(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

this bel now have become a tv addict! lol... good la... tt means she can see clearer with her glasses... this sam is pull down all those containers of pineapple tarts and biscuits! *mi pulling out my hairs!~

pax, ya lor dil diff to say mil wan. sianz. let the son settle is the BEST.

yvonne, so jialat? darius's condition was not so bad but a tear on the buttocks is v painful....
fabian is 28 feb right? it's yuan xiao
jus buy a cake n blow candle.. :p
Jo is 27 feb. doing celebration in CCC same day as M on 25 feb.
gals all internal ma... so the sai stuck in the hole... den must rinse under the running tap... and it bleed becos of tt stupid few min of sai stuck in there... so i veri particular in this... must clean till veri veri clean... lol!
BB_march: tear in anus? isit cos of constipation? must check with IL, its damn painful one leh. try apply lubricating gel so its not so painful for him when he poos.. sayang sayang. ya get MIl to change more often, maybe she sayang the diapers lah. Tell MIL if rash comes, will cost more if u have to bring to doc.
Yvonne: It's so easy for a bystander to comment. (In this case, I'm the bystander). My ILs are the ones who have told their kids they want to stay on their own, and they don't want to move anywhere else. So it's easy for me to say cos I have very little chance to be faced with this issue. Hehe.. You do what is deemed appropriate..
BBMar: What is a tear? Aiyooh.. Sounds very chim.. And will a tear be caused by poor hygiene? Unlikely leh. Maybe she was being too harsh? Just guessing only.
AAA?BB: most of the time, tear is due to bb pushing out hard stools leh. It won;t cause a tear if its due to poor hygiene.

Pink: i am not suggesting for you to get the breastfren, i think breastfren is not good, go for the cushion one. let me find a pic and post for u ok.
star, no not tear in anus? The tear is on the buttocks like when u get a tear after a fall?? Open skin lah...u r rgt, she sayang the diapers dun wanna waste $$ but hor the longer u dun chg the more prob will arise mah.

Imagine last chg of diaper is at abt 9pm before slp, and she only put on the new diaper abt 10- 11am the next day. So long hrs leh....confirm will get diaper rash easily. Last time use cloth diaper oso hv tis prob...if she is busy i understd but some children's skin are sensitive and get diaper rash easily.
AAA, not only tear. The whole area of the private parts was red and with rashes popping out.

pax, i oso think of just the 4 of us blowing out the candles but it seems abit lonely cos didi's bdae just over. We had a BIG celebration. Not sure if ah bian will ask y his celebration is so boring...haha!!
pink : the eldest one divorced. china wife run away.. still staying with PIL.. the 2nd one.. got own house.. but SIL got 2 kids now.. and she looking after herself and her rooms are all rented out. ya.. i also tot of asking them to contribute a bit.. at least to eletricity or give the parents money la..

bbmar : omg! i read ur post.. i can feel the pain lor.. u brought him to doctor already?
BBMar: I see.. Which brand of diaper did u use? Never leak after so long? Ask hubby to tell your MIL diaper must change frequently, else bb not comfortable and will get rashes.

Star, Pink: I agree that the breastfren pillow is no good.
Pink: i found it.. this is the pillow i recommend. its more fluffy and pong than a breastfren pillow. and i used to prop rae up using this pillow when i need to go to the toilet. See how i prop her up on the bed so that she can entertain herself while i go to the toilet. This pillow acts as a holder and "kiap" her in place when she sits up so she won;t roll off when seated.

This pic shows her sliding down after a while.. heheh
aiyo, just reaslied rae was so cute as a baby. now i compared thepics of her taken yesterday and the baby pics i just posted.. our babys have all grown up liao.
pax, ya he is still wif the playgrp. For sch, i will just give away some candy bags.

AAA, he is wearing Huggies Ultra...its the best diaper i tried so far.

nana, sim tia hor...
BB: tell MIL that his skin is sensitive and when rash, he will be super cranky even more diff to take care. maybe u need to show MIL the rash so that she will be convinced.
BB_March, dun gei sim lah. Put Darius on nappy lor then will change more often cos can feel one mah. Even Gwyen is on nappy in the daytime so that mil and maid will rem to change her.
BB, oh i see.
last time i dare not complain le, though tian has to use expensive diapers, then mil changed her like every 2 hours. pee oni once or so. i was rich last time, so ok la.
now i realised got benefits leh.
u buy many many diapers back, then say promotion, or fren give u one. quick quick must use finish? then she will use more? cause old folks think that diapers v ex de.
this phase will pass, no worry .

i feel that having a care giver (trusted) is far more important than the rash. mil will know what to do de, she also heart pain to see that happen. no worry! ok?
and look forward!
no worries. I understand. My mom also same as urs. She prefer staying on her own. No need to 'jiao dai'. Can do wadever she wans.
ya lor, must walk one step see one step.

huh! Meaning got tear at the butt? Her nails too sharp or anything cut it?
bbjie: sounds ouch for darius!

oh. tomorrow chu qi liao? i want to eat yu sheng :p

AA: post one photo to compare teng and bally's eyes. u are right.. bally's eyes are EXACTLY miser's! teng's eyes are like mine.. but his is rounder.. mine is longer..

huingee: i missed ur question. bally has three suits.. so does teng.. this is the last one.. and dark colours dun make bally look that fat :p

i second that the brestfren is lousy and exp. i have one sitting in the storeroom .. i bought it when i had teng.. wah.. darn lehceh.. and exp :S

Nice pics! I also like the jumping pics. So cool. Not easy to capture nice motion picture pics. But I scared of bringing YT to any photoshoot cuz she is very uncooperative in front of the camera majority of the time.


Hmm, did you lose weight or did a lot of exercise? Sometimes weight loss can result in menses stopping. Once when i'm younger, the longest I go without seeing aunty is half a year! It is important to find out the actual cause though. If it is nothing pathological then you should bu bu your body.
mejo, i also worried if i bring tian for PS then end up all photos with her frowning and cool face. she wont smile de. oh yes how u wanna me pass u yt's ON? tag along autum? or...

wah, i wake up and cannot sleep liao. really bad la. puked my dinner out yesterday (lunch was ok, so already a big improvement) then made my night so miserable. now cannot sleep liao, looked at ceiling dnno what to do. so wake up surfing net. haha!
astro, i showed hb the photo of two boys again last night. he WAH.. haha!! again. no new lines.

remembered u made teng wear hat or made him look more girly last time? this time if u make yhe wear dress, also dun look like a girl cause his eyes are men's eyes. haha!! u like big eyes guys ah? i like smaller eyes one.
my x-bf's eyes are like, wah, almost can form two straight lines.
teng is cute la, but i cannot remember u have mickey mouse ears. haha!! v funny le.
thanks for picking up the stuff.
hmm..your MS very bad hor but at least can stomach some food. for me, i cannot even eat, food dun go in and food dun go out.
i cannot imagine how i manage to survive MS twice :p
Astro: I took another look at YH's photo and look at Ariel.. Got difference lah.. I think Ariel has a rounder face, whereas YH's face is more squarish. Or is it just this pic? I can't tell the eyes yet cos she kept them close most of the time.

She's fully 3 weeks old today. So new only.. Wahahah..

Now RP hols so no school. Maybe you can pass to Star if she will help me take then I collect from her. If not, I'll just collect from you direct one day. I'll transfer the money to you tonight. Thanks.
so fast three weeks liao
your confinement almost over?
when's the cl leaving?

havent seen you around for so long

you gals should come meet qq and me for lunch once in a while. hee. it was fun!
sq: u very energetic leh. considerig u said u wake up so many time sn the night.. this yh now..haywired.. dun sleep dun drink milk.. give up! haiz.. *yawn*

AA: squarish? hmm now it looks one big ball to me .. :p

QQ: ya.. this one.. can go and knock on anyone's head if anyone mistakes him for a girl! totally boyish look.. put on hat become gay liao..!
i like big eyes.. small eyes see liao no kick.. i always ask miser if he is still sleeping.. ha.. then sometimes he asks me where a particular thing is.. i say in front lor, cnanot see? he said ya.. eyes too small.. see limited area onli!!!
i have mickey mouse ears wor.. always gena suan by hairstylist.. ask me want t otape my ears up?! wah liew..

aa/pax: ha.. now then realised? :p nvm. mickey mouse is cute!

yvonne: u mean rosy skin? hahah.. siwen teng? hmm. but he lost some weight.. hence maybe more siwen..

last night i was looking at teng 2 plus photos.. wah.. really v fat!
look at this.. he seems to know that he will have a BALL as his younger bro!!!


iintroducing my younger bro, Bally
SQ: Yah, very fast. Just like that. It was almost yesterday when I was lamenting how I was the only one waiting to pop after both Pink and yourself had popped.
CL's leaving on 7th Mar..
I hope my 2nd maid comes in before that.

Astro: You're very funny! Wahahha!!
Angels Wipes - Promo is here again.. Who wants to order?

I still have a few packs left from previous order. But am afraid these will run out very fast once CL leaves. So ordering again. Need min 12 packs.
wa aaa
u use wet wipes machiam toilet paper?
always see you ordering and so fast finish

i have a perpetually permanent headache that is always lingering. i'm not a late night person and the frequent waking is not doing any good

Haha, cuz I got sucked into a manga series. I bought The Sims 3 world adventure and haven't started playing it yet!!! That's the extent of my obsession with the manga series.

my sil wan to order.. u wan to ask her since both of u stay so close ea other? my collig is interested. i rmbr the price was lower previously? u got more details? i deleted my sil sms
