(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

HN, QQ, Star: Thanks.. When we were at the hospital, SIL came over to stay overnight, just to jagar a bit. Then over that weekend, she brought anna out, but left didi at home with the maid. Naturally cos Ayden is much younger and needs more attention while anna is already big enough to join my niece and nephew. So that weekend, he's very very sad. And it made him feel left out I think..
At night, he tends to have bad dreams and will rouse and make noise every other hr or so. Hubby is shacked out sleeping with the elder 2 As..

Re photos, we have very few pics of the whole family. In fact, the first pic we have of the 4 of us was during didi's first month celebration. Hahahah.. Then we have a few during ayden's birthday. I don't think we had one with just anna and us.. Oh yes we do, during her 1st and 2nd birthdays.. Wahahaha!!
Ok, I'll try to show him more photos of just him and me.. Hopefully it balances him out a bit..

And to complicate matters, he can't really express himself to us. He understands whatever we tell him, but he doesn't talk to us per se.. So it's tough trying to understand what he wants so as to please him..

QQ: Hey, does this mean if I want to them to have good results, we shd ignore them and show lesser attention? Wahahah!! No lah.. But I understand what you mean.. Usually the child with lesser attention emerges the one with the best academic results - maybe that's the way the child gets attention??

QQ: Does Tian really tear? Or are the tears from yawning or something else? It's really rare to have a child her age cry secretly leh.. I think got to ascertain this. And also need to approach her if she's really crying secretly, ask her what's wrong..
So sim tia..

Star: That's favouritism towards boys, and not so much because you're the middle child. :p I see lots of mothers liddat towards their boys.. Makes me buay tahan..

HN: You see.. Unlike Anna, he cannot climb up the stairs by himself yet.. So he can't come look for me himself.
Nvm.. I will ask maid to bring him up so I can hv some alone time with him when anna is off at school..

i am also the middle child, you know what ?? i dont have much photos of me as a young child. not to mentioned, i cant even rem my parents celebrate my bday for me. wahahah.... but i remb i feel unbalance too.

i also dont have any photo of cake for bday. hmmm. let me go back during CNY and ask my mum, how come i dont have cake. guess that is why, K's 1st bday, i die die order No. 1 cake.
Star: How do you rouse a sleepy baby at the breast? Ariel suckles actively for at most 20mins and just stops, with only intermitten suckling for up to an hour! Then when I put her down to sleep, she sleeps for 1hr, and will wake up searching again... :p Help!
I make sure both my kids got number 1 as me too as a middle child dun have number 1 cake. My elder sis and younger bro had number 1 cake on my lst birthday.
I can see on the birthday photos. Theirs got celebration with frens, neighbours and relatives. Mine dun have, only me alone in the pic. No celebration, only a normal cake.
At least got cake lah.

I thot Ayden will be at level 2 more of the time cos the playroom at level 2?

Go take those studio photo, then you will have nice photo of family. 2 of you with Ayden and etc.
It's easier to have family photo in studio.

Or when Kelly comes to take photo make sure your hb also joins in to take family photo.
typed a long post.. now gone. alamak.

huingee, yes she is not sticky to me. ok. she plays herself, independently.

star, me too.. v inbalance la cause old days they prefer boys more than gals.
haha!! so i was not feeling balance also.

i wanted to tell u that tian has better EQ now cause she knows that she can please mama, papa and mimi by going to school now. in returns she will ask us for some favours like, i got poo a lot today, can I watch barney?
we usually ok cause we like her to poo.
i said she low EQ cause she tends to tao2 bi4 her problems last time.

she is shy also, shy shy and never voice out her concerns to teacher in class. but afterall, she has learnt a lot ba.. lets see... she needs more time ...
but she will come home and tell us,
papa buy for me the bag, cannot take.
if only she can say this in class, then she will be poewr. other kids will be able to understand her feeling more.
QQ: If Tian is really crying secretly and you think the reason is becos of school. Then, what do you intend to do?
How abt you all start to tell Tian it's alright if she really doesn't want to go to school. If she says things like wasting mummy's money, then you all tell her it's not that bad, mummy can earn the money back, most impt thing is for Tian to be happy, mummy and papa want Tian to be happy. Does this work?
AAA, i also asked hb. u sure or not? she teared?
hb said confirm. not the first day liao, cause after that he will have a talk heart to heart with tian till they sleep. he said, he just ask, are u ok?
then tian will tell him, i wan t o stay at home. play puzzle, play with minnie..etc (all her frens names at home, soft toys la). then she also ask why this who and who use hands to poke her face? apparently they were dancing la, when they shout hurrray then a kid poke her face.. aiyo, small matter la.
but it seems so big to her.
nevermind, we try to monitor again.

so drama?

Huingee, star, maybe that was why i also wanna get #1 cake for tian last time! we all middle child la.
I dun have a cake with myself in the photo last time. i think lucky my brother also dun have. my sis/younger brothers all have cause i organise for them.

AAA, u are a bit right! that's y i strived harder when i was young in study. haha! but dun use this method la. siao4! we use our love to make them study hard.
AAA: make sure u have two of you with mei mei too.. so ideally there should be different sets of photos, some with two of you and ayden only and some with two of you and mei meionly.. so all 3 kids will feel balance. and if you got a #1 cake for anna, do the same for the other 2.. hahah tuff being a fair parent hor.. just need to remember not to be lazy.

hahah.. so many unbalance middle child here.

kaexin/CK/Huignee: my bro's cake alwasy very big and its numbered.. unlike mine so small and round.. i alwasy ask my mum for a number cake cos i really really wanted a numbered cake, she alwsy say no need, so as we get older, more diff to get number cake liao. yeah i guess lucky in a sense that i still got a cake lor.

QQ: i think i may be like Tian when i was small, sensitive too. hahaha.

AA: i will usally tickle her cheeks, rub her foot, tingle her ears to wake her up or i lift her up totally to change position this def will wake her one.
seems like only midle child will put in more effort to organise bday for their own child.. heheh.. and there are many unbalance mummies here too.. hahaha

QQ: Seems like Tian has learn a lot through this school going experience. I think it will help her to grow into a better person.
AAA, i haven't been able to digest her thinking, and hb told me, why dun we just let her dun go to school?
i said no la. let me see how it goes.
she can learn to adjust herself.
see how la.
SQ, i think mimi told her that she is wasting money if she dun go to school bah.
i think it is a fact leh. haha!!

but i will talk to tian using AAA's advice. see how. i told her this am, i want you to be happy, learn to play with others, dun be too calculative. stay happie, and when you see mama in the evening, we go have more fun.
tonight must bring her out for fun alone.
she said wanna go zining meimei house (my fren's house, nearby). so tonight i will go bah.

star, yes.. jay cannot understand why???? i insisted to have #1 for tian's bd.
he is 2nd child too, but the gap between him and his younger sister is more than 5 yo. and he probably blur blur and he has a great and good gorgor.

my gorgor bochap me one. my gorgor gained lots of ppl's favourism, especially elderly. i was not feeling good when young.
Teng's rash should be off today right?
waiting for astro to come report later. .. hope it is alright.
yes yes, i also remember rubella is itchy one. cause my mum and kampung ppl told me de. when i was young, they said FAKE one not ithcy, real one more itchy.

Star, i think tian picked up lots of things from school, and she absorbed, but not releasing her emotions. quite stressful hor. hope she can be a better person after this. but i am gald that when i ask her questions, she can tell me more.
but we cannot ask too many de, cause she wont want to tell. but talk to her more, we will be able to see clearer picture.
mimi also sayang her so much, bought a cute chair specially for her to sit at her place. still got the squeekkky sound..
wahahaha ,.. now reading all teh posts, so many of us are middle child and we are unablance, so now we make great effort on our kids's bday!
K's teacher told me K also stress in school.coz she keeep telling the teacher,she wanna shh...shh... but when brg her go, she cant.
its like that de. last evening i fetch leia back and brought her to choose her sweet, shes very happy, i asked her to promise me not to cry today. this morning when i brought the uniform into the room, she started tearing and hugging on to me, said i dun want to go to school. took 3 persons, me, maid and mr tan to finally made her wear uniform, made her happy then she willingly go. hiaz. some of my clients said must be fierce wo, if not they everyday show pattern..

so u have an elder bro, followed by you and another sis?

hmm..i wonder how my fren with an elder gal plus triplets - 2 gals 1 boy cope. how to split attention? which one/s will be neglected :p

my concern now is Enya is the 2nd gal, im worried tat everyone shows less attention to her. tat day our aunt, leia's greatgrandma came, they didnt bother abt the bb, asked me to fetch leia back earlier..

last weekend leia stay over at aunt's place with marisa. seems like shes busy cleaning up her place, so wont be coming to my place to help, anyway i have sufficient help.
so sad, leia was so happy leaving our house (bcos shes not going to school!), and cried so badly when we fetch her back!
Leia is half day or full day now?
For Enya, it's ok one. Slowly everyone will like her, now is to make Leia happy lst.
ye also lidat
she's super happy when her yeye fetch her
then come back sometimes will cry
i'm waiting for confinement to be over so i can fetch her myself and start going out again
this one month suddenly i'm grounded life feels so different for us cos usu we're out everyday
and my ILs doesnt help much but instead add to the crying sprees cos they dun understand they are over stimulating her by bringing her out late till 11pm or so
I'm an unhappy, quiet child. Only till sec school then I open up. My hb opposite, chatty as a kid. Now dun like to talk.
Pink: mine is , bro, me bro, me only girl. not so bad cos they could not share my things.. so allthe girls things are for me only.

Pink: spend more time for leia if u can. i also remember saying she used to have a set time with levonne, where the 2 of them will go out and spend time together. maybe u can do that with Leia. Let her know she is not loosing her mummy but gaining a new playmate instead.
come to think of it, tian is sensitive but sensible too
could be a phase. some parents said it can take as long as a few mths for their kid to settle in.
btw are u able to enrol her into cc before u give birth? must plan liao

for those who dun frequent facebook...some of my fav pix of enya.

i second star's suggestion. since rina is skilled in looking aft enya, so you dun have to worry. for me, i'm worried hb cant handle nb. so i will bring the entire herd out, but make hb jagar meimei and i concentrate on ye. that's the plan

they are night owls. 11+ considered early for them. they will start bringing my nephew out oni at 10+pm at night, to me that's madness. to them, it's already a compromise that she's coming back so "early". that's why i say i'm bounded by confinement, waiting for next week to go out and lead a normal life. although for sure i'll miss my cl and sure v tired looking after the two kids myself
leia is in full day cc.
u are middle child?

then u shd be the apple of your parents' eyes! only gal! not so bad.
for me its gal, me and bro. so most of my things are hand me down. never mind, now my sis dote on K a lot!kekekekee....

talk abt favortism on boy,last time when i was in sec4 and 5 i was living with my paternal grandparents. as my sis had left for the US, so basically, only have me, my bro and another cousin.(boy). my grandfather really practised that. i love chicken, especially if its fried chix. and when comes dinner, i only get 2pcs wile the boys get more. fruits cut also never ask me wat, only ask the 2 boys(my bro and cousin) to eat. i remb i will cry bcoz of this. but surprisingly, i am still an extrovert despite all this.
then when i come to spore, a lot of my classmates always take it that i am the youngest child.
why are your PIL so inconsiderate? brought her out till so late? did u give black face?

pretty? she looks like boy le :p
luckily she has hair..and her hair more black and thicker than leia's time.
Maybe how about put Leia in half day after your confinement ends? Then you will have more time for her and she will be happy. Then maybe 2 mths later she will be happier then let her go full day?
How about sometimes go fetch her early, then she will be very happy.
I enjoy the alone time with Esther like bring her to enrichment class or bring her to school myself.
We talk when we walk to school. Look at flowers, touch the mimosa flower etc. That's why Esther is happy when daddy not around. Then she can walk to sch with me.

Ya, me middle child got elder sis. Somemore my elder sis is those sometimes will bully me kind.
u must have suffered in silence

good idea. after confinement, i will bring her back earlier once a while to bring her out alone
huingee, in U time u also consider quiet type though can be chatty... not as siao4 as me. i can go out with a gang of friends. my mum has no curfew for me at all. anyway, she din know about anything of my life.

SQ, 11pm too late for my standard too. i already zz by then. good that nobody does that to tian. really too late. then next day ye still wake up at the same time? she wont have enough sleep then.

pink, leia also use tears right? see la.. hard to handle our kids hor. but no choice, have to be patient. i am patient with tian, or i am trying to. sometimes she can be notti too but must tell her reasons then got response. tian can be a sensible kid, but hor, too sensitive i will be in trouble. hard to handle.

not too worried about enya, cause she is still young. now gaodim your leia first. tricky!
cute photos!!!

i will enrol tian in cc (half day) around july, or then see how. i plan to put her in the cc that my fren's kid is in. it is at marsiling. i am going for open house talk tomorrow, 5pm.
check out the environment. i hope by then she is kind of seasoned, and able to be smart enough to handle her life independently.
Oh, i think when i'm young I'm not quiet. It's dun talk at all and stand alone there, no friend. My teacher even commented if i open my mouth gold will drop out.
wah. huingee,
then very quiet when u were young.
i will die if I am not allowed to talk.
my teacher kept asking me to keep quiet.
where can i get nice vouchers as thank-you vouchers for the gifts that pple send meimei? i dun want bengawan and those shopping centre vouchers cos bengawan looks cheap, and those shopping centre ones are too weird. pple send me gifts i send them these vouchers...
sms u later.

half day? who fetch her after tat? nanny? wow got to pay both..double cost?

yes, she uses tears. 2 methods. 1st is to cry like a brat, 2nd method is to sob with tears slowly rolling down her eyes, very kelian.


hey, for JE551, if hv good recommendation, let me know hor, me also interested leh.


Tian very dong shi. my boy won't tell me such things one... maybe gals more emotioinal. btw, tell u and pink a secret, when i was young, my mummy say i am a cry baby, always use tears to blackmail her and my dad.. hahaha... ay, i think this is pure coincidence leh. ;p
