(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

SQ, nana
i feel unsettled if i dun settle work stuff. i see rina takes care of enya all the time, so i go and fetch leia, if not either rina or my mum has to drag leia and carry her to cross the bridge after work...so i feel bad.

my mum is superwoman. after work, can help me fetch leia, can cook for me, help me carry enya or wash up leia. she even plans wat i can eat, go supermart to buy, store in fridge, instruct rina wat to cook for me for lunch, wat to prepare for dinner etc. shes my wonder mum

till now im still waiting for my MIL's birdnest. she said she will make for me..my confinement is ending in a week's time and still cannot smell it.
SQ, no worry, this cl is diplomatically ok one. she can handle de. haha!! that's how she handled my mil before too, but then my mil still say she is not good.
no choice la, dun need to extend cause it is cny mah. fated!
yes i wanna visit her....

Pink, buying sweet is not good enough for her bah. spend time and play with her, jokes, fun! then more importnat.
5 march baby v sensitive hor. anyway, dun need to beat leia, cause she might not know that is not acceptable to adults. we have to ren3.
some old pple said if we dun discipline before 3, its tough to do so after that :p

are u going to pai nian?

oh ya i didnt buy cny clothes! tot i wont have to pai nian this yr..hmm. i feel tat its quite troublesome to bring a tod and newborn out.

go surf je551 now
crazy.. no la. ours hitting 3 years old soon. dun tell me u think that we are left with oni 1 month?
it is ok one, but u need not discipline leia at this moment, when there is an arrival of meimei, new school, new house. she is v stress also.
pink: i envy u.. ur mum is a great source of strength and pillar of support.. whereelse my mum.. haiz.. called her told her teng got rash.. maybe next week then come over. she said she's bored.. she wants to come.. and see teng.. then asked if it is i don't want her to come over? wah liew.. like i am not vexed enough :S

huingee/pink: boy is still smiling.. so it is not bothering him.. as much as it is bothering me..

mash: take care.. sian one with all skin conditions. i have ezcema.. i tell u darn sian..

belle: chole's excema.. looks like whati have when i was young.. the picture of that heel.. try to imagine it on my entire hands.. i am not joking.. entire hands.. from the base to the palm to he finger tips! doc see liao also scared :S u can see pus beating to my pulse on my finger tips! :S

QQ:enthyema multiforme is a skin reaction to either medication or infection. teng had a long viral infection, remembered? the fevr and the blocked nose.. then this rash appears. dr ong suspects this multiforme rash arising from a mycoplasma infection.. darn chim.. what a learning point! *applause* :S
there are more severe type of multiforme rash. with blisters, lesions etc.. i been staring at those photos all day long and i count my lucky starts that teng's rash is not like that.. else .... i will be more depressed!

I thought i wanted to show u some pictures to make it clearer.. but on second thought i better not.. coz the pictures..are very graphic and disturbing.. u wun view it now lah..
i will try fish oil.. need to balance my mood man..

SQ: yes.. observe.. doc said if doesn't clear in 3 days.. start on antibiotics.. today is day 2.. so till tomorrow..
my eyes are playing tricks on me. i thought i see more rash.. redder.. than at times i thought i see them disappearing.. jialat.. :S v disturbed.

had some small successes latching yh.. then he poo-ed.. changed him. put him back.. dun want liao! haiz.. what to do? keep trying..
oh ya.. apparently erythema multiforme can happen after receciving vaccinations!! wah liew.. lucky our kids vac all completed.. but there are still the #2s.. :S

ok.. i shan't freak everyone out! *zip* :S
mayb ya mum just want to check with u if u ok with her going over bah...btw, i read prev post that she was sick rite? recover liao mah? if haven't then ask her dun come loh...

ya, skin problem very headache de...i envy my sis and mum lah..they dun have such problem...my skin follow my father...sianzz

i really hope that J dun follow my skin condition ah...if not, i think he will 'suffer' when going NS ah...

coz hor, when i was younger, if i brush my skin on those grass, high chance i will itchy!!! so i tried to stay away..
nana: no.. that is shingles.. shingles is a virus in itself.. while erythema multiforme happens as a reaction to the virus..

teng has had shingles too before.. at 8 mths :S
mash: yes.. she was sick.. recovering but still not 100% well.. she's like a child lah.. aiya.. enuff abt her..

ya.. if j has ezcema.. it wld flare with the perspiration man!
oh, then she better not come over lah..just tell her ya concern...

u mean if he perspire and no rash means no ezcema? but still can have sensitive skin right?
mash: ezcema is v complicated and there is a huge range of triggers for ezcema.. and ezecema can take many forms.. some like chole's.. some merely dry skin which peels.. in fact. when u say 'sensitive skin'..the skin is likely to be prone to ezcema liao..
doesn't mean if perspire no rash means mo ezecema..

i was saying if j is already ezcema prone.. thatn perspiration wld make it easier for him to have such flares..
erm.. can u get what i mean?
saw from the nlb poster the other day...was thinking of bringing J there...but they indicated it's for 4 to 6yrs..so i thinking if it's ok to bring J there leh

dun think they will check hor
hmmm..for me hor, my rashes will be trigger if i use wrong product..actually even those baby johson lotion i can't use also leh...esp if the lotion can't absorb fast enough..if my skin sticky from applying lotion, i also can get rash...like that consider sensitive skin?

then there's once i went phuket, seafood cheap there mah...so eat and eat..everyday got prawn...after about 3-4days, wah, rashes all appeared! medication can't help except for jab! i thot not seafood..so i tried to eat prawn after rashes gone, then only 3prawns sent my rash back again! so i think that time overdose of seafood...

ok, understand what u mean about the perspiration on ezcema

i saw my name mentioned as one of 5th mar babies... why huh? got birthday bash for 5 mar babies huh? Wow, u can wear JE551 liao huh, so envy!!
so the rash hor, meaning it is a kind of reaction to the virus. meaning reacted liao. ok right?
cause no more fever now, nothing... oni left rash which will go away eventually. I guess la..
i am not a doctor woh.

as for your mum, haha!! you should know her pattern ma, dun let her spoilt your day. it is ok de. pop fishoil!!

mash. wah... u too tamjiak then. haha!!
nevermind, now nurse back to better skin.
i am laughing at your mum's reaction sometimes.
cause i remember the teng's poo incident at cwp (or shopping mall). haha!! really no logic sometimes. but this time she wants to go over, does seem to have some logic.
if she really wan, just let her bah. it is ok wat.. take care of them at one go.
seafood cheap there mah...and best part was BUFFET!! so just whack lah...then end up kana rash..haha
since then, i learnt my mistake loh..haha..can't eat too much seafood...even now i try to avoid loh
y your mum can only come over next week? bcos teng has rashes?

hmm if not for my mum, not sure how i cope. the tan's family doesnt help much lor...im referring to mr tan and his mum :p

i will choose those that are not tight fitting.
hmm..how come this yr i have no red packets? used to receive a lot...time to dig out cash to pow angbao.
If you latch enya, maybe get someone to look after Leia. If Leia comes in the room when you latch, then ask Rina to come in together. In case Leia kacau, have Rina to help to distract her.
It's not easy as Leia charactor quite strong.
For bath, can let Leia play with the water maybe 5 mins while Rina in the bathroom watching her. Then after 5 mins tell her times up. After a few times she will be ok.
I'm very fierce, if they dun come out i will fare. Next time they dun dare to not listen to me. :p
QQ: hmmmm.. i think it shd go away by itself.. anyway. Dr Ong said can wait.. coz teng's lungs clear.. no fever.. but nose.. hmm. he always has a 'nasal' nose when he speaks.. well. i also dunno. :S.. i read that antibiotics.. might be needed to preven skin infection from the rash.. darn chimology! haiz..

QQ/pink: ya.. my mum darn one kind.. i dunno to laugh or to cry... :S haiz..

pink: asking her to come over next week coz she also not fully recover. now teng has this funny rash.. yh just had his vac.. i dun want any probability of cross infection.. she can wait lah.. not like i dun let her see her grandsons for ever?! :S

ladies.. haiz.. one more question..
cld u all remember those days ah.. when our bbs have had vaccination..do the injection site sometimes get swollen.. and bb get a very v slight rash?

yh's injection site is definitely swollen.. maybe a slight reaction to the jab.. teng didn't have this.. and i thought i saw some rash.. but coz i thought i was the one with 'rash-uped' eyes (coz seeing teng for too long).. then ellie also pointed them out to me when she gave yh his shower.. i onli sighed. and said 'monitor'.. ellie laughed :S

pink: leia.. u need to engage her more.. given her character.. the more u exclude her.. the more she wun oblige and be less disturbing.. QQ an Huingee's ways are good advice..
for me. i keep bringing yh to see teng when he is having dinner.. then i wld tell teng that yh loves him.. then teng will reply he loves yuhe.. i keep repeating.. teng keeps repeating too.. these days.. i put yuje to bed.. teng will tip toe inside the room.. speak in a very soft voice 'didi sleeping.. shhhhh.. mama.. gd night.. see u tomorrow'..then he put a finger to his lips.. i will reply him.. he will smile.. then head towards the door.. and barely out of the room he will speak and laugh v loudly liao! heh.. so this boy really knows that when didi is sleeping.. cannot disturb.. :p
hmm, now i think maybe EV had this erthema thing too? but that hers is a much milder form? i also dunno. and hor, EV wasn't prescribed any medicine for her rash. it just went away on its own. so i think Teng's will clear too.

as for swollen site, yes, that can happen. it's told to us in the warning slip of paper.. when u go poly to jab, they will give this paper to tell u what can happen.. including swell at the site of injection. i think Yvonne's Bel had that.. swell at site.
autum: hmmm. does the rash look similar to what the little girl has in the link?
(nana,belle, qq and all preggies, pls dun go click on the links and see the pictures coz v disturbing..:S)
it could be.. we dunno . coz def from the fever.. evee has had a viral infection..
if evee has this thingy also.. then we shd count our lucky stars.. it is the EM Minor. not the EM Major (just like Thal Minor and major).. the major is very dangerous and can be fatal! :S

but i think it might be the german rubella leh. coz teng systmops fits the Rubella to a T.. just that the rash doesn't itch.. i noticed the rash now is moving downwards.. gradually clearing from the face.. lessening in intensity on the body but showing up on his thighs and legs liao.. like ruebella leh.. but dr ong quite sure not. coz she has had rubella herself when young.. she sai the rubella rash not like that. and teng vaccinated against Rubella mah.. but the pictures i saw on the net.. looked like that! :S

eh.. cld u recall what was written on that paper? i dun have that piece of paper.. coz i take their jabs at the PDs'..

does it mention of a v v slight rash?

ladies: any booster jabs to be taken at 3 years old.. skali i forgot to bring teng for MMR booster.. then this flares? wah liew. if yes.. then i will really go bang myself against the wall!
MCS: Now I'm really worried for Ayden.. Cos he is always the one being left-out. Both hubby and I could feel he's unhappy these days and is more cranky than before..
Plus, I can't carry him.. It used to be anna will go to hubby (naturally) and didi will come to me. But now, seeing that I'm carrying meimei, he's stopped coming to me..
All this reaction and at the same time, he really loves his meimei.. I feel so bad for him, and wish I could make him happier..

Astro: Teng's rashes look really serious.
IS there any medication for him?

Joelle: Wha!!!
*blushing* Heheh.. Not sure if my perspective has changed or perhaps it was just that I didn't express myself well before.. So nice to hear you like me whatever the case..

QQ: I have no room on the first floor, the rooms are all on the second floor (with the exception of the guest room). But she has to do cooking mah.. So she has to climb up and down the stairs.. Plus, we have no pantry on the second floor, only on the third (still unused).. And our laundry area is on the 3rd floor.. So you see.. this complicates matters.. This house is not pro old people or preggies or young children or women in confinement. :p
I've asked her to leave carrying the bath water from the kitchen to my bathroom to my maid already..
i so tempted to click on the link...coz want to know about the rash...but hor, at the same time worried that i see liao, my goosebump all comes out...then feel itchy myself too
mummies with maid, can i ask if your maid is new or experienced as in ex sg etc.. is it advisable i get NEW maid but with child & infant exp in their home country?
gosh i too gancheong, saw teng's rash.. didnt bother to scroll up anymore..

wat happen?! poor boy.. he is still smiling.. is it painful? aiyo sayang..

no change in chloe's bath lotion etc.. the only thing i think can investigate now is her food liao. bb is ok, mild rash on tummy. only when she turned 2 things got from bad to worse.. all the while she uses cetaphil in sch n those meant for sensitive skin to bath..
EV's rash doesn't look like the girl in the link u post. and i went to google for rubella pics and EV's rash looks a little bit like rubella, but not really too.. so actually I have no idea what she had. but it doesn't itch. and now she is ok, so that's the best!
astro, autum,
so if the rash (be it rubella, or the major minor etc etc) dissappears then can consider fully recovered right?
then no worry bah!!! since teng on the way to recovery, EV recovered liao. phew.. so complex sia.

astro, i think no booster or something similar to be taken around this age.
and yes, i dare not click the link. i already feeling like vomit, how to click?

AAA, i see, your house is not friendly to old ppl woh. also not frendly to preggie le. so many steps to go up and down? but it is fun for the kids.
no worry, confinemt is oni 1 month.
u need a lift/elevator! haha!!
anyone know any confinement lady avail fm sunday onwards ? i know it CNY coming up but anybody know anyone ?

gd that Teng is recovering, actually for mycloplasma, if i din remb wrongly need antibiotics and must be the stronger antibiotics to recover usually for 4weeks.

for YH's swollen area, K also has that after every jab. usually at least 50cents size
ya.. the pic that I posted to autum is not disturbing ENOUGH yet.. i got more disturbing photos.. u ladies wun want to see lah ..:S

chiam.. i thinking i am experiencing some anxiety phangs over teng's rash and yh's refusal to latch lei..
i keep telling miser that i am nervous.. my heart is racing etc. i a mv tensed.. (when i am just queueing up for a cab).. he keeps saying he knows.. i am starting to get depression.. teng is alright.. it doesn't assure me at all leh.. haiz.. then i ask him.. aren't he worried abt teng? he said a little bit. told him to rank out of a scale of 10.. he said 2 nia!
.. i am like 9.9 liao!
he said that time yh fever he more worried :S

KAexin: u think he is recovering? i dunno lei. his skin like that.. how can be recovering? the rash like playing peek-ka-boo with me.. sometimes there.. sometimes not there.. red.. sometimes pink. most of the time a lot.. haiz.
ya. i think need stronger antibiotics liao. he finished the Augmentin...the lymph nodes swelling down.. now with the rash. i dunno man.. and 4 weeks.. ? great.. teng is going to look like a freak for CNY :S
AA: for the rash. nothing.. since it doesn't really itch.. i dun see him scatching.. so no calamine lotion needed.. then he is already on a stronger anti-histamine.. Actiflex.. to continue with that.. but now that the rash.. i dun think tomorrow it will ALL miraculously disappear wor.. (coz dr ong said three days no clear to start antibiotics).. he will need antibiotics.. maybe stronger kind. like what kaexin told us..

QQ: ya.. dun click.. see liao more than vomit.. might have nightmare! :S gosh..
i dunno if teng is considered as recovery.. how can a person on route to recovery look like that?! :S

Autum: Evee took MMR yet? it cld be lei. u nvr know .. haiz.. all these skin infection all look alike!

mash: dun see.. coz. i see teng. i started scatching myself! :S

belle: after teng's long viral bout (for almost three weeks coming liao).. a rash suddenly appeared.. what u see is today. day 2..actually yesterday i already posted.. bad intesnse fierce looking rash.. Black Tuesday it was for me yesterday :S.. got a shock of my life to wake up and see teng looking like that! i dunno what causes that rash.. Dr ong suspected most likely mycoplasma infection induced skin rash.. :S but i thought it look like rubella rash too but dr ong said no. coz she herself once gena.. and according to her. it doesn't look that way.. and the rash dun itch.. rubella's will.. so teng is smiling lor.. coz i tink it looks v scary.. but doesn't affect him.. which.. if u think of it.. is quite sacry.. normally those v scary dieaseas.. all 'slient' type.. dun ache, dun pain. but slowly rot away?????

gosh.. i need to stop.. i am over imagining liao :S
dun over imagine la. Now teng's rashes gradually subsiding rite? so is he on any medication? or is there 'no cure' as in no need medication?
very cheem lor.. i never heard of this name, the pic look like those skin clinic posters with diff kind of rashes etc.. dun fret, hope teng will recover soon n remain as smiley as ever
yes, please don't over imagine. you are killing yourself like that. Teng will recover in another 2 days. Don't scare yourself.

EV took her MMR 2weeks before she started to have this rash and fever. PD suspects it could be a reaction to the MMR but the timing is way too long after. that's the only thing that didn't fit in her case.
hi mummies,
wow this threah is sooo active again, cant catch up.
super busy, first time need to take care both kids and do house chore alone, very tired but happy when I see Elisha more sticky and start look for me :p

<font color="ff0000">CONGRAT QQ</font>

hope teng recover soon. U must be brave and strong la. And don think too much! Remember all those u google is for dr's reference.

this few days thread really active.

u have extra ant killer? I m now going to kill the ants in my new house! Arhhh! This ants thing just don stop haunting mi .

Dun think too much, slowly things will be ok. Your are not alone, there is Ellie and miser around to help. It's stress and heartpain to see kids sick. But we have to be strong, remember our kids need us.

Everyone is adjusting life with meimei. Dun worry, Ayden will be fine. Try to play with him during your free him.
Soon he will be ok.

Since you haven't move in, maybe get those ant killer from ntuc or diy shop.
After move in then use better ant killer.

Astro: yesh slowly, everything will be ok and everyone will be well. r u back at work yet? or still on maternity leave?

Huignee: what time is your dental appt?

AAA: i was reading a mag that day, they say for middle child, should encourage alone time (both papa and mama and the 2nd child) whenever you can. If possible, have photos, of him alone with the two of you. (just like those of the elder child) cos apprently middle child are supposely more sensitive.
try to think positively.
not itchy woh, his skin will still be nice. it will recover de.
i also agree with miser that high fever is more worrying.

jay told me these few days when the light is off, tian started to tear a bit. she said to herself, she dun want to go school. prefer to stay home.
she appear to be v happy in the day, in fact she has so much hidden in her heart. just about 3 year old nia, so chim her emotions!
she had nightmares, we guess ppl snatching her things (small matter la, i told jay to relax). jay said he a bit heart pain.
then when we ask tian if she can don't go to school, she said cannot, because she will be wasting mama's $$.

but she is not happie there. Nanny said she is happy playing with other kids, still can hear her laughing away sometimes.
so?? is she drama rama or that sensitive?
really weird...
two sided?
once the light is off, she started tearing herself. if we dun pay attention, we also dunno that she was tearing.

she told me she refused to tell teacher that she wanna go shh shh. and she wetted her pants. teacher helped her to change into a new shorts. i told her it is ok de, no worry. she said ok, but next time also wont tell teacher. *hah??*

to me, quite small matters la, i hope she can learn to pick up more social skills for her own good. meanwhile, if anything that can hit her pride, i will stop her for a while and see.
for the pant wetting incident, tian seems ok, she said teacher so nice, help her put on shorts. i think her pride not so much destroyed. i hope i am right.
middle child, lucky ayden is a boy cause girls can be more sensitive. I am 2nd child, also sensitive when young.

then u need to play with ayden more, bring him out.
maybe can ask linda how to handle. i have no idea. i only remembered that I dont like to have birthdays because my elder brother's birthday have satay but mine only red eggs. Apparently my mum told me that day (my birthday) the satay man was not working, but i still feel sad la.
then everyone saw my younger sis also say she pretty pretty, nobody said i pretty one la. (hahah).
then my dad bought me a watch when i was in P1. So good ah... i managed to balance myself cause others dun have. yiak yiak!

but once i was in P6, i am ok le (no more that kind of feeling) cause apparently i happened to snatch the attention of everyone cause of my P6 exam results.
all history...

pay attention to ayden more...
i think anna also need attention woh..
u need to SPLIT!
QQ; u can only persevere, i think Tian will improve too. i think children an adpat very well.. maybe soon she will learn how to defense herself from all the snatching. Tian is really a sensitive child, maybe too sensitive lah. bur hor, i just remmeber u mentioned that she has no EQ, i tot being sensitive equates to some level of EQ? no?
QQ: i also middle child.. also unbalance, every time my elder bro's birthday, he gets a cake witha number (like no.1,2,3) for my bday, alwasy just a round cake. i ask my mum, my mum say only boys can have numbers, girls need to have round cake with flowers.. what sort of logic was that!!.. and i was also very sad, so during rae's 1st bday i made sure she had a no. 1 cake to make up for what i did not have.

AAA: this is a small thing lah, but hor.. #2 really more sensitive leh
Tian have to learn, slowly she will be ok bah. Some kids are just more senstive than other kids. Overall she still ok, she not cranky and dun stick to you right.

Gd morning!

QQ : Wah! ur tian so "dong shi" leh!!!! but hor.. really leh.. with mummy having #2.. they will have weird behaviour.. maybe we think that they dunno.. but they really know it..
