(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

woke up with a cranky gal.
dun want to drink milk, drink water, drink med, dun want to let me clear her eyes...cannot open, crying away but refused to let me clean...big headache. rina pulled her into toilet to bath her. wowz if i have no helper, i really dun know how.

mr tan asked me wat we shd do in such situation. to force her anot? if dun force her to drink her med, take her eyedrop, she wont recover. if force her, she looks so ke lian.

ur mil damn 1 kind, you bought the toys, its basic courtesy to ask U

think for u later

QQ: How come your MIL doesn't like to ask you before she goes ahead with her decision? That's a strange behaviour - giving away other people's things to some other people, without asking for permission. Which reminds me of the incident which she gave your long johns to someone else..
i think ur sil is like my sis... we call her gor2 tuck4 gui4 in hokkien. :p all the toys her elder girl rec still waiting for dunno who in the storeroom.... 2nd kid come out liao oso dun take out to play!! finally give away as presents.... i oso sian to buy toys for the kids sometimes...everytime need to buy them presents oso gotta crack my head wan. ur mil oso one one kind... i think it's the kl-mil mentality isit? both oso dil.. both oso got/having boys... but favoritism so obvious. sian.... i bet my mil will do the same if my things were there! :\

aiyo...say earlier ma... i can pass u a light this cny....now gotta wait another year...=p
no choice loh, have to force Leia to take med. After that sayang her, hope she recover soon. You bringing her see dr today?
mist, no leh. i think my mil too zidong, everything also she said and decide. quite annoying hor?

SQ, i act blur act blur and bochap her, she still treat it as her home, ok la. i cincai but not cincai until she gives away all my toys and such.
joelle, is right, i also think they will keep the new toys and giveaway as presents.
as for tian, any toys also open up and play one. haha! except those EXACTly the same toys, then tian will say wanna keep in storeroom cause she has already. then she wanna give it to meimei sometimes (her fren).

AAA, i almost forgotten about the longjohn. when i was preg with tian, also my pre preg clothes, most of them with her dotters now. i confronted that time, said that i wanna keep. she said i wont be able to fit into those after delivery anyway (ACTUALLY SHE WAS RIGHT LEH). but so wat? still must ask permission mah, hor?
then i will yi si yi si take a few items and give.
she is too zidong.

how is teng and leia today? alamak... so many kids are sick now.
wanna make some correction. not favourism i feel, she dotes on my tian also (quite a lot). I think she is clear that the other side has no toys to play, and she wants him to enjoy the same childhood as tian. she kept telling me the boy is quite cham, nothing to play so no stimulation at all.
but look at two mums of the kids, all different pattern one, how to be the same?

nana,i hope ppl will give u FREE deng (light) one day.
mist/ QQ
me the opp. NOT all mil alike. my mil is one.. TOOO NICE.. i complain here before.. just now colleague ask me if i m hving confinement lady, i replied NO, engaged maid liao. Colleague ask, MIL le? i replied: didnt bother to ask cos she super gan cheong type. SURE will come , i also told myself, dun come also nvm (i dun mean to sound yaya) stimes i prefer to be left alone.. hubby also never ask MIL yet , then i go ask meh? colleague say its ok to ask, i told her, i prepared myself for the worst that i m goin to eat normal food.. she comes stimes will gimme some kind of stress. i cant tell just quite annoying type.. mil is very nice to me. but too nice, my dad? OPPOSITE..bochup type. i wish its the other way round.. then again i think FAT HOPE!

enuff of my grants.. point is to say NOT all mil is alike heheh..agree la must respect each other in the household..stimes duno why old folks hv this kind of thinking hor?
ask u all har.. if in normal chats MIL tell u OTHER PPL'S biz eg go wedding the couple had how many tables, earn how much, go where travel blah blah.. wil u entertain? she stimes will come n yak abt these ppl WHOM i duno at all.. she will go on n on n say their hses this la. that la.. is it rude of me not to respond? stimes i will change topic one le.. or i will say oh u mention before n fast fast do other things or talk to chloe :p
keke...then ur mil still ok la. she just gan jiong the other kid only. at least it shows she envy ur tian n thinks ur choice of toys r good leh.

i think ur mil is jus having a lack of things to talk to u abt leh... sometimes old folks r like dat...no common topic so just say anything lo... jus one ear in one ear out bah. =)
not rude la. cause i think u have the right to discuss any topic u want. she will understand de. my mil also talk about other topics de la, i usually will entertain her. if not, then i will ciao and do other things. i am also ji ji za za de, so my stories are more interesting than hers, i find. haha!

my mil is not that bad afterall, actually. i guess she is too free. i am thinking if my mum wanna giveaway my things, she will definitely ask me. so if mil can change her pattern a bit, improve a bit, she is more lovely. so must respect a bit hor?
joelle, yes!!
now u got the point, jay also highlighted that to me. mil thinks that tian has the best toy, best environment, best mama (important-but jay might be cheating me) during her childhood. so jay said i should be happy and ARM CHIO at one side.
my cheaper flashcards also v good like that. actually she never seen more sophisticated one la. haha!!
but then ... Autum says RP uses ISS and she don't find it nice.
Maybe depends on menu bah.

my MIL too!!! Every week we go her place, she'll start telling me and Kent about this relative, that relative, (all we don't know de). And she repeats the same thing for 2-3 weeks. We'll just keep quiet and sit there, pretend to listen. Last time I will gong gong go pay attention then come home ask Kent who his mum is talking about, he didn't know what I was asking about lor. Since then I also pretend to listen only le. :p
QQ: i agree that MIL should ask before she take the toys to give BIL, i think my mum will be like this. BUt lucky i am the daughter, so no issue here.. hahaha. i think ur MIL sim tia ur BIL's son, cos to her, he hsa no toys to play. maybe she tot u won; tmind since those are old toys and tian is still getting new toys from frens and yourself? i agree with joelle, ur MIL must think that tian has very good toys and flash cards which is why she wants your nephew to get to play with them too.
ya, I think so too. Maybe they see finally got people come and listen to her liao so she just "anyhow" talk. :p
RR, i hear those stories until i already knew them before i met my hb's relatives. sometimes, my hb dun even know their names but i know. haha! which one is elder son, or younger son, got gf or no gf, or break up with gf liao i also know. so when we meet hb's relatives, they just need to tell me who is their papa, or mama, or anything, i will know who they are.
see, i sai lei bah!!

hb said i also kpo type.
and which cousin wants to have how many kids i also know. their wife wan to have oni 1 kid i also know. whose gong1 lao2? my mil lor. tonnes of kpo information.
and how was their childhood i also know a bit.
their house value how much i also know a bit sometimes.

actually i seldom pay attention, but then mil repeated too many times already, all rooted in my memory.

star, after hearing from joelle, and u, i also not so imbalance liao. but i insist to have my own stand. ask me for permission.
err, can't u just directly tell her? tell her to ask u first.. put it across nicely. anyway.. suan le bah. can give is fu2 :p
no woh, until now i am not supposed to know about this issue. can I just tell her tonight? actually i can right? even if before i catch her doing that? or just act blur? now nothing has been given away ma. she purposely din want to let me know and gui2 gui2 shui4 shui4 last night.

actually i intend to leh. cause i just happen to kpo and ask jay wat happened last night. he told me when we were on the way to work this am.

not that i dun want to give, now she do this to me. i dun feel like giving liao. i also have pi2 qi4 de. haha!!
yes, yes, I also think I know more about Kent's relatives than himself. The whole family (BILs, FIL) all don't listen so end up my MIL will talk to me (for many many times). I also listened till can memorise le.
i think u can tell her even if u "don't know". but maybe not outright la. u can mention that all the toys, u want to keep for your baby. Don't have to bring up that you know she packed away secretly etc.

Just openly tell her.. like after dinner.. can just say "ma, Tian got a lot of toys.. and all I want to keep for my baby. U think I should buy somemore toys to add on?" hahaha.. something like that. :p
wah lao.. autum, u steady la. i cannot act until that kind of level.
I will show my tails (wei ba) and she will know de. haha!! and my face will turn colour (dunno red or orange).

i think i better keep quiet(small matter la). actually she knows that i wanna keep the toys (i mentioned long time ago), but maybe she short memory. i better dun harp on this anymore, actually i feel ok now. cause i dun rugi anything yet. haha!
last time when i was preg with #2, but lost it. i also din give toys to bil. cause i told her i wanna have another kid v soon. so i never pack any toy. instead, i bought a few new toys for my nephew.
oh maybe she intend to add new toys to tian's collection? haha!!!! steady. haha!
err, it's not acting le. it's trying to get the message across in a nice way. Cos the first part, is really just to tell her that u want to keep all the toys. Then to make the conversation complete, can just ask her a question mah.. whether to buy more toys to add on. hahaha.

skali she thought u hinting her to buy new toys for the baby. hahaha.. later yue miao yue hei. I think i better shut up now. :p
so far hor, i preg and not yet mood swing...
hm... maybe i swing a bit and show her one day. haha!!!
but mil is quite scare of me sometimes. i think la. but she is even more scare of the other dil.

Autum, we yak more and pass me your yue miao yue hei tricks... haha!! but i appreciate that she cooks for us now, cause she has nothing to do at home.
then tian's laudry, everything she also gaodim. even her dotter's laudry.. etc. aiyo.. no eye see.
joelle : alamak! ya.. u wan ger u should give me ur light! hahahaha! and hor.. now CNY still not gone yet leh.. okok.. we arrange next year.. u give me ar.. den i ask my SIL go try first.. hahahahaa!
heh. i think u can just tell her straight leh... i'm sure she will expect jay to tell u wan ma.. :p just tell her not that u dowan to give them lo... but they won't use it anyway. let sil buy her own toys then she will choose wat she finds is best for her own child ma. then add on that anyway u now having #2, wanna keep for him.

recently i oso noticed that i buy alot of things for those nephews n nieces in kl.. but seldom for my sis' kids. mainly cos they very particular abt toys... big items cannot, noisy things cannot... non educational ones cannot... even buy clothes not branded ones oso worry they dun like... sigh. how to show them love like that?
Joelle, i agree le.
i buy a lot of wu ah bo ah stuff for my sis, for my cousins or cousin's kids in msia. cause anything they also happie one.

whenever there is a chance, i will voice out my opinion tonight. cause i think she will understand.

talking about this. i feel a bit paiseh last night also. cause mil told bil that mine is a boy. so ask him to pass me his son's clothes. alamak, i just said, no need la. my frens already packing for me.
bil said i will have enough cause i many friends de. Anyway we all know that sil will not pass down to me de, as she also refuse to accept any passdown from me.
mil worst, she said: we (meaning mil and her dotters) bought quite a few sets of clothes for your son recently, next time u pass back.
wah, i dunno where i wanna hide my face. i just say dun need la. i will have many hills of clothes. no worry.

so now, her world is full of excitement, tian, my nephew and my ah boy... my mil sot liao.
she is not showing favourism, but she is busy creating unecessary logistics.
i share something.. i really got a very very active baby this time.. she simply keeps moving non-stop... even when i am sleeping.. i think the only time when she stops is when i am in the toliet..
anyone can tell us what happened to teng? now he is in hospital or home?

i am no heart to work today. dunno why. but lots of things waiting for me to clear. ... hm....
Pink: Wanna ask you. Do you feel any difference in taking the placenta pills?
My tummy have gone down, but this time round, my thighs are still tunderous! :p Got water retention. Think I can start my massage now. Who did u use?

Nana: Ariel was also the most active of my 3 babies. It's normal.

QQ: You can ask Jay to tell his mum mah. Tlel him to say that whatever she wants to give away, just ask you first, cos he (Jay) also dunno if you want to keep or not.
Anyone wants to a BN set of Disney Pooh figurines? It's collecting dust at my store room. :p

Enne: Have gone down doesn't mean it is back to what it used to be lah.. Just that I don't look preggie now (at least to me). But I look fat though.. :p

Joelle: Thanks for the update.
AAA: ok i tt u the money... see if there is any bus going out your way, i fnot by postage also can.

Ash: 7 eleven has these tiny thomas, its plastic right?
star: ya those are plastic ones but its a surprise de. u will not know which ones u get. i dun want to get all thomas, already got 1
