(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

aa: i hope to wor. but i know it wun come true.. unless i earn millons..

pink: he didn't call back 2 days ago.. v v bad of him.. i am on cold war with him already..

germaine: wah. anthoer twin for me.. :p

aiyoh. this teng speaks so loud in the quiet office :p

Pink, Nope he dun likes. He wants to have his TV on when doing work. Now he is in new company and is busier than previous. He has been flying every month since he joined the company in Jan. Sighhh... who to complain. 哑子吃黄连,有苦说不清.
after teng finishs his bread.. then bring him back to see the other cutie pie. that cuties pie really chubby and loves to smile! aiyoh.. ta boleh tahan him :p it is quite obvious wor.. ellie likes yh more!

*steals a peep at teng who is devouring his bread! the way he eats makes the bread look so delicious!*
Astro: Whenever I bring anna to an SB store, she will run around. And when she doesn't see me around, she'll begin to shout for mummy! Very embarrassing cos she's super loud! And she keeps running about to "get lost" and she'll shout mummy, mummy again and again.. *sigh*
But I pretend to be embarrassed only lah. Whenever we're not at the shop anymore, I'll tell her "Anna, when you cannot see mama, shout very loudly for mummy, and wait for me to go find you, don't run around ok?" Hehehe..

Then tell yourself miser is trying to make your dream come true by working hard now lo..

Pink: Hehe.. Latching is really easier with meimei than the 2 bigger As, for reasons I'm not sure of..
Yah lor.. bbies are adorable.. And having them is an addiction.. ;) Go have a #3??
ash/germaine: u two start ur sentences the same way that for a minute, i thought it was a repeated post :p heh..

AA: yalor. i keep shhing him not to talk so loud but i just love his kiddy voice.. :p i told him i go and wash the pumps for a while.. he went 'mummy where are u?' i can hear him from the pantry. . aiyoh. this boy also cute :p

miser? haiz. i give up. he still working. i dun want to sms him liao. fed up.. taking my concern for granted. pissed
and it is me having to earn millions lah.. he can't make my dream come true by working hard one lah..

and the way u are talking to pink.. pre-empting us that u are having #4 soon? ha!
though M & Jo r already gg for music classes at seimpi on Sundays, i'm letting them join the classes in school. mr pax feel that it's little money since they enjoy music. M still wan to cont his individual lessons at seimpi. as for Jo, we may pull her out eventually.... actually i spoke to Tr Ann, felt that it's gd for N1 kids to start music appreciation now. they pick up faster.. it's really up to u. heard that only 3 kids in N1 gg for the music class, Jo, Nicole and Zavier (Tr V's son).
btw i also pick M & Jo vv late, 630 to 7. they r usually the last few together w Cayden fr N2. i hv been quite bz these days, my papa pick them up earlier. the price of promotion.. sianz...

saw ur post on the career adv... i hv my views on this...
btw can pump till bleed.. happened to me b4 too...
mummies, wad kind of wok u all use? Those trad kind or non stick ones? Granny is passing mi the trad one while mil is going to buy a new one. I wan to buy something tt i will use la. And how to reject to take so many plates and bowl? They pass mi so many!
Was getting sleepy juz now but A made me angry. Juz as we finish reading books, sud say want to sleep w aunty. Told him aunty sleeping already but still insist n cry. Until told him if I count to 3 n still cry, he got to sleep in toilet. Finally stop n joke n talk to him awhile b4 lying down to sleep. But now I'm awAke!
use metal? The spoon like thing? I don noe wad is it call. The trad wok wont stick? I always end up cook till everything stick together. Even frying of fries! So jia lat right. Lol! I must fry 1 stick by 1stick.
Yvonne: haa I also duno wat to call it. It's e thing u use to stir m fry stuffs. Cos non stick pans by right cannot use metal ones as they scrap off e coating
hi mummies, got back not long, still bz entertaining bday girl. Tks for the bday wishes! Went to chloe's sch at 3pm to celebrate bday for her.. apparently think she shy n cant really take well the sudd attn from her frns... she sudd became so shy, stick out her tongue n act nervous! even photo also not her usual cheery smile alamak... br. her to paragon play awhile.. cant decide dinner where cos TGIF long q.. so ended up at sg flyer eat POPEYE n after that gelato.. came back take pics with her pressies liao.

Tom still got bday to attend.. go zzz first nite nite all!

read that u eat like malay on flr hee funny la u

i m still thinking to bring chloe to disney on ice... u still can order? any category isit? last nite b4 zz i ask pete to check, till now NO NEWS from him Zzzzzzzz
hmm, ok. But i don dare to use metal. Lol!

I may sound sua ku. But hor, it is my first time buying just home use product like tissue, toilet roll, detergent bla bla bla till over 80bucks! Fainted. And so heavy to bring everything back alone with the cranky kids!
Hb want to get that 4 his precious, then we can play too mah :p

can sms me, none zero four seven nine nine three four wanna ask u abt WII

Hey you really very independent.
oh ya, Happy bday to Seth, Chloe and Anthea! juz in time too

K's fever started at 9+ sian.

then jus went to sleep, insisted on sleeping on the sofa. lights and TV on.
8-10+ nobody post mah, so i thot hang lor.
i hv lots of fryer pans (non-stick, wmf s/s, tupperchef s/s) and 1 wMF s/s wok. i like my tupperchef fryer pan best! even if stick to the base, easier to remove. if u wan to fry anythg in a stainless steel wok or pan, must make sure the oil and pan both heated up vv well. oil smoking hot, but nt to the extent of burning. if u wan to fry fries, u hv to put enuf oil...

sounds really like stomach flu.
thx all for the birthday wishes! we went for a half day tour at RW sentosa to celebrate anthea's birthday! wahahhhah!

House will turn smoky after food is burnt.
Having your own house must buy many things.
Wok better use new one bah, i dun like tradition wok. Mine is those anodized wok, can use metal frying stick will not spoil. Also i like those deep saucer pan kind, like the Yan can cook kind.
wahaha! Ok. So i guess the oil already burnt liao. Hmm, later mil will get mi and nick to buy those things, i will look out the anodized one.
yes, buying alot alot of things. And mil ask mi so many qns which i don noe how to answer. Light soya sauce, dark sauce, sugar, salt, vinegar,oil, chilly, ketchup, which kind of brand do i prefer. Also rice, pot , pans, plates, chopstic, spoon, fork. So many la!
Dark soya sauce buy those small bottle kind. Then rice container get those for 5kg ones. Not those 10kg.
Can go OG see also bah. Slowly lah.
re: 3yr old assessment

Just brought EJ to do his 3yr assessment. Did it at polyclinic, it's free for Singaporeans. you can just call any poly to make appt. Our appt was made long ago by the nurse for us (as all along we go poly de). There is a series of questions in the health book, and the nurse really went through everything there.. she has the little props like blocks, picture cards (asking EJ what are the pics there).. etc.. Overall very fast and smooth. If u make appt, no need to wait.

I asked the nurse whether this is compulsory.. the answer is no. But she says, more importantly is the 4yr old assessment because that is when they test for vision. So even if this 3yr you don't do, it's ok. But do bring the child for the 4th yr assessment.

EJ is 13.8kg, 96.5cm.. He is below average for weight! Skinny boy!!
haiz...Darius's body and face are full of red dots on thurs noon. Brought him to see chinese sinseh yday and was confirmed it due to med allergy.
Re: Mattel

I happened to be nearby and brought a gun there for exchange. The FP cameras are selling at $50 today le.
Lots of things are OOS, the swing and slide set too. Super crowded and long queue. I got a very good deal though, a real electronic keyboard at $15!!! Thanks to Joelle for telling me, hehe.
think the weight range for 3 yr old kids should varies according to their height bah. Reyden's about 13.5kg and that's considered average for his height.
Ya loh, my fren also said my items dun have liao as she yet yesterday also. Ask her about barbie clothes she said dun have.
Wa, electronic keyboard at $15 is a very good deal.
RR: wah. what a bargain!
hmm i think teng is abot 1m 10cm.. hmm.. i am not sure.. always cannot measure his height accurately.. ya.. should have a range.. just like bbs.. yh is above average for weight and only average for height.. wah liew.. omg. haiz.
I've utterly forgotten about the 3 year old test... even though I talked about making appointment for it in feb |||-_- Oh well, guess I must go make appointment for next week. Hb bought PS3!!! Haha, you all will see me less and less.


I din print because I took digital photos. They are quite big in size so I'm wondering how best to give to you. Hmm. Maybe I'll paste into doc and print to pdf and see if that will work. I'm going to be a bit slow though cuz I'm kinda of busy playing!!!.... *run away*


You still want the Jujube Pouch? I can pass to sta to pass to you when I go collect my ON from her?
ok so its sort of a present for elisha and the whole family :p

sms u..lemme know soon

leia shd be close to 95..shes at most slightly more or close to 13kg..skinny.

but its also not easy to carry a 13kg load. this gal refuses to walk whenever we go out, always cry for bao bao. i really hate it. if i walk away, she will cry and make a scene.

if there's only 3 kids who signed up, the outsourced agency will still come over to conduct the class? i'll ask mr tan later.

i kan kai le, will be too busy with the kids to even be bothered to be angry. if Miser is sincere, he will make a commmitment to spend more time with the family over weekend.

so u have been taking care of the 2 kids at nite? oh but at least there's maid to help. is she ok so far?

rina has been dolling up enya...shes wearing dress liao :p
wah ... 1.1m. I think Reyden needs another 2 yrs before he reaches that height. :p He's only at 93.something now.

Reyes is at 13kg too but she's way shorter than Leia.
pretty babes ...
Enya and Leia don't look alike hor? Or she looks like Leia when she was younger?
h pink i m loggin on at my cousins place, changed my mind abt the disney on ice.. will go together next time with didi... save $$ tks for the offer.
