(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

so three of you in a bike? can you cycle as it is? cos i can't. my hubby already have a lot of problems trying to ferry me behind. only scared we all fall lah, esp the bb.

cos two of my friends can cycle, then when they ferry each other it's not so tough. i'm totally lost kind, so dunno if it can work

hi mummies,
xian le
, Jace don't want to drink milk, see milk bottle, she turn away liao!! from saturday till now, her milk intake < 250ml per day!!
BUT funny le, when feed her solid, she ok.
any of u experiece tat? wat should i do huh?
good as in it's those signs, supposedly means healthy foetus. but really got to "suffer" sometimes. reminds me of the preggie days when i was so tired ALL the time!

you be careful on the road. take a cab sometimes. leave the car in school. bo bian wan
initially we were worried that we will fall too coz its been years since we last cycled! so we cycled damn slowly.. and even have "emergency" plan like if we fall we must "hopped" baby first!! haha... just have to be extra careful and avoid the crowd! u try lah.. quite fun wor.. but i think anthea doesnt like it coz its too hot! haha.. silly daddy and mummy bring her pat-jit at 3pm...
so wen1 xin1.. all 3 of u on the same bicycle.
hey, for the ang-pow for your nanny, i think just give $100 or something.. actually even $50 or $28 also can! cos it's your yi4 si4 mah.. dun think there is such practice of giving.. even if you give, it's out of your goodwill mah. That's how I feel lah.. actually i have never heard of must give 13th month bonus to nanny one leh.

On a similar note, my friend gave their part-time cleaner auntie 13th month bonus! she charge them $40 per week, so my friend gave $160 extra.. but my friend said their cleaner auntie is really good.. like own family member.. as in, when she see buttons or zips coming off clothes, sh actually bring home to mend for them, without being told!
thks for the tips! i will try

running out of things to do over the weekends liao. YE also doesn't like the sun. she's like melting under the heat. just keep v still
Is Jace teething? Maybe this turing away from milk is just temporary.
Heehee, last time my girl always turn away. So we change milk powder.
autum, my cleaning auntie will also sew my buttons for me one leh, opps! and for these 3-4 yrs she has been working for me i nvr give her anybao !!! i only feng3 nian2 guo4 jie2 buy her goodies..

SQ, oh.. then dunno if YE will be as cranky as anthea on the bike. anthea was crying and yelling at the end of the session! then bring her eat ice cream she very happy...
u take pix for me can? can gv me the meassurement too?

ya loh..j is wearing 24mths or bigger clothes liao...just nw bring him to Gio Junior, he can wear 3-4yr pants!! pengs
wanted to buy but hor $36 leh...sim tia...

the stripe romper for boys? what's the measurement har?how much?

good...haha..think i better take his height to see he grow taller anot..haha...weight not gaining much...think should be maintaining liao bah?

eh, if u opening fashion shop, can bring in plus size clothes anot? haha...if nt, i cant squeeze in leh
Autum: It's like that one. I remember in the first trimester, I feel so sleepy! The body is growing a foetus so used up lots of energy and hence you feel tired all the time. Just take it easy.
Autum: Are you going to join the 2008 MTB thread? Hehehe.. Then you'll be so busy! Come to think of it, just stay with us lah. Else you'll have too many distractions and take you away from having precious rest time.
Anyone else to join in the 2008 MTB thread after Autum??

Autum, wad bbgirl says is true...stay wif us lah. Dun go over other thread, we will miss u.
not sure whether she teething or not, i oso suspect tat, hope is temporary. But she still eat solid as per normal. change milk powder? then after tat she dirnk?

So did u do anything when YE don't drink milk? or just let it be...
I change her milk powder she is better. Now she like to drink milk but picky too.
Maybe Jace is temporay reject milk only, observe and see how.
hee...finally got my lappy back but still cant online cos no access. Been nagging at HB for taking such long time to sign up the internet service. faintz....

Once i can access from hm then i will start another ON spree asap.

pink, 4got to tell u i got my coach bag liao. It arrives on 11th Jan. This time quite fast cos ordered on 31st dec and arrived abt 2wks.
i bought the new series - New hamptons signature hobo

ya ya the feeling of having a new hse is gd. realli can enjoy alot of own time but doing alot of housechores too. Every thurs hv to make sure the house is clean as bringing Fabian hm on fri nite.
I just bought a coach bag recently too, it's the signature stripe tote.
But new house the small cement dust have to wait a few mths to settle. No matter how much we clean, still feel dusty.
But no one at home during the day house not so dusty. We close all the windows when we are out, even paste a brush at the door end at the floor to prevent window blowing the dust in.
Jace oso those 'not so like' to drink milk bb, but usually at least per day she will take avg 500ml, but this time she totally turn away
Guess just gotto monitor!
How's dylan milk intake?

where is your new place?
Maybe try to detract her with tv or toys while let her drink milk? That's what we do.
I even have the habit of walking while feeding dylan as since bb his milk intake is less.
Now dylan is drink about 180ml per time, about 4 times per day. So total daily intake is 720ml.
I drink force him or else he puke.
That time my sil bought a bag from the spree about $330 and i saw it's selling at s'pore coach store at $400+. Think about $100 price different for small bag.
Coach is cheaper in US i think.
wah Autumn you le!!! wah congratz congratz...

QQ, release your horse bah on ur question on lasik. Mine not lengzai Dr LA. Mine Dr Chan. hheehee... ok lah she is not that eye sore either.

So sian with work. Imagine have not gone to work for the past few days. sighh... bo sim working.

SQ, yeah do the lasik fast. Aiyah another push factor. So that will not hinder ur no2 schedule. hahaha....
Carol, Huignee: Coach is much cheaper in US. Esp at the factory outlets. Even though it's called an outlet store, it still carries the latest designs. Sometimes, they'll have further discounts on the older designs.
Ya factory outlet store design less but cheaper. Good if got chance to go see myself. Hai... which is for me is impossible. But i sick of getting people to buy for me. Didn't see it in actually real size buy liao i don't really like. Recently get bil to help me buy a wrislet i the end find it abit too small for me.
Yes, but i saw my colleague have one that is not. I like it so thot o fgetting one. She got from factory outlet, so maybe that's the old design.
huingee: why impossible for u to go us? must take effort to save up lor

giolyn: so u mei mei back to work already ah? good good! cant wait for my turn!
So good huh? dylan can take 720ml per dayk, he has 3 solid meal per day?
Jace maximum intake is 600ml
, very long time nvr over 700 ml liao.....may b i shd reduce her solid....
bbgirl: if self drive in us, where to get addresses of all these factory outlets in the particular state? is it easy to find?
dylan has about 2 solid meal. Breakfast is abit bread. His porridge intake is very little initially. Nanny said now better. And my mum comment he put on abit liao or else he very small size. Now still can wear those clothes i let him wear since birth.
He wt about 8kg, 72cm. Hai....abit small size but no choice.
huingee: dylan can still wear the same clothes from birth? u buy bigger size last time isit?
not sure how much my boy weigh now, but he is abt 78cm
Carol: Very easy to find. When you're driving on the highway, you'll be able to see lots of signboards of premium stores. Then you can follow the directions there.
Not for these 2 years i think as my kids small and I don't have chance to go outstation.
Next time if whole family go will be alot. But heard disneyland very nice at US. Try see next time got chance or not.
U let him wear 6 mths romper at birth??hahaaa….then must be loose loose la….
Think because i gave her too much solid, tat's y she too full to drink her milk but she was ok for last 1 mth with 3 solids + 3milk feeds le...but milk reduce 50% since sat
. before tat gave 2 solids, then PD ask to increase solids, u wanna try increae dylan solids?
Jace wt is at 8.2kg @ 9.5 mths, think is 25 percentile....
Wat's yr bb usual intake ?
ya, i added cheese to her bread and sometimes soak the bread into milk. Also got add milk to her oats.
If add up all, then think got 600ml per day, not including those bb cereal tat she oredi got milk.
But as in her milk(drink from bottle avg 500ml.
cutie: 4 milk feed(trying to reduce the 2nd feed &amp; increase breakfast) + 3 solids. milk is 180 per feed except for last feed, usually only abt 110ml. he is 10m 3w today

Cutie: What's your baby's milk intake? Our babies are at the stage where we shd increase their solid and not milk intake anymore. My girl is on 3 milk and 3 solid meals. Milk intake totals only 570ml - 180ml + 180ml + 210ml.
