(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

autum, i got another type liao (normal) one. so this one is a gift from my frens la. I just need to claim from them .
they said must buy in order to protect my eyes.
going bombom and rest liao.

SQ, QQ: Yesterday, she got a few dots on her face. It looks like heat rash to me. This morning after her bath, the dots became reddish. My hubby scared, so want to bring her to PD. I told him I'll call the PD first. She has no fever, is still active and was dancing away today.
no leh. autum, bbgirl. i find myself looking funny in big shades too. but in order to protect my eyes.. got to buy big ones right? also nevermind, hb said i stylo can liao. he gave many comments la. he chose for me one. he said this one more feminine, not so tom boy.
i said i wanna bombom. now still yaking happily here.
the shades are nice. i look weird in them, so i kept buying bigger and bigger shades but still never in the size i want

baby girl,
i seldom kiss YE. only after i wash my face, so limited times in the day. haha
QQ: i looked at tian's photo after i saw urs with the big shade.. u two look really alike.. the resemblance is very strong there.

Bbgirl: hmm.. good quesiton.. i would say relieved.. not unhappy.. coz given my plate now.. i cannot handle the demands of another child.. then if possitive. i would again worry myself silly thinking that the bb is affected etc coz i am been stuffing myself with all the medication for my blocked nose, cough, medicine for my itchy eyes etc .. so negative should be considered good news in this case..

Autum: fake smile? cannot lah for me.. then i would rather not smile.. to me, ok a bit stubborn, if i smile, it means i am happy, there is no 'in between'...
u haven't seen QQ's hubby.. Tian also looks very much like her papa! cos both QQ and HB looks alike.. they really got Fu Qi Xiang..

Hey, fake smile also can work one.. cos after fake smile, will become real! Last time when I preg with EJ, I constantly remind myself to smile and laugh. No matter what happens.. just smile and laugh..

not really craving.. but i naughty, just had a coffee.. hee.. I know not supposed to but feel like drinking.. coffee is part of my usual diet, so it's not an exceptional craving.
astro, this one how?? ppl said she looks like papa more..

SQ< i also find it hard to find a sunglasses. i din lose weight. its the angle of the photoshooting. then my tummy is very big now.. too fat.
SQ, BBGirl,
ya, I also had 2 cups of coffee a day last time when i had EJ. 2 is max.. i try to just have 1 cup. But I usually drink those 3-in-1 type which is quite mild.. so ok bah. Unless drinking brewed coffee (like Starbucks type) then I will just have 1 cup a day.
Autum, SQ: I'm a tea drinker. The recent study on caffeine's impact on the foetus is really putting a dampener on me. Cos I'm afraid when I get preggie I have to cut down, else I sure feel very guilty..

Actualy does tea have higher or lower caffeine than coffee? Talking abt lipton tea and those teh we buy from coffee shop.
i must have 2 cups of coffeebean/starbucks quality everday. the local coffee makes me puke. too sweet and there's a sour aftertaste.
i'm a coffee addict
QQ, retail therapy v shiok hor. i like your sunglasses. nice.

autum, in case you suddenly have craving for coke, i found non-caffeinated ones in cold storage hv.
yalor.. my hubby has been nagging at me cos he saw the recent article too.. (it was in the newspaper?).. then I told him, last time when I had EJ, i also drink like that what.. then he replied that last time he didn't know mah.. hiaz.. anyway, this kind of caffeine study very conflicting.. they will always have some study to list all the negatives.. then someone else will say it's ok to drink in moderation.. so crazy one.
SQ: They said that in the antenatal class?! Wow! And you still remember. Wonder what I was doing, bot paying attention.. Those were the days when we look like humpty dumpty.. Hahah.. And I still haven't seen you since..
what a cute family portrait. no need go studio liao. you so artistic

baby girl,
did you say those were the days? haha... i still feel like humpty dumpty
are u still going back to your job?? hey, u are also in teaching line ah? sorry i can't remember.

Ladies, i find that i have a lot of white hairs now.. dunno is it i am getting old! Feel old and ugly.. so sad..
some tea leaves have higher caffeine levels, especially those cheap tea leaves. i am not sure about brands, but we found that coffee (normal kopitiam powder) has less caffeine level than the normal tea leaves. this was one of the experiment done during my chemistry study leh.
and also colgate has higher level of fluoride than darlie..
Autum: Know what you mean. It depends to a large extent on who is sponsoring the study..
Yah lah, everything in moderation is the best.
The results came out on local news!
baby girl,
i rem cos i'm guilty of caffeine overload.
so that piece of info is of hi relevance to me

you just told astro about positive thinking right?
every preg woman is pretty. think happy thots
haha. i also feel like humpty dumpty now.. aiyah, so sad.. i took so long before i slim down.. then now going fat again! argh.. but hor, the layer of fats around my tummy still there and it's damn obvious.. really like spare tyre like that.. eeee.. last time i dun have leh (before preggie).. now feel so sad..wear clothes hor, will spill out! eeeeeeeee...
QQ: What abt lipton tea? Liddat the kopi teh sure got lots of caffeine one, cos they use tea leaves mah.. *sighz*

Hey, you and your hubby do look very alike..
Autum: It's ok lah. You have the best "excuse" to be fat now.
Think happy and beautiul thots. Like you did when you were carrying EJ, then your baby will be just as good looking this time round..
given that i am addicted to bubble tea.. i felt so proud of myself that i abstained from ALL Tea.. even ice lemon tea.. or what ever tea.. or even coke/pepsi when i had teng.. there was no way any caffeine could have gotten to him .. right? i really feel proud of myself then. now.. ehh very different case.. one hot/cold tea with milk in the morning.. and endless cups of bubble teas in the day.. so now cannot get preg..

i think 2 cups a day (tea/coffee) ok right? that was it lah. the last itme i read.. now different again ah?

Autum: hmmm.. i asked myself then to be calm.. dun need to be smiling. just be calm.. and dun have mood swings...

QQ/Autum/SQ: ok.. ok tian and papa do look alike. but there is strong resemblence to QQ also leh.. hmmm from eyes upwards look like QQ, eyes downwards look like papa.. haha.. like teng lor.. look alike to both.. just close or open eyes onli! hahaha.. but ok.. gauranteed.. Tian confirmed product of QQ and Papa.. (QQ, no way ur hb can asccue u of fooling around behind his back.. hahahaa sometimes in my case.. pple says teng looks overwhelming me.. i thank god that teng has Miser's classic lips.. else i jump into yellow river also cannot wwash clean leh!)
i think depends on which angle and which photo u see of Tian.. i find certain angle looks more like QQ, certain angle looks more like her papa.

got eat tons of pineapple tarts? i remember last year it was u right.. who tummy so huge liao still went to buy pineapple tarts at far away places! haha..
bbgirl, haha. no mah. was around for the past few days... thanks for asking. am doing good.

QQ, tian looks like both of ya.

autum, i'm on NPL. working in a stat board. last time also doing some training... considered teaching or not? haha. dun think abt spare tyres. now's the time to moderately let it out. =p then after delivery, then slim down again.

SQ, haha. i also wanna say to autum, "at least you hada chance to slim down".
me lah. the tam jiak one. ya, took a few buses JUST to buy the tarts. the uncle see my tummy so big still give me some free ones and said "Ssshhhh" cos a few pple queueing behind me. i love pineapple tarts. then also went to queue the bak gwah which linda recommended. haha..

moogen, and now i wana say to autum "at least you have legitimate reason to be fat!"

So fast go orh orh liao.. just now i had a nap in the evening.. that's why now i feel energetic.. else would be dead meat long ago.
