(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

bellepepper, I didn't have any of those 'feel like elephant moving around' situations. Even just before delivery, I could run a little, jump and stuff. My HB used to call me Pooh Bear XL. Ha
It's the worse ard wk 34-35 for me cos the bb would be at the top and I would find it hard to breathe but that's all.

I agree with edde... teaching is not at all fun. Luckily I am not with MOE cos there would be even more to do I suppose. I'm already thinking of returning to the commercial sector after delivery.

o...pinkypink, since i came to China, i never thought of buying anything from GAP or Carter's in the stores cos I realised they are all made in China and the cost is so little. I mean, we are paying for all the advertising and rental i we patronise them.
We can buy exactly the same gap dress for like 7SGD and a romper for at max 4SGD.
Now, i would go more for quality than anything else. My mom said to buy combed cotton as it would be softer for the bb and last longer as well.
Hi All, haven't logon a few days cause I went to M'sia over the long weekend. Bought 8 bottles of Neurogain PB Plus (the fish oil for preg women) at really good price! I managed to get them at RM$48 per bot which works out to S$21 per bot. So much cheaper than here. I used to buy mine from my doc's clinic at S$30 each. I also found out NTUC Unity Pharmacy is selling at $29 each. Hmm, I actually bought my Neurogain in Ipoh, which is the place where they manufacture it. I suspect they have a pharmacy in JB selling also. Not very sure, but for those who visit JB, you might want to check it out. The manufacturing co. is called Hovid, and in Ipoh, there is a Hovid pharmacy.

Edde, sorry to hear about your unhappy incident with your P. I guess it's really hard sometimes, and I think everywhere is the same lah. I mean, everywhere, there will be difficult boss/collegues. I am also very tempted to quit, not because of any major difficulties with my work, but because I feel so tired most of the time, and when I think about how after delivery, I have no one to take care of my bb, I really think of quitting to take care of bb myself.

I suppose in a school, things may not be so flexible. I mean, there are alot of MOE guidelines to follow etc.. so rules are probably tighter. Bellepepper, I am actually teaching in a polytechnic. You may want to consider doing that. In a poly, the students are much older, so there is not too much discipline issues. The work environment is also closer to a commercial setting. If you have some years of working experience, you can consider applying to Poly. You don't have to go through NIE course and can start teaching straight away.

Hmm, so far I do enjoy the teaching portion. By the way, I had started for only 8 months, so maybe I am not so jaded like Edde? The teaching part for me is the most fun, it's the other stuff - admin, projects, research etc.. that is more tedious. Actually teaching in a poly may be very good way to "try out" cause there are no contracts to bind you. I understand that if you go to NIE course, you will be binded for 3 years. In poly, the first contract is for 1 year, which is not binding actually.. meaning you can still quit. Subsequently, they give you 2-yrs renewable contract.
why don u first take no pay leave. for all u know the P may change? If the P is the same, then u quit. So u are giving urself another option right? Can u share what happened? What did the P said about your leave? I thought initally you got quite good support from your supervisor because u were on MC or something right? I feel it is the same in commercial sector, if u have a nasty boss, then jialat. So i guess in school ur boss is P. But most of the time u don see P right? So it is better than those who see their bosses every now and then because they are desk bound. I think it is a good idea to take no pay and see how, worse quit and like u said apply to a school directly as their relief or part time. Ya so far really havent heard any good comments about teaching. Everyone all said no good. I think with a kid, we have more financial worries, so teaching is kind of a stable job and like u said can lobo if don care, then still got income and they cant sack u. Other jobs nowadays requires OT and travelling. The travelling part is terrible for a mother. Are there politics too between the teachers?

Mag, why u said u don like teaching? The students or the school?

Autum, what are you teaching in Poly? I holds econs degree so i am not sure what i can teach in Poly. Also worry that Poly can don renew your contract so there is less job stability.
Talking about weight, I was at 54.5kg when I went to see doc at week 8. But I know that my usual weight is 52.5kg. So I take that 52.5kg as a starting point. Until now, I weigh about 60.5kg. Which means I have put on 8kg so far. My doc never said I am too heavy or anything. So I guess I am ok. The weird thing is, I seemed to be at 8kg for some time. Although my weight didn't go up much for some time, my tummy is getting bigger and bigger. So hopefully, I can maintain my ideal of max 12kg. However, I am afraid it might be difficult. When I went for my detailed scan, my baby was at 350gm, which according to the radiographer, is on the high side. I am worried baby will become very big, then it will be hard to deliver.

Starfruit, congrats on your princess.

re: Baby stuff
Woah, seems like I missed out on all the sales over the long weekend! Must quickly go and grab the pigeon brand steriliser at Kiddy palace tonite!
Bellepepper, I am teaching marketing/business subjects. With a Econs degree, I am sure you can teach Econs/Business subjects. There are diplomas in business/retail/hospitality etc.. in which Econs may be a core subject. In fact, I have a collegue here who holds a doctorate in Econs! He is teaching Econs here, of course.

Actually, besides your degree, they will also look at your work experience lah. I mean, a person could have Econs degree, but if say she worked in a bank for the past 5 years, then she may be asked to teach banking/finance subject. You know what I mean.. it really depends on what you are strong at also.

As for the contract portion, I don't think it's much to worry about. Of course, they have all the right not to renew your contract, but there is 99% chance they will, because they also don't want to have major changes and upheavel in staff movement. Unless your performance is really bad, or students complain about you or you have some scandal, they will usually renew your contract. Hmm, to a certain extent, there is still a "government mentality" in the sense that they also won't just anyhow sack people or ask people to leave. Pay wise, Poly follow quite closely to the Govt. meaning you will get the same civil service pay scale, bonus, medical/annual leave etc. Certain polys may be more generous than others, but the difference wouldn't be too much.

Actually I suspect that even all MOE teachers are now on a renewable "contract". Am I right, Edde? I think the govt in general, is trying to make the contract thing to be a normal way of hiring people. ie. they want to do away with the iron-ricebowl concept.
hey mag and edde
im thinking of setting up an online service so tat i can work from home and take care of my bb next time..considering trendy mummies wear and bb clothes actually..
hey mag,
really! luckily i only bought the cheaper stuff that cost less than USD$10.
hey autumn
i think most bb are about 300+g during the detailed scan at about 20weeks.
You had fun in msia ya. yalor, i feel so fat now but they said i am normal. haha! A bit hard to visualise. Technically, we will be putting on more than 15-18kg if we consider our pre-pregnancy weight. right? So scary. My bb was 344g on monday, not on the heavy side, but her abdomen is much bigger than the head as compared to average. She has an oval head and gynae said this will make the bb easier to come out naturally, I'm not sure if he is consoling me.

I am also about 8kg gain for 3 weeks already, it is still fluctuating there. I guess this is quite normal.

As for teaching job, i also ever thought of going into teaching (RP is so near to my place). Hm, lets see if i will need to get a switch next year or after that. My company just renewed my contract for 3 years. Nowadays many jobs are in contracts but it is just like a permanent job. Do not worry much. I am not changing job now coz my boss is quite nice to me and everything is negotiable.
pinky and whoever's interested, i've checked it out.
- Mother&Child: $175 for 8 sessions, to try out one class -> $25.

- Birth&Beyond: you pay $240 for 10 classes if non-member, $200 for members. To be a member (valid one year, can get d/c for future classes as well) cost $30. To try out one class, $28 for member, $32 for non-member. The lady suggested to try out one class, then AFTER the class, can choose to pay either for one session or for package. if decide to pay $30 membership, all charges will be based on member price straight-away.

Class size, i think Birth&Beyond smaller - the lady mentioned it's abt 8 pax even on Sats. cosy.

So you see, price wise, abt the same. now hoping to get some reviews of both... not sure which is better...
Autum, where u get ur materials to teach? The poly already has the materials or u have to source it urself i.e. devise ur own syllabus ?

If even MOE is based on contract then i will prefer Poly. Definitely poly has less restrictions and projects right?

So without teaching background, how did u apply to the Poly? Just an interview will do? Btw, can share which poly u are at?
sorry spelling of the 2nd website wrong. shld be 'babybsupplies' without the 2nd 'B' instead. (cant type out the correct word cos the system says it's not allowed on this discussion board... hmm...
autumn, which poly do you teach in? I'm also considering teaching in poly but worried cos they might not take cos I'm married and gonna have 3 kids soon. I've a Masters in mass comm... but only teaching English now. Do u noe how i can go about applying then?

Pinkypink, I was also thinking of doing sideline... buying branded bb clothes and stuff from GZ wholesale to sell in SG. Perhaps we should work together? Was even thinking of setting up booths closer to CNY to earn extra cash.

Ladies... any suggestion on choice of massage lady? That's really like super important to me.. haha

Bellepepper, although mine is a teaching job, we have to clock hours like a normal office job and usually would end up with a lot of hours to sit in the office and pose, unlike other schs where teachers can leave after class. Because the sch fees are supposedly the most expensive in China, the students are also very haughty and would complain at every opportunity. Heard of teachers kowtowing to students? It's the case here.
ya nowadays students have more authority than teachers. so sad. So i suppose u dislike teaching because of the school culture and not so much the teaching itself.
hey mag
thats a good idea! there's a booth near my office at Far East Square that also sell branded bb clothes. will we be sued if we put the branded clothes online, if we have no manpower to run the booth yet, or rather not have to cover rent fee?
Hi Mag,
I don't see any reason why they won't take you because u are married and have 3 kids. Of course, if you are preg now, and apply, maybe it's a little difficult. However, I suggest you can go ahead and apply because the hiring process can take quite a while. Since you will deliver in March, and can start work in say April or May, then if you are really called up for interview, you can let them know that you are available after your baby is born. I mean, if you fit their requirement, they can wait for you. Now is already end of Oct. Assuming there is a vacancy and u apply now, they will only call u for 1st interview sometime in Dec or even Jan. If u pass through, there is a 2nd interview. By then it's Feb. So to wait until April or May, could be ok for them. Alternatively, you just keep a lookout and wait for the next time when they have vacancies...

To apply, just visit all the websites of the 5 Polytechnics. See which positions interest you then apply online. Anyway, most of the applications for govt job MUST apply online nowadays.. so it's quite easy.

Hmm, I am not sure about other Polys, but my poly we must also clock office hours. 8.30am to 6pm or 8am to 5.30pm. Lessons can be over at 4pm, but you can't leave. Cause you are supposed to be doing grading, preparing lessons, projects, meetings etc. Of course, they are a bit flexible in the sense that some people leave early if they have something on, but you cannot disappear too early lah. The key is to be discreet and do your part.

Regarding projects and other stuff, there will always be such stuff to do no matter which school/poly/institution you go to. It's just that at different levels, the stuff you do is different. In Sec/JC, I suppose there are remedial lessons, ECAs and other ad-hoc projects (Sports Day, Founder's Day, etc etc..) In Poly, there are also ECAs, and projects that may involve research and writing papers, holding seminars, mentoring students, helping in attachment programs, and also ad-hoc programs. Sometimes, it also really depends on who is your boss lah. I mean, if your boss wants to score points with his boss, then he may think up all kinds of projects for his team to do! However, that is essentially true everywhere (even in private sector).

I like Poly because the students are older, and I actually let them address me by name. The culture is youthful and vibrant. Of course, the downside is at their age (17-22yrs), they may be rebellious and not listen to you. If you try to "tell" them what to do, they will definitely rebel! We must also guard against their feelings and not be judgemental. Alot of my students have boyfriends/girfriends and some of them smoke, come with coloured hair, wear spaghetti strap clothes, wear heavy makeup etc.. To me, I really don't mind, as long as you behave in class and do work accordingly. Cannot preach... cause when you think back to your own teenage years, you will hate it when someone tells you not to wear big dangling earings right!

Regarding which poly I teach, a bit paiseh to reveal lah.
Bellepepper, actually teaching is really not too bad lah. It's different strokes for different folks, so what each person experiences will be different. I mean, it's hard to tell you what it's like unless u have experience it yourself. I have known of perfectly happy teachers in Sec/Pri schools, just as there are those full of grouses... similarly in Poly or elsewhere.

By the way, I just did a quick scan at the poly websites and realised that almost all the polys are doing recruitment now. Guess it's coming to year end... so those of you interested, you may seriously take a look.
hee hee i took a look at nanyang one coz i stay in AMK. Aiyo they need econs and stats. My stats sucks. Oh u havent told me whether u prepare the teaching materials and syllabus?
Coz i will be clueless what to teach them without a syllabus.

U got related working experience in marketing? What was ur job previously?
hi autumn
can i ask if the pay for teaching in polytechnics is good and what are the privileges? my hubby is considering going into that in 2 years' time. currently he is also teaching nite classes.
bellepepper, for the teaching materials and syllabus, there will definitely be some existing ones. Of course, you may be expected to improve upon it etc.. but as a new teacher, they won't straight away ask u to do syllabus planning lah. Also, I am sure they will let you sit in to some classes to observe and see how the other teachers teach and also some internal training courses to help new teachers. It won't be as if on the day u start work, u straight away teach. That is not likely to happen.

During the interview, they will ask you why you want to teach. Rather standard question, so do be prepared. Also, they will ask how you can benefit the students. ie. how your work experience, or what you do can help the students. They will know that you don't have teaching experience, so they will ask you this kind of stuff. So u probably have to think of ways your work experience can be useful. It can also be the type of industry contacts you have.

Hmm, I am not sure for Econs if they will ask you any topic-related stuff. They may also ask u "difficult" questions to test your reaction. For example only, they may say, you have zero teaching experience, what makes you think you can teach... what makes you think you can communicate with the youth today... etc etc.

My previous job was in marketing and e-business. So I have experience in that.
Hi Pinky, I wouldn't say that the pay is fantastic. It's comparable to market rate. And it really depends on what field your hubby is in. I mean, for engineering lecturers, they definitely get paid more than business lecturers. Which is a reflection of private sector - engineers are paid more than business executives... Also, it depends on the years of experience etc. In terms of benefits, there are also not a lot. But again, that depends on how you compare. If you compare to MNCs, then definitely civil servants are no where near. But if you compare to local firms, then I would say Poly is ok/better. Most of the benefits are very govt-like.. meaning you get bonus according to what the govt announce (which is usually 2-3 months), u get some medical coverage and you are encouraged to buy medisave insurance (pro-govt policies), standard annual leave etc. There are also family day events where your whole family can attend for free, some other freebies like chalets, visits to zoo, sentosa etc.. It's hard to say whether the benefits are good or not. I suppose if you have a family with kids, then this kind of family-related events are very good for you.

I guess one of the main points about teaching in govt is the stability. Although as mentioned now are all contracts, there is still much more stability than say, if you teach in a private insitution.

in short, the incidence goes like this...

i join my current sch only beginning this yr and during my interview, i requested to take up Modern Dance as my CCA as it was what i was doing in my previous sch. Last fri, i had a discussion with the P over some stuff, then suddenly she told me she is not happy with my performance in Dance, in exact words, she said, "I recruit you becoz of yr passion in Dance, but so far i hvnt seen any result from you! i really wonder if i have made the right decision." this is the ultimatum lor.... coz i din know she recruit me to be a Dance Teacher!! and some more, the CCA is not doing well becoz of many external factors. but she just wont hear my explanantion and asked me to stop giving excuses. Prior to this, i hvnt heard anything she is unhappy with me abt, in fact when she saw me, she appeared to be so understanding and kind. wat a hypocrite. Even my subj HOD who was also in the room was shocked to see her behaviour! She was literally "yao ya qie chi" !!!

Aft the rage, she told me, "regarding yr (maternity and No pay) Leave, i still need to think abt it, people come and go just like dat." she was "threatening" me with my leaves lor !! fine. this is the reason why i dun wanna apply for no pay leave anymore. coz maternity leave is my entitlement, she cant deny it, but no oay leave is up to P's approval. so why should i still put myself to more humiliation!

half hr later, y'know how she ended the conversation? she simply said, "i have no time for you." and signal me to leave her room.

This incident really makes me feel so insulted and humiliated. my dignity and self esteem is gone. I have HODs, parents and students who think i have done a good job, but ultimately, the most impt person in sch thinks otherwise. haha.

so, i shall not stay in this sch to suffer more humiliation from this hysterical P. i mean, this might not be very serious as compared to what cld happened in private sector. but i guess i am a very proud person, i cant stand such nonsense from someone who supposedly command high respect from other. Principal leh !!!! and frankly, i hope to stay as a SAHM forever hahah!!! i am lucky that my husband is supportive

like you said, teaching is a very stable job coz rarely you will lose yr job. aft sch, if we have no remedial, CCA, meetings, rehaersals, workshops, seminars, we can choose to bring work home. for me, i can leave sch at 140pm 3 days/wk on an average. but of coz i bring work home.

autum, i hvnt heard of any contract based appt for local teachers. contracts are more for overseas teachers like those from PRC, Taiwan, Australia.

and yes, there are politics among teachers, teachers and HODs etc. but i believe its not as bad as those in private sector. i have heard horrible stories from private sectors. over here its more nitty gritty stuff...

actually i love teaching. and i think i make a good teacher (accroding to my students) <- thickskinned !! :p like many others, i cant stand the politics, HR, and admin job that come with it. but like Autum said, its the same everywhere.... sigh...

in fact, i applied to RP half yr ago for the post of academic officer or something like dat, but dun hear from them
Hi hi, wah, the teaching content is very interesting. I will try out RP next time.

Edde, If I were you i also cannot tahan the P. Somemore, we are very sensitive at this stage and our thinking is also very vulnerable. We need a lot of support from family, co-workers and community. If my boss told me this, i will also get sad and feel humiliated. Change school change school!! is it possible? Anyway, SAHM is not a bad idea and you are a teacher, you can give tuition to earn some side income whenever you feel okay, right?

My company just renewed my contract for another 3 years, which is a good news though i do not know how long that I will stay here. I like this company as there is less politics for me, though no career prospects. Its only purely having a job and monthly income, that's all.

So if u not taking no pay leave, u have to tender when? And after u tender u can effectively apply directly to any school u want to teach right? But it will be on contract basis?

I am not sure how many yrs u have been in teaching, but u will forfeit some of the benefits accumulated right? Like the CONNECT PLAN?

I totally understand how hypocritical the P is. Ya P can put on many faces. in front of parents, like very loving towards the students, in front of the students another face and in front of teachers another face.

But if i were u, the more the P does all these to try to make me leave (i assume her objective is to make u leave on ur own accord), the more i will stay ha ha. So what else can she do to you. the most she take u out of Modern Dance? If she don approve ur No Pay Leave then can u appeal to MOE? Because i tot MOE should govern P also. Cannot let P run amok. I just don like to give in without putting a fight especially if i lose my rights to the CONNECT PLAN and other benefits.

Just my own views. But only u know how bad the situation is and if u really made up ur mind to quit, I am sure it is also the right decision.

What is RP?
RP is republic poly (in woodlands).
My friend told me that a partime teaching in RP can be up to about $200 a day, but without all the staff benefits. My friend is teaching partime in RP (2 days a week- Full day) and she takes care of her bb on all other days. Not bad though.
QQ, u r rite, esp rite now, i think understanding bosses are very impt to us. I am lucky that my HODs are all very supprtive. But this P of mine is not pro-family at all. i guess becoz she is a single and middle aged woman who is going thru menopause now haha!!

I have a Msian colleague. her family is in JB and she tries to go home every wkend to spend time with her family. prior to this, she has been studying in Taiwan for 3 yrs. everytime she goes back to JB, she has to go thru an application from the P. n guess what! the P told her she cant go back to JB everywk coz she has to stay in spore to prepare for sch!! such cold blooded person!! guess she knows nothing abt family values.

i cant change sch without quitting coz i applied to this sch and has to stay here for at least 3 yrs. thats why if i wanna change sch, i have to quit and wait for 1 yr later (MOE "blacklists" u for 1 yr before u can apply again). i intend to give tuition too, but my mkt very limited and i cant travel with my baby at home.

bellepepper, i will tender in May, then stay till June hol is over, then at least i get a paid holiday
... and yes, i can apply to any sch i want as long as there is a vacancy. if full time, no contract, but if part time or relief, it will be contract basis based on per semester / yr. i have taught for 6 yrs and am due for my connect plan in 2008. i have to give up the connect plan if i quit lor....

and u r rite, my colleagues told me my P apprears to be very caring in front of students and parents. in fact, thats how she seems to be in front of us too !! but i heard the HODs really gena from her... and some colleagues also gena from her during their work review.. really a hypocrite lor...

sigh.. for me, i cant work in an envt if i know my hard work is not appreciated... the ironic thing is, i cant bear to shortchange my students.. its a struggle... so the best thing is to leave lor..

QQ, your fren work schedule sounds attractive!! but too bad i cant teach in a poly coz Chinese is not a subj i believe... haha
autumn, thanks for the insight. I browsed around this morning and found a few matches. Probably will apply soon.

Pinky, there are so many websites selling so many things so I don't think it would be a problem selling the stuff online. As to the booth, well, I was thinking of closer to home so we can take a break and rest sometime in the day. Where do you stay by the way?

QQ, i used to give tuition fulltime plus doing workshops for schools and there were pros and cons. The income is not fixed for one, and the breaks in between lessons are long. We usually can only take one in the morning and hve to wait till about 2 in the afternoon b4 the second lesson with another student can start. So in the afternoons, we can squeeze in 2 students and unless you wanna work at nite too, then you can only take max 3 students a day. they usually see you 2times a week so a five-day week could only take in at max 8-10students.
Travelling also takes up a lot of time
HI Mag,
I have PM you some of my ideas....see if you are keen
. If it kicks off, I can be tai tai and sit back at home :p
realise that i can't wear most of my tops, think im going to get some cheap cheap M-size tops just to pass this neither-big-nor-small stage.
Hey QQ, my SIL is currently teaching at RP. Her job seems to be much more relax than other polys.

seems like we hv a few teachers here...no prob in finding tution teachers for our kids.

tks pinky, i hope bb will b coorporative when doing the scan next week. keep u updated.

Qns to 2nd time mummies - Although i've been down with shingles recently but i ate and sleep well. Just wonder how come my bb's kicks are getting more vigorously than before?? Issit normal? Is he ok inside?? Cos i worried i'm not eating enuff dats y he kicks so hard. Last nite i lay on my bed til 1am and couldnt sleep cos of his kicks. They were making me alittle discomfort. And today, his kicks woke me up at 8.30am!! In the end i had no choice but to take bfast and now seems v quiet liao.
QQ, my SIL is teaching part time as well...twice weekly. Would it b so coincidental?? cos ur description on ur fren sounds alike.
There is pigeon warehouse sale on 11Nov at their office. Got this news from BP thread. Anyone interested to go??
edde, the first posting to a school after the NIE training is not based on ur choice right? Or is it you can choose?

Not bad after u quit u still can go back full time with full benefits all over again right? and can even choose the school u want.

Ur P is really sicko....totally no life outside school.
BB: Where is their warehouse?? any idea on opening time as well? Sale only on 1 day? I am keen leh. Hope to get some cheap bb stuff at the wrehouse sale.
Hm... i am not sure, but my fren told me that her sister in law is also pregnant and will be delivering her bb next year about the same time as me. Don't tell me...... My fren stays in Bt panjang with her hubby &amp; bb. Her bb's name is only one word, very special.

yalor, i am also very worried if my boss is a S woman who is not understanding enough. Luckily my boss is a man with 2 children already. Weekends also wants to control ppl, buey tahan.

Mag,yalor. I think travelling is difficult, but having a tuition class at home is not bad, if there is a chance. *fat hope but it might happen*
QQ, BINGO!! My dearest nephew is now zzzzzz in the sarong. Me stayed wif my inlaws while SIL has her own flat. heee...wad a small world!!
BB, I'm not a teacher. I'm your sil's secondary school mate since age 12. I was one of her sisters during their wedding 2 years ago. I am an engineer/officer now.
oh, pinky, you bought the medela single electric?

Have to warn you it's very noisy and the suction is not very good...
I ended up using 2 of those and the noise was bad enough for my family to call me a production factory. The motor isn't very strong cos I was pumping exclusively and was unable to fully empty the breasts resulting in frequent blocked ducts. And also because the motor isn't strong enough to draw out the milk fast enough, i had to spend sometimes up to 1hr pumping each time.

It was like 1hr pump, 1.5-2hrs rest then all over again. This was like 8 pumps a day. Nightmare man.

This time, I am thinking of buying a better double pump, perhaps the ameda since it's not as ex as the PIS...

Any comments ladies?
hey mag,
ya, i know about the noise, didnt bother about tat, but not aware that the suction is not very good, chose electric cos it'll be less tiring than manual, chose single to save money, and dun want to risk getting double in case its not suitable. see how it goes...
haha Mag, that sounds quite funny, production factory! heehee... i think all of us are production factory in more ways than one!

BB, your baby's kicks getting more vigourous should be quite normal. sometimes my baby kicks quite hard too. i heard from my other preg friends that as you get bigger the kicks get worse. my friend was telling me that by the 8th/9th month, she was no longer sleeping at night - she takes "short naps".

QQ, if u are happy in your current work place, then u should definitely stay. Can be quite stressful to change to a new job when preg... unless really no choice, like bad work environment or bad boss/colleague. At the end of the day, we all want a nice and happy environment to work in.

Edde, your P sounds bad.. but sometimes I guess for pple who are not married/no kids, it's very hard for them to understand the difficulties of family people. Maybe she was frustrated with something and she took it out on you. Don't think too much lah.. the more u think, the angrier u will get, which is bad for your baby. Stay positive.

Hi gals,

Been having bad backaches since yesterday morning....sit too long cannot, walk too much cannot. Legs v weak like I've just ran 2.4km and ache like got rheumatism. At work now, cannot lie down....dunno wat to do? Do you think I shld go and see a GP? Aiyo, see GP also dunno what he can do....zhen fan
