(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

my cousin tag me in this...wonder how old was i ??

hello Mummies,

Hope me not too late to join in 2007 March mummies gp, My elder boy- esika borned in March 25 2007...me staying in SengKang, a working mummy....

cant see ur face clearly :p

u are really excited le! 7 boxes is okie..we used up close to 30 boxes when we shifted. its very kua zang. my mil and i kena scolded by mr tan. my clothes and bags alone took up 7-8 boxes.wahhaa! after we shifted and realised there's really not enough space, then i started giving away ..sigh...my mum sent to dun know which charity organisation..sad
Hi Kat,

welcome! Which part of SK are you at? I used to be at SK, now shifted to Hougang. Post pix of your boy for us.
juni, edde, sq,

yah, i hope so lah..... hv to get over it somehow, think time will be e best medicine nw...

Btw, no one wants to buy e travel voucher?
Thanks Kaexin & Irin,

Me staying in compassvale street Block 298D.
Ok will post a pic once I get home, office computer cannot do it....

hi kat, again! ha..

Pink: Kat has a younger son, she just posted in my other thread! :p but not sure how many in total she has though. ha. what a coincidence!
star: cld u send me those pictures of ur book so that can help u post on oct thread and also ask my colleaguesif they are interested? let me know when u have sent the pics.. to my office email, can?

AA: 50% ah? but hor.. to have 4 boys in one row, that possibilty that big ah? i have been thinking abt that for a long time liao! ha.. so last night i asked miser because i feel it might be .5*.5*.5*.5 leh.. his first response was .5.. then i said but to fulfill that, it is no longer mutually exclusive leh.. because u need to have one boy before the next boy so on and so forth till u have four boys in succession leh.. if it is just probability of having a boy next, it is .5.. that i can understand.. then Miser paused for a while and said 'wait, let me think..'.. then he thought HARD.. and said 'ya, u are right, cld be .5*.5*.5*.5 from the way u define the event'. i was like whoopee! he said but he's poor in probability.. i said that's not the issue.. the fact that i need to make him think hard and he said i cld be right.. wrts to maths. is enuff to make me VERY happy liao! hahaha.. finally i said somethingto make him THINk. nvm the answer. the feeling is gd enough! ha! sot liao!
Hi Kaexin & Irin,

Thanks.....I stayed in Compassvale st block 298D.
Ok will post once I go home as office computer dun haf my boy pic.

Morning mums..

Star, I ask you. When you latched on last time, what happens if she only empties one breast? Meimei has been suckling on one breast only last night. I'm in dilemma if I shd pump the other breast out. Hope tonight she'll at leat attempt at the second breast.
And also, how long does it take for Rae to sleep through the night? Am thinking if BF babies take a longer time t sleep through.

Astro, SQ, Pink: Your bbs can sleep through yet?
AA: YH can sleep thru but he has sleepnig association probs. i have yet attempt CIO on him.. will wait till 6 mths if still not yet. then CIO then.. these few nights better.. woke up at about 4 - 5am.. used to be 3 and then 5! will usually feed him to settle him back to sleep quickly.. the reason why i know he can sleep thru because for his v first feed. he drinks little.. as in he is already full from the feed at 4-5am.. teng was like that too before CIO last time and gF speaks about this as well..

can u alternate the breast? else ss might drop..?
i got a frend who is living in your cluster, she also got a boy born in Mar and she got 2 boys.

i feel bald a bit strange, so no wonder i din shave K's hair off.
AA: ha.. ya.. the gal's part right.. but i was just THINKING if i am going to have 4 boys in a row.. then i can open shop and give out 4D/toto/lottery numbers liao!

kaexin: me too.. but he is dropping hair looks soooo ugly with such uneven hair.. so shave lor.. after a whle.. he looks cute liao. hahaha..

pink: i shaved yh and not teng. coz teng hair was so thick.. and never drop at all as a bb..
Astro: What time does YH sleep from and sleep til. Being able to sleep through means continuously 5hrs or more right?
Actually, night before last, Ariel can sleep for more than 4 hrs sometimes, but last night she woke up punctually in 3-hr interval cos she's been suckling on only 1 breast. :p Which is strange cos my right breast yields lower than the left one. Yet, to her, seems no difference.
Of course I alternate the breasts lah. But still the breast that was not fed on felt full mah.. I actually don't wish to pump and store. Cos it's ma-fan. So best if she just empties whatever i have. Am pumping only once a day in the morning now. This can last til the evening again when I latched her on.
Astro: coincidence hor! You have #1 and # 2 the same mth as mine?
Pink: I had one elder boy borned in March 2007 and second boy Oct 2009.
kaexin: I tiking if I ever have 3 boys, I will die liao........now I lacking of sleep as my big one will wake up at night.....then my small one will cannot sleep thru yet as he is demanding more...he is exclusively breast-milk, I let him latch on at night. my dark eyes ring very black lor...
welcome Kat! what took u soooo long?! =p

haha..told u liao!! u will get to like the botak look wan!! haha... cute leh....

just glad u r alright now though. the last time my dad got into an accident and i was in the car, i could literally see the other car coming towards us fr the side, in slow motion, like those frozen scenes in a movie.... after that for abt a year, i screamed every time hb drove over 100kmp. and i would drive at below 80kmp even on highways! it was that bad. but eventually i got over it too... so it'll take time.. need ur family members to be understanding. my hb couldn't understand why i was so paranoid but i found out later that my mum who was in the accident, too was just like me.
i feel like dying. how come all preg lady having good life in my off but i am the one working like hell.
quite stressful le. i feel drained. but things cannot be complete on time de.

Kat,welcome! and so u same as astro, two boys, same age gap somemore. so is your birthday also march? and your hb also virgo?
haha!! i sot liao.

Astro, happie belated birthday cause i almost chiong to your house with a cake last sunday. not because the cake is bought for u, but the birthday boy was not free to celebrate with us, and left us with a cake. haha!! after that, we just think that maybe not la. too big surprise! hahah!!

yvonne, i go visit u one day. haha! when u are more settled bah. i am just kpo.
astro for u to get a girl, maybe need to combine many theories liao.
audrey's theory,
jmon's theory
science theory (XY thingy)
diet theory (from books, etc etc, science also)
ah mah's calendar (buey zhun one leh)
my fren's theory. (left sng during menses then girl.. RIGHT - > boy)

anyway i better go work. dun bluffing ppl here.
before i go, i must say marrisa's hair.. wow!!
nice! she has nice skin colour too.
and hair colour too. wow!
AAA: did Anna contribute to any of the art work in the book? its by LSH. They only launch the book a couple of weeks back.
Rae did not sleep through till she is 26 mths when i stopped Bfing her. she developed a very bad habit to wake up in the middle of the nite to latch on and she could not go back to sleep herself w/o latching on to me. and to answer your other question, yes TBF babies take a longer time to sleep through.
And i usually Bf one breast, never pump, after a while, my SS regulated and i didn't have any problem with jsut feeding on one breast. if u need to maintain, then pump out ok.

astro: thanks. ok will email u.
The ABC Book of Singapore
Price: $10

1. star x 2
2. CK x 1
3. RR x 1
4. Germaine x 1
5. QQ x 3
6. Astro x 1
7. Joelle x 1
8. Pinkpink x 1
9. huingee x 1
10. Autum x 1
11. magsmum x 3
12. shannie x 1
13. edde X 3
14.Kaexin x 1

Total: 21
i agree leh! Mag's mei mei looks like Zee Yee!

my fren's theory. (left sng during menses then girl.. RIGHT - > boy)

when i had my gals, i could feel that they were 'planted' on my left side.,..wahhaa. when i look at my tummy, the left side is bulging out..so maybe its true! but thats already After the Act, so doesnt help if you aiming for whichever gender, thats more for guessing of gender before the big scan.

i also had the same dilemma. my right breast is producing 80% of the milk supply so by the time Enya is comfortably drinking till almost falling asleep, i dun know whether to move her to drink from left breast. But, i only latch in the day. If i feel that left breast is not very full, i will wait for next feed, and feed from left breast first. If its full, no choice have to pump out.

Sleeping thru - not yet..she wakes up at 1am, 4am then 8am. had asked rina to feed her more FM before her sleep, so that she can sleep longer.

u wont believe it. im the one who sleep thru..wahhaa! i pump before i sleep at 12...and wakes at 7or8...
Welcome to our thread. Heehee, after so long this thread still active.
Meimei has very nice and thick hair. Her eyes very big too.
AAA, SQ, Pink,

nope, my little X hvn't sleep thr... strangely he sleeps at 7pm, wakes up at 12mn, then 2am, 4m, 6.30am/7am...


my little X has been only drinking fr 1 breast since the 1st day liao.... he never empties the breast one.. that's y i hv excess for storage. next time, i shd take a pic of my freezer to let u see my ebm.. and i've given away 20 bags liao...
Pink: Hahah.. You've slept through? Don't have to pump meh?
I always alternate the breast to feed her on. So one side will feel fuller than the other if she doesn't empty both breasts. And I really don't wish to pump and store cos it's just as ley chey. I'm just going for the easiest and most convenient method for me. So good thing meimei latches on rather well and is quite efficient clearing the breast. She wakes up 2 times - abt 2am and then 5am. And surprisingly, the longest sleeping stretch is from evening to abt 2am! I wish she could shift that to from 11pm to 5am! Haha.. My night feeds are no nonsense type. I carry her from her cot, feed her, burp her and then bring her back to her cot. Fullstop.
And she will usually smile at me - either when I first carry her from her cot, or when I bring her back to the cot.

Hey, I'm using MP for her during the night. Saves me the trouble to change her in the night.

Star: Then I think I must have remember wrongly. When I bring ayden there next week, they should still have that book on sale I guess. Will buy from the school, cos collection is quite headache lah. Speaking of which, the pooh figurines, you still want?
Mist: Hey, your x is same as ariel leh. The longest sleeping stretch is from evening time til abt 2am! Weird for them., but what a coincidence! Hey, I really don't wish to store the BM. That's why even though she doesn't empty, I still don't mind to pump. Hopefully, it will regulate and I don't have to store.

haha, initially little X also sleep from 7pm to 2am!! i also hope he will shift his timing... instead these 2 days he sleeps from 7am to 12mn... argh!!

hvn't go back to work yet.... bb X nw shd be abt 10 weeks. am going back to work next mth liao. MIL wanna come over my place, so i go back work loh, else sure conflict if i stay at hm... so i hope bb X can slowly drop the 4am feed, then i'm happy liao.. ;p
Mist: You're not back at work, but you attended the company's D&D? Hee.. Congrats on your winning.. Re the accident, whose fault is it? If it's the other party, your insurance NCB won't be affected.
Talk to bb X that you're going back to work and he can help you by sleeping through the nite.
thats QQ's fren's theory?
i suspect feeling sng on left side means that bb was planted more on the left side.
oh yes, rina also mentioned the theory from her country, if bb came from egg from left ovary, most likely gal. for both my gals, they were lying on the left side of my tummy.

AAA, Mist
i also realise that bb tend to sleep longer from 8pm onwards..i tried to bring her out in the living room, on the TV, play with her so that she can sleep later..still trying tho.

i dun need to pump in the middle of the nite, amazing rite? there was once i overslept, didnt wake up and i immediately pump in the morning, ok le! maybe my body is working the way i want it to? anyway good for me since i'm working.
ask me ask me, kelley.

when i had my menses, my colig ask me if sng at left or right. i said dunno la. then he asked me to go back, try to feel it. i feel that it is right side. then he told me if i get preg, will be a boy. but that time i not yet preg la.
then 1 week later, conceived liao.
he bet with me, $50. boy.
i said girl, cause i feel that it can be a gal la.
so he won. he said right side (usually right ovary) boys de.
pink, if u dun clear breast at night, your supply will drop de. do you mind?
if u wanna keep up the supply then must wake up clear.
hi sorry to interrupt
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Pink: I did that too! I tried to play with her, make her smile, tickle her etc just to keep her awake so she can sleep longer later, but still doesn't work. Very strange all our bbs behave this way le.

QQ: Hey, I think my CL has been over-feeding Ariel leh. Cos her intake has dropped since she left. At first I thought she misses her so that's why, but it's been consistently liddat leh.. Kekeke.. But good also lah, she's fat fat..
