(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

no pay adjustment lah. But cos of a monthly bonus which we are only entitled upon confirmation so kind of an increment too.

giolyn: i still think its v rare for kids this young to like mr bean. keke!!

A's cake is special agent oso. but i'm so lazy to upload pics into fb
what special agent? Show us leh ...

it was ... until I see the rest with their bonus letters. :S
Peter was confirmed long ago. It's the clearance you asking about? They cleared us both together last week. :p
Congrates, confirmation and bonus.
autum: i got the same book shelf from ikea?? bt cant reali withstand all my books

when do u all hv to confirm attendance for 30?? i hv been so bz at work i cant catch up!!!
RR: Congrats!
I think you better take out my name for the 30.. Hubby wants to go together one day.. Am afraid it's too close to 30 for me to go again.. Thanks..

BBMar: It's an inside joke.. RR is Jane, and Kent is Peter.. Hahah..

Germaine, Ash: So unusual for your boys to like unconventional characters for their cakes.
duno la.. my boss assured me i m 'OKAY' only need to do sthing to my hair n glasses lor..
i cut short cos hair drop mah.. now no more dropping but the growing back part is so long sian.. nthing much i can do, just suck in my tummy n walk next time hahahahah

Orrh tks mummies so abt 3k la.. will think abt it :p
RR: oh peter at the same place as u ah? hahahah just joined as well?

belle, i think now 2K plus u can do already. very worth it u should go ahead and do it.
Blur, if u Re not doing LASIK, make a nice pair of glasses also can? Then set your hair nice nice, I think can de.
Didi so excited when we stepped into Mr Bean store then started telling me 'mama, lalalala...relating to that ad on tv. So funnie.bought the Beancurd hm, ask bian to try n he gave tat awful expression like want his life!! faint. Only didi will appreciate!!
RR/ Star
ok 2k now good good..

no time to set hair :p when i cut my hair short stylist told me ez to manage, but now w the regrowth its so unruly, i wanna rebond straight again boring but smooth smooth de i like ..

sigh my ethan sick le. last nite vomitted at 2am, today nua nua one.. had slight fever then down liao, i suspect is teeth, bought gripe water for him to drink. now big bb wants to manja too.. i come back later if i dun ko.
Storage area
K using a 6 chest drawers n half wardrobe for her dresses. Sharing with her dad. Her dad complained that he doesn't have enuf room

But 1 is for towels n bedsheets.3 other side is for new clothes . Her bags are everywhere though,
kaexin, pls take a pic and show me.. hahah its is finally today then i realised that rae's wardrobe is damn small.

actually rae also likis agent OSO but i find OSO a bit ugly lah and also not too bright!.. hahaha

astro, pls post a pic of your new hairstyle and let us know how was dinner last night.

Aiya i think i need to go on romantic date with HB more often, maybe after #2 is born, i dun remember us celebrating our bday last yr

Haha yday saw Ash tok abt OSO then tis morn my fren posted something abt OSO on FB. V funny the way she posted. "special alert special alert"
hahah... i think my kids has the most pathetic wardrobe system. ok here are the pic as promise, a little messy thou.


this is Clyde's




the whole chest of drawers. the last one is for towel and bedsheets.
germ, how big is each drawer? anyway if u can keep their clothes to just 1 drawer ech, then its very good. what happend to the clothes that they outgrow? u keep or give away?
Lidat Messy?
Ok i not gg to post mine le

My meimei has been hvg fever since sat
I hope it goes off soon else We'l hv to bring her for blood test le
Thank god I hvnt wean her off BM cos she refuses to eat
*this must be a common sentiment among bf mums?*
bbmarch: boys can hv more caps and belts and socks! kekeke!!!!

kaexin: i also wondering how much new clothes K has

imagine a collage created for all the kids wardrobe. hahah....then we can guess which is who's
SQ: mei mei is teething right? this could be the cause of fever. use a cloth and soak in mild salted warm water and clean along her gums.

Rae also has a lot of hats 9the girly ones) and i just order 4 more from gymboree.. faint!!
SQ: this is tip taught by rae's dentist, cos the saline/salt water is non invasive and antibacteria *they recommend me using this over teething hel), this will prevent infection if they are teething. Maybe she has been putting stuff in her mouth thus bacteria gets in and cause the mild fever? anyway check and make sure fever is not cause by other things.
star: some of A's pants are too loose cos he so skinny. other than tt, sometimes he needs his belt for some character pretend play lor. like wearing a device on the belt. or able to transform using the belt buckle. this was the one tt gave astro a fright tt time thinking "if this boy's gonna strip in front of me?" keke!!

Im thinking to bring the boys to GGB this thurs afternoon since I'm taking haf day.

Anyone keen to join me?

SQ, u tried the food at Tott rgt? How - nice anot?

Ash, the boys hv only 2caps each but not belts. Usually get those jeans or shorts wif adjustable band so can wear for longer period.
