(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

i used to read Jing1 Yong1 and Wei4 Xi1 Li3 during my sec school days :p

guess we are gancheong abt the sizing :p
have a feeling that size 7 for top will be too big for leia :p

thanks! will check it out!


Having said all that, I think it is very important to cultivate the love of reading! So, good for your nephew! Better if someone can discuss the book with him. I remember people like to ask me if I understand what I'm reading. My primary school teacher even borrowed a book from me! Weird. (Hmm, then again maybe she did it because I'm reading in class? so it is actually a form of confiscation but in a gentler way??? Can't remember the details...)

I can't remember how I feel when people ask me if I understand what I'm reading but I believe it can't be very good if they ask me in a tone to suggest that they don't think I can understand. In any case, I think it doesn't matter if he can or cannot fully comprehend the book, don't need to ask if they understand but perhaps can discuss with them, like what they like about the book, who are the good or bad characters etc.
gosh, somehow i have this feeling that the flu i am having now could possibly be H1N1 leh. maybe thats why my gp prescribed me a stronger antibiotics.
Huignee: dunno, suspect only lah. anyway no obvious symptoms, reg flu and H1N1 all also showing the same signs.. including fever and all. *sigh*
Wah, I don't believe I napped until now. the weather is just too shiok!

Mejo: No lah. That's SQ. This is the first time I'm down for dunno how long already. Think the last time before this I was sick was after I had Ayden. Wah very long ago liao.. I'll check with my gynae first..

Pink: Heroes is the most disappointing.. Going round and round and round.. Fringe and Flash Forward are both the first season, so they'll be nice regardless..
Oh yah, the other nice one is Damages. Lawyer show. Damned exciting. Used to show on Thurs AXN, then suddenly 2 weeks ago, it disappeared!
Congrats Pink2, AA, Nana, SQ (I tot u due soon?) Sorry ah... lost touch with this thread after the hiatus. Was reading off the top msgs....

You returned to work ah? My doc is keeping me home for 2 more days. (Thats why now can online. :p) She says this is a bacteria not virus?!?! But I will go back work tmr. This is supposedly contagious to low immunity group (CHILDREN!), so I gonna keep my bacteria away from them. :p

Got drugstore spree? Good timing. Can I order... I PM you.
yalor, wondering about the sizing

as a child, i have always love to read, even till now, i still love to read. i remb i always look fwd to sat coz my uncle and aunt will come over to see us and they will bring us to bookstore, every 2 weeks, he will get me a book. so u can imagine, how many books i have when i was growing up. i usually borrows 4 books to read each time i go to the library nowadays.

when i read the write up about the book, i must say, i am wondering how much he understand the book too. i got 2 $25voucher from Borders for nephew's 9th bday. the deal not bad, since i got 2 $25, additional $10 free. he got this book from the voucher i got for him.
hi linda,
actually i caught a cold and it has been 2 weeks. still recovering from it. i passed by your place on saturday and i suddenly recalled i still have your loot, you up to coming down to the busstop tonight ?
LOL... dun lidat lei... I come here and kenna suan.. I dun wan red carpet. I wan red eggs. And the guests now are the APEC visitors... :p

How's the Ah lau? Tamed now?

Ho.... hohoho.. Kekeke.. Still surviving with the exception of this bacteria....
Hows your taitai life?? Getting used to the 'high life'? kekeke..

Hi gal, you aso keanna liaoz huh?? Congrats, congrats... Hmm.... wonder who said only 1 enough... hmm.....

Xiaojie, why have u been sick since the last time we met ah?? kekeke... Take care ah.... I still have loot with you ah?? 2night cannot lar... raining lei, later get wet and more sick.... tumpang your car few more days. Weekend can? Weekdays I reach home after 10 nowadays.
Linda: ah lau ah.. sama sama.. as long as i act blind n deaf.. i thnk my life is still ok.. hahaha.. u aiming another child any time soon?
Linda: Good to hear you're ho.. Yes, I've gotten used to the lazy lifestyle.. Sometimes I wonder why my hubby needs me for.. Wahahah!!!

Speaking of Apec, the Bukit Timah Rd was jammed still on sunday morning all the way back to SCGS.. Not a single car can move. I suspect it must be obama visiting the Istana.. :p
Kelley mei,
To think you belong to the new century. I am really "wu ti tou di" ...

Plan for #4 mabbi abandoned. I am enjoying my life too much now to backtrack... selfish hor. :p
linda: mayb when kids are older see how lah.. he doesn't restrict my mobile now.. jst can't reali go out.. bt he still brings me for beer session n stuff.
.. reali ah.. partying alot?? hehehee..
crazy.. i just finished the wars for today! very tired. phew!!

Linda, of course you can order. if u have order, then give u priority la! haha!! cause i am thinking the california baby one we can wait for 15% discount every few months. this time oni $10 discount not so wu hua. let me save all your order first. otherwise next time i forgot.
aiyooh.. anna has surprised me again.. she's singing "fur liz na-vi-da" (wrong spelling).. I don't listen to this song at all.. :p

Where did she hear these from???
Linda, u missed many other sprees leh!! haha!!!
there are many babies coming. astro one also came out liao. going to be full month soon.

SQ, your bag is pending cause no more stock need to wait for stock le. anyway i yak with u on this next time.
i thought u MIA to avoid spree? once u re-appear u wana spree again :p

anyway u have 2 gals 1 boy the perfect combi, good liao!

i feel a bit sng sng down there...its ok rite?
Pink: Sng sng? I think it's the baby position.. When she moves off, you shd feel alright again.
I'm eating a lot! I dunno why..
Actually your EDD is 1 week earlier than mine right? So if I go for C-section 2 weeks before, and you carry the bb to week 40, then I might be even earlier than you! Wah! So exciting.. Our little ones are arriving..
Placed order liaoz. Thank you! Eh... But mine is not CB... its vits lei..

Aiyah, If i need anything, i just pop in to see got spree ant lorz... betta than impulse buying.. :p

Alamak, Astro delivered liaoz! So fast... Cham... have i been away so long?? :p

All I can say is, Ni hen wei da...

Thank you, thank you. I read up through the net and got the same infor.
How are you?? Still "hock ki" ah?

Lol... I MIA coz i no chance to go online lar... My current project IT 'monitors' all misuse of internet, no online shopping, no chatting, no forums..... retrenchment due to surfing pornography sites are common and warning letters are sent to those who misuse internet during office hours...... Treat us like school kids but real fact is the server is too small to cater to so many users... stingy IT budget... :p

U still at work ah??
Linda: My EDD is erm... I can't remember offhand!! I think it's the 5 Feb or the 8 Feb.. But we shd be going for c-section sometime end of Jan.. You know this is my 3rd bb hor??
And yes, you've been missing for that long!
Thanks. Now I am lagi more guilty. I remembered at the back of my head that she keanned... but i din realised it was such 'old news'... LOL....

Astro xiao jie,
Bao Qian! Take care and rest well ah... Dress warm too... Weather cold lei..
2 legs bad, 4 legs good? Animal Farm ah...

Ok, ok... guilty, guilty... i shall get more mc so that I can surf online from home more... LOL...
Yes, I know its your 3rd... you couldnt have been preg with didi for soooooo long right. :p And I remembered reading abt your 'live' report of aydens birth.
But.... u expecting a didi or meimei now? kekeke....
our office's IT also ban msn, facebook! wahaha!
u can log in from home! abandon us for so long :p

my edd is 23-25th Jan..i saw different dates stated on my card..ya possible that u may deliver before me! i really wonder if it will be earlier this time..anyway Leia was induced, she was very comfortable inside me actually..always sleeping away. Mei mei is different, she loves kicking..to the extent that i cannot concentrate at work!

must quickly prepare handover..

Wah, you are so lucky. Hmm, I do have quite a lot of books as a kid but certainly not one every 2 weeks! I don't really get much books as gifts though, haha.


What link??? Oh, dunno why I thought SQ's post was yours.
Pink dear,
I only login today coz i on mc. I hardly use the pc at home... By the time i get home, all i wanna do is Zzzzzzzzz.....

kekekeke... so fast and u thinking abt #4, good, good, jia you... especially since you can dedicate yourself to them.
Linda, Mejo: I'm not planning.. Just saying in case lah..

Linda: Can't say I dedicate myself to them leh.. I have help and good support.. If not, I would have gone ki siao long ago already.. :p

Pink: These days meimei likes to kick me when I'm sleeping.. :p Always wake me up..
You know, just yesterday I asked hubby how/where/what we will be now if we still have no children.. I can't imagine.. But 1 thing for sure.. Everyone ard us will be pressurising and asking when we're going to have one.. :p
LINDA!! *wave* long time no see..
looks like u hv been vv vv bz.. def worse than me. i hv to pick up the kids, so cannot work too late in ofc, hv to bring work hm. damn sian...

u can add yu zhu to the soup too... smtimes u can jus add mi4 zhao3 (honey dates) n gouqizhi.
here r the combi
1. red dates, gouqizhi, yuzhu, longyan gan (and dangshen if u wan)
2. mi zhao, gouqizhi
Pax: Need to return you the cook books.. I'll pack together when the trimmer arrives.. You know.. Joann stopped having the $2.95 shipping.
I'm so sad.. No more sprees.. And no more cheap SB products..
Am complaining big time to hubby..
The apple soup? Is it only chicken and red apples? What proportion? Sounds sweet and refreshing.. Feel like trying.. Can substitute the chicken with fish bones?
wa i missed our VIP linda this afternoon.

i'm ok with waiting for the 15percent CB since i'm oni stocking up. no hurry.

the bag no stock? have leh. i just clicked. never mind, you help me save money :p
Hi Pink,
thanks for helping to post... hahaha...

Xmas party @ Dec 25

some change in x'mas party gathering, didn manage to book for 20 Dec, so my fren book for us 25 Dec in order not to disappoint us, who can make it on 25 Dec?

X'mas Party Gathering
Date: 25 Dec
Venue: Teresa Ville at Telok Blangah
Time: 530pm - 11pm (wahahaa! Mist's fren scared we dun have enough time to celebrate!)

1. pinkpink
2. kaexin
3. QQ
4. RR
5. Nanabear (TBC.. wat's the timing like?)
6. Ash
7. Mist

Hi mummies,

just a quick update, my mil leaving for KL tomorrow liao, while i work from hm starting from tomorrow... Pray tt i can cope w everything man..

Mummies w maids,

btw, my maid just made a request to me on sun, she requested to call hm every weekend evening!! wah, i feel tt she knows how to "negotiate" and made request liao.

Anyway, i told it is okay now, but she has to pay herself and can only call on weekend in the night after she finished her work. hmmmm... hope i am not too lenient w her... sigh!
