(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

RR: at least he rem'bers n make an effort la. there was once, MANY YRS ago tt hb sent a bouquet of flowers to my office for anniversary. i also totally forgotten. luckily i hv bot something sometime ago n left in office, so can use it as my gift for him lo. kekek!!!

If guarantee a gal then I try for #3 else it's fty closed!!

SQ, my ah Lao has the same mindset as urs. He is a typical Chinese Man!! Prefers rice & noodles...most of the time is Chinese cuisine.Boring!!! Also an anti fast-food supporter!

RR, I bought one beyblade for my older nephew cos he saw his neighbours playing n curious abt it. He is 6 tis Yr older than ah bian so will appreciate this kind of toy.

Ash, bian will oso std behind n watch those kids playing at the AK machines. V exp leh per game $2!! These kids are damn rich!
What is AK har?

Actually one beyblade spinner is about $9 to $12 but when u add the accessories, spinner, launcher, the arean etc wha those add one. i bought this full set with 2 spinner, an arean and a auto launcher cost me $70.

bb, how to gaurantee that it will be a girl. Its alwasy a 50% chance lah.
Haha, bian will self-service n press 311. Worse he fights wif yeye n nainai for the channels. There was a time yeye refused to give in...was so funny to see an old man fighting wif a kid over the tv ch!! Pengz!
SQ, RR, it's Dave who likes tott chix wings not me :p I dun like it coz I find it too garlicky.. But Dave and rr love them for the same reason!!!!!! I am still an ardent fan of ikeas chix wings!!!! And jc's commercial chix wings hahhahahhahaahhaa!!!

But I like totts mushroom soup.. It's comparable to marches!!! Dats the only thing I like there.. The rest r simply microwave food (tho the mushroom soup is too :p) the durian tempura is a disappointment coz they use durian purée... No durian pulp de.. Feel cheated :s

Cham... I realize I only appear on thread whenever the topic is on food :s
Tt's y I prefer to try out new places w gfs
ESP tos artas ones
Cos my Hb sure 吃不同饱 n even if he doesn't complain, he will make some harmless remarks tt eventually gets on my nerves
Or when we go For a drink, he wil finish his v fast when my glass is stil full
Or he will keep reminding YE she still has soup/rice/bread/fish/noodles on her plate until she also Buay tahan and reply 'I knooooowwwwww.... I will eat OK?!!'

oh, ya, ya, it's Dave, not you. :p

I think I like these kind of dark dark, garlicy wings compared to those with flour.

ok ok, will give him a kiss tonight for the email. hahaha!!
Mummies I hv a simple recipe to share.. Very easy ESP for ftwm!!!

Braised chix wings w potato & carrot
1. Add chix wings, potato, carrot into pot of water. Water must cover the ingredients.
2. Add garlic. Add more if u like more garlicky taste.
3. Season with oyster sauce, a bit of dark soy sauce, salt & pepper to taste.
4. Cook everything for 15 min and voilà! U hv a simple 1 dish meal! Add quail egg if desired

My gals love this dish!
I'll do something similar too when run out of idea to cook but my version no carrot or potato. I'll just add in chic wings, eggs and beancurd to braise.
Ash try it!!

SQ the fish paste dish I tried once only.. Coz I dun like fish paste hhahahahhaha! Glad that YE likes it!

RR, idea!!!! I nvr tot of adding beancurd!!! Stupid me.. I love beancurd!!! Cheap and nutritious!! And not fattening!

Germaine, actually the chix won't be very ru wei.. The braised stock is also not those thick kind... It's more like a lazy recipe :p I tried braising it longer and the chix wings became tough.. Of coz the braising time also depends on the size of the chix wings.. If want more flavorful actually can add more oyster sauce.. But for kids I dun add a lot.. I think some mummies here dun use oyster sauce at all due to health reason :p
won't turn tough leh if braise longer. If I have more time, I'll add those black mushroom, anise star and cinnamon, really like those "lu" taste. RR and I love it. :D

Carrot is a good idea, all in 1 dish.
U can marinate the chicken wings with a bit of soy sauce and sugar first. Like that no need braise too long. I usually braise 20 min for chicken wings. And yes, I prefer Ikea wings to Tott wings and love the commercial wings! :p

Tonite I braising duck wings again! But duck wings need to braise long time 45min to 1hr.
SQ, when i read about YE's comment, i was laughing...i realised we are the 2 mummies with flip flop last friday..."hide in shame". that was my usual dressing - from neigborhood to orchard road.
RR u and yr kids really hv cheena tastebuds!!! Like my gals.. Too bad Dave doesn't eat braised stuff except kou rou bao.. Else it wld be so easier to cook for everyone!! I love 1 dish meal :p *lazy*

Jc ya hor! Next time I try.. Working mum can also marinate the nite before then braised the next day.. Easy!
Hahhaha I love this kinda 烹饪交流.. We learn so much more thru sharing and brainstorming!

Anymore recipes to share? I really run out of idea wat to cook.. How's the 100 recipes going QQ? Hahhahahha I compile a few then discontinue Liao wahahhahhaha coz no dish to add!
Anyone/ kids love corn??? Mine do and I come up with this 2 in 1 dish.

Boil corn soup. Then use corn soup to steam corn egg!

Simply add corn soup to beaten egg.. I usually use ratio 1:1 then cut the corn kernels and add into the egg.. Steam for 10-15 min depending on qty. And voilà! U get corn soup + steam corn egg!!! Corn overdosed :p my gals lov
e this too!!!!

And if still hv corn kernels left I will add some butter to it and serve like those pasar malam corn :p
Bb march try it! *corn overdosed :s*

CK yes u r rite.. Those kind not as sweet.. Buy those white/yellow corn from wet mkt! Those are more than double the price tho.. :s
edde, yes...i bought 1 corn at S$1.80 (havent try yet)...我们真的是家庭主妇。。。在讨论菜价格。。。哈哈。
edde: roughly how long does it take to boil the corn till soft/correct texture? cos tt day i wanted to boil 1 corn to eat, but realise tt i duno how long it takes.
I not as creative as you. I just cook corn with pork ribs soup. Then use the corn soup for the steam egg. My maid will cut the corn out for my kids to eat.
CK wahahhahahaa we sound like pasat ah soh!!!! :p

Ash u mean just boil the corn? I nvr tried wor.. Coz usually I boil with pork/chix bones for abt 1-2 hrs for the taste to come out.. If only the corn I think can steam rite? Last time my parents wrap the corn with butter in aluminum foil and steam.. Dunno steam for how long tho... Sorry I din answer yr qn wahahahahahahaha

Any 烹饪高手 can advise??
Ya, sounds like yours. Heehee, will look and taste the same on their rice.
Sometimes Esther request my maid to do the pasar malam corn.

Yes, my maid quite. Her dark sauce chicken, baked chicken better than mine. Afterall I'm not a good cook also.
edde, i was just about to suggest that u can add tau kwa too.. cos this is how my MIL does it.. and i love the braised tau kwa, yummy!
re: Corn,

mummies, u must go to the wet market and get those corn that has 2 colours, these corns are much yummier compared to the single colour yellow type. these not nice.

edde: i actually prefer to braise with mini drumstick cos much easier to eat and after braising the meat is so tender and will fall off the bones.. yummy.
Edde, alamak, my 100 recipes not done!! haha!!

my maid's cooking skills definitely worse than mine. cannot comment much so weekends we cook more often. weekday we close eyes and eat. so so la, ok! can still survive.

i better go work. today v busy and these few days busy...
Boil corn alone needs about 45min to 1hr. That's why I never boil alone. Waste effort :p. Unless u want to boil a few, then ok la. But boil one, a bit wasted.

And the reason I know is because I tried before. Very silly stand there at the stove and keep checking every 15-20 min cos I thought boil fast :p
alamak, CK nothing wrong with your dressing lah. If u see me during the weekend, i am worst than u, always in shorts, T and my flip flops, at least u all have atas flip flops, like SQ.. hahaha mine are those which i wear to the market!! hahahaha
if i can, i would come in flip flops too!!!

edde, one of my fav obne dish meal,.
Potatoes,Carrots and luncheon meat (diced) with oyster sauce.. yumms.. hahaha
Boil corn?? i steam de ...

CUT OUT The corns from the stem (not sure about the name). Then just steam the corn kernels nia.. then the stem i put in the soup instead.

then use the corn kernels to fry rice, etc etc, steam also can. etc.. anything.

if it is the two colour corns, will steam the whole thing and eat, better taste.
NTUC has the tri/bi-colour corns too but those are seasonal, not all the time. I'll get those for soups, sweeter after cooked. The normal ones after cooked in soup, no taste le.
ah will has fever since last night. dunno what happened.

he had fever for 1 day after his jab, then ok for 2 days le, now start again? something wrong.
Dr said monitor first. could be due to sore throat.
Good! Like that u will lose weight soon :p

Tonight I also trying bake cod fish with mayo. Found recipe online. Dunno will succeed or not. Your kids n Dave like mayo? If yes, next time u can try.
One more dish - dumpling soup
I let the kids made dumplings on Sat. Bought the shanghai wonton skin (without the kee type). I used minced meat with carrots (can add waterchestnut too). Add sesame oil, soya sauce, pepper & egg white to the mixture.
Cooked the dumplings with "cai sim" and chicken stock. The kids made into weird weird shapes and they liked to eat their own "end-products".
But u can use pressure cooker to boil corn too. Then it's just like cooking normal soup time. I normally boil 20mins on pressure cooker for soup that needs 1-2 hr on normal gas. Really save energy.

Mummies who cook everyday, I seriously suggest u all get a pressure cooker or thermal cooker. It's not about saving money on gas but really also about conserving energy. Sorry to sound preachy, but I really think we should all do our part to preserve our earth. Sometimes in philosophical moments, I will tell my hb, what if one day our children has no water n electricity to use.
mmm... one thing about corn is, it is always stuck in between teeth. so i am not a big fan of whole corn. I dun mind those sold by mac under kids meal.
Autum, u can try and bake with Miso the next time too, its yummy or bake with lots of garlic and olive oil.. super yummy too.

QQ< pls give will more BM if he has sorethroat, i believe it helps.
