(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Kat, feel it during mense, or after men (about ovulation period). to be more precise, should be around ovulation time.
so u start to feel bah, see if u can get it.

i din feel anything initially, but after careful observation and TRY to feel, i can feel it. when i woke up in the am, i feel sng at my right side. when i sit too long, also sng at right. it was about time for me to ovulate that time.

AAA, so how?? CL overfeeding? no effet right? i also like bui bui baby woh.

i'm hoping to maintain it this way. hopefully maintain and not drop.
for the whole of last week, i just make sure i pump out the same amount at the same timing.

hey sound like the left ovary = gal, right ovary = boy theory might be true.
but then again, not everyone can feel 'sngness' during mense.
oh ... You are at Compassvale ... I was at Fernvale last time.

QQ, YY, Kat,
Astro's Teng is Jan 07, not Mar 07 lah!! haha!!
hiaz..ask u, i intend to stop BF end of May. should i continue or still try to increase?

did u stop naturally or request for pills from doc?
QQ, Pinkpink,
left and right ... Quite true for RR. Reyden was on the right side and Reyes on the left side from the time we knew their genders till birth. Anyway they didnt have much space to change positions too lah. :p
helo! Happy Birthday March Babies!!! kekeke.. i missed the last few days of coming in!

anyone miss me? *thick-skinned*

belle : i like chloe's birthday favours!!!!! i wan!!

star :

The ABC Book of Singapore
Price: $10

1. star x 2
2. CK x 1
3. RR x 1
4. Germaine x 1
5. QQ x 3
6. Astro x 1
7. Joelle x 1
8. Pinkpink x 1
9. huingee x 1
10. Autum x 1
11. magsmum x 3
12. shannie x 1
13. edde X 3
14.Kaexin x 1
15. nana x 1

Total: 22
star :

The ABC Book of Singapore
Price: $10

1. star x 2
2. CK x 1
3. RR x 1
4. Germaine x 1
5. QQ x 3
6. Astro x 1
7. Joelle x 1
8. Pinkpink x 1
9. huingee x 1
10. Autum x 1
11. magsmum x 3
12. shannie x 1
13. edde X 3
14.Kaexin x 1
15. nana x 1
16. pax x5

Total: 27
how was ur moving?? excited? why move in the middle of the nite?? nick consult geomacer on best time to move??
oh yes! irin is the qing1 xing3 one. all of us blur liao.
this teng is jan 07 one!! haha!! like that also can.

pink, i stopped naturally. no worry, u can continue feeding. it will not be too painful to stop. it is more painful trying to increase the supply.

hey hey, so our left and right theory might be true leh. haha!
AAA: how much isit?

]sian man, i am still working now, but at hm lah.. at least can sneak in here in between work.

I am one of those ppl that dun feel the sngness during menses. so how to tell har?
star, i think u ovulate late de. so u feel it after menses, and before ovul. try.
but really woh, some ppl cannot feel de.
i tot i cannot feel too, but when i paid attention to it, i could feel it.

Opps, miss you again. What time you bringing Rae to check up tmr? Are you going to AMK polyclinic? I'm going there at 3:30 tmr.

YT fell off the bed TWICE! Once in the middle of the night yesterday and then again in the morning. The morning one is ridiculous cuz I already slept horizontal to headboard with her in between headboard and myself and still she fell out of the bed, head first... Think can't let her sleep on the bed anymore. Back to mattress again.
mejo, tilam better. safer. YT can roll roll roll. we dun let tian sleep on our bed, very dangerous. she also roller helicopter in sleep too.

wah, buey tahan, vomitted again just now.

yvonne, how how??? how is your new nest? u sounded excited, now still busy unpacking ah?

D&D on sat night mah... so i go loh... anyway, X sleep fr 7pm, so i go out & enjoy myself. give myself a break loh. hahaha...

talk to baby huh? i will try loh... will talk to him...


cannot leh, little X scream like hell and wanna sleep, so i just let him sleep lah....

bf shd be able to stop naturally, no need to take medication one... i jus reduce pumping during X's time... anyway, he's already 1 yrs old by then, milk gradually reduce liao.
star :

The ABC Book of Singapore
Price: $10

1. star x 2
2. CK x 1
3. RR x 1
4. Germaine x 1
5. QQ x 3
6. Astro x 1
7. Joelle x 1
8. Pinkpink x 1
9. huingee x 1
10. Autum x 1
11. magsmum x 3
12. shannie x 1
13. edde X 3
14.Kaexin x 1
15. nana x 1
16. pax x5
17. Juni
Total: 28
welcome here kat! i am at punggol

blur, how much is the pooh pencil case? ex rite? wow... u must hv soent a bomb on the party loots!

juni, kira took those pic of u and hb? wah! kira looks a lot like daddy

re: SNG and Gender theory
its true for me. i always feel sng on my left side.. and my gynae did mention my sac (andrea's) is on the left.. and i hv 2 gals!
hi mummies!

finally can sit down and use the internet...

i m indeed a happy mad women in this house now...wahahaha!

come come... if u don mind the messy... hehehe...

my dad helped us to see the timing... so it was at this early timing... lol!
the 30% is for in store right ? not for online shopping. i fwded to my sis since she said she is gg on to get something fm gap
morning mummies

welcome kat! i m at hougang ave7, pretty nearby. my girls are the same in march 07 and oct 09 =)

a thin line when it comes to caning. coz i only cane when she has done something morally wrong, when she already knows what she is not suppose to do yet continues to do it, or repeatedly does not follow instructions. need to watch out that i do not cane when i am in anger or simply becoz what she has done has inconvenienced me. so before i cane her, i always count to 10 and ask myself if i m angry first then i carry out the punishment.

of course there is alot of crying in the beginning, but once the rules are established, she now gets it, and yes, i would say the cane works for Mag =) of course it doesnt hurt to give her more cuddles and hugs when she has been a good girl =)

made a good choice to shave off Marissa! her hair has grown back thicker, darker, fuller! =)

QQ & pink: hhmmm... mens no sng.. than how??? sob sob.. like tt means i nv get a chance of boy?? than i die loh.. if next one still GAL!
magsmum: hello.. i don't dare to cane leh.. later got cane mark how?? or being a parent.. angry can't control strength.. jst wack!
enjoy it before ur in-laws move in... :p

i wan to get some PJs. which website gives the best value for money? i used to order fr jshoppers, but yen vv exp now. the other brand was espino and soda, but i'v no time to go shopping.. help..
pax, i find ON and GAP PJ very good in quality. or disney too!! disney one better cause 5T is slightly bigger size than GAP/ON.

Magsmum, so u are the one with two kids in the same month/yr with Kat! not astro. haha!!

Kelley, no worry. u just eat vege and Ad eats meat can liao. listen to the sky bah. no sng doesn't mean not ovulating at right side. some of us are very good in body, and dont feel the sng-ness one. no worry.

juni, if got 30% online, surely here will have ppl order. but seems like we dun have the code. lets see.
maybe april got sales.
Wah! This thread is very "powerful". Yesterday I complained meimei has been emptying only 1 breast and has been waking up at 3-hr interval? Last night she emptied both breasts at abt 11 plus, but she slept til 4! I was aching in pain and can't sleep. Walked to her cot several times to see if she's awake, almost wanted to just carry her out of the cot to feed. And again, I was in a dilemma whether I shd just pump it out. :p Good thing she woke up at 4am and cleared both breasts again..
So, direct breastfeeding has its problems too. *sigh*

Then I'm thinking.. When meimei finally sleeps through, I'll have to wake up and pump right? Then I'm back to square one again.. kwa kwa..
Gap/ON/Partycity just arrived this morning. the postman used trolley! 3 carton boxes!
AAA, gap/ON 30% starts only tomorrow (night cause US time). so wait bah.
i also dun have the code. it seems like the code is for instore purchase. not sure...

Kaexin, haha!! last time i think vpost sent 4-5 boxes t my house but nobody around. so they called me. i asked them to send to nanny's place instead. haha!!
the GAp 30% got 2 types of mail, 1 is only for in store while the other is for both in store & online.

dont think i am ordering, if you want can only be used 1 time. can let you know the code.
no perfect solution. but at least mei mei can latch, and u can pump, its considered not bad already.

by the way im going to order flowerworld, a few orders on hand. u want?

i also have 2 gals le..wahaha. and i can never trace when im going to ovulate so tough lah. i dun want to risk anymore, just thank god for giving me 2 kids. I never expect myself to be able to give birth in the first place, i thought my body weird weird de...cos i have mense once 3-4mths.

whenever i take out the cane, i also question myself whether it should be applied at that scenario.
for e.g. Leia was playing with water for a very long. she stood on a small stool, kept pressing for the liquid soap and play with the pool of water in the basin.
I was annoyed, no matter how i asked her to come down, she refused. i took out the cane and beat her lightly on her backside, no response. then i started asking myself if its so serious that i need to spank her harder. eventually i managed to lure her to do some other stuff...

leia loves her disney PJ...

i bet u cant sleep well last nite? too happy liao rite!
didnt know u have a blog, nice!

i need to start a new blog for the 2 gals. the previous one is named leiatan.blogspot.com solely for leia of cos. now i need one for both. anybody knows how to transfer all the posts into the new blog which im going to create?
pink: ya loh..my mens also buay zhun.. now on medicine yes.. buy ovulation kit loh.. i will try one last time.. next yr.. if still gal.. boh bian...

QQ: we both eat wat u say.. bt still.. haiz.. fated! gal power!
back from lunch.
today i a bit blur blur, lost of direction like that.

Kelley, then i dunno how liao. haha. u try to feel and use ovul kit ba.

AAA, if bb can sleep through, u can be successfully in bf too. the supply will be regulated accordingly if u latch on 100%. however if u pump exclusively, then still need to pump out bah.
hope ariel can stay that way, sleep through and drink more at her last feed.
Pink, QQ: I think I'll pump out tonight if I still feel the pain. Was quite bad last night. Thing with pumping before a feed is that I'll have to then feed her using the bottle when she wakes up - super leychey lah.

Pink: Forgot to reply you re flower world.. are there new designs or new sizes? I think anna was ordering the largest size previously already. Well.. unless I order for Ariel.. But this means I have to go through the complicated website again.. :p Can let me have the link once more pls?
Hi all mummies,

thanks for the warm welcome....was a bit shy to join earlier.....only recently my good fred who is in the April 2008 grp told me how much fun they had....late rather than nv hor...

Can I know what is the The ABC Book of Singapore about?
i thought ur 2nd one is unplanned? so u did follow the gender diet? hmm...

not sure if u remember this place i posted

the tanglin tree - i feel like having a gathering there..anyone keen? seems like a nice place with nice ambience :p
actually i wish to open a smaller scale restaurant like this but capital is impossible..sad.

oh AAA
here's the link
u bought size 11 for Anna rite? u may want to try size 9?
