(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

haha. yah i copy you and say that k. at least preg dunno have to worry about spare tyres coming out. hahaha.

when i was preg with teng. i did not have strength to eat at all leh.. EXTREMELY sleepy till cannot wait to go back to sleep though Miser just ordered his meal and yet to start eating! to the extent, first tri, lost weight instead of gain weight.. no puking but just plain tired.. haha.. so next time, if i ever feel this way again.. i know what is happening liao.. ha!
the sunglasses suits your face shape very very well!!!
i like the shorts Tian was wearing, reminds me of my secondary school PE shorts, very cute!
the family photo very nice, your hubby and u look soooo alike from the photo.
hmm,... i think Tian has your eyes and your hubby's face shape.

just visited BBmar's new home, but ah bien not in, wat a pity..but leia enjoyed playing and eating ah bien's toys:p

i also lost weight during 1st trim..felt like dying...lunchtime can only eat porridge, or meesiam...no appetite at all. i HATE all tv commercial that shows FOOD!
pink: at least u ate.. i survived pratically on water and air leh then.. i could onli manged a few bites before complaining i very tired.. want to sleep again!...then kena chicken pox mid preg.. felt like dying..

next time.. no more of such thing!!!.. i hope..
kena chicken pox is the worse.. hiaz.. dun worry, u won't kena that again when u next preg!

I love mee siam!
I tot coffee has a lower caffeine than Tea???

Anyway, coke has this non-caffeine version. Its available in SG right??
But Autum, remember dun take diet drinks, really bad for growing bb.

Think u better stick to hearbal tea (cammomil toplay safe)..hehhe

Autum: u managed to get any gers stuff at the factory sale at gemmil??
aiya SQ, just saw ur post, just missed u, i came in just a bit too late. anyway i am going to zzz too.. very tired, thought i should go to bed early tonight.

see u all tomorrow. nite nite.
I got two pairs of $1 pants at Gimmil. The purple one and the green floral one. I think quite a lot of the mummies bot those as well. I wanted to get 2 sleepsuits for girl, for hb stopped me. He said no point buying lor.. cos nothing is confirmed what. haha.. anyway, I suppose the 2nd kid will always have to wear hand-me-downs from the elder sibling!

I always drink diet coke one leh.. why is it bad for the baby huh? last time preg also drink leh. jialat.
u like mee siam all along?
i only love it when i was pregnant..weird.
it's 1 of the food i survive on.

i know u more cham..chicken pox..not easy. after work i just go home lie on bed, but cannot eat, kept counting down to 12thweeks...13th...14th..
15th week then finally subsided at 16th week.

1 silly question...anyone keeping your nails long? i accidentally scratched leia's face on sat..:p now thinking whether to cut or leave it long for new year...can go manicure :p
I like mee siam all along. hmm, can keep long nails, but must be extra careful lor. Else Leia become hua1 lian3 mao1. I dun keep long nails.. cos I lazy to maintain. Just clip short!
hmm...hiaz..anyway still working on snapbook photobook..libra me is very indecisive...

must settle it tonight...good nite!
autum, i believe diet drinks aren't good because of the artificial sweetener inside, aspartame. research shows it's linked to a couple of illnesses but of course, there's always conflicting reports on this. but i guess if you can, safer just not to take it. rather you take in moderation the original version.
pink, can't help you with nails cuz mine always chip/break by themselves even before they get v long. just told hb. aiyoh, he always like that... machiam we print money one. =p
help! where u doing Leia's 1st birthday party ah?? i really running out of ideas liao..

you leh? doing anything for Domi's first birthday?
today K went for her 9mths assessment and 2nd dose of pneumo

weight: 9.77kg
height: 70cm

we had an interesting session today at Dr Ong's
she had the following Qs and comments:
1. Q: can K hold small items in her hand and pass from 1 hand to another ??
A: she hasnt much chance to hold small item
then husb took out 50cents coin pass to K. K managed to pick up the coin and pass to the other hand
2. Q: then test on hearing ??
3. Husb asked about K's weight? since Dr Ong's commented that its above average
Dr Ong: not overly concerned as not above 13kg.
then she left to get the pneumo vaccine
i was telling husb only bb i know more than 12kg is mash's.
think she heard me, when she came back, she asked me whether i know sandy ?? LOLz

Poor K cried immediately after Dr on gave her the shot

luckily, she sleeping soundly now, we were out until 10pm++ from this morning

Oh yes.. when we commented on K's height, she hasnt grow any taller for 1 mth +, she commented that apple doesnt fall too far from the tree.

went to the dentist this morning too for husb.
ask abt the small little gap between her front 2 teeth. dentist said her little gap is acceptable

PS: Mash, din have time to swing by your plc's coz went to Changi straight after Dr Ong's.
are u short?? haha.. cos i haven't seen u in person mah.. why your doc make that statement.. apple doesn't fall far from the tree!
im 1.58m (not centrimetre!)...WS looks like 1.7m tall, he doesnt look short.

a few venues in mind:
disney cafe - a lot of kids and they may have birthday theme coming up, but they dun encourage reservation for weekends during to long waiting queue. i've made reservation but still considering..the place a bit cramp...

one rochester - thought its something different, can have it at the garden area but im not sure how much will the food cost...trying to call if they can give me a fix menu with fix price, to keep within budget.

my FIL's condo plus buffet
my elder SIL's condo plus buffet

heard pine tree club not bad. asking my fren whether she's renewing her membership..if yes..maybe can book function room + buffet..

but for those which we need to book function room, must pay extra fee...
other ideas? globesetters restaurant, think they have new function room

ok thats all i can think of
autum, me not doing anything in the end. just planning to have a meal with both side of family. initially wanted to book a condo function room and then order buffet. oh, was also considering essential brew at holland v. their package is around $22+ for a minimum of 30 pax. thought if can take the upper level would be quite nice.

pink, heard pine tree club jap food quite nice.

I still can't decide on the cake. I think we may just get one from Bangawan Solo. The Pooh designs with black forest cherries go for $40 per kg. I think it's quite yummy. Is 2 or 3kg enuf for abt 30 guests + maybe 20 children?
you went out for WHOLE day with K how you cook her meals? no wonder you mia. thot what happened to you

your hubby prints $? orh..... no wonder you've been on NO PAY leave for so long
Huignee/ carol, muah have not mei mei yet cos cannot put eye makeup for 2 weeks. hahaha... so at most now is just a specless me. hahaha...

Wah QQ, you want to be housefly huh. hahaha... ur shades is big but trendy. hahaha...
baby girl,
if you wanna save trouble, then get one big cake.
if you want it to be special cos it's a first bday, then get smaller cake and bigger jelly cake.

i'm guessing the jelly cake would be hot with the guests!
Baby Girl,
it's my guess. cos we're so used to bday cakes, not jelly cakes esp in cute winnie the pooh design would be unusual.

unless you're saying that all the parties you've been to have been serving jelly cakes, then it's a different story.

just like we were thinking of getting a 3D cake for that special effect. then my hubby asked me how many birthday parties have i been to with 3D? i said almost all! and he asked me if it's still special. erh.... i said no.

so if i get a 3D cake, it'll be cos i think it's nice. not just for the special effect

so i'm assuming agar agar is sweet, it would be cool, and v colorful. the parents should be keen to let their kids try?
Think jelly cake will be more popular cos many will feel cake too fattening or creamy. Heehee, only the kids will enjoy the cake and like to ask for 2nd helping.
good morning..
astro pink, both of u were right. tian has my eyes, but all other areas look more like papa except her mini-o-mouth. mouth dunno from who. astro u funny la, of course hb cannot say its not his bb, she is just like him and her poses also sama-sama as her papa's childhood photos.

star and all, really ah? the shade is nice ah? i was still wondering cause i dun trust hb's yan3 guang1 sometimes.... but i was lazy to choose...

moogen, u forgot to do your accounts and chase $$ from pink.. quick go chase.
too busy with cake selection?

bbgirl, if 20 children (5-6 years old) and likes to eat cakes, maybe 4kg then enough. we bought 2 kg last time, and can only feed 15 adults. (medium size, half the size of outside cake slice).
as for lipton tea, i dunno woh.

just eat whatever you like. no worry about the protruding part.

Michelle, funny la your trip to Dr ong. appla dun fall far from the tress.. she really like to suan ppl. haha! I think she saw J liao then K is just nothing to her.

tian is 9.8kg, 76cm.
SQ: The LV spree is too complicated. Why use USD conversion into SGD when she is actually going Europe? And I think including the service charge, if there is no tax rebate, the price may even be higher. And how is she hand carrying all the bags back?
baby girl,
have you tried the bengawan and think it'll be nice or you assume it's nice from the look of it?
i'm never seen bengawan black forest. but years ago, i rem i like polar black forest. for that particular year (think it was 2005 or 2006), every birthday i bought the polar black forest.

dad's birthday in jan
hubby's birthday in feb
bro's birthday in mar
mum's bday in apr
mother's day in may
father's day in jun
my bday in jul
granny's bday in oct
granddad's bday in dec

wa, now i type it out i think it's scary. no wonder my brother forbid me from buying cakes the next year!!!
QQ: Not all the children are 5-6yrs old lah. I count even the 1-2 yrs old cos I'm preparing party favours for them.
And hor, I feel each person only have a small piece of the cake cos it comes at the end of the party. And by then, everyone is full liao.. Some will go without the cake, so don't have to be too big. Almost all the party I go to have leftover cake - and a big portion of it..

SQ: The thing with 3D cake is it looks unique and special, but tastes horrible. But then again, as I haven't made any order, I can still change my mind..
baby girl,
ya. 3D cake is only good for phototaking, up to the moment it's cut.
the taste of the purple barney i ate at my nephew's bday still haunts me though i oni took a bite. and he had purple tongue and lips and hands for the next 2 days. even my sil can't wash it off her own hands. v yucky
Baby Girl-party favours basic shd have 1 toy, 1 lollipop, 1 animal biscuits? something like that?? enuf or shd add more stuffs?
ok baby girl,
you order and let me know. then i order the same.

then my cake gao2 dim3 liao. no need to think. wahaha..

rem take more pictures and post here
SQ, i pei fu u, can eat the same thing for one whole year. i will also stop u from buying if I'm in your family. haha!

So, star... shall i get hb to buy me a cake from pattiser?? see how to spell liao i also dunno.
Then tian's cake will be either from sweet secret or pine garden. angies' the choice nice?
SQ: And I remember witnessing an Elmo undergoing brain surgery.. The sight is so ugly..

Enne: For the older kids, I might throw in some writing set, colouring book, stickers or the bubbles etc...
