(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

hi Magsmum,

yes, it is possible. hey can you give me your email. i email you for payment and collection. thanks. Its $10 a copy. thanks for the support.

mummies... i hope to get a bit of advice here

i know most of u are working mums with kiddos in CC, can anyone recommend a good one around hougang/sengkang/northeastern/eastern area? Mag is attending 2 hour nursery but would like to put her in half day CC. it is getting harder to cope with 2 on my own as i cant pay full attention to Mag to teach her myself nor spend quality time with the little one...

thanks in advance...
We have to control ourselves not to hit kids. Cos we don't know how our strength of hand to their little face.
See she cry till so chiam also heartpain hor.
ya heartpain, but daddy also complained his face blue-black, so for that moment i was caught in-between but he regretted badly, i can tell.

pardon me..have u posted pix of your kids before? i wana see...
Pink: i think Leia loves u too very much and she dun understand that she can cause pain. I have been hit by rae with a metal torch as well. she didn;t know how much pain i was in and she refused to apologise too. in
Dun let Leia play with torch. What if the one she hit is Enya instead of daddy? Also they will look into the light or point the light at our kids or enya's eyes.
ya i know she wasnt aware of the pain she caused, so she must be feeling confused and upset by the slap, anyway i hope she'll learn from this.
in the end i had to fake my cry and she got so frightened that she started major crying and i had a hard time calming her down. think when she cools down, u explain to her again. she prob finds it funny and thinks its really fun!
havent been in here for a long time, dun think u rem us! but here is one 2 months ago, but mei mei is already botak now =)

how is little skool house? anyone has experiences?
how old is meimei?

i tried fake cry method before, my gal doesnt sympathise me

hmm..im going to bangkok in early june with company as well as to return prayers, i will stop breastfeeding by then, which means less than 3 more months to go.
not sure if u mummies are for it or against it, but i m actually for the rod.

so yes, if magdalene misbehaves, she gets the rod and reproof on why she was caned.
Pink: Good for you. I have another 1.5mths to go to reach my target of 3mths.. Hehehe..
Have been latching on meimei at night and find it's super xin nang. I also latch her sometimes in the day cos I'm lazy to pump now..

Was very emo when I look at meimei and see the resemblance of Anna. I asked myself what has happened to the days when anna was a NB? How come time has flown by so fast? And worse, I can't remember much of the time when Ayden was a NB. Feel quite sad for them cos they're being "forced" to grow up cos now there're didi and meimei.
Went to watch Greenzone over the weekend. Very nice.

Astro: Can't recognise him with no hair. I prefer bally with hair leh. The prob shd be 50%. Cos the prob of having a boy/girl with each pregnancy is 50%. And having a boy/girl before doesn't affect the chance of having a boy/girl at the next pregnancy.
So you have good chance to have a girl next.
its either our memory cells are getting lesser after each birth or time flies even faster after we have kids!
im looking forward to Clash of the Titans.

btw u are not a fan of Lost rite? im finally watching the Final Season, getting closer to find out why they are Lost. quite interesting. seems like there's really something supernatural happening on that island.

can u describe how u punish Mag? do u cane her for little things or when she done something that u feel is unforgivable? how does she react after u cane her? does it work?

The ABC Book of Singapore
1. star x 2
2. CK x 1
3. RR x 1
4. Germaine x 1
5. QQ x 3
6. Astro x 1
7. Joelle x 1
8. Pinkpink x 1
9. huingee x 1
10. Autum x 1
11. magsmum x 3
12. shannie x 1
bb march
kenna the mid part of her face.. red for awhile, lucky not that serious.. oh in case u take MRT often like me, norm we go in the same gate as them...u hv to make sure they go IN FRONT of u or together..once hubby left her behind i was 2 steps away, the mrt gantry nearly knock into her cheeks! i kenna knock before at the crouch its VERY painful.. imagine if our kids kenna sure blue black!! gave hubby a scolding after that

alamak u ok or not..
wat a lovely LO, and an even more lovely bb ariel
love the clothes peg like design w the rompers in a row cute!!

sayang leia.. once chloe notti too while we watching tv too, then she use her leg n sweep a cup from a small table, nearly broke lor. pete in fit of anger smack her on her inner thigh (cos chloe was lying down then) then kenna her till his finger prints also there! wah i see liao heart pain, he didnt mean it just like mr tan at the fit of the moment.. ended up i scolded chloe but explained to her too her mistake n ask papa to apologise to her.
astro, pink, belle,

thanks... i'm ok, but the passenger car door got hit and badly scratched.... sigh!

we sending the car to workshop and make claims loh... sigh! i also dun know lah, let hubby handle. Quite drama for me, cos now i keep hearing the loud bang sound..

we dun usually use cane. in fact we just beat X's hand, if he cries, we will bring him to the room, to let him throw his temper. When he's ready then I will talk/reason to him.

Now I hv a detention corner, if he's notti, i ask him to go stand that corner and pull his ear

no lah, dun think we will go any trip for the time being, kind of stress. and hv to bring maid along... wah, me more headache... so selling away the vouchers...

My hubby say rather i dun win the vouchers then i will not hv accident.. sigh! he quite upset of the accident also, cos will affect the insurance premium...
hey mummies, i just bot this rocker from Ikea over the weekend. only this black one on offer at $9. The other colour, red, is selling at $15.

Those with #2 can consider getting.. EV loves it very much.. and of course her brother fights to sit on the rocker too.
if it's not your fault and you are claiming against the other party, won't affect insurance premium. Tell him most importantly is you are safe lah.
thx star!

The ABC Book of Singapore
1. star x 2
2. CK x 1
3. RR x 1
4. Germaine x 1
5. QQ x 3
6. Astro x 1
7. Joelle x 1
8. Pinkpink x 1
9. huingee x 1
10. Autum x 1
11. magsmum x 3
12. shannie x 1
13. edde X 3
mist i also had a stupid accident 2 wks before CNY.. not my fault at all.. but until now i still hv phobia driving and hvnt been driving since. like u, until now i can still recall the rip-off sound as the huge tour coach ripped off my fender. now when i see those huge tour coach i get phobia too..
RR, Autum,

thanks... yeah, initially i got scolding when i called my hubby, but later he sms me tt safety is his pri concern...


yah loh, the only memory i had was the loud bang sound, keep ringing in my head whenever i close my eyes!!! until now, i dun remember any other things except the bang.... sigh! i think will take some time before i can get over this.
mummies! I will officially move in to my new house tml morning! Hehehe! Thx to bel. She cry till urine out of her pants and wet the whole floor when she see the bed gone missing. Lol! Happy happy!
mist, as long as you're safe and sound, money is secondary. Try to think positive, rest and you'll soon forget. Don let money ruin your mood!

Yvonne, so happy for you. All for best for the new start in your new home:)
juni, mash
yay! I m really so excited.

I m moving in 4hrs time. Wahaha! I think i don have to slp liao. Lol! My anxiety is so bad tt i keep wanting to puke! Med don noe keep where. And i cleared 7boxes of items, still got 5boxes sitting in my living room. Gosh! Unpacking is more difficult!
congrats yvonne!!

why move in the middle of night wan? good timing? slowly unpack lo...no hurry...just get the necc things out first... the rest do it bit by bit.
ya. Lol!

Mummies my thermos jar exploded! Veri loud pop sound. Like gun like tt. Lucky nick not hurt. The cover cannot open, so i ask nick to open for mi, who knows after he try holding it, the cap just shoot out! Scare mi! so dangerous!
congrats yvonne!
usu when thermos cant open will explode
my mum's also lidat!
we go see your new house when it's ready

me too! the last time ganna banged by a car behind me. then for years, everytime i drive and stop at traffic light, and see cars coming behind me, i can almost hear the bang! damn traumatic, but you will get over it one. eventually. took me a long while before you all mention it now n i recall
Juni: the book is $10. here u go, the details of the book.

The First and Only ABC Book of Singapore for Children, created by Children

From the works of 700 children aged between two to six years old from Little Skool-House International, The ABC Book of
Singapore is created after selecting just one entry for each letter of the alphabet. These children put their hands, minds and souls together, to present a place, a person, a building, an object or an event in Singapore that comes to their minds when they think of a letter. This book allows us to see through the eyes of these young ones, how Singapore is indeed unique. Besides being used by parents to read to their children, this book can also be an avenue for parents to share their personal experiences on anything Singapore.

With just $10, you can help the spastic children in Singapore.
Proceeds of the book will be donated to the Spastic Children's Association of Singapore—an adopted welfare organisation under the NLB Corporate Volunteerism Programme.

The ABC Book of Singapore
1. star x 2
2. CK x 1
3. RR x 1
4. Germaine x 1
5. QQ x 3
6. Astro x 1
7. Joelle x 1
8. Pinkpink x 1
9. huingee x 1
10. Autum x 1
11. magsmum x 3
12. shannie x 1
13. edde X 3

Total: 20
Did u close very tightly or the thermos kena shake vigorously?
Very scarely hor.
Congrates, finally can move into your own house.
