(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

AA: the photos in the CD at home. tonight if yh dun fuss. i post

i already told pink.. enya machiam yh!.. when ariel's photos ready by kelly. u post. we put up three side by side.. wah liew.. TRIPLETs! :p
AA: not yet.. coming 15 weeks..i dunno leh.. teng didn't sleep thru coz of pacifier dependency at this age.. last night talking to miser on this. mniser say CIO :S.. and he puts it so matter of factly.. wah liew.. what's wrong with my boys man?!
Also.. babies like to be cuddled to sleep!

Yvonne: Why doesn't she let you look at her when she drinks milk?

Oh yah.. When Ayden wakes up from his nap or from a night's sleep, he will cry leh.. Why is this so huh? But this trait runs in my hubby's family.. My nephews are lidat too.. They'll cry once they wake up.. I think they cry to tell others they're awake??
really! huh...hiaz...i thought i will be 'blind' for a few days so this period will be the best time to do it

ya same props, i wont be surprised the pix may look the same. can ask Kelly to add new variety liao but still many pple commented that her pix are well taken.

Ariel is taking a lot of milk!
ok i was so afraid of overfeeding enya, so i told rina to give her 100ml + -, not sure if i instructed the right thing.

and the old folks kept telling me maybe enya wants baobao, we always think she is asking for milk...im confused! and now she loves to be bao-bao-ed!
AA: but that is so tiring for the care taker.. discussed this before.. i am beginning to see where autum is coming from.. but quite heartpain to see them coming into light sleep.. cry then relying on others to pt them back to sleep leh. then if dun train yh up but cio-ed teng twice. like not fai to teng.. aiya.. again. dilemma.. me..

hmm wake up from a nap/sleep crying cld be indicative of not having enough rest.. they shd be refreshed leh.
pink: that's why many infants are over fed.. they just keep crying. wah liew. after a while.. all the cries sound the same!

but actually. i realise.. crying for milk is softer and more gradual.eyes might be open and looking around..

but if they want to be bao bao back to sleep.. the cry is V urgent and v loud,v v angry kind.. screaming and sudden kind! the eyes still shut..

for yh.. if he wants to be carried back to sleep.. he wun accept the teat/nipple.. and wun stop until u carry him.. paci also no use.. this boy dun have a strong suckling instinct.. so even when he is like a ball now.. i am quite sure i have not ovr fed him. coz he really clamps and scream and dun want milk when he is full liao. v unlike teng.. teng no end.. just keeps drinking :S
initially i didnt feel so. its my mum who feels so and im starting to feel so.
she said 'the rest' dun really ask about #2, if its a boy maybe it'll be different. so my mum made the efforts, she did manyue for leia as well as enya.
pink. ur mum really v nice..

my mum favours yh more. coz maybe young and cute mah.. novelty.. teng getting more vocal. will reject her. she buay song..
if i see enya turning her head, open her mouth big, bite her mittens, i take it that she wants milk.

btw im ordering, pls email orders to me. stock will only arrive after 22nd Feb
latching her on the right breast and typing with lrft hand... tougher..

pink: i see she has aded more prob now compare with ayden's time.. think she adds slowly bhah.. ariel also like yo baobao.. will cry when placed in the cot, then once we carry her up, she stops.. i'll be bringing out the yao lan when cl leaves..

astro: you're at work now? ana sleeps thru' before mths.. cos ML was 3mths only at her time.. i was s happy when she slept thru after i "talked' to her that mama is starting work an will be very tired if she wakes up at night..

ok, will post when pics are ready..
AAA: crying upon waking up _ isit not enough sleep? maybe they are tired and they want to sleep more but cna't so cry lor? rae cries only when she is very tired and wants to go back to sleep. if she is well rested, she will wake up and climb down the bed herself.

Just realised that all the new babies YH, ariel etc are all very good milk drinkers hor.

astro: u sure u r not over feeding YH :p
Astro, Pink: try touching around the mouth area to see if the baby opens the mouth or not.. If yes, hungry, if not, wants to baobao or something else..
pink: ya. those are rooting signs. so i think enya really is hungry.. but as they become bigger. like yh now.. these signs are no longer as obvious.. yh's hands forevery in his mouth.. then he dun really root that obviously.. ellie tried touching his mouth.. hahaha. dun work anymore.. but i noticed he pants if he is really hungry.. an of course the schedule helps.. aga aga.. still can..

aa: ya. i used to do that also latch and type with one hand.. can see ur typos also :p
i not at work. sent teng to scholl come to office building to pump.. starting work 1 march. supposed ot be 9 feb.. two days later! wah liew. not really lah. took another 11 days of annual leave. i still v shacked leh.. what more with recent spate of illiness.. i dun even feel rested!

tonight will try talk to yh.. :S when anna slept thru.she slept in the yaolan?
Astro, Star: Oh forgot to rpely this.. If not enough sleep, how come he doesn't go back to sleep? I mean, he wakes up himself mah..

My 2As are really funny.. WE put them in one sleeping position at night when they go to sleep. Halfway through the night, they switch positions! I wonder how they do it.. Wahahah.. !!! But Anna is a very discipline sleeper. She will fall alseep within mins when asked to, an will sleep through the night without any noise. Ayden is the difficult sleeper. I just CIO him to sleep last night. Will try it again tonight and tom night.. I think 3 nights shd be enough..
star: yes. V SURE not over feeding. when he has enough. he spit out the teat/nipple.. u want to force it back. he clamps shut.. then milk all flow out.. :p

AA: i was just telling pink. as the bb grow older.. the open mouth trick wun work anymore :p
AA: coz they can't put themself back to sleep themself.. like yh lor. needs to bebao bao back to sleep.. hasn't accuried the ability to go back to sleep themselves.. teng has. yh has not.. anna has.. and i think ayden has not..

hey. i ask u.. are u frazed with all the crying? i da boleh tahan to hear yh cry..esp i think now hormones still havoc.. (he lucky.. coz that means i have not cio him at all).. i get v upset and angry and frustrated.. i think i need a bigger house.. then i can run else where and hide..wun hear the crying :p
Astro: No. She was sleeping in her cot by then.. When the CL first left, we put her in the yaolan both day time and night time. Then slowly, we switched her to the cot at night. Then she weaned off the daytime yaolan herself..
AA: i see.. i am beginnign to see that if the first is easy. the second is not :p.. yh. if only he can overcome his sleeping habits.. he is as easy as teng. he smiles more too! haiz.. anyway. i shall remmeber what titu told me. 'in his time'.. not mine :S

do u think ayden is not as easy as anna?
Astro: I can tahan Ariel's crying cos I know it's natural for her to cry mah.. I can't stand the crying of Ayden or even anna when they're playing and alwasy "eh eh eh" over very little things.. I heck care an leave it to the maid, but sometimes I really feel like whacking them to keep quiet. So far I've only threaten to use the cane and they'll keep quiet.. They're super noisy! :p
Astro: Ayden is tough.. But u know.. It may not be his fault cos we change quite a few maids who took care of him. I think as a result, he may have developed a sense of insecurity. :p So now, we're trying to bring him over to sleep with us to "correct" the bad sleeping habits.. I will have to CIO him for as long as it takes lah.. He's also more stubborn than anna. He's not afraid when we beat him using our hands.. He's just super notti.. Maybe cos he's a boy??
AA: wah.. if that's the case. i am going ot have it tough liao.. teng is acting up liao. notti!.. these days.. insists on his own things..wil go ordering pple..'i want u.. ' i dun want u.. 'no u cannot do this.. cannot do that'.. and push pple away. if the said person insists in going in that direction that teng forbids.. horrible!

and this yh has proven to be a mule .. really an ox man. stubborn like anything. .miser says yh cries louder than teng last time! sian :S
SQ: used to.. but i realised it is better for them to be a little chubby .. (but of course dun be like serevely out of the charts kind in one direction kind. must be porptionate in height n weiht..).. so that they have reserves if they fall sick badly.. even with teng now.. who was so over the chart.. he has slimmed down a lot.. these days. he eatting much lesser. maybe sick.. three weeks he is sick. he lost more than 300 g.. his face thinned visibily.. back to 19 plus kg.. later my mum see him will sure go 'wah. so thin now!'. :S
SQ: ha. i forgot to add.. if i can have teng. i am not worried about yh. coz yh is still lighter than teng when at same stage! :p yh primarily bf.. one feed of fm.. so still not so bad.. thinking of introducing karihome.. goat milk as suggested by titu.. then he lean and mean :p.. hahahah..
Astro: When I CIO the child, I put on my iron-heart armour. Cos I know, if I go soft, not only is the effort wasted, it'll take double or more the effort to start it again.. So cannot go soft.. The faster the bad habit is weaned off, the faster the CIO (to the child) will end. So in a way, being tough is to shorten the CIO period. I like to CIO when hubby is not around. Cos he'll surely go soft and waste my effort. :p

The 2 elder As, fight over everything! From the maid's attention to their toys, to color pencils etc... Really buay tahan..
AA: ya. i can understand what u mean.. not onli that. unfair to the child. like make him cry for nothing.. so i know i am not ready.. i am not sure if i need miser ot be around. i think i need.. for the emotioal support.. coz it doesn't fray him at all. he can still sleep and snore with teng cio-ing last time! but i know. my mother cnanot come over! :S
AA: 19.7kg.. hmm i forget his height.. more than a metre i am sure..maybe one metre 10is cm.. his built is like 4 - 5 years old..later i go and measure and let u know..

CIO lor :S then they know no one is there to put them back to sleep..they have to learn to self soothe.. like how pax was commenting about sam last night..

with teng last time.. he finally found his thumb then since then he has no problems sleeping. even up tto today..in fact the childcare teacher say teng sleeps v well. dun have to pat him. dun have to stay with him. he just.. sleep... so in a way. the CIO was worth it..

with yh. i am WAITING.. i see him attempting to stuff his hands into his mouth. maybe he will.. so i am waiting.. i really hope not.. cio is traumatic.. unless for a v good reason FOR the CHILD.. not for the mother's own benefit.. i will cio.. like u see. i am undecided to make him cry to latch him back on. but am more , to quote u, iron hearted to make him go back to sleep just so that he can sleep properly and dun always wake up crying and relying to be put back to sleep by others.. i find it v chiam.. for the child..
Astro: Yah, Anna is like Teng re the sleeping habit.. Very easy and fuss-free. Sometimes she will take advantage of papa's presence and say want papa to sleep with her. Then when papa is not in the room, I'll tell her she has to sleep first, then papa will join her later.. Then she will guai guai listen and go to her bed. And within mins, she will fall asleep liao. Even ayden's cryings and tossing and turning won't wake her up. Wahahaha!!! She's super..
i going back home now to tend to my fussy yh.. haiz.. dear lord, i pray that he finds his thumb soon!!! haiz.. ttyl later ..

so tired.. :S
AAAs, ah bian been touching his birdie lately...it happened to my nehphew when he was abt 3-4yrs old. Is that normal??

Huingee, u r definitely the silent COW here!! heeeheee...
astro, dat time i alys latch darius on whenever we bring him hm on fri nites. Then he will fall aslp after latching...he doesnt like pacificer so im his officially pacifier who can make him fall aslp. Think its norm for bf bbs to suckle for comfort just like wad star has mentioned. Weaning time cham...i just let him fuss.
Ah bian has been acting notti lately. He keeps pulling darius's hair...think he is trying to get our attention cos darius alys cling onto me like a koala bear. Then he will give me a very blur face when i hit his hand.

Saw linda yday...she looks so slim down despite having 3kids!!
same here... lol... human paci... u try asking ur hb to let him suck his breast? lol... tt time i ask nick to try, wahaha... he so scare sam chomp off his nipple! we so notti... wahahahaha...
Kaexin: ya i stopped stocking liao cos she is turning 3 and i wanna change her to the next step. the orange or green one i think.
RE: sot kids
ye also sot. these days, esp mon, she goes to school crying for mama. hopefully this would be over when i finish my confinement and can send her to school myself

i forgot we need to upgrade milk powder after they turn 3. lucky you mentioned so i will not buy the "wrong" one

i overstocked on Enfagrow! now it's time to upgrade Jo to Enfakid, same as M... hmm.. i shld sell some of my Enfagrow..
