(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

bbmarch: what time were u there with ah bian? i was there at 7pm plus with miser.. to attend a fren's wedding dinner.. i was wearing a GOWN.. wah liew.. my fren's fault.. coz not hotel area. end up the tourists/kpo singaporeans there all staring at me.. haiz.. ah bian so cute! if teng.. start crying liao lor!

germaine: thanks . Clyde twin had a good time too?
pink: enya and leia.. when young.machiam idetical twins.. so is SQ's yh and YE.. teng and yh.. onlywhen they sleeping, eyes closed. then i see the similarities.. :S
take care all the unwell bbs. and mothers. miser having blocked runny nose.. then infected yh.. he spitting milk this morning.. twice. and slightly more than usual. told ellie.. if he keeps spitting must call me :S

pink: enya v cute leh. :p v chubby :p

RR: later i go and make teng measure his height again i dunno how to read those kind of height ruler attatched to weighing machine kind. only ones iknow are the wall stickesr kind.. but those i think not as accurate..

bbmarch: think quite vag.. coz if medicatino alleargy. normally more serious and immediate kind.. ur sil might be right.. anyway.. need monitor.. ah bian allergic to panadol ah?

pax: ya.. if u around.. msn me lah
astro, i was there ard the same timing too. Quite crowded...how come din see u? Was seated quite near to the ordering counter.

Ah bian no med allergic...ya confirm its false measles not wad the sinseh said med allergy. Cos all the red dots were gone after darius took the chinese med...quite effective lor.

RR, haha i did apologise to ah bian but i was laughing at the same time.
yes, RR love it too. But I don't quite like it. It became my "alarm clock" for these 2 mornings!
titu: wah liew :p i looked.. normal? hahahhaha.. :p

aiyoh. i want that key borad. comes with stand and only $15?! omg :S

bbmarch: eh. i went up the lift cause it was at the Megu event hall lei.. iszit near the ticketing area? then u cannot conclude the med clears his red dots leh :p
hi mummies...

RR, Joelle,
the keyboard really worth leh....want to go to the sales but hor, very out of the place...and if i go, i nid to bring J along...not sure if i can shop in peace lah...

hmmm..if any of u going, can help me get this keyboard???
miser is actually keen in having a third child! ha. i thought he wun cause of the cost and energy to have one more. plus the nonsense and 'abuse' i throwing him when my hormones swing..ha.. dunno why i asked him lah. just asked. ha! then he said 'good if a girl'.. i followed up' what if a boy again?' .. he replied.. 'then we faint lor'.. ha. i find the reply so funny :p
YY, Mash,
with the stand is $25. The stand is sold separately at $10. This is a 54 keys electronic keyboard.
yah! the downside is the default volume is so high!! hb taught seth to lower the volume right after he turns on... heh!

we wanna see ur 'normal' photo then!! :p pls post!!! heh! so fast planning for #3!? u addicted to giving birth?!! :p then miser gotta work harder and longer nights woh...=X
hi mummies,

so many post... will read archives later.

anyway, jus came in to update my drama weekend.. my car got hit by another car on sat! aiyo, i still feel very drama and had nightmare, cos keep hearing the loud bang sound! think i dare not drive for the longest time liao...

btw, i won $1000 Chan Bros travel voucher (valid till feb 2011) on Sat, in my co's D&D... am selling it away. any mummies want?? let me know pls. There's a travel fair by Chan bro this sat, can use the travel voucher.

very drama sat right, car got hit and won lucky draw... sigh!
I taught them to lower the volume too but the moment they on the thing is enough to wake me up liao. :S
heh..then gotta teach them not to play in the morn! :p i still dunno how to use it..the demo songs n all... anyhow press then seth asked me to do it again i dunno how liao. :S
Hi mummies,

Thanks for your help.. i am buying a copy for rae and 1 for my nephew.. so trying to see if i can get more orders for the books here. Some facts on this book, this is the only book for pre-schooler on Singapore...its a good way to introduce our kids to our unique country and culture. Its also meant for sale to singaporean overseas with children who wants their kids to learn more about their own country of book.

The ABC Book of Singapore
1. star x 2
2. CK x 1
3. RR x 1
4. Germaine x 1
5. QQ x 3
6. Astro x 1
7. Joelle x 1
8. Anyone else, pls add on to this list. I will close order by end of this week. Will advise on payment later.
star: go post on oct 09 thread.. betcha will have pple order one :p

RR: this keyboard is a steal!

mash/titu: eh. not yet. i hope no accidents though! ha.. dunno why just blurted out to him lah.. ha!

titu:eh. no photos taken! haha.. if u really want. i can go and take a photo of JUST the gown hanging from the rack.. heh..:p
and hor.. one kid, two kids, three kids.. he works the same hours ! so economies of scale, babe! hahahahah
oh, I was trying to figure out the demo songs too. haha!! Press DEMO button once for demo song 1, twice for song 2 and so on. :p
haha! in that case u shd have more kids... then u will be too tired to worry abt him!! miser shd really jiayou to impregnate u then!! and hor. cannot wait for accidents .. must really plan for a girl!! :p pls go WEAR the gown n take pic leh. i dun believe miser neva steal a pic?!
titu: wah liew.. now u are getting v x-rated liao! menses not back .. dunno how to plan! hahaha.. yalor.. MUST have a girl man. ya. he never took a picture.. which means not v beatutiful kind lor! :S
but coz the gown needs to tied up the shoulder strap kind.. asked him to help me tie.. wah he really tied it VERY tightly man.. painful! kaoz..

btw.. how shd we calculate the probability of getting 4 boys in one go ah? shd it be 50%? = .5x.5x.5x.5 ah? ha! so if i still keep genaing boys.. then i can consider buy toto, 4d, lottery liao!
The ABC Book of Singapore
1. star x 2
2. CK x 1
3. RR x 1
4. Germaine x 1
5. QQ x 3
6. Astro x 1
7. Joelle x 1
8. Pinkpink x 1

some say they look, some say leia looks like mr tan, enya looks like me :p. yours is obvious cos u have BIG eyes while Miser has small ones.

so wats the outcome of the accident?
ya.. shaved him yesterday coz his hair so uneven.. falling off in great amounts of some parts! :S

thanks.. heh.. so Mr Tan's best fren must be a very good person also! hahaha..

and guess what? when yh is done with the shaving hor.. teng LAUGHED at him leh! coz teng says he looks funny 'didi no hair'.. wah liew.. such a meanine this teng! :p he was never shaved before mah :p
i find.. leia got mr tan's eyes.. enya has urs.. but features wise. enya got more of MR tan's.. maybe because she still young and plump :pP
happy belated birthday.
Heehee, Yh so cute without hair.

At least you not hurt from the accident. Take care, why not use the voucher for some short trip? Cruise?
huingee: thanks
ehh. i find him cuter with hair.. i told miser yesterday night. i am regretting my decision to shave yh lei.. he doesn't look as cute botak :S
The ABC Book of Singapore
1. star x 2
2. CK x 1
3. RR x 1
4. Germaine x 1
5. QQ x 3
6. Astro x 1
7. Joelle x 1
8. Pinkpink x 1
9. huingee x 1
Dun worry lah, hair will grow very soon.
At least he is a boy, not like Esther i shaved her hair at 4mths cos uneven. Then very botak, not like girl.
oh ya, Happy Belated Birthday!!
Your Bally is so round & cute. hehe.

Today's my 4th wedding anniversary. Thought of asking my parents to bring RR out then we can go for dinner on our own. Ended up my mum said she's working till 6pm+, asked us to wait for her for dinner TOGETHER ... chey. :p
huingee: the photos i have on him in my hp has hair.. then i compare and contrast.. he look cuter in the photos in my hp!
aiyoh. i still in the period of adjusting to him without hair.. i called him little monk ah! today is day 2 of adjusting to him without hair!
The ABC Book of Singapore
1. star x 2
2. CK x 1
3. RR x 1
4. Germaine x 1
5. QQ x 3
6. Astro x 1
7. Joelle x 1
8. Pinkpink x 1
9. huingee x 1
10. Autum x 1
aiyah, she's working till so late. I can't be asking her to bring RR out after that then her dinner how? My dad will scream at me. :p
hi mummies...

wow, it has been months since i log on in here... so many things happening, can i still join in the chit chat? hope i m welcomed =)

is that ur second? wow, i feel like pinching his cheeks, he is sooo cute!!!
Astro: really? Oct 09 thread? i paisay to post there lah, u help me ask can... heheh. I am trying to get as many orders for them as i can. You let me know.. hehehe.
and YH looks really bald!! hahaha.

Yvonee/Autum: thanks for the alert on the 3 yr old assessment, i am bring rae on wed.

Mejo: i missed ur sms last nite, phone was not with me. paisay leh.

i would like to take 3 copies if that is possible, thanks!

The ABC Book of Singapore
1. star x 2
2. CK x 1
3. RR x 1
4. Germaine x 1
5. QQ x 3
6. Astro x 1
7. Joelle x 1
8. Pinkpink x 1
9. huingee x 1
10. Autum x 1
11. magsmum x 3
have a belated anniversary celebration?

y shave YH and not Teng?
err..mr tan's fren is a very smart programmer. :p

last nite something happened. leia was playing with torchlight, her new toy from daddy. daddy and i were watching lost and she tried getting attention by hitting the torch on his face, she hit really hard and mr tan's immediate reaction was a slap on her face...sigh...cried lor.
she curled up on the bed and kept sobbing away..sob and sob. we told her its wrong and she shd say sorry but she just refused and kept sobbing and let her loud cry once a while, machiam like asthma..
i was so worried abt the slap but no redness, hope she learnt a lesson. in the end, daddy apologised to her first..we just left her alone for a while..and she's back to normal self again

see how bah. Don't really have to celebrate. Anyway we are going to Genting this Sunday liao. A break from work for me.
