(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Clyde's like to wear belt for vanity purpose but he will have difficulty in removing/ adjusting the belt when he need to pee. So i dun really encourage him to wear belt at this point of time.
BB: tott is cafe style, the menu will depend on what is available that day, when i was there on sat, they have spag, children dish and chips and nuggets. food is ok and so so only lah.
ya, food at Tott so-so. You can try the mushroom soup and chicken wings though. I find these 2 nice. :p
we got Reyden one of those Kamen Rider belt with cards and it costs $49.90!

Normal belts is definitely a better idea. Where do you get Asher's belts from?
RR: oh yeah i forgot about the chix wings, hb say its better than Ikea's wings, i had the french onion soup and it yucky!! like watered down broth no taste at all. i think i should try the mushroom soup next time.
ya, Kamen Rider is something like Power Rangers. I actually can't tell the difference, only he can. :S

I don't dare to introduce Beyblade to him after seeing the whole range of accessories & the prices! :p

Edde and I love the chicken wings there too.
Hb doesn't like the food
He is tos who prefer $3 一大包云吞面kind o person
So he says expensive and 吃不饱
I m ok cos I go ter for e kids
Not for e food la

Tks for e tips

I find ikea chix Wing v nice le
Tis place's nicer?!
RR: i spent like close to $200 on bblades for my nephews and gf's son for xmas pressie.. it was crazy man cos its soo expensive.!! anyway i was told they will learn about it when they go to school but i agree with u, dun start cos its soo expensive!! and i dun find it that interesting.. hahaha.
ya, I also quite like Ikea chic wings but I find ToTT's more to my liking.

Re: Special Agent / OSO

I still don't know what are these. :S
star/RR: A is into b blades. he has more than 5 liao! we even bot an arena back fr toronto! siao rite? but its not avail in sg la, so hb thinks it's worth

RR: i got some belts fr a fox sale last time & some kids clothes shop at novena area.
A is more into mask rider kabuto. this is an older series b4 kamen rider. the mask rider show is made in jap which is much much nicer than kamen rider. even hb & I like to watch. hb managed download the entire series. so sometimes A thinks he can speak jap but its all rubbish la!

bbmarch: he loves to stand at the AK machine to watch pple play. keep asking for the cards too but i refuse to buy. lucky we cld stand firm n not buy for this
hmmm .. it's different cos Princess Disney is not a toy by itself. You can get Disney comb, bottles, clothes, bags & etc ... and these are useful stuffs. But beyblade is a toy, got to spend alot more on the accessories and don't know when he'll throw them aside. :p
SQ: hahah i can go makan with mr choo cos i also like $3 一大包云吞面kind hahah
actually princess stuff not that expensive lah.. hahah some lah. i dun buy the expensive ones for her. anyway its too late for me to reverse the process cos now rae thinks she is a princess or she will grow up to be one!!! hahaha
u never try the chix wings when u were at totts?
the rest of the food not that fantastic but the bake and go cookies was surprisingly much nicer than i was expecting.

anyway RR, the beyblades were request from the boys, so no choice have to buy. we bought this tool/accessories storage box and that cos us $49 each EMPTY box, i wanted to faint when i saw the price!!!
Ash, Starfruit,
Reyden had seen some boys at the daycare centre downstairs playing. He'll stand beside and watch for very long but had never ask us to buy. Maybe cos we seldom see them selling outside too.

Beyblade is so expensive. I used to buy for my cousins when it was in trend last time. But think last time version not so sophiscated.

wah ... mask rider. I think Reyden will love Asher very much, hahaha!
wah chim wat is beyblades? ok let me google it.

RR, huh u dunnno wat is special agent oso? hahah yah u are the 855 kind *siam*
I also find boys toys more expensive leh, like those Thomas trains, Power Rangers, Beyblade, guns & etc ... Maybe cos I don't know how to appreciate these toys. :p
yes, yes, I'm the 855 kind, haha!! And now our SCV only for Ben10 & Kamen Rider. Poor Reyes ...
RR: special agent OSO only on disney playhouse channel i think, u can google youtube, can find too. its this brown bear who is a special agent and goes around helping kids to complete their tasks!

RR; ya lah, DP has all the other useful stuff and some of them is not expensive like the children plastic plates and bowls but the water bottle is expensive lor.

Ash, so A into bblades.. wha... this one major cash investment leh. how much was the arena? i tot its made in japan or originated in japan, how come can find in toronto?

When i was buying the bblades, i dunno what i was looking at cos it was all in jap text and i totally do not understand the text or instruction or description!
RR: no playhouse disney? on your SCV i mean. playhouse disney should be suitable for both RR leh. reyes watches too?
and agree that boys toys are expensive, at least girls toys, its all dolls and kitchen set and u can find them a a range of prices.. so not so bad.

RR: if u need to buy beyblades, go to JL, forget kiddyplace, limited stocks and they dun replenish..hahaha

I am the discovery and histroy channel kind but most of the time need to fight with rae cos she insist on parking at her playhouse diney channel!!! :p
RR, Ash,
Last night Dylan passed by a shop and wanted us to buy bayblades for him. We told him will get for him as his birthday present.
I have disney playhouse but usually the timing when they come home, it's Ben10, follow by Kamen Rider. Reyes gong gong de lah, she will watch whatever the bro watches.

We'll watch our 855, Discovery, NatGeo in the room.
we can appreciate gals toys better cos closer to heart. I buy some toys to fulfil my childhood dreams. haha!!
A also always chupping channels 311 & 316 & 108!

star: the bblade box is too ex lah! i juz buy a plastic box fr daiso & serve same purpose!
the arena cost us >30 i think. but adv is tt it has a cover n handle. so can keep everything inside and bring out.
we also have a chiong arena tt cost <10
actually some of the bblades not too ex la, <15 :p
RR: i think the one with ben10 is not play house disney that is disney channel right. playhouse disney is 311 for younger children. Ben 10 not there. U can see OSO, chloe's Closet, ANgelina Ballerina, Higglytown hero (one of my fav), mickey mouse, animal mechanics, jojo etc.

I so need another TV in the other room. cos apart from fighting with rea, i must fight with MIL cos she wants to watch Ai, such a waste cos from 7pm to 10pm, MIL will park self at channel 8 show so no chance to watch cable

Huignee, go to the JL at marina sq, lots of choices for u there.
RR/star: i wish i can buy more HK toys. but i hv no excuse

huingee: ya, he rec some bblades as presents. like recent b'day, my neighbour bot him a pisces
Ash, that box is xmas pressie for my nephew lah, cos he was using a $2 daiso box and come xmas, we were asking what he needs, so he say beyblades, and since he didn;t have the box, we buy that lor cos i know my BIl will not pay so much to get him the box. they have tons of accessories until i also dun dare to buy cos i dunno what he needs/like or what he dun have.
yes, Ben10 is not on playhouse disney, think it's 311 or 31something. Reyden will switch the TV on his own so I also don't know the channel.
Reyes has got no say de though I think she likes some of those on playhouse.
haha... we usu record the show for the kids cos Clyde will suddenly want to sleep and say want to watch special agent oso. lately his fav was 神兵小将 from channel 8 sunday at 8.00am but now no more liao. recorded for him to learn chinese and up he loves it. The kids dun really know how to use the remote control too complicated for them to use Smart TV.
RR: i prefer the toys esp w the HK characters bcos those r my childhood dreams.
i still hv an old raspberry house (fr strawberry shortcake series) and figurines but no dotters to pass to yet. keke!!
Peter is so traditional (&amp; unromantic too)!! I forgot today's our 5th customary anniversary. He sent me an email wishing me Happy Anniversary. I almost thought he sent to the wrong woman! hahaha!
RR: dun dare to raise too high hopes cos dun want to get disappointed. i only start thinking which zodiac sign is gd for #3 :p dragon too competitive, dun really like snake but if wait too long then too old liao
ash: which school u putting the 2 boys, is its a mix school no worries cos if its a girl will go straight in, no competition. but dragon year is next yr, u really wanna try for #3 so quickly??

star: didnt ask gynae but he will juz tell us if happen to scan n see the p.
the nearest sch for us is zhangde &amp; radin mass. the latter's std supposed to b beta. both r mix sch

ya hor, dragon is too soon. also worry tt not fair to #2 cos gap too close. so much things to think abt.
