(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

mist, aiyo... 5 march baby tricky la.

pink, yes. pay double! my pocket hole v big, but i now it is temporarily. i need someone to fetch her for dinner too if it is half day.
i dun wan to be too harsh on tian.

Enya's pix very cute... wow, me really pei fu u leh, can organise spres, work and hv have to post in here... me damn tired!


hahaha.. no lah... ;p
mummies, err... what is the big-deal to have number-cake?? I thought it's just another design only?? *siam*..

Tian needs more friends. More friends of her age to balance her out. That's my personal view.
Autum, u dun understand the middle child problem. haha!!

tian has friends woh. we alawys go out play with her frens de, that's y so busy. i think she needs a sibling to balance her out. i dunno.. but i think she will outgrow this phase.

the sprees that under me, should be here next week or else gongxi gong xi liao. haha!
hmm, I also think she will outgrow this phase.

actually hor, i don't do this kind of heart-to-heart talk with my kids le. maybe i don't care enough about them? or they too silly le. haha..
try #3 then u will have another chance to take newborn pix :p

its not easy to capture nice pix, must really make sure tat bb is sleepy. rina knows enya tend to sleep very well after bathe, so we did that and it works. she made a bit of noise but didnt wake up.

now she is lying beside me..while im watching the taiwan singing contest.

bbmar, mist
let me go and surf je551, kekee forgot to surf. if i find anything i want for CNY, will organise :p

oh and im so glad that enya can be latched tho she's mostly bottled fed.

hmm maybe u can let tian try half day for 3 mths and see how. if not really very shiong. so i suppose nanny will look after bb as well?
Autum, it is not v long heart to heart talk la. maybe girls more prone to have?
boys i am not sure le. i dun think boys are that sensitive. haha!
anyway, now papa is doing the talking cause they sleep together at night.
ya hor, she will outgrwo this phase de. she will..

pink, walk one step see one step. there is going to be a major change in jay's family arrangement. see how.
i like this nanny, i want her to continue her service, unless i get myself a maid. as for tian, flexi at the moment. if this baby is easy then nanny wont be that siong. but i dun want tian end up watching tv whole day.
SQ: 20mins surely not enough for her. Maybe her suckling is not so pro yet. If only 20mins, she'll wake up within the half hour and open her mouth big big searching again..

QQ: Yah, agree with Jay. If things don't improve, maybe you just let Tian stay at mimi's place bhah..

Pink: The NB pics are so nice. Enya is so pretty and I really love her slick hairstyle!
Is that your hairband or is that Kelly's? She's coming over tom.. Ariel is a bit jaundice.. Her reading was 198 when we discharged from the hospital and PD said it's ok.
SQ: Yah, she does look like Anna, (but more si1 wen2) and also Ayden.. I think my babies have a naturally round face when they're babies.. They lose the roundness along the way..
i am at work.
i am doing thinking work today. i need to solve a technical problem.
which is quite chim. i read read until i wan to pengsan but i am thinking of solution. my mind gets too complex and i hope to have a straightforward and easy solution.

Ariel looks like anna woh.

Talking about clothes, my mum made my day last night. she bought some maternity clothes for me, which i din expect her to. she tot singapore dun have maternity clothes? maybe she kept buying for my sis as my sis said cannot find maternity clothes at her kampung.
when i look at those clothes, i kept on laughing. wah! i can still put many chicken inside my body. too big liao.
she long time din see me is it? why buy until so big?
i called her and her response was, aiya meimei(my sis) 's complained that clothes getting tighter cause boobs kept expanding, i forgot how much our boobs can extend during preg, so i buy big one just in case yours also exploding!
i dun think i can ever wear those clothes man!
or i should say I DUN hope that i can wear those clothes..
SQ, no need to give me mat clothes, i think i have liao. those big big one for 3rd tri i still got a bag from my fren.
now early stage i think my loose clothing also enough. i bought two pants for work, good enough.

and plus those from my mum!!! my god.
she said it is for my CNY. aiyo. i am more than 30 yrs old liao. haha!!
i chatted with her for 40 min last night, and kept on laughing.

she also ask me if she can transfer $$ to bao angpow for tian. otherwise tian has no angpow from waipo, not very nice. sometimes talking to her very entertaining.
hahahha.. stuff chicken!!

since QQ talking abt maternity clothes, i suddenly remember your post about giving away your maternity clothes and feeling sad.. ya, until now, I also she-bu-de to give away my maternity clothes. haha. Lend ok, but give, i feel she-bu-de. very boliao hor...

i can lend you my maternity clothes. u want? cos i think we both same size type.
you not visiting mum for cny?

then you dun give lor
since got chance for #3
i gave away mine after YE
gei kiang
then got to buy again for meimei
told hb not to play a trick on me again cos this time better give away for good!
Autum, now no need bah. thanks thanks.
when i need it i let u know.
now i can fit into my own clothes, i happy.
my tummy is oni big in the pm, am time it is like not preg..
cause these days less gas in my stomach. i SOS i will call u.

why bu she de?? i am ok to give one le. i happy to give. i pass my maternity clothes to fren, then she came back with hers plus some of mine. then i pass some to my sis, hers still with me cause i intend to return to fren. but hor, i preg liao she said i keep until year end then pass back.

my mum lagi funny.
she said if this is a girl, then i can have #3. if boy can close shop.
i told her no, girl also can close shop. she said, not enough de, u will regret next time.
i was like, after so many years u still favour boys! sigh!
SQ, my mum is going to europe for CNY. 1st day till day 10. after that she will go sarawak to visit my sis. her schedule is busy.
so i rest rest here in singapore, better.

Autum, #3????
the hairband belongs to kelly. i didnt prepare anything.
ariel has very nice rosy cheeks! she's tall?
our PD just looked at enya's back, touched a bit and said she doesnt have jaundice, asked us to go back again a mth later.
we just continue to let enya go under the 8am sun every morning.

1 silly question.
enya always fall asleep after latching. shd i wake her up to burp? i dun know how much she drank...if she falls asleep, i stop...thats usually like 20mins and more.

my maternity clothes, i've already packed 1 side to give away. no space. i still have 1 box of clothes and winterwear, dun know where to keep..hiaz
i feel like, but I can't. For a variety of reasons. $$, time, energy, age and space (house too small). well well.. all the factors doesn't seem favourable for me. The biggest irony is, i have a good helper who can take care of a newborn for me.. but due to the above factors.. think it's too tough.
ur mum same as my mum. dun want me to close shop while my hubby didnt protest.

je551..dun know in time anot...if i can order by tomor, maybe there's chance
AAA: wha ariel is so cute too.. haha i missed rae when was a NB.. heheh

QQ: good lah, if u need clothes, i can pass u too.. my size hahaha.
u hv such gd ren2 yuan2
everybody passing you clothes

you got to keep for yourself wor. cos you work-in-progress right? scarly pass liao need to take back after a few weeks/mths. that's what happen to my sil's fren. pass to her then she herself got preggie and need the clothes back
Re: maternity clothes
I think i throw away liao, cos 2 time preg and when preg for 6 mths i wore only few pieces of pants and tops. Heehee, very old liao hence i throw away.
Star, haha!!
you pass me S, then u wear M. then i upgraded to M, u pass me M again? and u upgrade to L when u preg.
like that it is never ending.

thanks thanks i have enough at the moment.
but if u think that i wear liao u will get preg? then u pass me one i wear for u. haha! then i return u after that.
somtimes it is like that de.

I loaned my pump, etc etc to my fren, cot also. then i preg immediately like a curse. steady.
if i dun go touch my baby stuff, maybe wont kena so early.

Autum, my house is big enough for many kids, but i dun have $$ and good helpers woh. otherwise i have 4 kids liao.
(just kidding).
dun need to stress yourself. it is fated sometimes...
u wait for accident bah. :p

SQ, the friend who passed me matern clothes, she almost wanna move to my house and cook vinegar pork for me. she passed me recipes etc etc. her 2nd baby confinemtn also done by our CL.
then she even called CL to ask what i can eat or cannot eat. very caring one, like my big sis or my mum. alamak. haha!
i just snacked on junk food
now feel like puking
i anyhow eat that's why meimei's complexion not nice

then all those wine and chix stuff i drank and ate all show on her pimply face
Kaexin, Starfruit,
not true that only middle child will put in efforts to organise bday parties for kids woh. :p
But now that you all mentioned, I recalled that I used to have number cakes from 1yr-4/5 yrs old whereas my sis didn't have. She must had been so imbalance then. haha!!

Reyes will weep (cry secretly) too. There was once when I scolded her before she went to sleep. Then when I returned to the room about half - 1 hr later, she was weeping quietly. I had to coax for so long before she finally told me cos I scolded her and she was sad. Since then I tried not to scold her before bedtime.
Even during daytime, if I scold/shout at her too fiercely, she'll sit at a corner with teary eyes. She says she don't like me to scold or shout at her.
hi ladies..

things are ok with teng. but i dun have the mood to update. will do it later.
Feeling the blues..

just asking.. i know i have asked. but bluesy..

Question: will u get the child crying and screaming (to the extent that it is like a CIO session) just so that u can latch him on again?
or do bottle feedings from now on and never latch ever again?

i am quite torn in this issue. i dunno what i shd be doing. or rather i am undecided on a choice.
there was once i shouted "hey!" at my hb cos i wanted to catch his attn as i was frustrated
ye immly came to me and said "so scary" and kept patting her chest
and i wasnt even scolding her!
u go back and ask your Sister if she felt imbalance last time? then u ask your mother why she didn't buy number-cakes for her!

hmm, actually hor, i seriously see number-cakes as just a form of design le. and unless it's very significant, like 1st bday, or 21st bday.. else I don't see the need for number-cakes. in fact, i find number cakes not nice leh! wahhahahah.. lucky for EJ's 2nd bday, i didn't buy number-cake.. so I no need to follow liao. Only both their 1st bdays, I bot number-1-cake. heng ah!!
which one makes u feel btr?
and it also depends on how much you want to bf directly, or are you happy with bottle since he's getting your bm anyway

i feel that, after having 2 kids, the 'pressure' is not so great to have another one. and furthermore, in my case, i have a boy and a girl.. so there is no 'pressure' to have one more boy/girl.. so all in, it's just really quite not necessary for me to have a #3. wahhaah.. what kind of weird logic hor!
