks like we share the same doc!

just wanted to say i never realise m/c is such a real issue until i read this thread. now i'm just gonna take good care of myself. (but i really miss my weekly tennis sessions at safra...and cycling at east coast. sob.)

will be dropping by regularly. see ya all!
hi veryberry
great! so how many weeks did your gynae say you are in? shes very nice right? im getting very irritated with the nauseous feeling before and after meal, i was so hungry but yet cannot eat a lot. i wonder if i can cope if it gets worse.
Ryes, alot of pple can't see heartbeat at week6. Many of them decide to abort once they can't see the heartbeat. I know of some who decided to wait for natural m/c and after 3 weeks it did not happen, they went back for scan, only then (week9) they saw the heartbeat. Imagine those mummies who were so upset tt they can't see heartbeat and aborted a perfectly healthy baby?

Plus your estimated week6 might not be the real week6 cos you won't know when you ovulate, unless you concieved using the OPKs.

Gintonic, it is really up to you. If you decide to go now, don't be disappointed if you can't see what other mummies see. Just remember that every pregnancy is different and there is no need to compare.

Veryberry, I see you were v active before your pregnancy? I was also v active. Now just stick to my daily walks with the dog. Weekend will go Sentosa or dog run to get some sun.
You can try some low impact exercises at home. Library has some good books on exercise during pregnancy. Must keep your bones moving if not you will feel v 'lazy' missing out on all your usual activities.
Mrs Wong, u meant many women actually abort their bbs when at 6wks cos cant c d heartbeat but end up, their bbs are perfectly ok?? Dats a v sad thing to have happened. At least, now i understd y d doc told me to go bac in early aug. By then i'm abt 9wks...confirm can c rite?

Btw, many frens & relatives had experiences @ different hos..some @ TMC, some @ KK & some @ Mount Alvernia. Honestly speaking i prefer TMC but i'm still undecided wich hos to go. So wad kind of info i need when comes to choosing d gynae?
Gintonic, 2 of my personal frens experienced this cos they did not want to go for D&C and wanted to wait for natural M/C cos they could not accept the fact their baby got no heartbeat. Turn out their baby heartbeat appeared later cos their ovulation date was slightly later than they thought and during the 6week scan, it was actually 5week.

If you got no symptoms that require urgent medical attention, you should be alright with waiting till week 9 when you can get a confirmed clear view of the fetus. By then you should be able to see the head, torso, hands and legs

My cousins rec'd TMC because of the nice nurses and good breastfeeding support.
I went for the hospital tour at Mt A and TMC, personally prefer TMC though carpark is abit expensive and limited.

When choosing gynae, most impt thing is you must be comfy with the gynae and trust the gynae. I like my gynae cos he takes his time to explain things nicely to us and will point out the different things we see on the U/S instead of leaving for us to guess.
And he will answer any query we have v patiently.
Plus I like the nurses at his clinic. V nice and frenly
Hi pinkypink

am having symptons like yours, and perhaps you can try to snack on those plain crackers, which it does help to curb the hungryness and yet not too heavy for the stomach in between the meals (i tried the meiji, plain crackers - quite ok). My friend also recommended me to take some of the preserved ginger slices (you can get it from those supermarket/Watson). It is slightly sweet, then slightly "hot" but it does help a little bit for the nausea feeling especially in the early morning.
Hope these will help u a little!
HI Sylingko
thank u. i think its getting worse this week, yesterday had char siew rice and kept wanting to puke, at last puked out. couldnt help it but cried. dinner also seem so tasteless. i cried cos worried whether baby is ok, and hope the suffering is because he/she is developing well.
Hi Mrs Wong,

I know when I had conceive because I had used OPK. You have known cases where people abort their bb when they cant detect heartbeat. But for me, most were able to detect heartbeat at 6 weeks plus.

And I am sure the gynae would be experienced enough to tell if the foetus will or will not make it.

Gin is a good friend of mine and what I advice is for the benefit of her. Everyone is here to share, so I am giving my personal experience to her. As to whether she wants to see the gynae or not, it is entirely up to her.

Gin, will leave the decision to you. But for me, coz I had a bad experience the last time, I'm not giving up this time and hence I monitor my pregnancy this time round very closely.
Hi Pinkypink

no worry, it is common - at least am facing the same issues as you are now. can't eat, puking/puked out the food after i had the food, feeing sad etc..
what i did (still doing) is to have v v small meals, like just quarter of the roasted pork rice, or a small bowl of porridge. in between, take some biscuits or stuff which you suddenly feel like eating. for the past 1 week, my pregnancy sickness really gone v bad. i can't eat and will puke almost right after the meal. yes, mealtimes suddenly seemed to be v horrible cos you don't know what you want to eat, and stuff like that..
for me, i will have to rely on the gynae for his expertise in the bb.. and for the time being, try to maintain the same level of confidence in yourself as you have done.
take care yah!
"Jia You"!!
Ryes, you failed to consider other pple's feelings. What if she dun see the heartbeat like you? How will she feel? What will she be thinking? It is natural for her to compare especially when you keep telling her here that you can see heartbeat at week6!

What I'm telling her is my fren's experiences and telling her if she decides to see gynae early and dun see heartbeat or dun see what other mummies see, don't be discouraged or disappointed.
Many terminate the pregnancy once no heartbeat is detected without considering the fact that sometimes it might be due to the failure or inability of the equipment as we are all relying on machines to see/hear the heartbeat at this stage.

Anyway, important is now she knows why her gynae told her to come back later and she can decide for herself.
Aiyah mrs wong, i dun want to start any disagreement with you here.

What makes u think she not able to see? You may ask me back what makes ME think she is able to see. Well, that's why I asked her to go and see a gynae then she will know mah.

This is a forum to share, so I dont want to bring up any arguements.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and to share experience and all. Not always you are right and not always I am right.
Hi Sylingko
thanks for the encouragement, how are u coping with work if MS is so bad? i havent announce yet, if i behave like this during meal time, not sure how to hide it until im ready.
Hey ladies,
let's try to encourage 1 another, this thread already started with a few not-so-nice incidents, we should try to booast each other's morale up.
hi pinkypink

for the morning sickness, am trying to do as best as i could but as you know, can't really control it. i felt very depressed for the past few days when the morning sickness is at its peak (ie can't eat, having heartburn feeling, puking.. etc). good thing is that, my family & hubby play a really supportive role, and trying to encourage me as best as they could (eg: trying to prepare foods which i think i do want to eat or at least avoid cooking stuff which at this moment am feeling v adverse towards or simply just comforting me that it is "part and parcel" of pregnancy..!). At this moment, i really can't stand hawker food smell, or when my neighbour preparing their lunch/dinner.. just try to "siam" as best as i can.. frankly, it is quite difficult to hide..

If you can't eat much, try to have light snacks in between.. say about 5 small meals per day. Also, try to eat more fruits & veg.. cos am having constipation now! aarrgghh....!
Jia You ya~
oh, by the way pinkypink.. try to sip as much water as possible (avoid big gulps if the bloated feeling is there). try to keep yourself hydrated!
Hey Sylingko
i had constipation before preggie! sometimes I bleed and its painful, i bought fibregel just in case. fruits good for bowel such as papaya and banana cannot eat..i just eat apple or drink orange juice. I cannot drink water in big gulp, make me feel worse. morning took cereal drink also cannot. sometimes i cannot stand my office toilet's smell..haha. hope these are positive signs. im into my 6th week, about same time as you.
Sylingko, Pinkypink, one of my friend's mum told me that it's good to have morning sickness. She said that whenever you throw up, the baby "clings" to your womb, so the baby will be stronger. Well, it kind of sound like an old wives tale to me, but then again, maybe you can feel consoled that it could be true! So each time when you throw up, just think that you are going to have a strong and healthy baby okie.

As for me, I haven't actually thrown up so far. Just feel very bloated and burping all the time and sometimes nauseous very bad until feel like throwing up. But luckily so far still quite ok.

Having small meals is really a good option. That can help in constipation too. And drink milk or soybean milk. Sometimes i feel hungry but don't feel like eating, so I drink milk, which is filling and nutritious too.

Well, the funny thing is, sometimes when I feel perfectly ok, I will worry that my baby not doing well. Having morning sickness or bloated-ness is at least a sure sign that the pregnancy is progressing.
Mrs Wong, i bet you have misunderstood Ryes's intention for me. She is just being more concerned abt her bb now as she had a m/c before. She is rite to take extra care in her 2nd pregnancy now. Everyone has diff experiences in their pregnancy. May i know how old are you? & are you an experienced mum already?? If you are, then i'm thankful for all the golden advices you have given. But like wad Ryes has mentioned, this is just a forum to share our info and not to pinpoint or get work up over any comments. We all meant well for each other...who wouldnt want to have a smooth pregnancy? Anyway, like ryes, i wont b joining this thread anymore too. I'm concerned that you b interfering too much and get too personal over our postings in future.
Mrs Wong,

see....sigh, following pissing off Belle(pepper) in d TTC thread, you now created tension in this thread again...which you dont really belong to....Honest to God, believe you are really genuinely wanting to share your advice and experiences.....but being young at only 21years old.....well, at times you can help but being too zealous abt sharing and then inadvertantly 'offend' some pple.....

Re-look your posts, is it necessary to use such harsh words on Ryes - 'Ryes, you failed to consider other pple's feelings.' ? This remark is uncalled for. Of all pp, Ryes would be most sensitive, because she had a m/c before. You seem to be implying Ryes is so callous towards Gin's feelings.

Perhaps you should just stick to your own Jan 07 thread.....and stop poking in here and there. This is for Mar 07 MTBs....I am sure if gals here wan to know more, they can PM you or go to Jan 07 thread to look for you. Certainly you hv been helpful, but...sigh, will be sad if Ryes and Gin can't remain in this thread due to you being too helpful and then getting worked up ???
Ladies, sorry for droping a few sentenses here as i'm not Mar MTB, but just Ryes's forum's friend.

Mrs Wong, i bet you have misunderstood Ryes's intention too... i know Ryes and i dun think she's those kind "failed to consider other pple's feelings" .. perhaps, maybe you need to re-read your sentenses again and think of your own "failed to consider other pple's feelings"

agree with smoke, Ryes may be more sensitive because she had a m/c before. But, i believe that she just giving her two cents opinion to Gin regarding her own experiences, and in forum, everyone here, sharing their own feelings n experiences with others, not to "piss off" each other.

*just my two cents opinion*
Hi Hi

I am new here.

Ryes, Gin, pls return to this thread. We need more of Mar MTB here. Don't just because of some xiao mei mei said something then ignore this thread.

I believe Ryes intension is good. Sometime it is better to seek gynae earlier so that you can handle your pregnancy better. I didn't know I am pregnant until I see my gynae. I was 4 weeks then so can only see waterbag and yolk sac. My gynae gave me an tai medicine and 2 weeks mc to bu my body.
Hi sweetie bb, welcome!!

Yes i also hope that Ryes and Gin pls return to this thread.

The stages of embryo or fetus development differs from pregnancy to pregnancy and all MTBs are definitely anxious to find out whether the baby is developing well or not. But i agree it is very scary not to see something if someone else can see it at a particular week into the pregnancy. So this the place for MTBs to encourage one and other. for me i am super worried especially since i have yet to hear the heartbeat at week 5. Hopefully i will get to hear the heartbeat soon
yah mummies, pls see a doc or gynea if you feel more comfortable and heard advice from professional.

Afterall, gynea and doctor's suggestion is more valuable then idea from from this forum, right?
week 5 is too early i guess. Tomorrow I am going to see my gynae too.

I agree, we tend to be very paranoid now but there's nothing we can do other then to eat healthy. Everything is Tian Yi bah.
hi ladies,
i was a mar07 mtb...
i jus wanna say dat i regretted not going to the gynae earlier... i could hv done something to avoid my chemical pregnancy... or at least see the sac in my womb... at least there's something for me to remmeber... now i only hv pics of my +ve hpts & hcg blood test results for memory
Hi Autum
i really hope so, very sian at work...
Mar MTBs, please return to our thread, we'd a bad start, and need more support from one another
Wow... so many postings and I am greatly surprised that I missed out so much over the weekend. Great that this thread is getting more active. More MTBs are here, having to share the journey together with all others. =)

Hi all MTBs, think as I advances by the weeks, my MS is getting more serious and getting more easily irritated. So sad and difficult to handle. Though I din get much comments/concern from people around me, I try to engage in self-encouragement.

My family repeatedly get me not to think so much, saying let nature takes its course. Be the normal me, of coz juz to improve my diet n take extra care. The rest, I should not bother so much. They believe all will be well.

Tatz what I have been trying to do. Trying to be calm myself, though feeling awful when encountering the MS and irritation feeling here and there.

Pregnancy is tough and a great thing. I do agree that everyone here are juz being concerned about going through this stage of Motherhood. We juz need to calm down and encourage each other as and when we think necessary. Letz not be sensitive and continue our pregnancy journey happily, showing concern for ourselves and all other MTBs. All of us sure have a smooth n happy pregnancy with love, care and concern around us. =)

hehe..... Think positive and show encouragement to ourselves.... Letz move on.... =)
Hi gals,
when do u all start to feel preg sympton?? like breast sore, tire etc? issit b4 AF due or after AF due? Thanks
HI Ip2, usually the prementrual symptoms of the tender breasts starts a few days before AF and then enaring AF, the symptoms will disappear if not preg. If preg, the symptoms will continue and becomes more pronounced.
Hi belle,
Actually my AF is late for one day.. till now I still haven feel any soreness.. so I doubt I strike tis round.. only hope that miracle will happen.. hehe... so like to know anyone will have no soreness n yet preg. thanks
hey BBChew
agree..agree. me too had a m/c before and im keeping mum about it except to share my frustration and concerns here. I'll be seeing gynae this week, hope to see something. I have more serious MS than last time, hope its a good sign. no appetite, can only eat soupy stuff. i told baby if he/she is growing well, its all worth it.
er, btw, what's AF?? I cant seem to figure out THIS abbreviation. hahaaa...

pinkpink, joycelyn says the nauseous thingy peaks at 8-9 weeks. so if you ao.2 guo.4 these two weeks, it'll be fine. according to her scan, my bb's 7weeks old as of last fri (my birthday!), i've still not thrown up anything - haven't vomited since i'm 7 yrs old so i hope to keep it that way!! haha. jia you!

I not very sure cos Gynae didn't tell me. But I guess should be 5 weeks.


I didn't tell my mum too because I so scare she will tell everyone. I start talking to my bb too haha
hey veryberry
what? 8-9 weeks? im only 6 weeks, is it going to get worse? i hope its twins suffer once and for all...hehe
my mum and MIL sure tell everybody, i dun like it after bad experience. my mum very insensitive, kept asking me to give birth after my m/c, this kind of thing how to force.
Ya, my mum very insensitive too. No matter what, i hope bb can grow stronger and healthier and can carry through fullterm.
hu pinkypink, LBB, my mom is the other way round. when i told her i m preg, she asked me not to tell anyone. i guess she is afraid i may be affected if things go wrong. i think she also a bit "pand tang".. some pple feel that it's not good to tell others abt your preg until it's more or less confirm.

my last preg was terminated when i was abt 5mths when the detailed scan discoverd serious fetal anomalies with my babe.
Hi MTBs, Despite whatever we are facing with (e.g. pressure, fear about any 'no-good' experience, myths, etc.), we juz all be calm and move on happily. Itz really important to encourage yourself and dun think about not-good stuff. Yes, itz tough. Juz keep reminding yourself. All of us can do it....

No worries, dun think too much and be stucked in the past. Think positive and relax.

Hey, heard from my friend (with her juz 1year princess), we can talk to our little one if we have anything in mind that is good/bad. Though itz early at this stage, but she (my friend) assure that our little one can understand. huh? (is that true?) Haha... Anyway, letz try. Keep ourselves busy instead of thinking about this and that. Talk to them. Since they are inside us, they sure understand and it really helps us, MTBs.

Dun be too stressed out. Pregnancy is a beautiful thing, especially knowing that our little prince/princess is inside us.

*No offence. Juz to offer encouragement.

Step by step.... whatz going to be our dinner later? hehe...... =) Have a great evening.... Itz gonna to be after work. Can rest again.......

*psst... dun noe why today I can feel so positive. Since I feel this way, I hope to spread my thoughts with MTBs here. Haiz... still Trying very hard to curp with my MS and uncomfortable feeling. Taking deep breaths on and off.
Hi BBchew, it's really good that you are so positive. I am sure we can all do with a good dose of positiveness around here!

I m feeling very nauseous today! Dunno why.. for me, it's a on-and-off thing. Some days, I feel perfectly fine (just a little bloatedness).. then some days, like today, i feel like throwing up almost the whole day. Luckily for me, i haven't thrown up yet. Eating pieces of Chen Pi (orange peel) now. Finds that it doesn't really help leh..
Hey autum
so sorry to hear this, im sure the 2nd try will be succesful. i've went thru many exams, tests, this is by far the most difficult one. well, there's always a big price to pay for such a wonderful gift huh
cant wait.
mine is on-and off, read some mummies throw up taking rides on buses and cabs, even worse.
i try to eat soupy stuff and eat a bit here and there, but i get hungry very easily...just had polar cake, yum yum....
Anyone taking duphaston hormo tablets? Just bot from gynae at S$30 one box of 20pcs(expiry 12/2009). I stopped taking and has 17 tablets left, can sell at S$17, self pick at CCK MRT station. Interested, please email me [email protected]
Hi everyone,
I'm new to this thread. Just discovered I was preggie last wk and went Gyne over the wkend. Was grinning to myself the every since then. Feeling was like striking 4D! Should be 4 1/2 wks only. My LMP was 12 June. Only symptom I have is sore BB, txk GOD.
hi autumn

it is good that u are having mild pregnancy sickness symptons, meanwhile keep to small meals, and light snacks. ;)
thanks for the encouragement! will definitely look at it positively ;)
