(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

bbgirl: which timing's milk did u drop? i tried dropping the 11am milk but he cry until v cham. also dun wan porridge. no choice give milk again then he happy and play liao
Jace milk intake average 500ml = 120ml+180ml+180ml+ 60ml(add into her oats). She's taking 3 solids too.....

1st solid: Breakfast: brown rice cereal/ rice cereal(with added milk)
Milk = 120ml

2nd solid: Oats+ 60ml milk + fruit juice(all add tog) or sometimes sweet potato+ pumpkin
Milk = 150 -180ml ( if didnt finish her milk, will give her bread soak wif balance milk or some cheese/bread)

3rd solid: porriage/pasta/potato + vege + fish/chicken
Milk = 180ml

that's Jace usual menu, is the above ok?
i think bbgirl is right. For now solid is impt. Total milk intake at 600ml is ok.
tonight i check with nanny her much bread she give dylan everyday. Actually it's consider a solid. Dylan likes to eat bread or biscuit. But he don't like to eat porridge. Can't force him eat more as he will spit out if he don't want liao. Hopefully nanny will be more better in feeding him.
yay, end of my class! hmm, but still got to hang around until 5+ to 6pm.

for Coach, maybe u can try to go to the Taka shop to see the size and shape of those model that you like. probably those in US won't be the same design, but i think the size and shape will be about the same.. then u can see which one more to your liking before asking people to help you to buy. Actually hor, I think ask pple to help buy things is difficult when it comes to this kind of stuff.. cos they won't know which design more suitable for us.

u still giving Asher 4 milk feeds ah.. I can't force EJ to drink more than 3 times liao. and his solids, i always feel he not eating enough.. cos i always feel he very thin.. haha.. how heavy is Asher now? When I brought EJ to see doc last friday (for his diarrhea) he was weighed at 9kg. I was hoping he will be 10kg or so.

3 times milk feed is enough
just saw your menu for Jace. It looks ok, but what about the timing? how far apart are the feeds? As in, you give milk, then immediately followed by solids? can't be right?
Ya, it's better to see the real actual one before decide to buy. But still different cos sometimes some design s'pore don't have.
Now i give up liao as just got one i like.

Dylan when bb is not drinking enough milk cause the throw out alot. Since bb pd always said his wt too low. Now he can take milk but he don't take alot of porridge. Initally quite stress feeding him porridge as he will spit out all the porridge. Everywhere is his porridge.
Very different from my elder girl which whatever we give her she will happily finish it. Now if i give her dylan's porridge she will take too.
autum: i tried to drop 1 feed as mentioned to bbgirl. but cannot leh. now i'm trying to reduce gradually. will try to measure his weight this weekend. my house got no weighing machine ;p
bbmar, huignee
post your new bag pls.

no money to buy lah, i want to save for lasik, teeth whitening and car loan..kekeee

why increase milk intake?
my girl can drink 700-800ml a day...her solid meal not a lot, thats why...
[email protected] is only 25th percentile? tot its pretty average?
leia finally about 8.7-8.8kg but she's 10.5mth, was stagnant at 8.3 for almost 2mths...
hahaa...of course not immediately...
usually her feeds: solid and milk is 2.5 -3 hrs apart..she drinking avg 500ml only le.....this few days 50% discount to 250ml
yes, collect for me please.

please pass my items to carol. thank you both

i just leave it if she doesn't eat or drink. can't force her cos either of us will lose our temper otherwise
alamak! jace drinks so much more than YE on normal days and you still say little?!
Hi everyone

sweating.. haiz.. anyway

SQ: i bought the kit.. but no mood to test yet.. maybe later miser back then test.. i feeling moody coz feel a bit inadequate.. think i not a good teacher/facilitator.. haiz

teng doesn't like brushing his teeth.. haiz.. ellie said cry an cry.. told u all he has sensory disorders liao. but no choice.. got to carry on till he used to it.. haiz
blur ellie, told he rmorning and night.. she did brush twice.. but the evening after milk became after shower.. then still had milk. .. haiz..

they claimed teng finally let go of his hand and walked a fair bit after my mum and ellie.. and of course he was happy when he did that..

but i not happy on hearing this leh.. i seriously wondering.. why am i so blue? maybe menses coming liao.. dun have to test liao lah..
cutie: usually i have lots to say regarding routines and weanign and milk feeds and such.. but i very blue.. hopefully later i clear up my stupid mood.. coz i do spot some thing cute abt Jace's routine..
SQ: me horrible piscean with horrible mood swings. one moment chirpy like a lark, the other all overcast. normally i need to go KPO and tease pple then i feel better. like this afternoon after u posted.. i teased my colelagues.. they played back.. i fine liao.. but now at home. i can't possibly go tease my mum or ellie.. very sian.. and quite moody.. haiz and teng hates brushing teeth. all my fault .. should have started earlier to get him accusotmed to it.. haiz.
baby girl,
thks for the update on CB. you are more ON than the overseas spree organisers

anna zzz liao? i'd be interested to know when you found the "solution" to her night wakings, cos YE also like tat nowadays
SQ/BBgirl: tested.. NEGATIVE. see, how stressed am I? haiz.. ok.. on a happier note.. tomorrow can go buy the super antioxidant Mejo proposed..
SQ: I have no solution. When she wakes up, we pacify her, give her water, apply dentinox etc. Until she goes back to sleep.. Usually my maid wakes up, I don't unless the screaming sounds really cham..

I'm a bad mummy. She prefers my maid to me anytime..
SQ: I'm not that on. But I've been waiting for the LF items for so long liao.. So I finally can look forward to having them and playing with baby. I hope she doesn't tear the pages off..

I posted the right brain teaching materials tweedlewink on the overseas thread. Suddenly I realise I don't know how to organise a spree if it goes through. Can I copy someone else's format? I think so right?
at least one "problem" solved. it's not the pregnancy hormones. but the hormones

baby girl,
not that you are bad. cos your maid is the main caregiver right? that means she's doing a good job. else, you got to be worried man

re: spree
you can use someone else's format if it looks generic enuf. else, it would be polite to pm the person to say you're following her format.
SQ: I did. He said it's normal re the order of the teeth growth and to monitor if Anna has fever that comes with the rashes. If not, just use water to clean her face.
har? how come sudd got "use water to clean her face"?? i dun get this...

i always wonder what he would say if we tell him that our bb are now waking up sudd in the middle of the nite
whey.. tonite so quiet ah? all mummies busy preparing for CNY? or busy eating CNY goodies? I got no appetite to eat goodies leh..

i think u stressed la. too stressed by all the things happening in your life. Take it easy ok. Try to smile more. Even if u have to force yourself to fake smile.. i think it will still help. the happy hormones will still be triggered!
hey hey,. me back. no time to read archive liao. here is my report.

got many things.
- sun glasses
- CNY clothes (simple ones la), a few pieces
- levis jeans
spend really a few hundreds of $$ today. shiok!

no time to go look for mattresses. its not in a hurry, but my sil has no mattress to sleep oni. she has to sleep with tian, or sleep on my bed when my hb is not around. haha!
suntec + marina square. wanted to go robinson, but no time liao. went see sunglasses until eye flower flower... maybe i should post my sunglasses photo here. haha!! or wait till after my lasik?
SQ, aiyo i wanted reply your sms initially but busy testing sunglasses.
then hor, this hb also on ekind. he kept receiving calls and talk to his coligs, customers, etc.. hear liao i also sian. but his iran trip got cancelled liao. he is going back to KL tomorrow.

ok. wait i go upload la.
wau.. u bot such a big-shades type! very stylo leh.. I cannot wear this type leh. I can only wear small types.. else i look funny.
anna got rash??
where where? i also never read this.

autum.. oh ya, its cancelled or postponed i also dunno. maybe postponed to after CNY. i bochap. he is not going this week.
